Atheists in Quran (17) their power = naught

Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers; they flee from fear to more fear. Allah’s Law is “Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe in Allah, the Almighty”. Adopting this law, Muslims won and the unbelievers defeated


The background of the verse 24:57

Muslims flee from fear to more fear

At the beginning of Islam, Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers.

The unbelievers were very violent striking the Muslims with all kinds oftorment

Then, the Muslims left their houses, possessions, money etc. and migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah in an attempt to flee from the mighty unbelievers.

I will let Abu al-Aliyah (one of Muhammad’s fellows) to describe the Muslims’ situation, he said:

“The Prophet Muhammad and his Companions remained in Makkah for around ten years calling on people to believe in Allah and to worship Him alone, associating no partners with Him.

However, they did so in secret, as they were in a state of fear of the unbelievers who were very violent with the little Muslims community. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad has prevented us from fighting. When the Muslims later migrated to Al- Madinah, Allah bid them to fight back for their cause. This meant that they were again in a state of more fear, wearing their body armor day and night. They persevered for as long as Allah willed.

One of his Companions asked the Prophet: Are we to remain in such fear for the rest of time? Will there comes a time when we can put our armaments aside?’

The Prophet said: ‘It will not be long before any one of you can sit among a huge crowd without anyone carrying arms.’

Soon afterwards, Allah revealed this verse. The Prophet was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia and his followers were in a state of security. They put down their arms”.

The verse 24:57 says:

Do not Think O Muhammad that the unbelievers can escape from Allah’s punishment both in the life of this world and in the Hereafter

For their abode will be the Eternal Fire; it is surely an evil destination, the worst abode for anyone. A hapless journey’s end

The verse confirms that the unbelievers cannot defy Allah. They will receive their fair punishment in this life and in the Afterlife.

Allah says to the believers: if you remain steadfast, following My path, then you need not worry about the might of the unbelievers. The power they apparently wield will not stand in your way. You are far stronger when equipped with your faith.

In material power, you may not be a match for them, but believers who strive for the truth can work miracles.

Back to 1400 years ago,

The unbelievers were more than 30 times the believers in respect to their:

  • Populations
  • Equipment
  • Army force
  • Wealth
  • Etc.

However, Allah as He promised defeated them in this life and you will see the fulfilment of his promise in the Afterlife.

Allah’s Law is:

Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe that the Almighty exists.

No wonder then that “the Prophet Muhammad was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia”

(Quoted from Abu al-Aliyah)


The verse 24:57 in different translations:


Never think that the unbelievers will be able to frustrate (us) in the earth. their refuge is the fire, an evil arrival.


Think not that those who disbelieve shall escape in the earth, and their abode is the fire; and certainly evil is the resort!


Think not that the disbelievers can escape in the land. fire will be their home – a hapless journey’s end!


Never think thou that the unbelievers are going to frustrate (Allah’s plan) on earth: their abode is the fire,- and it is indeed an evil refuge!

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God (16) His Mission

Both the Bible and Quran agree about the mission of Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus says “”I must preach the good news of God, for this is why I was sent”.

The Quran says: “The duty of the messenger is only to convey the message “; and also “The messenger is only to convey the message plainly.”


The Lord Jesus went off to a deserted place, but the crowds tried to find him and when they did discover him, tried to prevent him from leaving them. But he told them to let Him go. Why?

Luke 4:43 says”

But he said to them, “I must preach the good news of God’s kingdom in other cities too, for this is why I was sent.” (Common English Bible) or:

“He told them, “Don’t you realize that there are yet other villages where I have to tell the Message of God’s kingdom” (The Message).

Herein, Jesus saying is composed of three parts:

1) The act “I must preach”

2) Preach what? Preach the Kingdom of God

3) Why? Because this is my Job “for this is why I was sent”


Study of the available 42 different versions of the Bible to explore how they present the above three parts of Jesus saying reveal the following results:

1) The act

“I must preach, I must proclaim, I must tell, I must announce and I have to tell” is found in 37 versions.

“It is necessary for me to preach or to proclaim” is found in two versions. 

“it behooveth me to preach or to proclaim” is found in two versions. 

People in other towns must hear the good news” in Contemporary English Version; and this is a Forged meaning.

2) Preach what? Preach the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is found in 40 and absent in New Life Version (the holy nation) and Young’s Literal Translation the reign of God.

3) Why? Because this is my Job “for this is why I was sent”

“For therefore was I sent or for this that I was sent” is found in 19 versions. 

“For I was sent for this purpose.” is found in 10 versions. 

“This is why I was sent” is found in nine versions.  

“Because that is what God sent me to do” in Good News Translation

“For that is what I was sent to do” in New English Translation

“That is my mission” in J.B. Phillips New Testament


Anyway, Jesus said as mentioned above: “I have to tell the Message of God’s kingdom

The principle of this message is: “”And this is the eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” and anyone believes that is there is no god but the only true God and Jesus is His messenger will dwell in Kingdom of God; that is the Eternal Paradise.

For more details, the smart reader is invited to read the articles:

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God? (3) Sender vs. sent (a)

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God? (3) Sender vs. sent (b)

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God? (3) Sender vs. sent (c)

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God (10) Greater than He

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God (11) His God

Furthermore, it is interesting that Jesus said that he must preach, he must proclaim, he must tell, he must announce; and this is the duty of any messenger according to the Quran.

In the verses 5:99, 29:18 and 5:67, the Quran says that any messenger sent by Allah had to preach, proclaim, tell, announce and teach.

The verses 5:99, 29:18 and 5:67 (Pickthal translation);

Verse 5:99

The duty of the messenger is only to convey the message)

Verse 29:18

The messenger is only to convey the message plainly.

Verse 5:67

O messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou wilt not have conveyed his message.

That is why Jesus said: “I must preach, I must proclaim, I must tell, I must announce and/or I have to tell”


 Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,