Atheists in Quran (48) No Ransom, No Exit

As for the Atheists and unbelievers, if they possessed, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection, The ransom would not be accepted from them. They will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it.


Truly, as for the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran,

If they possessed, definitely, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection,

The ransom would not be accepted from them.

Theirs will be a painful doom and severe chastisement.

However, they will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it; theirs shall be a lasting, a perpetual, chastisement.

They will wish to come forth from the Eternal Fire but they will not come forth from it

Theirs will be a lasting doom; which will never be interrupted.


Ransom = the act of holding someone or something hostage in order to get a demand met, or the money paid to get the item or person back.

Ransom = a sum of money paid to free a captive or a prisoner.

To ransom is to obtain the release of someone that has been held hostage by paying a price.

If the Atheists and unbelievers had everything on earth and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, Allah would never accept any ransom of them.


The Quranic unique method of description

The verses 5:36-37 of the Noble Quran portray a scene of the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran. It is a very vivid description, because the verses do not only give a statement outlining a position, but depicts a full scene with movement and interaction.

This is, indeed, the Quranic method used in portraying scenes of the Day of Judgment. The Quran uses it for most purposes:

“If those who disbelieve had all that is on earth and as much besides to offer as ransom from the suffering of the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. Theirs shall be a painful suffering. They will wish to come out of the Fire, but they shall not come out of it. Theirs shall be a long-lasting suffering.” (Verses 36-37)

By the longest stretch of imagination, the most that the unbelievers can have is all that is available on the face of the earth.

But the verses go far beyond that and suppose that they have all that the earth contains twice over, and portray them trying to pay all that as ransom to spare themselves the suffering of the Day of Resurrection.

The verses also portray them as they try to get out of the Fire of Hell, but they are unable to do so. They continue to endure their painful, lasting suffering.

This is a very vivid scene with actions following one another in speedy sequence. There they are at first, having everything that is on earth and as much besides. They offer it all to escape punishment. Then we see them disappointed when all their appeals fail. The Angels are then forcing them into the Fire, trying to get out, but having no means of escape. The screen then falls and they dwell there permanently.


The verses 5:36-37 in different translations:


36-As for those who disbelieve, if they possessed all that the earth contains and as much besides to ransom themselves from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them. theirs shall be a painful punishment.

37-They will wish to get out of the fire, but they shall not, theirs shall be a lasting punishment.


36-Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, even if they had what is in the earth, all of it, and the like of it with it, that they might ransom themselves with it from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them, and they shall have a painful punishment

37-They would desire to go forth from the fire, and they shall not go forth from it, and they shall have a lasting punishment


36-As for those who disbelieve, lo! if all that is in the earth were theirs, and as much again therewith, to ransom them from the doom on the day of resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. theirs will be a painful doom.

37-They will wish to come forth from the fire, but they will not come forth from it. Theirs will be a lasting doom.


36-As to those who reject faith,- if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the day of judgment, it would never be accepted of them, theirs would be a grievous penalty.

37-Their wish will be to get out of the fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures.

Atheists in Quran (42) Eighth Wonder or great Miracle

The Atheists and unbelievers claim that Muhammad forged the Quran. Do you accept that an Arabic illiterate man challenged many generations of the entire Humankind and knock them out and still He does? If you accept that, then you have to honor Muhammad because He achieved the Eighth Wonders of the World.


In the previous articles,

  1. Allah challenged the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed,
  2. Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed,
  3. Allah challenged the entire Humankind to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

No book on the face of Earth save the Quran contains such a gradually decreasing order of this unique Challenge.

Has anyone ever heard about a book that challenges the entire humankind to produce it or ten chapters like it or even one chapter like it? Nay! Only the Quran does.

To Whom It May Concern, one Surah (chapter) of the Quran may contain 15 Arabic words.

It is really one of the great wonder that has two opposing PERMANENT

1)    The PERMANENT challenge that aged more than 1400 years

2)    The PERMANENT inability of the entire human beings to cope with it.

Think about how many generations after generations proved their inability to cope with it.

Let us think together peacefully.

Allah declares that the Quran is His book

The Atheists and unbelievers claim that Muhammad forged the Quran.

Well, Muhammad is an Arabic illiterate man who existed more than 1400 years ago.

Do you accept that an Arabic illiterate man challenges many generations of the entire Humankind and knock them out?

Rationality, none will accept that.

However, if you accept that, then you have to honor Muhammad; we know that there are Seven Wonders of the World; Is this the Eighth Wonder?

Contrariwise, if the Quran is really the Book of Allah and Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Surah like it (just 15 Arabic words); then there must be an essential pillar for this Permanent challenge.

Essential pillar for the challenge

If the Quran is man-made, then man can produce a Surah like it.

If the Quran is fabricated, then man can fabricate a Surah like it.

If the Quran is neither man-made nor fabricated and it is Allah’s Book but it happened at any time through the last 1400 years that the Quran suffers:

  • Corruption,
  • Change,
  • Substitution,
  • Distortion,
  • Additions,
  • Omissions

In this case, the challenge will be beatable and man can produce a Surah like it.

Hence, for the challenge to be unbeatable, Allah is preserving the Quran.

Preservation of the Quran

Allah promised that He would preserve the Quran

“It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We who shall preserve it intact.” (Verse 15:9)

When we look today, after the passage of many centuries, at the fulfilment of Allah’s promise to preserve the Quran, we see a great miracle testifying to the fact that it is Allah’s book.

We see that the circumstances and situations that the Quran has endured over the centuries could not have left it intact, suffering no change of even

  • A single Surah,
  • A single verse,
  • A single sentence,
  • A single word, or
  • A single letter

Could this happen without the interference of the superior power?

That power, which is greater than all situations, keeping it pure from any change or distortion.

It is the power of Allah, your Almighty Creator.

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, this promise to preserve the Quran intact sounded a mere promise. Today, however, after all these great events and long centuries, it is indeed a great miracle confirming the indisputable fact that the Quran is but Allah’s book. No one disputes this fact except a stubborn, ignorant fool.

“It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We who shall preserve it intact.” (Verse 9)

The purity of the text of the Quran through fourteen centuries is a token of the eternal care with which Allah’s Truth is guarded through all ages.

All corruptions, inventions, and accretions pass away, but Allah’s pure and holy Truth will never suffer eclipse even though the whole world mocked at it and were bent on destroying it.

Do you know that there is only one Arabic Quran all over the world; the Quran in Africa = the Quran in Europe = The Quran in America = the Quran in Asia without any change of even one word!

Do you know that a kid of 6-10 years old can recite by heart the entire Quran without looking at it; and this is one of the methods Allah is preserving His Book.

Watch these YouTube‘s videos:

Furthermore, in the verse 15:9, Allah names the Quran “Reminder”

The Quran reminds you with your Creator, your outcome in the Afterlife etc.

How you acknowledge all of that?

By comparing all of the above features of the Quran with the Bible’s features.


The verse 15:9 in different translations:


It is We who sent down the Koran, and We watch over it.


Surely, we have revealed the reminder and we will most surely be its guardian


Lo! We, even we, reveal the reminder, and lo! We verily are its guardian.


We have, without doubt, sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).

Atheists in Quran (41) come here if you are honest

In the previous two articles, Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed, Allah is challenging them in this article to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasingorder of this unique Challenge


In the previous article (Atheists in Quran -39- a Linguistic Challenge for them), Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran (See the article Atheists in Quran -40- the Challenge they could not cope with).  When the entire Humankind have failed to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran, Allah is challenging them, in this article, to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasing order of this unique Challenge.

In the verses 10:37-38 we have Allah’s testimony that

  • Muhammad has not forged the Quran
  • The Quran is Allah’s message to humankind

However, the prideful Atheists and unbelievers claim that the Quran is an invented book.

Well, are they sure? Are they trustful?

Allah put for them a simple method to prove that they are trustful and honest in their claim.

What is this simple method?

Produce, then, one Surah like it.

However, what if they cannot?

Can they seek help of friends and resources?

Yes, they can seek the help and resources of the entire Humankind.

Cannot they beat this very simple challenge?

It is impossible to achieve this target; they and the entire Humankind cannot produce one Surah.

Then what? Then before they claim that Muhammad has invented the Quran they have to show us one Surah like it or

Or what?

Or, they are untruthful and dishonest

The verses 10:37-38 say:

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah. It is a confirmation of [revelations] that went before it, and a full explanation of Allah’s Book, about which there is no doubt. It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds. If they say: He (Muhammad) has invented it,’ say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can other than Allah, if what you say is true.’

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah.” Why? Because the Quran has many features like for example:

  • Such unique characteristics of topic and expression; such perfection of order and harmony;
  • Such completeness of the faith it preaches and the enigma for human life it lays down;
  • Such a thorough concept of the nature of 1) Godhead, 2) the life of this world (and the Afterlife), 3) human beings, 4) the universe, 5) etc. Such a thorough concept of the nature of all of that could never have been designed by anyone other than Allah.

Only Allah is able to combine all this, because He is the One who knows:

  • The beginnings of all things
  • The ends of all things
  • The apparent and the hidden.

No one else can devise a system that is perfect, free of shortcomings and based on perfect knowledge.

In addition, the Quran confirms all the revelations and Scriptures given to earlier messengers. It confirms the original faith outlined by those messages and the good things they advocated. It is the same Book, outlining the same message preached by all messengers; that is = there is no god save Allah

It is the Book about which there is no doubt.

It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds..

This is an assertion that the Quran could never have been fabricated or attributed falsely to Allah.

It is indeed a revelation by ‘the Lord of all the worlds.’

Having stated the truth about the Quran, the verses speaks of a certain possibility

The possibility that Muhammad has invented the Quran

If they say that Muhammad has invented the Quran, let them then mobilize their resources and invent a single Surah like it, if they can.

“Say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can besides Allah, if what you say is true.’“

Herein, we have two PERMANENT issues:

  • First, the challenge, and
  • Second, their inability to cope with it

The challenge is permanent, as is their inability to meet it. It continues for the rest of time and no one will ever be able to meet it. Anyone who appreciates the strength, beauty and artistic expression of the Arabic language will recognize that the Quranic style is unique, and that no human being could produce anything similar to it. So will those who study human social systems and legal principles. If they study the system laid down in the Quran, they will realize that its approach to the organization of the human community is unique.

It is not merely the incomparability of the Quranic style and mode of expression; instead the absolutely miraculous nature of the Quran is easily recognized by experts in diverse disciplines such as language, society, law, psychology, sciences, embryology, Medicine, etc.

No wonder then that many Rabbi and Priests and the top scientists have embraced Islam just upon reading few verses of the Quran.


The verses 10:37-38 in different translations:


37-This Koran could not have been forged by other than Allah. it confirms what was before it; a distinguishing book, in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of all the worlds.

38-Do they say: ‘he has forged it’. say: ‘compose one chapter like it, and call upon whom you will, other than Allah (to help you), if what you say is true! ‘


37-And this Quran is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds

38-Or do they say: he has forged it? say: then bring a chapter like this and invite whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful


37-And this Qur’an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind – therein is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or say they: he hath invented it? say: then bring a Surah like unto it, and call (for help) on all ye can besides Allah, if ye are truthful.


37-This Qur’an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or do they say, “he forged it”? say: “bring then a sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!”

Surah 31 of the Quran (1) Introduction


In this Surah, the Quran addresses human nature with its own logic.

Allah who revealed the Quran is the One who created human nature.

Allah knows what suits human nature and brings the best out of it.

He also knows how to address it and what affects its inner thoughts and feelings.


The Quran explains to human nature the truth that is deeply ingrained in it,

The Quran explains to human nature the fact that is deeply-rooted in it,

The Quran explains to human nature the truth that is deeply embedded in it,

Such truth is built in inside every human nature which it knew long before it was addressed by the Quran, because it was initially created with it.

This is the truth of acknowledging the Creator, the One, the Supreme, and offering worship to Him alone.


Similarly, every creature in the entire universe glorifies and praises Him at all times.

The problem is that certain aspects of life on earth, some physical impulses, desires, whims and cravings may cloud human nature’s vision or force its deviation from the right path.

That is why; the Quran addresses our nature with the logic it knows, presenting to it the truth that it has overlooked.

In this way, the Quran structures human nature on the basis of its right code for living, leading it to earn the pleasure of Allah, the Supreme Creator who controls everything.


Surah 31 provides an example of how the Quran addresses the human hearts.

It tackles the question of faith among the idolaters who had deviated from the truth.

The faith is indeed the leading issue of Surah 31

The Quran tackles this important issue in a variety of ways and from different angles.

That the Quran uses such different means is an essential part of its method to keep our hearts on the alert.


The central issue of faith focuses in Surah 31 on the Creator’s oneness.

Surah 31 demonstrates how we:

1)    Should address worship to Him alone,

2)    Express gratitude for His blessings,

3)    Establish firm belief in the hereafter and what this involves of careful reckoning and just reward. The hereafter or the Afterlife is but one of two either hell or Paradise.

Therefore, Believers should also follow what Allah has revealed and abandon all notions that are at inconsistency with this.

Surah 31 presents this whole issue in a way that invites reflection on the astonishing approach of the Quran. It addresses our natures and our hearts.

All who advocate faith should study this Quranic approach carefully.