Atheists in Quran (24) they said: Noah is maniac

Do the Atheists know? 1) Who is the first ever professor of how to build a ship? The great Angel Gabriel, 2) who is the first ever shipbuilder among humankind? The great Prophet Noah and 3) what is the flood? It is = Allah’s Will cleared the road of obstacles so that human life could continue its march along the road assigned to it. However, the Atheists who are not aware of that said: Noah is maniac.


In the first article of this series [Atheists in Quran (1) Noah and the Atheists] we have seen that,

Allah sent Noah to his people to tell them:

  • My people, you have no other god save Allah
  • My people, profess Allah’s divine Oneness, and worship and obey him.
  • Will you not then fear His punishment in worshipping gods other than Him?

However, the chieftains Atheists among his folk, said to their followers:

We never heard of such, an affirmation of God’s Oneness as that which Noah summons us, among our ancestors or among past communities.

Then what happened?

The verses 23: 23:25-27 say:

The chieftains Atheists among Noah’s folk, said to their followers:

Noah is just a man possessed by madness, a case of dementia.

So wait and bear with him for a while until he dies.

The Atheists are incapable of understanding that they are imprisoned within their narrow walls, unable to break into the wide universe! They accuse those who advocate freedom of thought of being mad, calling on them to think and reflect.

When they are reminded of the pointers to the truth all around them, their reply is full of arrogance, reiterating accusations: “He is but a madman; so bear with him for a while.”

Bear with him until he dies when we will be relieved of him, his message and his persistent advocacy of faith.

At this moment, Noah could not find any way by which he could soften such stonehearted people. He could only protect himself against their ridicule by putting his complaint to God and seeking His support

In his supplication to Allah, Noah, said,

‘O My Lord, my people denied me and called me a liar, so please help me against them. Help me through sending a punishment upon them’

Allah, exalted be He, says, responding to his supplication:

Then We inspired in him, We sent Gabriel to him saying:

Make the ship, start building a ship Our gaze and through that which We inspired you.

Build the Ark, the ship, under Our watch, under Our observation and protection, and by Our revelation, Our command

Then, when Our command and Our punishment comes and the water gushes out of the oven introduce therein and transport in the ship two spouses of every kind: a male and a female

When the oven, of the baker, gushes, with water — and this was Noah’s sign— bring into it, admit into the ship, of every kind [of animal] two mates, a male and a female and

Take those of your household who believe in you save him thereof against whom the Word that he will be punished has already gone forth.

It is said that all those who were on the ship numbered eighty, half of them were men and half were women.

Moreover, do not plead with Me (by means of supplications) on behalf of those who have done wrong

This means do not plead with Allah to save those who disbelieved among your people

Lo! The unbelievers will be drowned in the flood.

It was Allah’s Will that the road should be cleared of obstacles so that human life could continue its march along the road assigned to it.

Nevertheless, what about the command of “do not plead with Allah to save those who disbelieved among your people?”

See the next article.


The verses 23:25-27 in different translations:


25- He is nothing else except a man who is mad, so watch him for awhile.

26- He (Noah) said: ‘Lord, help me, for they belie me. ‘

27- We said to him: ‘make the ark under our eye, and our revelation, and then when our command comes and the oven gushes water, take onboard a pair from every kind and your family, except him against whom the decision has already been passed. do not address me concerning those who have done evil; they shall be drowned.


25- He is only a madman, so bear with him for a time

26- He said: o my Lord! Help me against their calling me a liar

27- So we revealed to him, saying: make the ark before our eyes and (according to) our revelation; and when our command is given and the valley overflows, take into it of every kind a pair, two, and your followers, except those among them against whom the word has gone forth, and do not speak to me in respect of those who are unjust; surely they shall be drowned


25- He is only a man in whom is a madness, so watch him for a while.

26- He said: my Lord! Help me because they deny me.

27- Then we inspired in him, saying: make the ship under our eyes and our inspiration. then, when our command cometh and the oven gusheth water, introduce therein of every (kind) two spouses, and thy household save him thereof against whom the word hath already gone forth. and plead not with me on behalf of those who have done wrong. lo! they will be drowned.


25- (And some said): “he is only a man possessed: wait (and have patience) with him for a time.”

26- (Noah) said: “o my Lord! Help me: for that they accuse me of falsehood!”

27- So we inspired him (with this message): “construct the ark within our sight and under our guidance: then when comes our command, and the fountains of the earth gush forth, take thou on board pairs of every species, male and female, and thy family- except those of them against whom the word has already gone forth: and address me not in favour of the wrong-doers; for they shall be drowned (in the flood).

Allah loves (10) the good doers who keep their Covenant

Who Broke the LORD Covenant?

Allah Commands to pardon and forgive the people of the Books


We have seen that Allah loves those:

(1) the kind good doers,

(2) those who turn to him and those who are Clean and Pure, (3) those who guard against evil,

(4) those who put their Trust in Him,

5) those who are firm and steadfast,

6) the virtuous,

7) the charitable,

8) judge in equity and

9) those who are just and are not biased.   

In this article, Allah loves the good doers who keep their Covenant.


Verse 5:13 says that indeed, Allah loves the good doers, those who do their best to the others and keep their Covenant.

The verse talks about the people of the Books.

They broke their covenant and their hearts are hard

Allah says: So because of their breaking their covenant,

We cursed them,

We removed them from Our mercy,

And made their hearts hard, unyielding to the acceptance of faith;

They pervert words, pertaining to the descriptions of Muhammad in the Torah and other things, from their contexts, those in which Allah has placed them,

In other words, they substitute them; and they have forgotten.

They have abandoned, a portion, a part,

Of what they were reminded of,

Of what they were enjoined to in the Torah, in the way of following Muhammad

And you, our Prophet Muhammad, will never cease to discover some treachery on their part, in the way of breaking a covenant or some other matter, except for a few of them, who have submitted themselves to Islam like Ben Salam for example.

Yet pardon them, and forgive;

Herein, Allah Commands to pardon and forgive the people of the Books; Allah the Just will deal with them in the Afterlife.

Surely Allah loves the virtuous: the good doers, those who do their best to the others and keep their Covenant.


Verse 5:13 in different translations:


But because they broke their covenant, we cursed them and hardened their hearts. They changed the words from their places and have forgotten a portion of what they were reminded. Except for a few, you will always find treachery from them, yet pardon them, and forgive; indeed Allah loves the good doers.



but on account of their breaking their covenant we cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others)



And because of their breaking their covenant, we have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words from their context and forget a part of that whereof they were admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover treachery from all save a few of them. But bear with them and pardon them. Lo! Allah loveth the kindly.



but because of their breach of their covenant, we cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few – ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.