Chapter 6 of the Quran (15) Muhammad’s Uncle, Abu Talib

Two amazing issues; the idolators know Allah but they also worship idols. And, Abu Talib used to defend Muhamad against the idolaters of Mecca but, at the same time, he was one of the unbelievers.



The background of Ayah 6:26


The character of the story: Abu Talib (the Prophet Muhammad’s Uncle)


Abu Talib used to defend Muhamad against the unbelievers and idolaters of Mecca; he kept warning them against harming the Prophet Muhammad, but, at the same time, he kept away from that which was revealed to him and Abu Talib was one of the unbelievers. Why is that? He used to say: it is shameful for me to leave the religion of my fathr and my grand fathers!


One day, the Prophet Muhammad went to see his uncle Abu Talib to invite him to embrace Islam. At the same time, many of the chief idolators of Mecca gathered at Abu Talib’s house, intending to harm the Prophet, to take permission from Abu Talib to maltreat and hurt Muhammad. Abu Talib did not give them permission and warned them iagainst harming Muhammad.


Abu Talib said unto Muhammad: By Allah, they will not reach to you with all their numbers until I am laid buried in the
ground. So carry on with you matter unobstructed and receive a glad tiding and peace of mind. And you have presented a religion which is most certainly one of the best religions on earth. Had it not been for fear of criticism or being insulted you would have found me a firm believer in it.


Herein, it is interesting to know that the idolators of Mecca and so were the entire Arabs used to worship Allah as the supreme God but the used to worship the idols too, they believed that the idols were the Angels daughters of Allah and they were the gate to go to Allah.


Well, what the idolaters of Mecca have done after meeting Abu Talib? They stayed away from Muhammad fearing his uncle abu Talib, but they used to forbid people from following Muhammad!


Then Allah, exalted is He, revealed the verse 6:26; it says:

They forbid the people from ffrom Muhammad and the Quran and keep away from it.

It is also said that this was revealed regarding Abu Talib, who used to forbid people from hurting Muhammad, but he did not himself believe in him!

Allah is warning the unbelievers wherever they were saying:

They do not realise that they carry the same sins of the men they were warning. It is only themselves they destroy, when they keep away from Muhammad, because the harm thereof will befall them, but they do not perceive this.




The verse 6:26 in different translations



They forbid from it (the koran) and keep away from it. They destroy none except themselves, though they do not sense it.



And they prohibit (others) from it and go far away from it, and they only bring destruction upon their own souls while they do not perceive.



And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it, and they ruin none save themselves, though they perceive not.



Others they keep away from it, and themselves they keep away; but they only destroy their own souls, and they perceive it not.