Chapter 50 of the Quran (8) Man’s Obligatory Driver

The verse 50:20 says:


And the Horn or the Trumpet will be blown, for resurrection

This is the biggest sign of the hour.

It is said that it is like a huge electromagnetic shock with unbearable sound that everyone on the earth will hear it while he is shaken vigorously like the one subjected to a massive high voltage electric shock.

Hearing and feeling that means that we are on the day of the blast, it is the Day of Judgment.

It is the Day of the Promised Threat, of chastisement, for the disbelievers.

This is the threatened Day of the entire mankind.


Now, how man will come at the Day of Judgment.

Keep in mind that the earth is totally destroyed.

No houses, no roads, no plants, no mountains, no lands, no seas, everything on the earth and the earth itself is but nothing.

Then, man is just a flying tiny piece in the huge space around.

How then we know our way to go to the place wherein Allah will enquire man for his deeds?


The verse 50:21 solves this problem; it says:


And every soul will come, to the site for the Gathering, accompanied by a driver and a witness.

For each man there will be a driver to leads him to the site for the Gathering.

For each man there will be a witness to testify to his deeds.


Do you remember that Allah has engaged two angels for every man; their job is recording a person’s deeds.

One angel is at your right side and he is recording your good deeds.

The other angel is at your left side and he is recording your evil deeds.


This means that the two recording angels who were with every man in the life of this world will lead him to the gathering place and will testify either for him or against him.


It is should be emphasized that man’s witness at the Day of Judgment are not only the Angels in charge of recording his deeds but there are other built-in witnesses which man could not belied; they are:

  • Man’s tongue
  • Man’s hands
  • Man’s feet
  • Man’s…


Man’s tongue will testify saying: I said so and so.

Man’s hands will testify saying: I did so and so, I wrote so and so, I killed so and so etc.

Man’s feet will testify saying: I walked to so and so and I did so and so.


Then, the disbelievers and the evil-doers will be socked and would never and could never belie or deny their own organs. Would they? Could they?




The verses 50:20-21 in different translations



20) And the horn shall be blown; that is the day of threat!

21) Each soul shall come with a driver, and a witness.



20) And the trumpet shall be blown; that is the day of the threatening

21) And every soul shall come, with it a driver and a witness



20) And the trumpet is blown. This is the threatened day.

21) And every soul cometh, along with it a driver and a witness.



20) And the trumpet shall be blown: that will be the day whereof warning (had been given).

21) And there will come forth every soul: with each will be an (angel) to drive, and an (angel) to bear witness.