Atheists in Quran (36) are they Winners or Losers

The Atheists have lost the understanding that makes their lives on earth consistent and harmonious with the life of the universe. They are the losers in the Hereafter; Eternal severe Punishment is awaiting for them.


In short, the Verses 39:62-63 says:

  1. Allah is the Creator of all things
  2. Allah is Guardian over all things, disposing of them as He will.
  3. All things come from Allah
  4. Allah is responsible for the provision of all creatures; Allah is a Witness over all things relating to their works.
  5. To Allah belong the keys of the heavens and the earth,

In other words, the keys to their storehouses of rain and vegetation and other things belong to Allah.

As for Atheists, those who disbelieve in:

  • The signs of Allah in His creation
  • The Quran, Allah’s Book,
  • The Prophet Muhammad who conveyed the revelations of Allah

Those Atheists are the big losers in the Hereafter; Eternal severe Punishment is awaiting for them.


The short but essential memos mean:

Allah is the Creator of everything, and of all things, He is the Guardian. His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. Those who deny Allah’s revelations will surely be the losers.

Everything in the universe confirms this truth.

No one can ever claim to create anything. No intelligible being can claim that this universe came into existence without a creator, when everything in it testifies to elaborate planning and a clear purpose behind creation. Nothing in it, from the very small to the very large, is left to chance:

“Of all things He is the Guardian.”

Allah control the heavens and the earth; He conducts their affairs the way He chooses. They operate in agreement with the system He put in place for them.

The big losers:

The Atheists have lost the understanding that makes their lives on earth consistent and harmonious with the life of the universe.

The Atheists have lost the comfort of divine guidance, the beauty of faith, the reassurance of belief and the sweetness of certainty.

On the Day of Judgment, they will lose their own souls and their families. Hence, the term ‘losers’ applies to them in all its shades and connotations.


The verses 39:62-63 in different translations:


62-Allah is the creator of all things, and of all things, he is the guardian.

63-To him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. Those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah they are the losers.


62-Allah is the creator of everything and he has charge over every thing

63-His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; and (as for) those who disbelieve in the communications of Allah, these it is that are the losers


62-Allah is creator of all things, and he is guardian over all things.

63-His are the keys of the heavens and the earth, and they who disbelieve the revelations of Allah – such are they who are the losers.


62-Allah is the creator of all things, and he is the guardian and disposer of all affairs.

63-To him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: and those who reject the signs of Allah,- it is they who will be in loss.