Atheists in Quran (42) Eighth Wonder or great Miracle

The Atheists and unbelievers claim that Muhammad forged the Quran. Do you accept that an Arabic illiterate man challenged many generations of the entire Humankind and knock them out and still He does? If you accept that, then you have to honor Muhammad because He achieved the Eighth Wonders of the World.


In the previous articles,

  1. Allah challenged the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed,
  2. Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed,
  3. Allah challenged the entire Humankind to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

No book on the face of Earth save the Quran contains such a gradually decreasing order of this unique Challenge.

Has anyone ever heard about a book that challenges the entire humankind to produce it or ten chapters like it or even one chapter like it? Nay! Only the Quran does.

To Whom It May Concern, one Surah (chapter) of the Quran may contain 15 Arabic words.

It is really one of the great wonder that has two opposing PERMANENT

1)    The PERMANENT challenge that aged more than 1400 years

2)    The PERMANENT inability of the entire human beings to cope with it.

Think about how many generations after generations proved their inability to cope with it.

Let us think together peacefully.

Allah declares that the Quran is His book

The Atheists and unbelievers claim that Muhammad forged the Quran.

Well, Muhammad is an Arabic illiterate man who existed more than 1400 years ago.

Do you accept that an Arabic illiterate man challenges many generations of the entire Humankind and knock them out?

Rationality, none will accept that.

However, if you accept that, then you have to honor Muhammad; we know that there are Seven Wonders of the World; Is this the Eighth Wonder?

Contrariwise, if the Quran is really the Book of Allah and Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Surah like it (just 15 Arabic words); then there must be an essential pillar for this Permanent challenge.

Essential pillar for the challenge

If the Quran is man-made, then man can produce a Surah like it.

If the Quran is fabricated, then man can fabricate a Surah like it.

If the Quran is neither man-made nor fabricated and it is Allah’s Book but it happened at any time through the last 1400 years that the Quran suffers:

  • Corruption,
  • Change,
  • Substitution,
  • Distortion,
  • Additions,
  • Omissions

In this case, the challenge will be beatable and man can produce a Surah like it.

Hence, for the challenge to be unbeatable, Allah is preserving the Quran.

Preservation of the Quran

Allah promised that He would preserve the Quran

“It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We who shall preserve it intact.” (Verse 15:9)

When we look today, after the passage of many centuries, at the fulfilment of Allah’s promise to preserve the Quran, we see a great miracle testifying to the fact that it is Allah’s book.

We see that the circumstances and situations that the Quran has endured over the centuries could not have left it intact, suffering no change of even

  • A single Surah,
  • A single verse,
  • A single sentence,
  • A single word, or
  • A single letter

Could this happen without the interference of the superior power?

That power, which is greater than all situations, keeping it pure from any change or distortion.

It is the power of Allah, your Almighty Creator.

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, this promise to preserve the Quran intact sounded a mere promise. Today, however, after all these great events and long centuries, it is indeed a great miracle confirming the indisputable fact that the Quran is but Allah’s book. No one disputes this fact except a stubborn, ignorant fool.

“It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We who shall preserve it intact.” (Verse 9)

The purity of the text of the Quran through fourteen centuries is a token of the eternal care with which Allah’s Truth is guarded through all ages.

All corruptions, inventions, and accretions pass away, but Allah’s pure and holy Truth will never suffer eclipse even though the whole world mocked at it and were bent on destroying it.

Do you know that there is only one Arabic Quran all over the world; the Quran in Africa = the Quran in Europe = The Quran in America = the Quran in Asia without any change of even one word!

Do you know that a kid of 6-10 years old can recite by heart the entire Quran without looking at it; and this is one of the methods Allah is preserving His Book.

Watch these YouTube‘s videos:

Furthermore, in the verse 15:9, Allah names the Quran “Reminder”

The Quran reminds you with your Creator, your outcome in the Afterlife etc.

How you acknowledge all of that?

By comparing all of the above features of the Quran with the Bible’s features.


The verse 15:9 in different translations:


It is We who sent down the Koran, and We watch over it.


Surely, we have revealed the reminder and we will most surely be its guardian


Lo! We, even we, reveal the reminder, and lo! We verily are its guardian.


We have, without doubt, sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).

Angels in Islam (16) every Nation worshiped the Angels

The Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death. Instead of believing in the Angels, man worshiped them and made them gods


Study of man’s traditional, historical, mythological and cultural folklores reveals that man all over the world worshiped the superpowers surrounding him which are represented by many gods like god of power, god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.


It is interesting to find that every nation throughout the history believed in one or more of the above gods; you find that upon studying the cultures of Persian, Egypt, Greece, Romano-Celtic, Native American, Africa, Rome, Chinese, Armenia, Semitic, Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Fiji, Germanic, Japan, Hindu, Haiti, Tibet, Maya, Celtic, Kassites, Aztec, Gaul, Hispanic, Moabite, Teutonic, Sparta, Chaldean, Dahomey, Taoist, Shinto, Hungary, Sumer, Teutonic, Tamil, Slavic, Tamil, Etruscan, Polynesian/Maori, Mexico, Celtic, Sumer, Tahiti, Phoenician, Gaul, Polynesian, Finland, Hittite, Mesoamerican, Akkad, Slavonic, Ethiopian, Yemeni, Native Australia, Columbian etc.


Then, what was the essential background of such belief?

After creation of Adam, Allah has told him that He will send to man messengers to guide human beings and man has to follow them.

The message that Allah sent to his messengers from Noah to Muhammad was the same; it is to believe in 1) Allah, 2) the Angels, 3) the Messengers, 4) the Divinely-revealed Books and 5) the Last Day and the Afterlife.

All the messengers taught their people everything about this faith; and of course they taught them everything about the nature and the role of the Angels the same as the Prophet Muhammad has told us

In brief, the Islamic teachings concerning the job descriptions of the Angels say that the Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death.

The Angels are responsible also for the activities and the balance of the surrounding environment surrounding us. Not only that, but the Angels are responsible for your Afterlife.


1)    The Angels responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death:

There are angels in charge of the baby inside the womb of his mother

Others are responsible for protecting the man throughout his life, when he stays home and when he travels, when he is asleep and when he is awake.

Others are responsible for recording the deeds of man, good and bad

Others are responsible for taking people’s souls: these are the Angel of Death and his group

Others are responsible for testing people in the grave.


2)    The Angels responsible for the environment surrounding us

There are angels responsible for rain, directing it wherever Allah wishes.

There are angels direct the winds and clouds, as Allah wills.

There are angels in charge of the plants

Some of the Angels are responsible for fertility, sea, thunder, ocean, war, mountains, rivers, sky, lightning, planets, plague, healing, etc.


3)    The Angels responsible for your Afterlife

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Paradise.

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Hell,


Back to the man throughout the history, instead of believing in the Angels, he worshiped them and made them god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.

It is possible that his belief took time to develop and for sure it is done by Satan’s inspiration


Man has to believe in the Angels and to love them; however he made them gods and worshiped them!

It may be a kind of fiction to imagine that there are many gods in this world as the ancient people believed.

Would those many gods argue, struggle and fight together?

Have you seen some movies about the Greek gods which fought together?

Look how the Quran simply declares how this faith is err.


The meanings of the verse 21:22:

Had there been in the heavens and/or the earth, gods other than Allah, the heavens and/or the earth would have surely deteriorated, they would have deviated from their observed perfect order, because counteractive forces would exist among such gods, as is usually the case, when there is more than one ruler, that there is counteraction and a lack of consensus regarding something.  So glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, above what the disbelievers ascribe.


The verse 21:22 in four different translations:


Had there been gods in heaven or earth, other than Allah, both would indeed have been ruined. Exalted be Allah, lord of the throne, above that they describe.


if there had been in them any gods except Allah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder; therefore glory be to Allah, the lord of the dominion, above what they attribute (to him)


If there were therein gods beside Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) had been disordered. Glorified be Allah, the lord of the throne, from all that they ascribe (unto him).


If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, the lord of the throne: (high is he) above what they attribute to him!

In Quran, Allah sent a Prophet to every nation

It is interesting that the Bible which is a historical book declares that all the Prophets sent by the Lord God were Israelites who were in the area of Iraq, Palestine and Egypt.  On the other hand, the Quran which is not a historical book challenges the Historians and declares that Allah sent a Prophet to every ancient nation.  Hence, the Historian have to find out who are the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 


The Bible talks about the Pre-Flood Era and the Increasing Corruption on Earth which provoked God’s wrath so that He flooded the earth.  The Bible says:

When man began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them, the Sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they married them.

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, his days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, “I will wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

Herein, there are some points; they are:

1)    Why only daughters were born unto man?

2)    Who are the Sons of God and how many they were?

3)    Also, nothing can or could, will or would grieve Allah.  Also, Allah has no heart; He is not like us or like anything else.

4)    Is man’s age 120 years as the Lord God has decided?

5)    Allah never ever repents of anything He did, He does and/or He will do.

6)    Moreover, although the Biblical God has Spirit, Allah has no Spirit; He is not like us.

7)    In addition, although the Biblical God has heart (and blood vessels and blood consequently), Allah has no heart; He is not like us or like anything else.

On the other hand, the Quran does not talk about the Increasing Corruption on Earth in the Pre-Flood Era, but it talks about the corruption of mankind from the time of creation of man up till now.  After Adam’s fall, Allah gave him and his offspring consequently an advice (Verses 20:121-123 and verses 2:38-39); hereupon, Allah sent Prophets to every nation on the Earth and He ends the Prophethood with the last Prophet, Muhammad (Verses 43:6-7 and verses 35:24-25).

After Adam’s fall, Allah gave him and his offspring consequently an advice

The meanings of the verses 20:121-123

And Adam disobeyed his Lord and so he erred, by [his] eating from the tree.

Then his Lord chose him, He brought him close [to Him], and relent to him,

Then Allah chose him, He accepted his repentance, overlooked his sin and guided him to seek repentance regularly.

[N.B., In the Bible, the Lord has not accepted Adam’s repentance; that is why He sent his son to the Earth.] 

And Allah said, ‘Go down both of you, that is, Adam and Eve, including all of your progeny, from it, from the Garden, all together, some of you, some of the progeny, being enemies of others, because of some wronging others. Yet if there should come to you guidance (a Scripture, a Messenger, and/ or a Prophet) from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, shall not go astray in the life of this world nor come to grief in the Hereafter.

The meanings of the verses 2:38-39

Allah said to Adam, Eve, and Satan, ‘Go down from the Heaven, all together. Then Allah mentioned Adam’s progeny, from hence; when and whenever it comes to you, from Me a guidance, whoever follows My guidance, believing in me and performing deeds in obedience of Me, no fear shall befall them, neither shall they grieve, in the Hereafter, since they will be admitted into Paradise.

But those who disbelieve, and deny our guidance, they will be the rightful owners of the Eternal Fire; they will abide therein forever, they will remain perpetually in hell: never to die or be released from it.

Allah sent Prophets to every nation on the Earth and He ends the Prophethood with the last Prophet, Muhammad

The meanings of the verses 43:6-7

Allah asks the Historian this Question  

And how many a prophet did Allah send among the ancients!  O Muhammad, Allah knew that they would not believe, but Allah nonetheless did not leave the bygone nations without messengers and Scriptures!  And never came to these past nations a Prophet but they used to mock their Prophets, in the same way that your people deride you O Muhammad.

It follows that, in contrary to the Bible which states that all the Prophets were Israelites, every ancient nation had its own Prophet; the historians and researchers have to dig through the history to explore the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 

It should be emphasized that Allah sent a Prophet (Idris); the scholar said that he was an Egyptian Prophet sent to the Ancient Egypt before the Flood (Verses 19:56-57). Idris is not mentioned in the Bible.

The meanings of the verses 35:24-25

Lo! Allah has sent you O Muhammad with the Truth, with the Quran, as a bearer of glad tidings, announcing Paradise for whoever believes in Allah, and as a Warner from the Fire for whoever disbelieves in Allah; and there is not a nation except that they had a warning messenger. In other words, there is not a nation or a community before you O Muhammad but a Warner has passed among them to warn them.

And if they deny you O Muhammad, those before them also denied their messengers who brought them manifest signs, miracles and with scriptures.  In other words, the messengers before Muhammad came unto their nations with clear proofs of Allah’s Sovereignty; they came to them with commands, prohibitions and signs, and with the Scripture expositing the lawful and the unlawful.

It is interesting that the Bible which is a historical book declares that all the Prophets sent by the Lord God were Israelites who were in the area of Iraq, Palestine and Egypt.  On the other hand, the Quran which is not a historical book challenges the Historians and declares that Allah sent a Prophet to every ancient nation.  Hence, the Historian have to find out who are the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 


The Bible (King James Version)

Genesis 6:1-7

1) And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6) And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7) And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.


The Quran (Pickthal translation)

Verses 43:6-7 

6) How many a prophet did we send among the men of old (the ancients)!

7) And never came there unto them a prophet but they used to mock him.

Verses 35:24-25

24) Lo! We have sent thee with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner; and there is not a nation but a Warner hath passed among them.

25) And if they deny thee, those before them also denied. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), and with the psalms and the scripture giving light.

Verses 20:121-123

121) … and Adam disobeyed his lord, so went astray.

122)  Then his lord chose him, and relented toward him, and guided him.

123)  He said: go down hence, both of you, one of you a foe unto the other. But when there come unto you from me guidance, then whoso followeth my guidance, he will not go astray nor come to grief.

Verses 2:38-39

38) We said: go down, all of you, from hence; but verily there cometh unto you from me guidance; and whoso followeth my guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.

39) But they who disbelieve, and deny our revelations, such are rightful peoples of the fire. They will abide therein.


Back to my question to the smart and interested reader:

Are the Scholars truthful when they claim that the Quran quoted from the Bible?


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

This is Allah (15) Allah Has sent a warning Messenger to every Nation

1) Allah asks: is the belief equal to disbelief?

2) Allah asks: is the Paradise equal to Hell?

3) Allah asks: is the living equal to the dead?

4) Allah asks: is blind man equal with the seer?

5) Allah asks: is the shadow equal with the sun’s full heat?

6) Who are the Messengers which Allah has sent to America, Canada, China, Japan, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia etc?


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know their Creator.

Verses 35:19-24 of the Noble Quran asks are they equal:

1) belief and disbelief,

2) believers and disbelievers,

3) Paradise and the Hell and

4) living and the dead? 

You O Muhammad are but a warning messenger. 

Allah Has sent a warning messenger to every nation.

Scientists have to look for the warning messengers sent to North America, South America, Canada, China, Japan, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia etc.  


The meaning of verse 35:19:

Is the disbeliever, the blind man who does not see the truth equal with the seer which is the believer?

The meaning of verse 35:20:

Nor the darkness which is the disbelief is tantamount to the light which is the belief;

The meaning of verse 35:21:

Nor is the beautiful and peaceful shade equal with the extremely hot weather, i.e. nor is Paradise equal to the Fire in the Hereafter;

The meaning of verse 35:22:

Nor are the living equal to the dead, the believers and the disbelievers respectively (linguistically, the addition of the particle lā, ‘nor’, in all three instances is for emphasis).  In other words, nor are the believers equal with the disbelievers in relation to obedience and honors.

Indeed Allah makes to hear whomever He will, to be guided, so that such a person then responds to Him by embracing faith.

But you, O Muhammad, cannot make those who are in the graves to hear, namely, the disbelievers; whom He has likened to the dead  to hear and so respond.

In other words, Allah makes whom He will; whoever deserves it to hear to understand.  You, O Muhammad, cannot make understand those who are in the graves those who are as if dead and buried in the graves.

The meaning of verse 35:23:

You, O Muhammad, are but a Warner to them; a Messenger warning by the Quran.

The meaning of verse 35:24:

Truly, Allah has sent you with the truth, with right guidance, as a bearer of good tidings, to him who responds to it, and a Warner, to him who does not respond to it. And there is not a community or a nation but there has passed, there has been, in it a Warner, a prophet to warn it.

In other words, there is not a nation but a Warner has passed among them except that they had a warning messenger.

Historically, this verse is very interesting.  Scientists have to look for the warning messengers which Allah has sent to North America, South America, Canada, China, Japan, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia etc.


Verses 35:7-9 in different English translations:


19) The blind and the seeing are not equal,

20) Nor are darkness and light

21) The shade and the hot wind are not equal,

22) Nor are the living and the dead equal. Allah makes to hear whosoever he will, but you cannot make those who are in their graves hear.

23) You (Prophet Muhammad) are but a warner.

24) We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and warning, for there is no nation, that has not had a warner pass away in it.


19) And the blind and the seeing are not alike

20) Nor the darkness and the light,

21) Nor the shade and the heat,

22) Neither are the living and the dead alike. surely Allah makes whom he pleases hear, and you cannot make those hear who are m the graves

23) You are naught but a warner

24) Surely we have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and a warner; and there is not a people but a warner has gone among them


19) The blind man is not equal with the seer;

20) Nor is darkness (tantamount to) light;

21) Nor is the shadow equal with the sun’s full heat;

22) Nor are the living equal with the dead. lo! Allah maketh whom he will to hear. thou canst not reach those who are in the graves.

23) Thou art but a warner.

24) Lo! We have sent thee with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner; and there is not a nation but a warner hath passed among them.


19) The blind and the seeing are not alike;

20) Nor are the depths of darkness and the light;

22) Nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that he wills to hear; but thou canst not make those to hear who are (buried) in graves.

23) Thou art no other than a warner.

24) Verily we have sent thee in truth, as a bearer of glad tidings, and as a warner: and there never was a people, without a warner having lived among them (in the past).