Chapter 6 of the Quran (61) Mecca, the Mother of Cities

But, how would you know that the Quran is the Blessed Book when you do not read it and understand it? Also, serious scientific researches are needed to discover and acknowledge the fact that Mecca is the mother of all the cities.



In Ayah 6:92, Allah commanded His Last Prophet Muhammad to announce:

This is the Quran.

This is blessed Book we have revealed; the Angel Gabriel brought it down and recited it unto the Prophet Muhammad.

This blessed Book is confirming that which was before it of scriptures. It is confirming that which was revealed before it and it is agreeing with the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and with all earlier Scriptures as regard Allah’s divine Oneness and the traits and description of Muhammad

This book is warning therewith, the Mother of Towns and those around it, that is, the inhabitants of Mecca and all other people around it of the rest of Earth.

In other words, Allah has revealed the Quran for:

§  The blessings it gives; contains mercy and forgiveness for him who believes in it.

§  As a vindication of previous scripture]and

§  To warn therewith Mecca and all the cities around it; that is the rest of Earth


And those who believe in the in the Day of Judgment and the Afterlife and the ones who believe in it; and they observe their prayers, fearing the punishment thereof.


In other words, those who believe in resurrection after death and in the bliss of Paradise (believe herein) believe in Muhammad and the Quran, and they are careful of their worship and they observe the appointed time for the five daily prayers.


But, how would you know that the Quran is the Blessed Book when you do not read it and understand it?

Also, serious scientific researches are needed to discover and acknowledge the fact that Mecca is the mother of all the cities.


For Mecca and Kaaba, see these videos:




The verse 6:92 in different translations



and this is a blessed book which we have sent down, confirming what came before it, in order that you warn the mother of the villages (Mecca) and those who (live) around it. those who believe in the everlasting life believe in it and preserve their prayers.



and this is a book we have revealed, blessed, verifying that which is before it, and that you may warn the metropolis and those around her; and those who believe in the hereafter believe in it, and they attend to their prayers constantly



and this is a blessed scripture which we have revealed, confirming that which (was revealed) before it, that thou mayst warn the mother of villages and those around her. those who believe in the hereafter believe herein, and they are careful of their worship.



and this is a book which we have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the mother of cities and all around her. those who believe in the hereafter believe in this (book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers.

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