Allah asks you (26) is the Eternal Fire better or the Eternal Garden?

Allah has prepared an Intense Eternal Fire for those who deny the Resurrection

When and for what the Disbelievers pray in the Eternal Fire?

What the noises produced from the Eternal Fire look like?


In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many.  In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.

In this article, Allah is asking mankind this question: is the Eternal Hell better or the garden of eternity which those who believe and guard against evil are promised? For them, that is a reward as well as a goal; it is their recompense and their arrival!  Therein, they have all that they desire; it is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.

Verses 25:11-16 of the Noble Quran give the question in this article:

is the Eternal Hell better or the garden of eternity which those who believe and guard against evil are promised? For them, that is a reward as well as a goal; it is their recompense and their arrival! 

Therein, they have all that they desire; it is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.


The meanings of verses 25:11-16 of the Noble Quran:

Verse 25:11 says:

Nay, they deny the coming of the Hour, the Resurrection, and for those who deny the coming of the Hour Allah has prepared an intense fire.


Verse 25:12 says:

When this intense fire sees them from a distant place, from a distance of 500 years, they will hear it raging, cracking, boiling like an enraged person when his heart boils with anger, and roaring, producing a powerful noise similar to the braying of a donkey (thereof) coming from the Fire. Alternatively, what is meant by their ‘hearing it raging’ is their vision of it and awareness of it.


Verse 25:13 says:

And when they are flung into a narrow place thereof, the narrowness of an arrowhead thereof in the Fire, such that it constricts them; bound together, shackled, with their hands bound to their necks in chains, they will at that point pray for destruction there, for their own annihilation, and it will be said to them:


Verse 25:14 says:

Do not pray for a single annihilation on this day, but pray for much annihilation! Pray for much destruction, for what has befallen you! This will be the nature of your chastisement.


Verse 25:15 says:

Say O Muhammad: ‘Is that, which is mentioned of the threat of chastisement and the description of the Fire, better, or the Garden of Immortality which has been promised to the God-fearing, which will be, in God’s knowledge, exalted be He, their requital, their reward, and journey’s end?

The Garden of Immortality will be their reward and their place of return in the Hereafter.


Verse 25:16 says:

Therein in the Eternal Garden never to die or come out, they have all that they desire, they like, they want and they wish. Therein, there is no ageing, sickness; they will have whatever they want.

It is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled;

They asked Him and He gave them.


Verses 25:11- 16 in different translations:


11) No, they belied the hour. we have prepared for him who belied the hour a blaze.

12) When it sees them from a far off place, they shall hear it raging and sighing.

13) And when, chained in (iron) fetters, they are cast into some narrow space of the fire, they will call out for destruction.

14) ‘do not call out today for one destruction; call out for many destructions. ‘

15) Say: ‘is that better, or the garden of eternity which the cautious have been promised? it is their recompense and their arrival! ‘

16) Living there for ever, they shall find in it all that they desire. That is a promise binding upon your lord, and to be asked of him.



11) But they reject the hour, and we have prepared a burning fire for him who rejects the hour

12) When it shall come into their sight from a distant place, they shall hear its vehement raging and roaring

13) And when they are cast into a narrow place in it, bound, they shall there call out for destruction

14) Call not this day for one destruction, but call for destructions many

15) Say: is this better or the abiding garden which those who guard (against evil) are promised? that shall be a reward and a resort for them

16) They shall have therein what they desire abiding (in it); it is a promise which it is proper to be prayed for from your lord



11) Nay, but they deny (the coming of) the hour, and for those who deny (the coming of) the hour we have prepared a flame.

12) When it seeth them from afar, they hear the crackling and the roar thereof.

13) And when they are flung into a narrow place thereof, chained together, they pray for destruction there.

14) Pray not that day for one destruction, but pray for many destructions!

15) Say: is that (doom) better or the garden of immortality which is promised unto those who ward off (evil)? it will be their reward and journey’s end.

16) Therein abiding, they have all that they desire. it is for thy lord a promise that must be fulfilled.



11) Nay they deny the hour (of the judgment to come): but we have prepared a blazing fire for such as deny the hour:

12) When it sees them from a place far off, they will hear its fury and its ranging sigh.

13) And when they are cast, bound together into a constricted place therein, they will plead for destruction there and then!

14) “This day plead not for a single destruction: plead for destruction oft-repeated!”

15) Say: “is that best, or the eternal garden, promised to the righteous? for them, that is a reward as well as a goal (of attainment).

16) “For them there will be therein all that they wish for: they will dwell (there) for aye: a promise to be prayed for from thy lord.”

2 thoughts on “Allah asks you (26) is the Eternal Fire better or the Eternal Garden?

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