How Muhammad banned Adultery in few words, a Real Story

Although adultery is forbidden both in the Bible and the Quran; however, in the west, adultery has become so common because of sexual freedoms; all the highlighting these days seems to be on finding sexual satisfaction by committing adultery. On the other hand, in Muslim societies, there is far less emphasis on sex and Adultery is regarded as a big sin.


It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad encouraged all the natural moral virtues such as truthfulness, kindness, generosity, and justice. And he doomed all the naturally offensive sins such as false speech, shamelessness, adultery and fornication, ignorance, and oppression.


Muhammad’s wife Aaishah reported that the Prophet did not start His message by telling people not to drink wine and not to commit fornication and adultery. He started by telling them about Allah, the Day of Judgment and the Afterlife until they had firm belief in these principle issues. It is only then he told them not to drink or commit adultery and they obeyed him.

Aaishah said:

“Had he started by telling them not to drink wine or not commit adultery; they would have said, ‘We will never abandon them?”

The Prophet Muhammad has said in many of his teachings that adultery is one of the three major sins.


How the Prophet Muhammad banned Adultery in few words in one of his practical teachings?

A Real Story


A young Muslim man went to the Prophet; he asked for permission to fornicate because he could not control himself.

Herein, this young man is very honest and very brave. None of the Muslims would dare to ask the prophet to commit adultery that is one of the three major sins.

The young man asked the prophet in the presence of many Muslims who were sitting around the prophet listening to his teachings.  All of them kept silent waiting to see and hear the answer of the prophet.


The Prophet dealt with the young man with reasoning and asked him

The woman that you commit adultery with her is one of four; she is a mother, a sister, a daughter, or a wife. Then the Prophet Muhammad asked the young man:

Would you approve of someone else committing adultery with your mother?

Would you approve of someone else committing adultery with your sister?

Would you approve of someone else committing adultery with your daughter?

Would you approve of someone else committing adultery with your wife?

Each time the young man replied ‘No’.

Then the Prophet replied that the woman with whom you plan to have sex is also somebody’s mother, sister, daughter, or wife. The man understood and repented.

Then the Prophet prayed to Allah for his forgiveness.