Atheists in Quran (48) No Ransom, No Exit

As for the Atheists and unbelievers, if they possessed, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection, The ransom would not be accepted from them. They will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it.


Truly, as for the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran,

If they possessed, definitely, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection,

The ransom would not be accepted from them.

Theirs will be a painful doom and severe chastisement.

However, they will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it; theirs shall be a lasting, a perpetual, chastisement.

They will wish to come forth from the Eternal Fire but they will not come forth from it

Theirs will be a lasting doom; which will never be interrupted.


Ransom = the act of holding someone or something hostage in order to get a demand met, or the money paid to get the item or person back.

Ransom = a sum of money paid to free a captive or a prisoner.

To ransom is to obtain the release of someone that has been held hostage by paying a price.

If the Atheists and unbelievers had everything on earth and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, Allah would never accept any ransom of them.


The Quranic unique method of description

The verses 5:36-37 of the Noble Quran portray a scene of the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran. It is a very vivid description, because the verses do not only give a statement outlining a position, but depicts a full scene with movement and interaction.

This is, indeed, the Quranic method used in portraying scenes of the Day of Judgment. The Quran uses it for most purposes:

“If those who disbelieve had all that is on earth and as much besides to offer as ransom from the suffering of the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. Theirs shall be a painful suffering. They will wish to come out of the Fire, but they shall not come out of it. Theirs shall be a long-lasting suffering.” (Verses 36-37)

By the longest stretch of imagination, the most that the unbelievers can have is all that is available on the face of the earth.

But the verses go far beyond that and suppose that they have all that the earth contains twice over, and portray them trying to pay all that as ransom to spare themselves the suffering of the Day of Resurrection.

The verses also portray them as they try to get out of the Fire of Hell, but they are unable to do so. They continue to endure their painful, lasting suffering.

This is a very vivid scene with actions following one another in speedy sequence. There they are at first, having everything that is on earth and as much besides. They offer it all to escape punishment. Then we see them disappointed when all their appeals fail. The Angels are then forcing them into the Fire, trying to get out, but having no means of escape. The screen then falls and they dwell there permanently.


The verses 5:36-37 in different translations:


36-As for those who disbelieve, if they possessed all that the earth contains and as much besides to ransom themselves from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them. theirs shall be a painful punishment.

37-They will wish to get out of the fire, but they shall not, theirs shall be a lasting punishment.


36-Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, even if they had what is in the earth, all of it, and the like of it with it, that they might ransom themselves with it from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them, and they shall have a painful punishment

37-They would desire to go forth from the fire, and they shall not go forth from it, and they shall have a lasting punishment


36-As for those who disbelieve, lo! if all that is in the earth were theirs, and as much again therewith, to ransom them from the doom on the day of resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. theirs will be a painful doom.

37-They will wish to come forth from the fire, but they will not come forth from it. Theirs will be a lasting doom.


36-As to those who reject faith,- if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the day of judgment, it would never be accepted of them, theirs would be a grievous penalty.

37-Their wish will be to get out of the fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures.

Atheists in Quran (10) they will blame each other

One day, the entire Atheists’ falsehood values have been naked, and they are put face to face with the absolute truth and they blame themselves; however, it is too late!


The verse 34:31 grabs the Atheists’ attitude of the Prophet Muhammad’s message.

Indeed their attitude established on the fact that they are full of pride and their riches make them having what this life can offer of amusements, thinking that this indicates they are favored.

Therefore, the verse shows them their situation in the life to come, as though it is happening now.

Thus, the verse shows their attitude in the life of this world and in the Afterlife on the Day of Judgment.

Their attitude in the life of this world:

The verse speaks about a determined attitude to reject all divine guidance.

The Atheists say to their followers especially the lowly and weak among people in order to provoke disbelief [in them]:

“We will never believe in this Quran, nor in any earlier revelations.”

They make it clear that they will never believe, neither in the Quran nor in any divine book that preceded the Quran.

They are not prepared to believe in any of this at any time in the future either. They are determined to disbelieve, deliberately refusing even to consider anything that points to faith.

Their attitude in the Afterlife

Then the verse puts before their eyes what happens to them on the Day of Judgment because of their stubborn rejection:

But if you were to see, O Muhammad

If only you O believers could see,

  • How the Atheists stand before their Lord, their Almighty Creator
  • How they are hurling reproaches at one another.
  • How they are blaming each other.

The lowly and weak Atheists in the life of this world will say to those who had deemed themselves mighty:

Had it not been for you, we would certainly have been believers.’

The Atheists made their assertion that they will never believe in any revealed book in this life.

Now, what will they say in a very different situation? If only we could see these Atheists when they are ‘made to stand’, i.e. forced into it against their will. They are guilty, made to stand and await a decision by their Lord, in whose words and scriptures they profess they will never believe.

Yet now they stand before Him. If you could watch them, you would see how they reproach one another, exchanging accusations and trying to blame each other.

“Those of them who were weak on earth will say to those who had deemed themselves mighty: Had it not been for you, we would certainly have been believers.”

The Atheists will blame their leaders and their Media.

The Atheists are now accusing them of being responsible for this humiliation.

The Atheists are now cursing them of what will come next of great and eternal suffering.

Today, all the falsehood values have been naked, and they are put face to face with the absolute truth; however, it is too late!


The verse 34:31 in different translations:


The unbelievers say: ‘we will not believe in this Koran, nor in (the books) that were before it. ‘If you could only see the harmdoers when they are brought before their Lord! They will argue against each other. Those who had been abased will say to those who were proud: ‘but for you, we would have been believers. ‘


And those who disbelieve say: by no means will we believe in this quran, nor in that which is before it; and could you see when the unjust shall be made to stand before their Lord, bandying words one with another! those who were reckoned weak shall say to those who were proud: had it not been for you we would certainly have been believers


And those who disbelieve say: we believe not in this qur’an nor in that which was before it; but oh, if thou couldst see, when the wrong-doers are brought up before their Lord, how they cast the blame one to another; how those who were despised (in the earth) say unto those who were proud: but for you, we should have been believers.


The unbelievers say: “we shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it.” couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: “had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!”

Angels in Islam (22) every man will see them-A

The unbelievers wanted to see the Angels.

It is not good for the unbelievers to see the Angels; however, it will eventually happen.


The meanings of the verses 25:21-22 of the Noble Quran:

The unbelievers who deny the Day of Judgment, who do not believe in resurrection after death, and hence have no fear of the Resurrection, and do not expect to encounter Allah saod unto the Prophet Muhammad:

  • Why have the Angels not been sent down to us, to inform us that Allah sent you to us?
  • Or why do we not see our Lord to ask Him about you?
  • So that we might be informed by Him, directly, that Muhammad is truly His Messenger?

Allah, exalted be He, said:

  • Assuredly they think too highly of themselves when they ask to see Allah;
  • They are full of arrogance within their souls and have become terribly insolent, in demanding to see Allah.
  • They are scornful with great pride refusing to believe.

It is also said that they dared to ask for a tremendous thing when they asked for the Angels to come to them.

But, why seeing the Angels is a tremendous thing?

The verse 25:22 gives the answer, it means:

The day when they see the Angels, there will be no good tidings on that day for the unbelievers (in contrast to the believers for whom there shall be the good tidings of Paradise).

It is said that both the Angels and the unbelievers will say one word that is “A forbidding ban”

The Angels will cry: “A forbidding ban” they mean: the glad tiding of Paradise is forbidden for the unbelievers

The unbelievers will say: “A forbidding ban” upon seeing the Angels; they mean:

  • Let a great distance be between you and us!
  • We seek refuge from the Angels (who will chastise them)

Interestingly, this word: “A forbidding ban” was their custom in the life of this world whenever a misfortune befell them


In addition, Allah has described the unbelievers by “those who are wronging themselves” (the verse 16:28)

How they are wronging themselves? Through disbelief

What about them when the Angels cause them to die by taking off their souls?

First, they will see the Angels

Second, they will offer becoming compliant and submitting themselves to belief in Allah, saying:

  • we were not doing any evil’,
  • we used not to do any wrong
  • we did not worship anything save Allah nor did we associate partners with Him

It is said that the Liar in this life is also a liar in the Afterlife

Then, the Angels will say:

‘Nay! Surely Allah is Knower of what you used to do’, and He will requite you for it

For this reason, it is not good for the unbelievers to see the Angels; however, it will eventually happen.


The verses 25:21-22 in different translations:


21-Those who do not hope to meet us ask: ‘why have no Angels been sent to us? Why can we not see our Lord? ‘How proud they are within themselves, and have become greatly disdainful.

22-On the day when they behold the Angels, there will be no glad tidings for the sinners. They will say: ‘a refuge which is forbidden!


21-And those who do not hope for our meeting, say: why have not Angels been sent down upon us, or (why) do we not see our Lord? Now certainly they are too proud of themselves and have revolted in great revolt

22-On the day when they shall see the Angels, there shall be no joy on that day for the guilty, and they shall say: it is a forbidden thing totally prohibited


21-And those who look not for a meeting with us say: why are Angels not sent down unto us and (why) do we not see our Lord! Assuredly they think too highly of themselves and are scornful with great pride.

22-On the day when they behold the Angels, on that day there will be no good tidings for the guilty; and they will cry: a forbidding ban!


21-Such as fear not the meeting with us (for judgment) say: “why are not the Angels sent down to us, or (why) do we not see our Lord?” indeed they have an arrogant conceit of themselves, and mighty is the insolence of their impiety!

22-The day they see the Angels, – no joy will there be to the sinners that day: the (Angels) will say: “there is a barrier forbidden (to you) altogether!”


The verse 16:28 in different translations:


Whom the Angels take while they were still harming themselves. ‘Then they will offer submission, saying: ‘we have done no evil! ‘No, surely Allah knows what you have done.


Those whom the Angels cause to die while they are unjust to themselves. Then would they offer submission: we used not to do any evil. Aye! Surely Allah knows what you did


Whom the Angels cause to die while they are wronging themselves. Then will they make full submission (saying): we used not to do any wrong. Nay! Surely Allah is knower of what ye used to do.


“(Namely) those whose lives the Angels take in a state of wrong-doing to their own souls.” then would they offer submission (with the pretence), “we did no evil (knowingly).” (The Angels will reply), “nay, but verily Allah knoweth all that ye did;