Chapter 6 of the Quran (119) Allah is the Forgiving

In the previous articles, Allah commanded His last Prophet Muhammad to say unto the Jews, the Christians and the entire mankind:

Like my grandfather Abraham, the fathers of the prophets, I am totally submitted to Allah. My prayers, my prostrations, my sacrifice, my devotions, are all for Allah,

My entire life, activities and deeds in this world are for for Allah,

Allah has no partner, no wife, no son, no daughter and no equivalent. Nothing is equal or similar to Him. It is Allah who has made you successors!

Ayah 6:165 says:

Allah has made you successors

Allah has placed you as vicegerents of the earth in the place of past nations

He has made you to succeed one another therein, in the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees, through wealth and status and otherwise,

Allah has exalted some of you in rank above others, in merit, in terms of wealth

So that He may try you,

So that He may test you, in what He has given you, in order to manifest the obedient among you and the disobedient.

Surely, your Lord is swift in prosecution towards the one who disbelieves in Him or who does not give thanks to Him.

Be sure that your Lord, Allah, is swift in punishment of the unbelievers who disobey Him; and  

Be sure too that your Lord, Allah, is forgiving to the believers and that He is Merciful to them.


And this is the last verse of Chapter 6 of the Noble Quran; that is one of my favorite chapters of the Quran.

My advice to the smart reader:

Whoever makes a false assumption about Allah will be deprived of certainty and if a man is deprived of certainty he is ruined.

Whenever Allah looks upon your heart and finds there that which is other than Him (women, money, violence, pride, Satan footsteps, etc.), He empowers what is inside your heart over you.


The verses 6:165 in different translations


it is he who has made you caliphs in the earth and raised some of you in rank above others, so that he might try you in what he has given you. swift is your lord in retribution; yet he is forgiving, merciful.


and he it is who has made you successors in the land and raised some of you above others by (various) grades, that he might try you by what he has given you; surely your lord is quick to requite (evil), and he is most surely the forgiving, the merciful


he it is who hath placed you as viceroys of the earth and hath exalted some of you in rank above others, that he may try you by (the test of) that which he hath given you. lo! thy lord is swift in prosecution, and lo! he verily is forgiving, merciful.


it is he who hath made you (his) agents, inheritors of the earth: he hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that he may try you in the gifts he hath given you: for thy lord is quick in punishment: yet he is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful.