Atheists in Quran (49) they came to eradicate Islam

The Atheists announced that they came from Makkah to Al-Madinah to kill the Prophet Muhammad and eradicate Islam and Muslims from the face of the Earth.

See what happened to them and what the Angels have done to them!


Background of the verses 8:50-51

Date: more than 1400 years ago

Place: nearby Al-Madinah in the Arabia

Event: the first battle between the Atheists among the Arabs and the believers

The name of the battle: the Day of “Badr”

Situation: The Atheists were about 1000 well-armed men

                The believers were 300 weakly armed men

Media: the Atheists announced that they came from Makkah to Al-Madinah to kill the Prophet Muhammad and eradicate Islam and Muslims from the face of the Earth

Result: Muslims won and the Atheists severely lost the battle. About 100 Atheists killed, another 100 captivated and the rest flee from the shock of such result.

Was this the only fate of the Atheists?


The meanings of the verses 8:50-51

If you could see O Muhammad and believers how the angels, on the Day of Badr, take away the Atheists’ souls, smiting their faces and their backs and saying unto them:

Taste the severe punishment of burning.

This chastisement is for what your hands have done while you were unbelieving know that Allah is just to His servants, such that he would not punish them for no sin.

Know that Allah is not a tyrant to His servants such that He would take them to task without them having committed a crime.

Allah’s Justice is for all

We see the angels acting on Allah’s instructions and by His permission, reproaching the unbelievers and meting out punishment to them. They gather their souls in a very harsh manner and dole out to them the sort of treatment that befits their arrogance and conceit. Even in the most difficult of times, they remind them of their evil deeds and tell them of their inevitable destiny. There is no injustice in what they are about to suffer. It is only what they deserve.

The verse makes it clear that punishing the unbelievers for their misdeeds is a constant law that Allah has set into operation:

The two verses, however, may also be taken as a reference to a continuing situation that applies whenever the angels gather the souls of unbelievers.

In this case the opening phrase, “if you could but see”, may be understood as an address to anyone with eyes to see. This type of address is used frequently to direct attention to certain matters that need to be contemplated.

The verses portray a fearful picture of the unbelievers as the angels gather their souls, adding humiliation to their misery and combining physical suffering with death:

“If you could but see how the angels gather up the souls of the unbelievers. They strike them on their faces and their backs.”

The mode of expression then changes from that of reporting to an address:

“Taste the punishment of burning.”

This serves to bring the sight blooming as though it is happening now in front of our eyes. We almost see the fire of hell and how it burns them fiercely.

The unbelievers are severely reproached as they are pushed into it:

“[this is] in return for what your own hands have committed.”

It is all a fitting recompense. You deserve it all on account of what you have done:

“Never does Allah do any injustice to His servants.”

The infliction of suffering and humiliation on the unbelievers is a permanent law that does not change.


The verses 8:50-51 in different translations:


50-If you could see the angels when they carry off the souls of the unbelievers, beating their faces and their backs, saying: ‘taste the punishment of burning!

51-That is for what your hands have forwarded, Allah is not unjust to his worshipers. ‘


50-And had you seen when the angels will cause to die those who disbelieve, smiting their faces and their backs, and (saying): taste the punishment of burning

51-This is for what your own hands have sent on before, and because Allah is not in the least unjust to the servants;


50-If thou couldst see how the angels receive those who disbelieve, smiting faces and their backs and (saying): taste the punishment of burning!

51-This is for that which your own hands have sent before (to the judgment), and (know) that Allah is not a tyrant to his slaves.


50-If thou couldst see, when the angels take the souls of the unbelievers (at death), (how) they smite their faces and their backs, (saying): “taste the penalty of the blazing fire-

51-“Because of (the deeds) which your (own) hands sent forth; for Allah is never unjust to his servants:

Atheists in Quran (34) Muhammad and their Evil Eyes

The Atheists Arabs hired some famous Enviers who had very harmful evil hurt Muhammad but they… Then they claimed that Muhammad is mad and possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Allah’s swear that Muhammad is neither mad nor possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Which one you go with? Allah’s swear or the Atheists Arabs’ claim?

Then again, why you every human being is involved in this issue?


The Arabic name of Chapter (Surah) 68 of the Noble Quran is “AL-QALAM”


In the first verse of the Surah, Allah swears by the Pen.

Allah swears by what they wrote, write and shall write by the pen to deny Muhammad.

About what has Allah sworn by the Pen?

The verses 68:2-4 tell us that:

Allah swears by the Pen that Muhammad:

  • Is neither mad nor possessed (because of reciting the Quran)
  • Is of great morality, tremendous nature and has the best standard of human characters
  • Shall have a reward that is never to be cut off

This Allah’s swear is a great testimony in favor of the last Prophet Muhammad.

This Allah’s swear = the witness of the Almighty Creator who creates the unlimited universe.

This is the witness of the Almighty Creator

Now, let us see the witness of some of Allah’s creatures about Muhammad and the Quran.

Let us go back in the History for 1400 years ago (The verses 68:51-52)

We are now in the Holy Mosque, Al-Kaaba, in Makkah

See Al-Kaaba today and yesterday in these videos

We see the ignorant Atheists, unbelievers and idolaters among the Arabs.

They could not resist the great effects that essentially happen upon hearing the Quran.

They know that Muslims have embraced Islam and believed in Muhammad just upon hearing the recited Quran

The notables Atheists and the unbelievers’ leaders put a nasty plan.

They hired some famous Enviers in order to envy the Prophet Muhammad by their very harmful evil eyes.

They hired the Enviers to hurt Muhammad.

They gave them a lot of money to accomplish such a nasty mission.

What was the qualifications of the hired Enviers?

Upon they concentrated looking at something for a while:

  • One of the hired Enviers claimed that he can split a big solid rock into two halves
  • Another Envier claimed that Muhammad will slip and fall on the ground and his bones will be broken into pieces
  • A third Envier claimed that Muhammad will be sick and he will never get out of bed until he died
  • Etc.

Well, their target was to smite and strike Muhammad down with their glances.

On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad used to recite the Quran in the Holy Mosque, Al-Kaaba, in Makkah in an attempt to spread Allah’s message unto the visitors of Al-Kaaba.

The Enviers kept looking at the Prophet Muhammad by their very harmful evil eyes for many hours.

Nothing happened to the Prophet Muhammad.

Allah protected his messenger from the Evil eyes of the Enviers

The notables and leaders’ plan failed!

Then what?

Many of the Arabs used to come every day from all over the Arabia to visit Al-Kaaba.

They certainly will hear the Prophet Muhammad reciting the Quran.

The notables and leaders were afraid of the great effects that essentially happen upon hearing the Quran by the visitors of Al-Kaaba

Then what they have to say about the Prophet Muhammad

They agreed to say to the visitors of Al-Kaaba that Muhammad is but a mad and possessed man

This is not a historical story for entertainment

This story is for you and for every human being all over the world

You have two witnesses:

Allah’s witness = Muhammad is neither mad nor possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Atheists Arabs’ witness = Muhammad mad and possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Which one you go with?

Then again, why you and every human being is involved in this story?


The Quran = Allah’s message to the entire world.

Allah is warning everyone: if someone hears about the existence of Muhammad and the Quran and he disbelieves in them, then he/she will dwell in the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife

It is interesting that Allah gives herein two names for the Quran:

A Reminder for all the worlds

Allah’s Favor to humankind

Then again, is it a moral way or a scientific conduct to judge about the Quran without reading it?

In fact, about 99% of the Quran deniers have no idea about the Quran and the other 1% of the Quran deniers know for sure that it is the Absolute Truth but they hide that in order not to lose their wealth and their power.

Nevertheless, some of that 1% could not resist anymore and they embraced Islam and announced their new faith.

To realize that, Google search how many Jews, Catholic Priests and orientalists embraced Islam?


The verses 68:1-4 in different translations:


1-4) Noon. By the pen and that (the angels) write, you are not, because of the favor of your Lord, mad. Indeed, there is an unfailing wage for you. Surely, you (Prophet Muhammad) are of a great morality.


1-4) Noon. I swear by the pen and what the angels write, by the grace of your Lord you are not mad. And most surely you shall have a reward never to be cut off. And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality


1-4) Nun. By the pen and that which they write (therewith), thou art not, for thy Lord’s favor unto thee, a madman. And lo! thine verily will be a reward unfailing. And lo! Thou art of a tremendous nature.


1-4) Nun. By the pen and the (record) which (men) write,- thou art not, by the grace of thy Lord, mad or possessed. Nay, verily for thee is a reward unfailing: and thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.


The verses 68:51-52 in different translations:


51-52) When the unbelievers hear the reminder, they nearly strike you down with their glances, and say: ‘surely, he is mad! ‘ But it is nothing other than a reminder for all the worlds.


51-52) And those who disbelieve would almost smite you with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: most surely he is mad And it is naught but a reminder to the nations


51-52) And lo! Those who disbelieve would fain disconcert thee with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: lo! He is indeed mad; When it is naught else than a reminder to creation.


51-52) And the unbelievers would almost trip thee up with their eyes when they hear the message; and they say: “surely he is possessed!” But it is nothing less than a message to all the worlds.

Atheists in Quran (17) their power = naught

Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers; they flee from fear to more fear. Allah’s Law is “Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe in Allah, the Almighty”. Adopting this law, Muslims won and the unbelievers defeated


The background of the verse 24:57

Muslims flee from fear to more fear

At the beginning of Islam, Muslims were scared of the might of the unbelievers.

The unbelievers were very violent striking the Muslims with all kinds oftorment

Then, the Muslims left their houses, possessions, money etc. and migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah in an attempt to flee from the mighty unbelievers.

I will let Abu al-Aliyah (one of Muhammad’s fellows) to describe the Muslims’ situation, he said:

“The Prophet Muhammad and his Companions remained in Makkah for around ten years calling on people to believe in Allah and to worship Him alone, associating no partners with Him.

However, they did so in secret, as they were in a state of fear of the unbelievers who were very violent with the little Muslims community. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad has prevented us from fighting. When the Muslims later migrated to Al- Madinah, Allah bid them to fight back for their cause. This meant that they were again in a state of more fear, wearing their body armor day and night. They persevered for as long as Allah willed.

One of his Companions asked the Prophet: Are we to remain in such fear for the rest of time? Will there comes a time when we can put our armaments aside?’

The Prophet said: ‘It will not be long before any one of you can sit among a huge crowd without anyone carrying arms.’

Soon afterwards, Allah revealed this verse. The Prophet was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia and his followers were in a state of security. They put down their arms”.

The verse 24:57 says:

Do not Think O Muhammad that the unbelievers can escape from Allah’s punishment both in the life of this world and in the Hereafter

For their abode will be the Eternal Fire; it is surely an evil destination, the worst abode for anyone. A hapless journey’s end

The verse confirms that the unbelievers cannot defy Allah. They will receive their fair punishment in this life and in the Afterlife.

Allah says to the believers: if you remain steadfast, following My path, then you need not worry about the might of the unbelievers. The power they apparently wield will not stand in your way. You are far stronger when equipped with your faith.

In material power, you may not be a match for them, but believers who strive for the truth can work miracles.

Back to 1400 years ago,

The unbelievers were more than 30 times the believers in respect to their:

  • Populations
  • Equipment
  • Army force
  • Wealth
  • Etc.

However, Allah as He promised defeated them in this life and you will see the fulfilment of his promise in the Afterlife.

Allah’s Law is:

Do not fear the might of the Atheists if you believe that the Almighty exists.

No wonder then that “the Prophet Muhammad was able to establish his authority over the whole of Arabia”

(Quoted from Abu al-Aliyah)


The verse 24:57 in different translations:


Never think that the unbelievers will be able to frustrate (us) in the earth. their refuge is the fire, an evil arrival.


Think not that those who disbelieve shall escape in the earth, and their abode is the fire; and certainly evil is the resort!


Think not that the disbelievers can escape in the land. fire will be their home – a hapless journey’s end!


Never think thou that the unbelievers are going to frustrate (Allah’s plan) on earth: their abode is the fire,- and it is indeed an evil refuge!

Angels in Islam (27) Gabriel conveyed Allah’s message

The great Angel Gabriel conveyed Allah’s message to His entire Prophets.

The event of the first revelation of the Quran is mentioned in the Bible.


The duties of the Angels are many.

One of their important duties is to convey the revelation from Allah to His Messengers.

The great Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) is the one responsible for handing over Allah’s message to Allah’s Messengers and Prophets.

Gabriel conveyed Allah’s message to some thousands of Prophets which Allah sent.

Although the Quran mentions 25 Prophets by names, however; Allah sent at least one messenger to every nation from Adam up to Muhammad (the last one).

Gabriel conveyed Allah’s message to the Prophets Noah, Hood, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Shu’aib, Moses, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Elisha, Jonah, Zachariah, John, Jesus etc.

Allah’s message to His entire Messengers and Prophets is the same that is there is no god but Allah and submit to Him.

Literally, submission to Allah means Islam

The story of the first revelation of the Quran

Essential background:

Muhammad was born and raised in Mecca, he was illiterate.

His family was very big power-wise and authority-wise.

However, he was concerned with the social conflict, injustice, widespread discrimination (principally against women and black people), fighting among tribes and abuse of ancestral authorities dominant in pre-Islamic Arabia. The moral deterioration of his fellow people, and the err religion of worshipping idols.

He never ever worshiped an idol

He used to spend many hours or few days in a cave sitting alone looking for his Creator and feeling sorry about his people who used to worship many different idols.

When He was 40 years and while he was in the cave, Gabriel appeared to him.

Gabriel gave him a piece of paper and commanded him to read what was written in it.

Muhammad said: I cannot read, I am not a reader

Gabriel hugged him powerfully, then left him and commanded him again to read what was written. Muhammad’s reply was the same.

The powerful Gabriel’s hug and his command repeated twice but yielding the same Muhammad’s reply.

Then Gabriel said:

Read! In the name of your Lord and Cherisher, He is the One Who created

He Created man, out of “Alaq”

Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful,

Who taught man with the use of the pen,-

He taught man that which he knew not.

(The verses 96:1-5)

And this was the first revelation of the Quran.

To whom it may concern

The event of the first revelation of the Quran is mentioned in the Bible (Isaiah 29:12).

Attention: None of the Israelites’ prophets was illiterate!


Isaiah 29:12

21st Century King James Version

12- And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, “Read this, I pray thee”; and he saith, “I am not learned”.

Common English Bible:

12- And when the scroll is given to one who can’t read, saying, “Read this,” that one will say, “I can’t read.”

American Standard Version

12- And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I am not learned.

Amplified Bible

12- And when the book is given to him who is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray you, he says, I cannot read.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (4) the unbelievers Amazing Appeal

The unbelievers said: ‘O Muhammad, by Allah we will not believe until you bring us a book from Allah along with four angels with it, bearing witness that it is from Allah and that you were His messenger’. Then, what happened?



Ayah 6:7 of the Quran describes the request of the prosperous idolaters of Mecca


The enduring problem of the truth is that it faces the corruption. Some people want to establish the corruption and make it the ordinary manner of life.

In the History, the Arabs before Islam used to worship idols.

It is well known that Mecca was, and still is, the most Holy place in Arabia.

The prosperous Arabs of Mecca used to encourage worshipping the idols. Each tribe had its own idol and sometimes, each person had his own idol.


Of course, the prosperous idolaters of Mecca were anti- Muhammad, anti-Muslims and anti-Islam.They gave Muhammad and Muslims very hard time and they did their best to prevent spreading of Islam among the Arabs.


The prosperous idolaters of Mecca were very stubborn, dour, tenacious and adamant.

One day, they went to the Prophet Muhammad and said unto him:

‘O Muhammad, by Allah we will not believe until you bring us a book from Allah along with four angels with it, bearing witness that it is from Allah and that you were His messenger’.  And so this verse was revealed; it say:

Even, if Allah had revealed to you a Scripture, inscribed, on parchment, as they requested, and they then touched it with their hand hates; the disbelievers would have said, in disobedience and obduracy: ‘This is nothing but manifest sorcery’.

In other word, if the Angel Gabriel had brought down the Quran to you O Muhammad in one bulk writing upon parchment as asked for so that they would hold and read it, they would have said: This is naught else than mere magic.

Here, the Quran said that if the disbelievers even the requested Scripture that is written on parchment, as they demand hateed. This is more powerful than saying, ‘had they seen it with their eyes’, since the touch is more effective in eliminating doubt.




The verses 6:7 in different translations



had we sent down to you a book on parchment and they touched it with their own hand hates, those who disbelieved would say: ‘this is nothing but plain magic. ‘



and if we had sent to you a writing on a paper, then they had touched it with their hand hates, certainly those who disbelieve would have said: this is nothing but clear enchantment



had we sent down unto thee (muhammad) (actual) writing upon parchment, so that they could feel it with their hand hates, those who disbelieve would have said: this is naught else than mere magic.



if we had sent unto thee a written (message) on parchment, so that they could touch it with their hand hates, the unbelievers would have been sure to say: “this is nothing but obvious magic!”