Atheists in Quran (32) the failed Noah’s plea for his Atheist son

Noah cried unto his Lord and said, O My Lord! Lo! My son is one of my family whom you promised to save! Surely, your promise is the Truth. However, Allah’s principle = there is no rescue for unbelievers and the tie is not the tie of blood.


In the previous article, the ark is sailing amid huge waves, Noah, the worried father makes one plea after another; his Atheist son insolently turns his back.

In an instant, the gigantic waves swallow up everything, so he was among the drowned by the flood.

The verses 11:45-46 of the Noble Quran continues the story.

The Loving Father’s Plea

Now that the storm has subsided and the ark has come to rest.

Noah once again feels the paternal love of a distressed father.

He makes this appeal to Allah:

“Noah called out to his Lord, saying: ‘Lord, my son is of my family. Surely Your promise always

comes true, and You are the most just of judges.’”

Noah makes clear that he has no doubt that Allah is just and wise.

Nothing Allah does is without reason.

Yet Allah has promised Noah that He will be save his family (and his son of course is one of his family)

Now, Noah requests that Allah fulfil the promise He made to spare his family (and his son of course).

Noah cried unto his Lord and said,

O My Lord! Lo! My son is of my family whom you promised to save! Surely Your promise is the Truth for certain.

O my Lord! You promised me that they would be saved, and truly, Your promise is the Truth, which never fails, and You are the Most Just of Judges’, the most knowledgeable and the fairest of them.

Allah’s answer

Allah’s answer states the fact that Noah has overlooked.

By Allah’s standards and according to Allah’s principles, one’s family are not necessarily one’s blood relations.

The true relationship is that of faith.

This son was not a believer, and as such, he was not a member of the family of the great Prophet Noah.

Allah’s answer is firm and undisputable.

Moreover, there is an element of criticism and warning in Allah’s answer:

“‘Noah,’ Allah answered, ‘he was not of your family; his was an unrighteous conduct. Do not question Me about matters of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you become one of the ignorant.”

O Noah, lo! He is not of your family, of those who will be saved, or of the followers of your religion; lo! it, that is, your plea to save him, is not a righteous deed, for he is unbeliever and there is no rescue for unbelievers

A great principle of this religion states that the paramount relationship that exists between individuals is not one based on family affinity: “He was not of your family; his was an unrighteous conduct.”

Your relationship with him is thus severed despite the fact that he was your own son. Since the basic tie between the two of you does not exist, no other tie has any significance.

Since Noah’s prayer requested the fulfilment of a promise which he felt had not happened, the answer includes an implicit reproach and warning:

“Do not question Me about matters of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you become one of the ignorant.”

I admonish you lest you be among the ignorant’, when you ask about what you do not know.

The admonition is needed lest Noah become one of those who are ignorant of the real ties and relationships, or unaware of Allah’s promise and its

interpretation. For Allah’s promise has been done and Noah’s true faithful family has been saved.

There is one thing, which Noah will see it in the Day of Judgment; Noah lost one Atheist son but he gained billions of believer sons, they are the Muslims.


The verses 11:45-46 in different translations:


45- Noah called out to his lord, saying: ‘o lord, my son was of my family, and your promise is surely the truth. you are the most just of judges. ‘

46- He said: ‘Noah, he is not of your family. it is not a good deed. do not ask me about things of which you have no knowledge. i reproach you lest you become among the ignorant. ‘


45- And nuh cried out to his lord and said: my lord! Surely my son is of my family, and thy promise is surely true, and thou art the most just of the judges

46- He said: o nuh! Surely he is not of your family; surely he is (the doer of) other than good deeds, therefore ask not of me that of which you have no knowledge; surely i admonish you lest you may be of the ignorant


45- And Noah cried unto his lord and said: my lord! lo! My son is of my household! Surely thy promise is the truth and thou are the most just of judges.

46- He said: o Noah! lo! he is not of thy household; lo! He is of evil conduct, so ask not of me that whereof thou hast no knowledge. i admonish thee lest thou be among the ignorant.


45- And Noah called upon his lord, and said: “o my lord! Surely my son is of my family! and thy promise is true, and thou art the justest of judges!”

46- He said: “o Noah! he is not of thy family: for his conduct is unrighteous. so ask not of me that of which thou hast no knowledge! i give thee counsel, lest thou act like the ignorant!”