Chapter 50 of the Quran (9) when you See the Unseen

In the previous articles, Allah has engaged two angels for every man; their job is recording a person’s deeds. One angel is at your right side and he is recording your good deeds. The other angel is at your left side and he is recording your evil deeds.


Do you see the two recording Angels in the life of this world?

Do you see Satan and the Jinn in the life of this world?

Do you see millions of other creatures living around you or inside you like bacteria or viruses?

No. you are not able to see a lot of creatures which are essentially present around you even your tow essential companions; they are the two recording Angels who never ever leave you alone.


In addition, the two recording angels who were with every man in the life of this world will lead him to the gathering place at the Day of Judgment and will testify either for him or against him.


Then, the disbelievers and the evil-doers will be socked.

Now, in the Afterlife, every man is able to see his tow essential companions

At the Day of Judgment, man will be able to see his two recording angels and to see the Angels of Mercy and the Angels of punishment.

At the Day of Judgment, man will be able to see Satan, jinn and all the others creatures that he could not be able to see in the life of this world.


How this will happen?

It is something like we have covering upon our eyes that prevent us to see the invisible creatures around us in the life of this world.


The verse 50:22 says:


O son of Adam, the covering that prevents you from seeing is now removed; and your vision is now too acute to see all around you.


The verse says;

Verily, in the world, you were oblivious of this, But, now We have removed from you your covering, We have done away with your oblivion by what you witness on this day, and so your sight on this day is very acute, very sharp and is able to perceive what you used to reject in the world.


At this day, man is one of two, either very happy of seeing his two recording angels or extremely miserable of seeing them.


In addition, what about the man’s hearing power? Will he hear the sounds that he is not able to hear in the life of this world?




The verse 50:22 in different translations



(it will be said): ‘of this you have been heedless. therefore, we have now removed your covering. Today your sight is sharp. ‘



certainly you were heedless of it, but now we have removed from you your veil, so your sight today is sharp



(And unto the evil-doer it is said): thou wast in heedlessness of this. now we have removed from thee thy covering, and piercing is thy sight this day.



(It will be said:) “thou wast heedless of this; now have we removed thy veil, and sharp is thy sight this day!”