Chapter 6 of the Quran (7) Trial to Bribe Muhammad

The disbeliever of Mecca tried to bribe Muhammad to stop proclaiming Islam and becomes idolater like them; they said to him: “O Muhammad, revert to our religion (i.e. become idolater like them) and we shall make you rich, marry you, give you status and make you king over us”.



Ayah 6:12, Allah has prescribed for Himself mercy as a bounty


Say O Muhammad, to the disbelievers:

Unto whom belonge whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth of created beings?

If they answer you, fine;

If not, Say: Unto Allah belongs the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Unto Allah belongs everything; He has prescribed for Himself mercy as a bounty from Him for the believers in deferring His punishment.

Allah will bring all human beings together to the Day of Judgement whereof there is no doubt.

In other word, Allah will surely gather you together on the Day of Resurrection of which there is no doubt, no uncertainty, in order to requite you for your deeds.

Those who ruin their own souls and will not believe in Allah, Muhammad and the Quran were the losers; they lost their dwellings, servants and spouses in Paradise.

In other words, the disbelievers have forfeited their own souls by exposing them to the chastisement and by preventing them from entering Paradise.


Ayah 6:13, The disbeliever of Mecca tried to bribe Muhammad to stop proclaiming Islam and becomes idolater like them.


Thereafter, the disbelievers of Mecca went to the Messenger Muhammad and said to him: ‘O Muhammad, we know that it is need that drives you to that which you were inviting us. We will therefore give you part of our wealth so that you become the richest man amongst us, on condition that you aband hateon this matter,

“O Muhammad, revert to our religion (idols) and we shall make you rich, marry you, give you status and make you king over us”.

And then this verse (6:13) was revealed”. It says:

And to Allah belongs whatsoever and everything present or rest in the night and the day. He is the Hewerer of what is said, the Knower of what is done and of the provisions of all created beings.




The verses 6:12-13 in different translations



12) Say: ‘to whom belongs that which is in the heavens and the earth? ‘Say: ‘to Allah. he has written for himself mercy, and will gather you on the day of resurrection in which there is no doubt. Those who have lost their souls, they do not believe. ‘

13) His is whatever is at rest in the night and in the day. he is the hearing, the knowing.



12) Say: to whom belongs what is in the heavens and the earth? say: to Allah; he has ordained mercy on himself; most certainly he will gather you on the resurrection day– there is no doubt about it. (as for) those who have lost their souls, they will not believe

13) And to him belongs whatever dwells in the night and the day; and he is the hearing, the knowing



12) Say: unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth? say: unto Allah. he hath prescribed for himself mercy, that he may bring you all together to the day of resurrection whereof there is no doubt. Those who ruin their souls will not believe.

13) Unto him belongeth whatsoever resteth in the night and the day. he is the hewerer, the knower.



12) Say: “to whom belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth?” say: “to Allah. He hath inscribed for himself (the rule of) mercy. That he will gather you together for the Day of Judgment, there is no doubt whatever. It is they who have lost their own souls that will not believe.

13) To him belongeth all that dwelleth (or lurketh) in the night and the day. For he is the one who hewereth and knoweth all things