Chapter 6 of the Quran (71) Muhammad is not in charge for what is inside their hearts

Allah says: You are O Muhammad not responsible for them; whoever wants to believe in the Quran it is up to him and whoever wants to disbelieve in the Quran it is up to him and you O Muhammad are not in charge for what is inside their hearts of faith and belief.


Ayah 106 says:

Follow O Muhammad what has been inspired in you from from your Lord.

Follow O Muhammad and O believers what has been revealed in the Quran.

Act upon that which is revealed to you from your Lord, i.e. the Quran that tells the lawful and unlawful.

There is no god but Allah

There is no creator or provider save Allah

And turn away from the idolaters, from those who associate with Allah a son, a daughter, a spouse, a partner and turn away from those who mock.


Ayah 107 says:

Had Allah willed, they would not have been idolaters

Had Allah willed, they would not have associated a son with Allah

Had Allah willed, they would not have associated a daughter with Allah

Had Allah willed, they would not have associated a spouse with Allah

Had Allah willed, they would not have ascribed partners to Allah


We have not set you as a keeper over them to protect them.

We have not set you as a watcher over them so that you might then requite them for their deeds; nor are you a guardian over them, so that you might be able to coerce them to faith.

You are O Muhammad not responsible for them; whoever wants to believe in the Quran it is up to him and whoever wants to disbelieve in the Quran it is up to him and you O Muhammad are not in charge for what is inside their hearts of faith and belief.


The verses 6:106-107 in different translations



106) therefore, follow what has been revealed to you from your lord there is no god except him, and avoid the idolaters.

107) had Allah willed, they would not have associated. We have not made you an overseer for them, nor are you their guardian.



106) follow what is revealed to you from your lord; there is no god but he; and withdraw from the polytheists

107) and if Allah had pleased, they would not have set up others (with him) and we have not appointed you a keeper over them, and you are not placed in charge of them



106) follow that which is inspired in thee from thy lord; there is no Allah save him; and turn away from the idolaters.

107) had Allah willed, they had not been idolatrous. we have not set thee as a keeper over them, nor art thou responsible for them.



106) follow what thou art taught by inspiration from thy lord: there is no god but he: and turn aside from those who join gods with Allah.

107) if it had been Allah’s plan, they would not have taken false gods: but we made thee not one to watch over their doings, nor art thou set over them to dispose of their affairs.

Allah asks you (2) who gives you sustenance?

1)    Allah’ Promise, the resurrection after death, will surely happen

2)    Satan is the Essential Enemy of man


Allah is asking mankind this question: is there a Creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth? The promise of Allah e.g. resurrection after death is true and it will surely happen. Do not let deceive you concerning Allah and His religion. Satan’s followers will dwell in the Eternal Fire.




In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them. The answers for these questions may adjust and amend our way in this life and may change some of our ideas.

Allah’ questions are many.

In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.


The question in this article is:

“O men! Call to mind the grace of Allah unto you! Is there a Creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth?”




Verses 35:3-6 give and talk about the question of this article.


Verse 35:3 says:

O mankind, Remember Allah’s grace towards you in the form of rain, provision and well-being!

Is there any creator, any god other than Allah who provides for you from the sky rain and from the earth vegetation?

There is no creator or god or provider other than Him who provides you.

There is no god except Him.

Whither then are ye turned from whence do you lie and claim that your deities provide for you?

In other words, so how then do you deviate? How are you turned away from affirming His Oneness when you already affirm that He is the Creator and the Provider?

N.B.: the Arabs in pre-Islam used to believe in Almighty Creator but the put idols between them and the Creator! And they used to worship these idols on assumption that bring them close to the Creator, who is Allah.


Verse 35:4 says:

And if they deny you, O Muhammad, with regard to your coming with the message of God’s Oneness, resurrection, reckoning and punishment,

Verily other messengers before you were denied, in this respect, so be steadfast as they were steadfast; and to God all matters are returned, in the Hereafter, when He will requite the deniers and grant victory to the messengers.

The end results of all things are brought back to Allah in the Hereafter.


Verse 35:5 says:

O mankind! Indeed, the promise of Allah i.e. resurrection after death (and of other issues) is true and it will surely happen.

So do not let the life of this world deceive you, from believing in all of that,

Do not let the life of the world of comfort and adornment (beguile you) with regard to the obedience of Allah,

Do not let the Deceiver, Satan; (the avowed beguiler) deceive you concerning Allah, on account of His forbearance and respiting of sinners in this life.


Verse 35:6 says:

Truly Satan is an enemy to you. So treat him as an enemy, by being obedient to God and do not obey him; he only summons his faction, his followers in disbelief, so that they may be among the inhabitants of the Blaze, the fierce of the Eternal Fire.




Verses 35:3-6 in different translations:



3) People, remember the blessings of Allah to you. Except for Allah, is there any other creator who provides for you out of heaven and earth? There is no god except He. Where then do you turn?

4) If they belie you, other messengers have been belied before you. To Allah all matters are returned.

5) People, the promise of Allah is true, so do not let this present life delude you, and do not let the deluder (Satan) delude you about Allah.

6) Satan is indeed your enemy; therefore take him for an enemy. He calls his party so that they will become the companions of the blaze.



3) O men! Call to mind the favor of Allah on you; is there any creator besides Allah who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth? There is no god but he; whence are you then turned away?

4) And if they call you a liar, truly messengers before you were called liars, and to Allah are all affairs returned

5) O men! Surely the promise of Allah is true, therefore let not the life of this world deceive you, and let not the arch deceiver deceive you respecting Allah

6) Surely the Satan is your enemy, so take him for an enemy; he only invites his party that they may be inmates of the burning



3) O mankind! Remember Allah’s grace toward you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provideth for you from the sky and the earth? There is no Allah save him. Whither then are ye turned?

4) And if they deny thee, (O Muhammad), messengers (of Allah) were denied before thee. Unto Allah all things are brought back.

5) O mankind! Lo! The promise of Allah is true. So let not the life of the world beguile you, and let not the (avowed) beguiler beguile you with regard to Allah.

6) Lo! The devil is an enemy for you, so treat him as an enemy. he only summoneth his faction to be owners of the flaming fire.



3) O men! Call to mind the grace of Allah unto you! Is there a creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth? There is no god but he: how then are ye deluded away from the truth?

4) And if they reject thee, so were messengers rejected before thee: to Allah back for decision all affairs.

5) O men! Certainly the promise of Allah is true. let not then this present life deceive you, nor let the chief deceiver deceive you about Allah.

6) Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents that they may become companions of the blazing fire.