Chapter 6 of the Quran (94) how Evil they Judge

Did they know Allah? And, if they knew Allah, what is their belief’s problem. The Quran says: So that which is intended for their gods does not reach Allah, and that which is intended for Allah does reach their gods! Evil is their ordinance. How evil they judge!  It is well known that Islam prohibits all of the above faith and acts.


The background of Ayah 6:136

The faith of the unbelievers among the Arabs was amazing.

Did they know Allah?

Yes, they did. The name of Allah as the Almighty Supreme Creator was known among the entire Arabs before Islam.

But, if they knew Allah, what is their belief’s problem?

Their faith was that Allah is the Supreme God; but

§  They can not talk to Allah directly,

§  They can not pray to Allah directly

§  They can not worship Allah directly

To solve this faith-problem, they – with the help of their devils- invented gods to worship.

Their invented gods were the idols made of stones.

They – as their devils inspired unto them – claimed that their idols are gods or Allah’s partners or Allah’s associates which organize the world and take care of it.  They had idols for rain, idols for plants, idols for war, idols for marriage, idols for luck, idol for hunting etc.

§  They used to talk to their gods (idols) directly

§  They used to pray to their gods (idols) directly

§  They used to worship their gods (idols) directly

However, they used to assign to Allah the harvests and the cattle and also assign to their gods (idols) the harvests and the cattle but their way in doing that was very funny.

Ayah 6:136 says:

They ascribe to Allah of the crops and cattle and they say: “This is Allah’s” in their make believe and this is for Allah’s partners (their gods, idols)

However, if any of the portions of Allah’s associates (their gods) fell into Allah’s portion, they used to restore it to that of their gods,

But, when something of Allah’s portion fell into their gods’ portion, they would leave it there, saying, ‘Allah is Independent and He is not in need of this’,

Allah, exalted be He, says: So that which is intended for their associates (gods) does not reach Allah, and that which is intended for Allah does reach their associates (gods).

Evil is that, provision of theirs, which they decree!

Evil is their ordinance.

Evil is that which they judge

How evil they judge! 

It is well known that Islam prohibits all of the above Evil faith and acts.


The verse 6:136 in different translations


They set aside for Allah a shwere of what he has created of tilth and cattle saying: ‘this is for Allah so they claim and this for our associates (gods). ‘The shwere of their associates never reaches Allah, but the shwere of Allah reaches their associates. How evil they judge!


and they set apart a portion for Allah out of what he has created of tilth and cattle, and say: this is for Allah– so they assert– and this for our associates; then what is for their associates, it reaches not to Allah, and wver is (set apart) for Allah, it reaches to their associates; evil is that which they judge


they assign unto Allah, of the crops and cattle which he created, a portion, and they say: “this is Allah’s” – in their make-believe – “and this is for (his) partners in regard to us.” thus that which (they assign) unto his partners in them reacheth not Allah and that which (they assign) unto Allah goeth to their (so-called) partners. Evil is their ordinance.


Out of what Allah hath produced in abundance in tilth and in cattle, they assigned him a shwere: they say, according to their fancies: “this is for Allah, and this” – for our “partners”! but the shwere of their” partners “reacheth not Allah, whilst the shwere of Allah reacheth their “partners” ! Evil (and unjust) is their assignment!