Angels in Islam (18) their ability to take on different forms

Allah has given the angels the ability to take on forms other than their own; the Angels came to Abraham, Lot, Saint Mary and Muhammad in human forms.


The angels have great amazing powers including their ability to take on different forms.

Allah has given the angels the ability to take on forms other than their own.

1) The Angels came to the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) in human form, and he did not know that they were angels until they did not eat his food and he was afraid of them then they told him that they are but Angels coming with glad tidings that he will beget Isaac. (See the verses 51:24-28 in the Appendix)

2) Similarly, the angels came to the Prophet Lot (Lut) in the form of young men with beautiful faces to try his (homosexual) people who wanted to have sex with them; and this was the last trial for Lot’s people before Allah has punished them (See the verses 11:77-81 in the Appendix)

3) Also, Allah sent the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) to Saint Mary (Maryam) in the form of a man, as Allah informed us in the Noble Quran: (See the verse 19:17 in the Appendix)

4) The Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) used to come to the Prophet Muhammad in different forms:

  • Sometimes he would appear in the form of one of Muhammad’s companion called Dihyah al-Kalbi, who was very handsome, and
  • Sometimes in the form of a Bedouin.

5) Muhammad’s companion saw the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) in his human form; it is narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (a famous Muhammad’s companion) said:

“One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of travel were to be seen on him, and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the Prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing his hands on his thighs, he said: ‘O Muhammad, tell me about Islam.’…” .

In this Hadeeth, Gabriel (Jibreel) asked the Prophet Muhammad the following:

  • What is Islam?
  • What is Faith?
  • When is the Hour (the Last Day)?

When he has left, the Prophet Muhammad said to his companion: “this is Gabriel (Jibreel) came to teach you”

In addition, there are many other Hadeeth refer to the angels taking human forms such as the:

6) Hadeeth about the man who killed a hundred men in which it says “. . . there came to them an angel in human form . . .”

7) Hadeeth about an Angel who came to the blind man, the bald man and the leper.

You will read about 5), 6) and 7) later on.

N.B., Hadeeth = Muhammad’ saying



The verses 51:24-28 (Abraham and the Angels):

24- Have you heard the story of Abraham’s honored guests?

25- They entered to him and said: ‘peace. ‘And he replied: ‘peace, you are people unknown to me. ‘

26- So he turned to his household and brought a fattened calf.

27- He set it before them, saying: ‘will you not eat? ‘

28- Then he conceived a fear about them, and they said: ‘have no fear’, and gave him the glad tidings that he was to have a knowledgeable son.  [QARIB translation]


The verses 11:77-81 (Lot and the Angels):

77- And when our messengers came to lut, he was grieved for them, and he lacked strength to protect them, and said: this is a hard day

78) And his people came to him, (as if) rushed on towards him, and already they did evil deeds. He said: o my people! These are my daughters– they are purer for you, so guard against (the punishment of) Allah and do not disgrace me with regard to my guests; is there not among you one right-minded man?

79- They said: certainly you know that we have no claim on your daughters, and most surely you know what we desire

80- He (Lot) said: ah! That i had power to suppress you, rather i shall have recourse to a strong support

81- They said: o Lut! we are the messengers of your lord; they shall by no means reach you; so remove your followers in a part of the night– and let none of you turn back– except your wife, for surely whatsoever befalls them shall befall her; surely their appointed time is the morning; is not the morning nigh?  [SHAKIR translation]


The verses 19:17 (Saint Mary and Gabriel):

“. . . Then we (Allah) sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects (the likeness of a perfect man).” [YUSUFALI translation]

Why Do Priests Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (3)

How a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam?

How could a preacher have turned his back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins and converted to Islam?

The X-preacher Yusuf Estes says:

The American X-preacher Yusuf Estes continues saying:


Idea – “Change Him To Christian”

Then an idea came to me, “We can change this man to Christian.” So, I gave in and agreed to the meeting. But on my terms.


Met Him With A Bible, Cross and Cap with “Jesus Is Lord!” on it.

I agreed to meet him on a Sunday after church so we would be all prayed up and in good standing with the Lord. I would be carrying my Bible under my arm as usual. I would have my big shiny cross dangling and I would have on my cap which says: “Jesus is Lord” right across the front. My wife and two young daughters came along and we were ready for our first encounter with the ‘Moslems.’


Where Is He?

When I came into the shop and asked my father where the ‘Moslem’ was, he pointed and said: “He’s right over there.”

I was confused. That couldn’t be the Moslem. No way.


Turban & Beard?

I’m looking for a huge man with flowing robes, a big turban on his head, a beard half way down his shirt and eyebrows that go all the way across his forehead with a sword or a bomb under his coat.


No Turban – No Beard – [No Hair at All!]

This man had no beard. In fact, he didn’t even have any hair on his head at all. He was nearly bald. Best of all, he was very pleasant with a warm welcome and handshake. This didn’t make sense. I thought they are terrorists and bombers. What is this all about?


He Needs Jesus

Never mind. I’ll get right to work on this guy. He needs to be ‘saved’ in the ‘Name of Jesus’ and me and the Lord are going to do it.


Introduction & Interrogation

After a quick introduction, I asked him:

“Do you believe in God?”

He said: “Yes.” – (Good!)

Then I said: “Do you believe in Adam and Eve?”

He said: “Yes.” – (Very Good!)

I said: “What about Abraham? You believe in him and how he tried to sacrifice his son for God?”

He said: “Yes.” – (Even better!)


Then I asked: “What about Moses? Ten Commandments? Parting the Red Sea?”

Again he said: “Yes.” – (Better still!)

Then: “What about the other prophets, David, Solomon and John the Baptist?”

He said: “Yes.” – (Great!)

I asked: “Do you believe in the Bible?”

Again, he said: “Yes.” – (OK!)

So, now it was time for the big question:

“Do you believe in Jesus? That he was the Messiah (Christ) of God?”

Again the said: “Yes.” – (Fantastic!)

Well now – “This was going to be easier than I had thought.”

He was just about ready to be baptized only he didn’t know it.

And I was just the one to do it, too.


Shocking Knowledge – Muslims Believe in the Bible?

One day in the Spring of 1991, I came to know that the Muslims believed in the Bible. I was shocked. How could this be? But that’s not all, they believe in Jesus as:


1)    A true messenger of God;

2)    Prophet of God;

3)    Miracle birth without human intervention;

4)    He was the ‘Christ’ or Messiah as predicted in the Bible;

5)    He is with God now and most important;

6)    He will be coming back in the Last Days to lead the believers against the ‘Antichrist.’


After “winning souls to the Lord for Jesus” day after day, this would be a big achievement for me, to catch one of these ‘Moslems’ and ‘convert’ him to Christianity.


Cup of Tea – Discuss Beliefs

I asked him if he liked tea and he said he did. So off we went to a little shop in the mall to sit and talk about my favorite subject: Beliefs. While we sat in that little coffee shop for hours talking (I did most of the talking) I came to know that he was very nice, quiet and even a bit shy. He listened attentively to every word that I had to say and did not interrupt even one time. I liked this man’s way and thought that he had definite potential to become a good Christian. – Little did I know the course of events about to unravel in front of my eyes.


Agreed to Do Business

First of all, I agreed with my father that we should do business with this man and even encouraged the idea of him traveling along with me on my business trips across the northern part of Texas. Day after day we would ride together and discuss various issues pertaining to different beliefs that people have. And along the way, I could of course interject some of my favorite radio programs of worship and praise to help bring the message to this poor individual. We talked about the concept of God; the meaning of life; the purpose of creation; the prophets and their mission and how God reveals His Will to mankind. We also shared a lot of personal experiences and ideas as well.


Written by: Chaplain Yusuf Estes

To be continued.