Atheists in Quran (35) they are hasty

The Atheists try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet Muhammad warns them. Sarcastically, they say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

The Quran says that 1) Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs and 2) Verily, messengers before you O Muhammad were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.


The Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad were one of two:

The unbelievers deny the existence of One God and they used to worship many idols as gods

The Atheists who deny the existence of any god

Both groups deny the Resuscitation, the Day of Judgment and the Afterlife

They deny the very existence of Allah, the Most Merciful, who has created the universe and set the rules that operate in it and sustain its existence.

Herein, a likely dispute is expected.

Allah’s Messenger Muhammad speaks out against their deities, showing such inanimate idols to be useless.

On the other hand, The Atheists and unbelievers rudely deny Allah and they hurl abuse and mockery at Allah’s Messenger, saying that it is unacceptable that he should criticize their idol worship. They find nothing wrong with the arrogance that leads them to

Deny Allah’s existence,

Deny Allah’s Messenger and

Reject Allah’s revelation, the Quran.

The sarcasm of their attitude exposes to the full the far- reaching corruption that affects their nature and impairs their judgment.

Whenever they see you O Muhammad, they take you in derision and pick you out for mockery

What is more stupid of them?

They try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet warns them.

They say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs

Haste is present in man’s very nature and constitution.

He always stretches his eyes to what lies ahead, beyond the present moment, aiming to grasp it with his own hand. He wants to achieve, the moment it flashes in his mind, all that seems desirable. He wants to see all that is promised to him, even though it may be to his damage. Such is man’s nature, unless he establishes a firm relationship with Allah, which gives him strength and reassurance. He will then trust to Allah’s wisdom, leaving His will to run its course without hastening events. For faith combines trust with patience and reassurance.

Those unbelievers hastened Allah’s punishment, wondering when the promise of punishment in the hereafter, as well as in this life, would be fulfilled.

The Quran paints here for them a scene of the suffering in the hereafter, while also warning them against a similar punishment to that which befell earlier communities, which rejected the faith

If the unbelievers only knew what shall happen to them:

They would change their attitude completely.

They would stop their mockery and hastening of what is bound to come.

Let them, then, see what is bound to come.

There, the fire surrounds them on all sides.

Nay, but it, the Resurrection, shall come upon them suddenly, dumbfounding them, confusing them, and they shall not be able to ward it off, nor shall they be granted any respite, [nor shall they] be given any [extra] time to make a repentance or offer an excuse.

We envisage their agitated movements, described implicitly in the verse, to protect their faces and their backs against the fire, but their attempt is useless. It is as if the fire engulfs them on all sides. They can neither keep it away from themselves, nor retreat to seek protection. Nor is even a short respite from it possible.

That the punishment comes suddenly is only the response for their hastening it.

Sarcastically, they used to say time after time:

“When is this promise to be fulfilled, if what you say be true?”

The answer is that it comes suddenly, perplexing their minds and paralyzing their will. Thus, they are unable to think or act. This applies to the punishment in the hereafter.

Moreover, verily messengers before you were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.

As for this world’s punishment, it certainly befell communities before them, which ridiculed Allah’s messengers. Just as those communities were unable to ward off a punishment that wiped them out altogether, so these unbelievers are unable to avert their defeat and captivity. They are thus warned not to deride Allah’s Messenger, to avoid the punishment that befalls those who ridicule prophets. Such fate and punishment is bound to come, because it is part of Allah’s law, which will inevitably, take effect, just as the destruction of earlier communities, guilty of the same offence, proves.


The verses 21:36-41in different translations:


36-When the unbelievers see you, they take you only for mockery, saying: ‘is this he who talks about your gods? ‘While they are unbelievers in the remembrance of the merciful.

37-The human was created of haste. Indeed, I will show you my signs; so do not ask me to hasten them.

38-They say: ‘if you are truthful, when will this promise come? ‘

39-If the unbelievers only knew when they will be unable to shield either their faces or their backs from the fire; when they will not be helped!

40-It will overtake them suddenly, dumbfounding them. they shall be unable to ward it off, and they shall not be respited.

41-Before you, other messengers were mocked, but the mockers were encompassed by the very thing they mocked.


36-And when those who disbelieve see you, they do not take you but for one to be scoffed at: is this he who speaks of your gods? and they are deniers at the mention of the beneficent Allah

37-Man is created of haste; now will i show to you my signs, therefore do not ask me to hasten (them) on

38-And they say: when will this threat come to pass if you are truthful?

39-Had those who disbelieve but known (of the time) when they shall not be able to ward off the fire from their faces nor from their backs, nor shall they be helped

40-Nay, it shall come on them all of a sudden and cause them to become confounded, so they shall not have the power to avert it, nor shall they be respited

41-And certainly messengers before you were scoffed at, then there befell those of them who scoffed that at which they had scoffed


36-And when those who disbelieve behold thee, they but choose thee out for mockery, (saying): is this he who maketh mention of your gods? and they would deny all mention of the beneficent.

37-Man is made of haste. I shall show you my portents, but ask me not to hasten.

38-And they say: when will this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?

39-If those who disbelieved but knew the time when they will not be able to drive off the fire from their faces and from their backs, and they will not be helped!

40-Nay, but it will come upon them unawares so that it will stupefy them, and they will be unable to repel it, neither will they be reprieved.

41-Messengers before thee, indeed, were mocked, but that whereat they mocked surrounded those who scoffed at them.


36-When the unbelievers see thee, they treat thee not except with ridicule. “is this,” (they say), “the one who talks of your gods?” and they blaspheme at the mention of (Allah) most gracious!

37-Man is a creature of haste: soon (enough) will i show you my signs; then ye will not ask me to hasten them!

38-They say: “when will this promise come to pass, if ye are telling the truth?”

39-If only the unbelievers knew (the time) when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and (when) no help can reach them!

40-Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite.

41-Mocked were (many) messenger before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (10)

Doesn’t it bother you to have left the way of peace, justice and love for a religion of hatred, violence and oppression toward women and others?


How a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam?

How could a preacher have turned his back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins and converted to Islam?



The ex- American preacher Yusuf Estes continues saying:

Now as I promised here are the answers to the questions many have asked me connected with my choice of Islam:


8. “Doesn’t it bother you to have left the way of peace, justice and love for a religion of hatred, violence and oppression toward women and others?”


All the prophets, peace be upon them all, called the people to worship Almighty God as One God and One Lord. As such, those who did not want to submit to Almighty God would combat them and treat them with hostilities, even unto death, as Paul had done while still being a Pharisee. The prophets, peace be upon them all, did encourage their followers to live in peace and deal with people in justice and certainly love is the highest form of emotion a human can have for another human being.

Yet at the same time, believers have to defend themselves, their families and the religion itself, lest those who are not believers should remove belief from the very face of the earth. Islam, like Christianity preaches a message of peace and tolerance – to a point. But when this is no longer possible without totally compromising and loosing one’s way of life and belief system, then there is no alternative except to engage in open combat against those who are combating against the believers.

Jesus called upon his followers to sell their coats and buy swords. He explained that he did not come with peace, but rather a sword. He and his companions were engaged in mortal combat with their enemies, the Pharisees when one of the priests slaves had his ear cut by the sword. Jesus then told them to put down their swords. This is mentioned in the Bible.

The word “sword” appears over 200 times in the Bible – but even though the Arabic language has more than a dozen words for sword, there is not a single occurrence of any of these words anywhere in the Quran.

Combat is ordered in the Quran, only under very specific and limited conditions and it is nothing more than what we would today call “The War on Terrorism.” Fighting against all acts of organized aggression, oppression, persecution and terrorism is an obligation on all believers. But it certainly has limits and women, children, elderly and any innocents are not to killed or injured during such occasions. Treatment of prisoners is not to be humiliating or torture of any kind. Even the dead of the enemy are to be buried with dignity and respect.

Now since writing my story and publishing here on the internet many other websites have picked up this story and it had become a famous example of how “Priest and Preachers Are Coming to Islam.”

Again, I thank you for visiting. And I thank our Christian friend for his email. If he hadn’t sent it, I probably would still not have completed this task of putting down the story once and for all of how my family, friends and myself all came to Islam.

Please feel free to share this story with others. You should print it out and make copies for everyone. Give them our links, add our story to your website or blog page, and send out emails to everyone you know. Maybe it could make a difference for others like us, God Willing.

May Allah guide you on your journey to all truth? Ameen. And May He open your heart and your mind to the reality of this world and the purpose of this life, ameen.

Peace to you and Guidance from Allah the One Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all that exists.

Your friend,

Yusuf Estes, Chaplain Yusuf Estes

Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (8)

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

2. “Do you consider you were really “saved” and that you had in fact, been “born again?”



Now as I promised here are the answers to the questions many have asked me connected with my choice of Islam:

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

The ex- American preacher Yusuf Estes answers this question by saying:

Your question implies you have not considered the similarities and teachings of the Bible and the Quran.

“ISLAM” means – “Surrender, submit and obey your Lord in sincerity and peace.” Whoever is trying to do this, is a “MUSLIM.” If someone believes in Almighty God as One God and One Lord and wants to commit their life to serving Him and obeying His Commandments, then that person will be in the right way and they will be “saved” according to God’s Mercy. No one can take the sins of another and the guilty must stand accused for what they have done. It will be up to Almighty God to Forgive or Punish according to His Judgment on that Day.

According to the remains of the translations of the Bible [see: “Bible, A Closer Look”] Jesus, peace be upon him, did not preach a message of salvation by worshipping him. This was something added later by Saul (who later became Paul). We find clear statements indicating salvation would come only through acknowledging Almighty God as One God and worshipping Him with all the heart, mind and strength. Jesus, peace be upon him, taught his followers to worship “My God and your God, My Lord and your Lord.”

Again, according to the remains of the English translation of the Bible, we see the one on the cross crying out a very blasphemous statement, “Eli! Eli! Lama sabachthani?” (Which being translated means, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?”) This statement on the cross clearly indicates the one on the cross is not pleased with the situation nor does he consider it right or just. Therefore, one would have to conclude this was not something Jesus approved of nor did he accept, or else someone else was on the cross in his place. Either way you look at it, the one on the cross did not accept this as a plan of salvation.

The Quran is absolutely in agreement with these teachings and Muslims do worship the same God and Lord of Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Adam, peace be upon them all. The Quran states in many places, no one will be taken to task for the sins of another, nor can anyone carry the burden of another. We will all be on our own on that Day. And I ask Allah to have Mercy and Forgiveness for all those who believe in Him, ameen.

I consider that I have not left the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. On the contrary, I feel much closer to Jesus, peace be upon him, and I look forward to His return on earth more than ever before. Now I am worshipping the same God he worships and I serve the same Lord he serves, in the very same way he does. Jesus prayed to Almighty God and taught his followers to do the same. I am simply doing what he commanded to the best of my ability and ask Almighty God to accept it.


2. “Do you consider you were really “saved” and that you had in fact, been “born again?”


The Baptists have a statement, “Once saved, always saved.” I asked one of them about this and he agreed it was true. Then I mentioned at one time I had become a Baptist (in my teen years) but now I was a Muslim. I had also been “saved” and baptized at the age of 12. I had accepted the very statement of Jesus being the way, the light and the truth and no man coming on to the Father except by him. I understood these statements to mean I must follow Jesus and his teachings. Therefore, I read the Bible for myself and did not let others tell me what to think about what I was reading.

The Bible states that Jesus prayed for salvation for himself in the garden of Gethsemane in this way, “Let this cup pass from me, even so, Thy Will be done.” This prayer was repeated by Jesus, peace be upon him, a number of times and it is mentioned in more than one Gospel. Yet, according to Biblical accounts, the cup did not pass from him and his prayers were NOT ANSWERED. Islam teaches us his prayers were answered and he did not have to endure the cruel treatment and death on the cross, but rather he was taken up while still alive and is with Almighty God even now and ready to return in the Last Days to bring victory to the believers.

Additionally, we find Jesus, peace be upon him, teaching his disciples to pray like this, “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and Glory, forever and ever, ameen.” Every Muslim I have met accepts every single word of this pray with the exception of calling “Allah” our “Father.” Muslims consider it better to call on Almighty God by His Names, which we do consider to be “Hallowed.”


Written by: Chaplain Yusuf Estes

To be continued.

Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (7)

·         Another Catholic Priest Makes Shahadah

·         Orthodox Arch Bishop leaves church for Islam

·         Daughter of Hindu Pundit (Religious Leader) –

·         Hundreds – Thousands – Still Coming

·         Why? Good question.

·         Nine Steps to Purify the Heart



How a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam?

How could a preacher have turned his back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins and converted to Islam?

The ex-preacher American Yusuf Estes continues saying:


Another Catholic Priest Makes Shahadah

The very next year I met a former Catholic priest who had been a missionary for 8 years in Africa. He learned about Islam while he was there and entered into Islam. He then changed his name to Omar and moved to Dallas Texas.


Any more? Again – Yes! Orthodox Arch Bishop leaves church for Islam

Two years later, while in San Antonio, Texas I was introduced to a former Arch Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Russia who learned about Islam and gave up his position to enter Islam.


Daughter of Hindu Pundit (Religious Leader) – Accepts Islam – Helping thousands to Islam

I met a woman in New York who wanted to make our CDs about “What Is Islam?” After giving her permission several years ago, I have learned she has produced and distributed over 600 thousand of these to the non-Muslims in America. May Allah reward her and keep her strong in her efforts, amen.


Hundreds – Thousands – Still Coming

And since my own entrance into Islam and becoming a chaplain to the Muslims throughout the country and around the world, I have encountered many more individuals who were leaders, teachers and scholars in other religions who learned about Islam and entered into it. They came from Hindus, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Greek and Russian Orthodox, Coptic Christians from Egypt, non-denominational churches and even scientists who had been atheists.


Why? Good question.

The combination always seems to be the same; people are sincerely seeking the truth and are willing to put their different prejudices and biases out of their minds and begin to ask God for His Guidance in their lives.

So, now you have the introduction to the story of my coming into Islam and becoming Muslim. There is more on the Internet about this story and there are more pictures there as well. Please take the time to visit it and then please take the time to email me and let us come together to share in all truths based on proofs for understanding our origins and our purpose and goals in this life and the Next Life.


9 Steps to Purify the Heart

May I suggest to the seeker of truth do the following NINE STEPS to purification of the heart?

1)   Clean – your mind, your heart & soul – remove all prejudices & biases.

2)   Thank God – for what you have – every moment of every day.

3)   Read – a good translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran in a language that they can understand best. (

4)   Reflect on the meanings & consider the bounties of your Lord.

5)   Seek – Forgiveness From God & Learn to Forgive others.

6)   Ask – in your heart for Guidance from Above.

7)   Open – your heart and mind.

8)   Continue – to do this up for a few months. And be regular in it.

9)   Avoid – the poison of evil while your heart is opening for the “rebirth of your soul.”


Remember: Clean; Thank; Read; Reflect – then:

“Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given thee. Knock, and it shall be opened.” Then: Continue & Avoid

The rest is between you and the Almighty Lord of the Universe. If you truly love Him, then He already Knows it and He will deal with each of us according to our hearts.



Now as I promised here are the answers to the questions many have asked me connected with my choice of Islam:

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

Answer: Your question implies you have not considered the similarities and teachings of the Bible and the Quran.

“ISLAM” means – “Surrender, submit and obey your Lord in sincerity and peace.” Whoever is trying to do this, is a “MUSLIM.” If someone believes in Almighty God as One God and One Lord and wants to commit their life to serving Him and obeying His Commandments, then that person will be in the right way and they will be “saved” according to God’s Mercy. No one can take the sins of another and the guilty must stand accused for what they have done. It will be up to Almighty God to Forgive or Punish according to His Judgment on that Day.


Written by: Chaplain Yusuf Estes

To be continued.