Chapter 6 of the Quran (73) the Fuel of the Eternal Hell

Then to their Lord they shall return, in the Afterlife, and Allah will tell them what they used to do in relation to their religion, faith and belief. Allah will tell them what they used to do of evil deeds, and He will requite them for it.


Beside the historical background of Ayah 6:108 and the event that happened between the Prophet Muhammad and the idolators of Mecca that is mentioned in the previous articles, there are some occasions that occurred too between the believers and the unbelievers of Mecca.


It is narrated that the Muslims used to revile the idols of the unbelievers. This happened between the two parties in response to many conversations that took place between them.

This happened especially after the Quran told them:

Lo!  O you idolaters, you and that which you worship beside Allah are fuel of hell (the verse 21:98, see the Appendix)

The Muslims used to tell the unbelievers that their idols are nothing; they are but stones, they do not hear, do not see, do not know etc.

And the idolators used to react against the Muslims and they used to revile Allah.

And so Allah warned against reviling their idols lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance.

Allah warned the Muslims against being the cause which drives ignorant unbelievers, who have no knowledge of Allah, to revile Allah as a result of reviling their idols”.


And hence, the verse 6:108 revealed; it says:

Do not revile those whom they call upon, besides Allah, namely, the idols, lest they then revile Allah out of spite, out of aggression and wrongfully, through their ignorance of Allah because they have no knowledge about Him.

So, in the same way that Allah has adorned for these that which they practise, He has adorned for every community their, good and evil, deeds, and they commit them.

Then to their Lord they shall return, in the Afterlife, and Allah will tell them what they used to do in relation to their religion, faith and belief. Allah will tell them what they used to do of evil deeds, and He will requite them for it.


The verse 6:108 in different translations


And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest exceeding the limits they should abuse Allah out of ignorance. thus have we made fair seeming to every people their deeds; then to their lord shall be their return, so he will inform them of what they did



Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. thus unto every nation have we made their deed seem fair. then unto their lord is their return, and he will tell them what they used to do.



Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance. thus have we made alluring to each people its own doings. in the end will they return to their lord, and we shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.


The verse 21:98 in different translations


You and all those who you were worshipping, other than Allah, shall be the fuel of Gehenna; there you shall all go down to it.


Surely you and what you worship besides Allah are the firewood of hell; to it you shall come


lo! Ye (idolaters) and that which ye worship beside Allah are fuel of hell. Thereunto ye will come.


Verily ye, (unbelievers), and the (false) gods that ye worship besides Allah, are (but) fuel for hell! to it will ye (surely) come!