Atheists in Quran (51) another Scientific fact. Recycling

The Quran is the first book on the face of Earth that mentions the scientific fact of recycling more than 1400 years ago. This may help the scientific-minded Atheists to realize that Allah is able to bring them back to life on the Day of Judgment.


The verse 10:4 of the Noble Quran is composed of 28 Arabic words; it talks about:

1) A very important fact

2) Then the verse strengthens this important fact by assuring us that this fact is but an Allah’s promise that will happen certainly.

3) Then the verse makes a remarkable scientific pause to simplify the important fact and make it easy to be understood by the scientific minded people

4) Further, discuss the impact of the important fact on both the believers and the Atheists


1) What is the very important fact? To Allah you shall return

2) How the verse strengthens this important fact? It is Allah’s promise will certainly happen.

3) What is the remarkable scientific pause? Allah originates the creation and repeats it. This scientific pause = the recycling of everything around us

4) What is the impact of the important fact on both the believers and the Atheists?

On the believers = reward, with equity

The Atheists = scalding drink + grievous suffering


The verse and the remarkable scientific pause

The remarkable scientific pause is translated as

Allah originates the creation and repeats it, or

Allah begins the creation and he reproduces it

The verbs originates, begins, repeats and reproduces are in the present tense that indicate the continuity of the acts of beginning the creation and the repetition of it.

All organic material in nature are recycled. If you go for a walk in the woods, you will see compost formed from deadfall. Organisms like mushrooms help to break down the deadfall and create the compost. When a living thing dies, it breaks down and becomes a source for nutrients for other living things. Even animal waste is utilized as fertilizer.

If we look around us or inside us we then acknowledge this Quranic scientific fact very much

Everything around us is created, recycled and then created again

Around us, we see that the soil, air, gases, clouds, rain, plants, bacteria and energy are recycled every minute etc.

Inside our body, we see that millions of cells are created, recycled and reproduced again every minute.

This is the ever-continuous Allah’s action

It goes without saying that the Quran is the first book on the face of Earth that mentions this scientific fact of recycling more than 1400 years ago.


How this this scientific fact of recycling serves the issue of Faith?

Let us agree first about this: without the continuous process of recycling that occurs every minute around and inside us, our lives would have been impossible.

Have we praise Allah for that?

Well, is the One who does that unable to bring you back to life in the Day of Judgment?

Back to the meanings of the verse 10:4

To Allah you shall return to face the reckoning when He gives each one, believer or unbeliever, his or her fitting reward

 “To Him you shall all return. This is, in truth, Allah’s promise.”

Allah has promised that you will return to Him and Allah’s promise will certainly happen.

For resurrection is the completion of creation.

“He originates all His creation, and then brings them all back to life so that He may reward, with equity, those who have believed and done good deeds. As for the unbelievers, they shall have a scalding drink and a grievous suffering for their unbelief.”

Administering justice to all is in itself one of the aims of original creation and bringing all creatures back to life. Similarly, giving pure happiness and enjoyment without any unwelcome consequences to spoil its effects is another aim of the process of creation and resurrection.

The unbelievers will have to suffer the consequences of their errant ways just like one who violates the rules of health: he suffers disease and debility and they suffer distress after distress. Their outcome will be unmitigated misery, in contrast to the pure happiness the believers enjoy: “As for the unbelievers, they shall have a scalding drink and a grievous suffering for their persistent disbelief”


The verse 10:4 in different translations:


To him all of you will return together. This is, in truth, the promise of Allah. He originates creation, then he revives it so that he may recompense those who believe and do righteous deeds. As for the unbelievers, theirs is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for their disbelief.


To him is your return, of all (of you); the promise of Allah (made) in truth; surely he begins the creation in the first mstance, then he reproduces it, that he may with justice recompense those who believe and do good; and (as for) those who disbelieve, they shall have a drink of hot water and painful punishment because they disbelieved


Unto him is the return of all of you; it is a promise of Allah in truth. lo! he produceth creation, then reproduceth it, that he may reward those who believe and do good works with equity; while, as for those who disbelieve, theirs will be a boiling drink and painful doom because they disbelieved.


To him will be your return- of all of you. the promise of Allah is true and sure. It is he who beginneth the process of creation, and repeateth it, that he may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness; but those who reject him will have draughts of boiling fluids, and a penalty grievous, because they did reject him.

Atheists in Quran (41) come here if you are honest

In the previous two articles, Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed, Allah is challenging them in this article to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasingorder of this unique Challenge


In the previous article (Atheists in Quran -39- a Linguistic Challenge for them), Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran (See the article Atheists in Quran -40- the Challenge they could not cope with).  When the entire Humankind have failed to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran, Allah is challenging them, in this article, to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasing order of this unique Challenge.

In the verses 10:37-38 we have Allah’s testimony that

  • Muhammad has not forged the Quran
  • The Quran is Allah’s message to humankind

However, the prideful Atheists and unbelievers claim that the Quran is an invented book.

Well, are they sure? Are they trustful?

Allah put for them a simple method to prove that they are trustful and honest in their claim.

What is this simple method?

Produce, then, one Surah like it.

However, what if they cannot?

Can they seek help of friends and resources?

Yes, they can seek the help and resources of the entire Humankind.

Cannot they beat this very simple challenge?

It is impossible to achieve this target; they and the entire Humankind cannot produce one Surah.

Then what? Then before they claim that Muhammad has invented the Quran they have to show us one Surah like it or

Or what?

Or, they are untruthful and dishonest

The verses 10:37-38 say:

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah. It is a confirmation of [revelations] that went before it, and a full explanation of Allah’s Book, about which there is no doubt. It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds. If they say: He (Muhammad) has invented it,’ say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can other than Allah, if what you say is true.’

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah.” Why? Because the Quran has many features like for example:

  • Such unique characteristics of topic and expression; such perfection of order and harmony;
  • Such completeness of the faith it preaches and the enigma for human life it lays down;
  • Such a thorough concept of the nature of 1) Godhead, 2) the life of this world (and the Afterlife), 3) human beings, 4) the universe, 5) etc. Such a thorough concept of the nature of all of that could never have been designed by anyone other than Allah.

Only Allah is able to combine all this, because He is the One who knows:

  • The beginnings of all things
  • The ends of all things
  • The apparent and the hidden.

No one else can devise a system that is perfect, free of shortcomings and based on perfect knowledge.

In addition, the Quran confirms all the revelations and Scriptures given to earlier messengers. It confirms the original faith outlined by those messages and the good things they advocated. It is the same Book, outlining the same message preached by all messengers; that is = there is no god save Allah

It is the Book about which there is no doubt.

It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds..

This is an assertion that the Quran could never have been fabricated or attributed falsely to Allah.

It is indeed a revelation by ‘the Lord of all the worlds.’

Having stated the truth about the Quran, the verses speaks of a certain possibility

The possibility that Muhammad has invented the Quran

If they say that Muhammad has invented the Quran, let them then mobilize their resources and invent a single Surah like it, if they can.

“Say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can besides Allah, if what you say is true.’“

Herein, we have two PERMANENT issues:

  • First, the challenge, and
  • Second, their inability to cope with it

The challenge is permanent, as is their inability to meet it. It continues for the rest of time and no one will ever be able to meet it. Anyone who appreciates the strength, beauty and artistic expression of the Arabic language will recognize that the Quranic style is unique, and that no human being could produce anything similar to it. So will those who study human social systems and legal principles. If they study the system laid down in the Quran, they will realize that its approach to the organization of the human community is unique.

It is not merely the incomparability of the Quranic style and mode of expression; instead the absolutely miraculous nature of the Quran is easily recognized by experts in diverse disciplines such as language, society, law, psychology, sciences, embryology, Medicine, etc.

No wonder then that many Rabbi and Priests and the top scientists have embraced Islam just upon reading few verses of the Quran.


The verses 10:37-38 in different translations:


37-This Koran could not have been forged by other than Allah. it confirms what was before it; a distinguishing book, in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of all the worlds.

38-Do they say: ‘he has forged it’. say: ‘compose one chapter like it, and call upon whom you will, other than Allah (to help you), if what you say is true! ‘


37-And this Quran is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds

38-Or do they say: he has forged it? say: then bring a chapter like this and invite whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful


37-And this Qur’an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind – therein is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or say they: he hath invented it? say: then bring a Surah like unto it, and call (for help) on all ye can besides Allah, if ye are truthful.


37-This Qur’an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or do they say, “he forged it”? say: “bring then a sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!”

Atheists in Quran (30) the Atheist Noah’ son in Tsunami

Noah saw his son; he was standing on the side of a mountain aloof from the Ark. The waves were as huge as mountains. Noah cried unto his son, O my son! Come ride with us, be saved with us; do not be with the unbelievers lest you drown. Does the Atheist Son respond to his loving father?


In the previous article, Allah told Noah:

No more of your people will believe; they are hopeless.

Therefore, it is over and the unbelievers are done.

Verily, they will be drowned by the flood.

Allah commanded Noah: Build the ark

Then what happened?

The meanings of the verses11:40-42:

Allah gave Noah this sign;

‘The fountains of the earth gushed forth

This means when water started to gush forth from the earth and rain poured down in torrents.

When this took place, Allah said to Noah:

“Take into the Ark a pair of every species, as well as your family, except those against whom Our word has passed, and all those who have accepted the faith.”

It is obvious that Allah has revealed to Noah the whole process systematically at the right moment.

Noah first received orders to build the ark.

At the beginning, the verse does not tell us why the ark is built

Then, Noah received the instructions for the following stage

When the sign took place, (Allah told him 🙂

Such that when Our command came, for their destruction

When the appointed time for chastisement happens and you see the sign;

Load therein, in the ship:

  • Of every kind, male and female, that is, of every species of these two, two, a male and a female; Allah gathered for Noah all the beasts of prey and birds and other animals.  Noah was ordered to take into the ark a pair of all such living species as he could take.
  • Your family and your household save the unbeliever
  • Those who believed

However, a few were they who believed with him

It is said that the number of all those aboard the ship was eighty, half of whom were men and the other half were women.

Noah carried out his instructions exactly as they were given to him

Praying to Allah, Noah said to the believers:

  • Embark therein in the ship!
  • In the name of Allah be its course wherever it sails to and
  • In the name of Allah be its mooring wherever it stops.
  • Allah makes it sail wherever He wills and makes it stop wherever He wills.

This statement indicates that Noah put himself and the ark in Allah’s hands and trusted in Him. The ark would float and anchor under Allah’s watchful eyes. For, what could Noah and his people do to steer the ark to safety in such a flood?

[Envisage these huge waves like mountains that would have caused many titanic ships to drown, to understand Allah’s will, which protect the first primitive ship in the history of humankind]

Then Noah said:

Lo! My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful towards the one who believes and repents.


The ship sailed with them amid huge waves; the waves’ height and size were like mountains

Noah’s Atheist Son

We then have the very awesome scene of the flood.

Two elements of fear are at work here: one originates from nature, stormy but silent as it is; and the other is felt in one’s innermost soul. Both converge as the ark moves on amidst waves as high as mountains.

At this terrible, decisive moment, Noah looks in a certain direction and sees one of his sons who has not joined them in the ark.

Noah saw his son; he was standing on the side of a mountain aloof from the ship

Paternal emotion roused up in Noah.

Immediately, Noah cried unto his stray son:

  • O my son! Come ride with us
  • O my son! Be saved with us
  • O my son! Do not be with the unbelievers lest you drown.

Does the Atheist Son respond to his loving father?


The verses 11:40-42 in different translations:


40- And when our command came and the oven gushed (forth with water), we said (to Noah): ‘take on board (the ark) a pair from every species and your family, except he of whom the word has already been spoken, and those who believe. And none except a few believed with him.

41- He (Noah) said: ’embark. In the name of Allah will be its course and berthing. indeed, my lord is forgiving, the most merciful. ‘

42- And so it (the ark) ran with them amidst the mountainous waves, and Noah cried out to his son, who was standing apart, ’embark with us, my son, do not be with the unbelievers! ‘


40- Until when our command came and water came forth from the valley, we said: carry in it two of all things, a pair, and your own family– except those against whom the word has already gone forth, and those who believe. and there believed not with him but a few

41- And he said: embark in it, in the name of Allah be its sailing and its anchoring; most surely, my lord is forgiving, merciful

42- And it moved on with them amid waves like mountains; and nuh called out to his son, and he was aloof: o my son! Embark with us and be not with the unbelievers


40- (Thus it was) till, when our commandment came to pass and the oven gushed forth water, we said: load therein two of every kind, a pair (the male and female), and thy household, save him against whom the word hath gone forth already, and those who believe. And but a few were they who believed with him.

41- And he said: embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course and its mooring. lo! my lord is forgiving, merciful.

42- And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, and Noah cried unto his son – and he was standing aloof – o my son! Come ride with us, and be not with the disbelievers.


40- At length, behold! there came our command, and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! we said: “embark therein, of each kind two, male and female, and your family – except those against whom the word has already gone forth,- and the believers.” but only a few believed with him.

41- So he said: “embark ye on the ark, in the name of Allah, whether it move or be at rest! for my lord is, be sure, oft-forgiving, most merciful!”

42- So the ark floated with them on the waves (towering) like mountains, And Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (from the rest): “o my son! Embark with us, and be not with the unbelievers!”

Atheists in Quran (17) their power = naught

Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers; they flee from fear to more fear. Allah’s Law is “Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe in Allah, the Almighty”. Adopting this law, Muslims won and the unbelievers defeated


The background of the verse 24:57

Muslims flee from fear to more fear

At the beginning of Islam, Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers.

The unbelievers were very violent striking the Muslims with all kinds oftorment

Then, the Muslims left their houses, possessions, money etc. and migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah in an attempt to flee from the mighty unbelievers.

I will let Abu al-Aliyah (one of Muhammad’s fellows) to describe the Muslims’ situation, he said:

“The Prophet Muhammad and his Companions remained in Makkah for around ten years calling on people to believe in Allah and to worship Him alone, associating no partners with Him.

However, they did so in secret, as they were in a state of fear of the unbelievers who were very violent with the little Muslims community. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad has prevented us from fighting. When the Muslims later migrated to Al- Madinah, Allah bid them to fight back for their cause. This meant that they were again in a state of more fear, wearing their body armor day and night. They persevered for as long as Allah willed.

One of his Companions asked the Prophet: Are we to remain in such fear for the rest of time? Will there comes a time when we can put our armaments aside?’

The Prophet said: ‘It will not be long before any one of you can sit among a huge crowd without anyone carrying arms.’

Soon afterwards, Allah revealed this verse. The Prophet was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia and his followers were in a state of security. They put down their arms”.

The verse 24:57 says:

Do not Think O Muhammad that the unbelievers can escape from Allah’s punishment both in the life of this world and in the Hereafter

For their abode will be the Eternal Fire; it is surely an evil destination, the worst abode for anyone. A hapless journey’s end

The verse confirms that the unbelievers cannot defy Allah. They will receive their fair punishment in this life and in the Afterlife.

Allah says to the believers: if you remain steadfast, following My path, then you need not worry about the might of the unbelievers. The power they apparently wield will not stand in your way. You are far stronger when equipped with your faith.

In material power, you may not be a match for them, but believers who strive for the truth can work miracles.

Back to 1400 years ago,

The unbelievers were more than 30 times the believers in respect to their:

  • Populations
  • Equipment
  • Army force
  • Wealth
  • Etc.

However, Allah as He promised defeated them in this life and you will see the fulfilment of his promise in the Afterlife.

Allah’s Law is:

Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe that the Almighty exists.

No wonder then that “the Prophet Muhammad was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia”

(Quoted from Abu al-Aliyah)


The verse 24:57 in different translations:


Never think that the unbelievers will be able to frustrate (us) in the earth. their refuge is the fire, an evil arrival.


Think not that those who disbelieve shall escape in the earth, and their abode is the fire; and certainly evil is the resort!


Think not that the disbelievers can escape in the land. fire will be their home – a hapless journey’s end!


Never think thou that the unbelievers are going to frustrate (Allah’s plan) on earth: their abode is the fire,- and it is indeed an evil refuge!

Allah’s Oneness (1) the unique name Allah

The unique phenomenon of the name Allah:

In Arabic, the name Allah is composed of four characters; they are: Aleph, Lam, Lam and Haa,

Allah is pronounced as “Allahu” when comes at the beginning of a sentence.

The name Allah is the Great name of the Lord, the Almighty Creator of this cosmos.
The name Allah is mentioned in the Quran 1567 times
God is mentioned in the Bible 3877 times.
The unique linguistic phenomenon of the name Allah:
The name Allah is a unique name which is quite different from the name God.
From the linguistic point of view, the name Allah can give the same meaning if we use:
• All of its four Arabic characters  الله
• Three Arabic characters ”
• Two Arabic characters ”
• Or its last Arabic character ”

To illustrate this unique phenomenon:
If we say Allah” الله”; it means the Great name of the Lord, the Almighty Creator.
If we deduct, subtract or take away the first letter Aleph, then we get three Characters (Lam, Lam and Haa)” لله“which is pronounced as: Lillah and means: To Allah.
If we deduct the first two letters Aleph and Lam, then we get two Characters (Lam and Haa)” له” which is pronounced as: Lahu and also means: To him (to Allah).
If we deduct the first three letters Aleph, Lam and Lam then we get only one Character; the last one (Haa)” ه” which is pronounced as: hu and it means: Him.

This unique linguistic phenomenon indicates that the name Allah can give the same meaning by using all of its four characters, three characters, two Characters or one character.
The name God does not have this phenomenon; which is not applicable for any name but Allah.
God is the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
If we deduct the character G, we will get od
Od in dictionary means:
An imaginary force which in the past detained to include all environment and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.
Also, od means a person who has taken an overdose of a drug, esp. one who has become seriously ill or has died from such an overdose.
And it means also, to die from an overdose of a drug.
If we deduct the characters G and O, we will get d which is the fourth letter of the English alphabet, and it is used as a contraction of had, did and should.

This article “Which Name is Unique, Allah or God?” is Written by:

Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology,
Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Unit,
Ain-Shams University. Cairo, Egypt.
And, President of the Egyptian Society of Inventors.
Member of the Egyptian union of Writers