Angels in Islam (15) the Arabs worshiped female Angel gods

– The Angels are honored Allah’ servants who have no sex, they do not marry; they are not like us.

– Shall man have whatever he wishes for like worshipping the Angels?

– Shall man have the right to say that the Angels are Allah’s daughters and gives them feminine names although such man dishonors the girls?

– However, the Angels’ intercession in the Afterlife cannot avail in any way except after Allah gives them the permission for it.


Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

  1. The first party believes that they are the sons of God
  2. The second party believes that they are the daughters of God
  3. The third party believes that they are God
  4. The fourth party believes that they are partners of God

The Quran denies and disproves all of the above belief.

In the article Angels in Islam (10) the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People!(Genesis 6:2)

In the article Angels in Islam (11) the Quran says that neither Jesus nor the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah.

In the article Angels in Islam (13) the Quran condemns the pre-Islamic belief of the daughters are to be for Allah, while the sons are to be for Arabs.

In the article Angels in Islam (14) the Quran declares that Satan was the source of the belief that the Angels are the daughters of Allah


The Arabs before Islam believed that Allah is the Supreme Allah and the gate to Him is his daughters, the Angels. They had to worship His daughters to satisfy him; they gave the Angels feminine names as:

  • al-Lat,
  • al-Uzza,
  • Manat, the third

According to the previous article, such belief and names are but Satanic invented stuffs.

The verses 53:19-31 say:

– Have you considered al-Lat and al-Uzza, and Manat, the third?

– Do these idols have the power over anything, such that you worship them besides Allah Who has the power over all that has been mentioned?’

– And because of their assertion also that the angels were Allah’s daughters, despite their aversion to daughters (they used to favor sons and dishonor girls) the Quran continues:

Are you to have males, and Allah females?

That, then, would indeed be an unfair division! Unjust division!

– These, the mentioned deities, are nothing but invented names which you and your fathers have named idols that you worship.

Allah has not revealed any warrant, any proof or evidence, for the worship of them.

– They follow nothing but conjecture, in their worship of them, and that which ignoble souls desire, of that which Satan adorned for them, that they may intercede for them before Allah, exalted be He, even though guidance has already come to them from their Lord, by the tongue of the Prophet Muhammad, with definitive proof; yet they do not desist from their ways.

– Or shall man, that is, shall every human being among them, have whatever he wishes for? Such as [their wish] that the idols intercede for them. No! It is not so.

– Yet to Allah belong the Afterlife and the former life, and so nothing comes to pass in them except what He, exalted, wills.

– And how many an angel, there is in the heavens, and how honored they are in Allah’s sight but, whose intercession cannot avail in any way except after Allah gives permission, to them for this intercession, for whomever He wills, of His servants, and, with whom, He is satisfied.

– Truly those who do not believe in the Afterlife give the angels the names of females, for they say: ‘They are Allah’s daughters’

– But they do not have any knowledge thereof, of this claim. They follow, in this respect, nothing but conjecture, which they have conjured up, and indeed conjecture can never substitute for the truth.

– So shun him who turns away from Our Remembrance that is, from the Quran, and desires nothing but the life of this world

Turn your face, O Muhammad from him who turns away from our remembrance, from our divine Oneness and Scripture and desires but that which is in the life of the world ignoring the Afterlife.


The verses 53:19-31 (YUSUFALI translation):

19-20) have ye seen allat and al’uzza, and another, the third (goddess), manat?

21-22) What! For you the male sex, and for him (Allah), the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!

23) These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- even though there has already come to them guidance from their lord!

24-25) Nay, shall man have (just) anything he hankers after? But it is to Allah that the end and the beginning (of all things) belong

26) How many-so-ever be the angels in the heavens, their intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom he pleases and that he is acceptable to him.

27-28) those who believe not in the hereafter, name the angels with female names. But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing against truth.

29-30) therefore shun those who turn away from our message and desire nothing but the life of this world. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy lord knoweth best those who stray from his path, and he knoweth best those who receive guidance.

31) Yea, to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: so that he rewards those who do evil, according to their deeds, and he rewards those who do good, with what is best.

Angels in Islam (14) the Female Angels is satanic idea

The Angels have no sex, they do not marry; they are not like us

Satan was the source of the belief that the Angels are the daughters of Allah

The angels know that the unbelievers will dwell in the Eternal hell

Read how Allah describes the Angels and what the Angels say about themselves


Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

  1. The first party believes that they are the sons of God
  2. The second party believes that they are the daughters of God
  3. The third party believes that they are God
  4. The fourth party believes that they are partners of God

The Quran denies and disproves all of the above belief.

In the article Angels in Islam (10) the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People! (Genesis 6:2)

In the article Angels in Islam (11) the Quran says that neither Jesus nor the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah.

In the article Angels in Islam (12) the Quran says that the Angels are neither males nor females; they are not like us.

In the article Angels in Islam (13) the Quran condemns and denies the pre-Islamic belief of the daughters are to be for Allah, while the sons are to be for Arabs?


We knew that Arabs before Islam believe that the Angels are female and they are the daughters of Allah and Allah’s descendants are only females!

And such daughters of Allah deserve to be worshipped.

This was the background of why the Arabs before Islam used to worship the Angels, the daughters of Allah as they assumed

However, what was the source of such belief that is the Angels are but the daughters of Allah?


The verses 4:116-117 say:

Instead of Allah, the idolaters worship idols with feminine names and the rebellious Satan for they are obeying him (Satan).

This indicates that Satan was the source of this evil idea, which is the Angels are the daughters of Allah.

It is important to realize that Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him;

Whoever associates anything with Allah, verily he has get lost far away, from the truth.


The verses 37:149-166 say:

The Arabs before Islam assert kinship between Allah and the angels.

On the other hand, the angels know that the unbelievers will be assembled together and dwell in the Eternal hell

Read how Allah describes the Angels: They are “the sincere worshipers of Allah

Now listen to what the Angels say about themselves:

Each of us has a known place.

We are surely those who are arranged in ranks. And

We are the ones who exalt Allah


The verses 4:116-117 (QARIB translation):

116) Allah does not forgive (the sin of inventing an) association with him, but he forgives other sins to whomsoever he will. Whosoever associates with Allah has gone astray in far error.

117) instead of him they supplicate to none but females, and indeed they supplicate to none except the rebellious Satan,


The verses 37:149-166 (QARIB translation)

149-154) Now، ask them (o Muhammad): has your lord daughters، and they sons? Or، did we create the angels females while they were witnessing? Then is it of their lying that they say: ‘Allah has begotten (daughters)? They are truly liars. Has he chosen daughters above sons? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?

155-158) what, will you not remember? Or, do you have a clear authority? Bring your book, if what you say is true! They assert kinship between him and the angels. But the angels know that they (the liars) will be arraigned (in hell).

159-166) Exaltations to Allah above what they describe, Except for the sincere worshipers of Allah. But as for you, and that you worship, you shall tempt none against him Except for he who shall roast in hell. (Gabriel said to the prophet Muhammad): ‘each of us has a known place. We are surely those who are arranged in ranks. And we are they who exalt (Allah). ‘

Angels in Islam (13) are daughters for Allah while sons for Arabs?

The Angels have no sex, they do not marry; they are not like us.

Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

  1. The first party believes that they are the sons of God
  2. The second party believes that they are the daughters of God
  3. The third party believes that they are God
  4. The fourth party believes that they are partners of God

The Quran denies and disproves all of the above belief.

In the article Angels in Islam (10) the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People! (Genesis 6:2)

In the article Angels in Islam (11) the Quran says that neither Jesus nor the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah.

In the article Angels in Islam (12) the Quran says that the Angels are neither males nor females; they are not like us.

Nevertheless, the Arabs before Islam believe that the Angels are female and they are the daughters of Allah and Allah’s descendants are only females!

And such daughters of Allah deserve to be worshipped.

This was the background of why the Arabs before Islam used to worship the Angels, the daughters of Allah as they assumed

Look how the Quran condemns, denies and rejects this err faith.


The Quran tackles the famous custom of the Arabs that is how they look at the females.

The Arabs and the females before Islam.

The Quran says: Are daughters to be for your Lord, while sons are to be for them?

Why the Quran asks this question?

Because the Arabs put down the females. They used to dishonor the females very much. If anyone has got a female baby, he would feel very ashamed and he would bury her alive in the desert

The verses 16:57-59 say:

And they assign to Allah daughters, while they will have what they desire, namely, sons.

To Allah they assign daughters, while to themselves they assign sons.

And when one of them is given the tidings of a girl, that will be born to him, his face becomes darkened, transformed like that of one suddenly struck by grief, and he chokes inwardly, filled with anguish: so how is it that daughters are attributed to Him, exalted be He?

He hides, disappearing, from his people, out of distress at the tidings given to him, fearing mockery, unsure what to do with the newborn: shall he retain it — refrain from killing it — in humiliation, enduring shame and disgrace, or trample into the dust, by burying it alive.

Verily wretched is what they judge, evil is this judgment of theirs, in which they ascribe to their Creator that His are the daughters, who have such a lowly status in their eyes.

In addition to the verses 16:57-59, the Quran mentions this err Arabs’ faith about the Angels in many other verses like the followings:


The verse 16:57-59 (YUSUFALI translation)

57) And they assign daughters for Allah! – Glory be to him! – And for themselves (sons,- the issue) they desire!

58) When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!

59) With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! What an evil (choice) they decide on?


The verse 52:39 (YUSUFALI translation)

Or has he (Allah) only daughters and you have sons?


The verse 17:40 (QARIB translation):

What! Has your Lord favored you with sons and taken to himself females from among the angels? Indeed, you utter a monstrous thing!


The verses 43:16-25 (SHAKIR translation)

16) What! Has he taken daughters to himself of what he himself creates and chosen you to have sons?

17) And when one of them is given news of that of which he sets up as a likeness for the beneficent Allah, his face becomes black and he is full of rage

18) What! That which is made in ornaments and which in contention is unable to make plain speech!

19) And they make the angels– them who are the servants of the beneficent Allah– female (divinities). What! Did they witness their creation? Their evidence shall be written down and they shall be questioned

20) And they say: if the beneficent Allah had pleased, we should never have worshipped them. They have no knowledge of this; they only lie

21) Or have we given them a book before it so that they hold fast to it?

22) Nay! They say: we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are guided by their footsteps

23) And thus, we did not send before you any warner (Prophet) in a town, but those who led easy lives in it said: surely we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are followers of their footsteps

24) (The warner) said: what! Even if I bring to you a better guide than that on which you found your fathers? They said: surely we are unbelievers in that with which you are sent

25) So we inflicted retribution on them, then see how the end of the rejecters was

Angels in Islam (12) are they Females?

The Angels have no sex, they do not marry; they are not like us.


Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

1.    The first party believes that they are the sons of God

2.    The second party believes that they are the daughters of God

3.    The third party believes that they are God

4.    The fourth party believes that they are partners of God

The Quran denies and disproves all of the above belief.

In the article Angels in Islam (10) the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People!(Genesis 6:2)

In the article Angels in Islam (11) the Quran says that neither Jesus nor the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah.

Now we come to the second faith rejected by the Quran; that is the Angels are the daughters of God.

Before going through this subject it seems important to know the sex of the Angels and to realize what gender they are belong to

In Islamic teaching the Angels are neither male nor female.

They have no sex, no gender are belonged to them.

Furthermore, they do not marry and they have no Children, offspring or descendants,

Simply because they are not like us.

Nevertheless, the Arabs before Islam were among the nations which believe that the Angels are female creatures.

Look how the Quran rejects this belief and threaten those who believe in it

The verse 43:19 says:

The Angels are:

·         The worshipers of Allah, the merciful

·         The slaves of the Allah, beneficent

·         They do nothing but perfectly and precisely serve Allah

However, the unbelievers:

·         Claim that the angels are females

·         Make the angels females (divinities)

·         Believe that the angels are females

Then the Quran ask those unbelievers: Did you witness their creation?

And the Quran threaten them saying:

Their testimony will be recorded and they will be questioned at the Last Day, the Day of Judgment (before they go to the Eternal Fire).

It should be emphasized that anyone who believes that the Angels are females will dwell in the Eternal Fire in the Afterlife.


The verses 43:19 in four different translations


They claim that the angels, who are themselves the worshipers of the merciful, are females. Did they witness their creation! Their witness shall be written down and they shall be questioned.


And they make the angels– them who are the servants of the beneficent Allah– female (divinities). What! Did they witness their creation? Their evidence shall be written down and they shall be questioned


And they make the angels, who are the slaves of the beneficent, females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded and they will be questioned.


And they make into females angels who themselves serve Allah. Did they witness their creation? Their evidence will be recorded, and they will be called to account!

Allah does not love (4) the proud and the boastful

The Rights of the Parents in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Neighbor in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Orphan in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Guest in the Noble Quran


In the previous three articles, we have seen that Allah does not love:

(1) the disbelievers and Whoever disbelieves, the consequence of his disbelief shall be upon him,

2) the arrogant and

3) those who reject faith and there is an essential association between the disbelief and the arrogance.

In this article, Allah does not love who is proud and boastful


The meanings of verse 4:36 of the Noble Quran:

And serve Allah, acknowledge His divine Oneness.

Ascribe no thing, no idol as partner unto Him.

And worship God, declare His Oneness, and associate nothing with Him.

Show kindness unto parents, be dutiful and gentle-mannered to them, and also unto near kindred.

Be kind to near kindred, and to orphans, and to the needy, and to the neighbor who is near, to you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship, and to the neighbor who is a stranger, the one far from you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship; and to the friend at your side, a traveling companion, or a colleague at work, and, it is also said, one’s wife; and to the wayfarer, the one cut off during a journey, and to what your right hands own, of bondsmen. 

Allah commands you to keep ties with your kin, and orphans

Allah commands that you show kindness to orphans, and to protect their wealth, etc, and the needy, and He enjoins giving alms to the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin unto you,

The neighbor who also happen to be your relative has three rights over you: the right of kinship, the right of Islam, and the right of being a neighbor

And the neighbor who is not of kin, the neighbor who is not a relative has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of being a neighbor

and the fellow traveler, a fellow traveler has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of companionship;

it is also said that this refers to one’s wife at home. Allah commands kindness towards her (and the wayfarer)

Allah commands the honoring of guests. Honoring a guest for three days is the guest’s right. The honour bestowed on the guest after the third day is considered a charity on the part of the host;

And the slaves, whom your right hands possess, Allah commands kindness towards slaves, males and females.

Lo! Allah does not love such as are proud, in their walking and boastful about the bounties of Allah, showing nothing but wantonness and arrogance towards Allah’s servants, and Allah does not love the one who boasts before people of what he has been given.


Verse 4:36 in different translations


Worship Allah and do not associate anything with him. be kind to parents and near kinsmen, to the orphans and to the needy, to your neighbor who is your kindred, and to the neighbor at your far side, and the companion at your side, and to the destitute traveler, and to that which your right hands owns. Allah does not love he who is proud and struts,


And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful;


And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto him. (show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbor who is not of kin, and the fellow-traveler and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. lo! Allah loveth not such as are proud and boastful,


serve Allah, and join not any partners with him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: for Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-

Chapter 6 of the Quran (97) Females Are Not Allowed

See how many times Satan deceived them. First, the claim of Holy and Forbidden cattle, second, the meat of the new born cattle is for males only to eat.  Third, the females are allowed to eat only from the meat of the dead new born cattle. Fourth, they used to eat the dead meat.


In the previous articles, the idolators among the Arabs used to keep on and to perform many nasty sinful custos like:

§  Killing their children and burying their daughters alive.

§  The Holy and Forbidden cattle:

§  The Holy and Forbidden tillage and crops:

§  The Forbidden backs of the camels

§  The Name of Allah is not invoked

Note: The Holy and Forbidden cattle; they believed that those cattle are sacrosanct and forbidden. No one is to eat of them except whom we will

Ayah 6:139 adds some more customs that the idolators among the Arabs used to practice in the pre-Islamic period.

They said:

In respect to their Holy and Forbidden cattle; they said:

‘That which is within the bellies of these forbidden cattle is reserved and permitted for our males and is forbidden to our spouses, that is, the women.

This means that

the males are allowed to eat the meat of that which is within the bellies of these forbidden cattle

The females are not allowed to eat the meat of that which is within the bellies of these forbidden cattle.

This is another kind of sex discrimination.

But, what if that which is within the bellies of these forbidden cattle is born dead or dies consequently after birth?

In this case, both the males and females are partakers thereof eating its meat

See how many times Satan deceived them

§  First, the claim of Holy and Forbidden cattle

§  Second, the meat of the new born cattle is for males only to eat,

§  Third, the females is allowed to eat only from the meat of the dead new born cattle

§  Fourth, they used to eat the meat of dead cattle.

It is well-known that Islam forbids all of these devils’ ideas.

Ayah 6:139 says:

Allah will reward them; this is a threat to them

Allah will assuredly requite them for their describing that as either permitted or forbidden with the appropriate requital thereof.

Surely Allah is the Wise in His actions and commands; He is the Knowing of His creatures.


The verse 6:139 in different translations


They also say: ‘what is in the bellies (wombs) of these cattle is reserved for our males but not for our wives. ‘But if it is stillborn, they all partake of it. He will recompense them for their describing. He is wise, knowing.


and they say: what is in the wombs of these cattle is specially for our males, and forbidden to our wives, and if it be stillborn, then they were all partners in it; he will reward them for their attributing (falsehood to Allah); surely he is wise, knowing


and they say: that which is in the bellies of such cattle is reserved for our males and is forbidden to our wives; but if it be born dead, then they (all) may be partakers thereof. he will reward them for their attribution (of such ordinances unto him). lo, he is wise, Aware.


They say: “what is in the wombs of such and such cattle is specially reserved (for food) for our men, and forbidden to our women; but if it is still-born, then all have shwere therein. for their (false) attribution (of superstitions to Allah), he will soon punish them: for he is full of wisdom and knowledge.

This is Allah (7) He Has Revealed the Scriptures to guide man

Allah Has Revealed the Genuine Torah unto Moses

Allah Has Revealed the Genuine Gospel unto Jesus

A Terrible chastisements in the Afterlife awaits those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah.


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

In the Noble Quran, verses 3:2-6 says:

Allah! There is no God save Him;

He has revealed unto you O Muhammad the Book, the Quran, as He has revealed the Genuine Torah unto Moses and the Genuine Gospel unto Jesus for guidance to mankind.

Lo! a terrible chastisement in this world and in the afterlife awaits those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah.


In the Noble Quran, verses 3:2-6 say:

Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive. He does not die and He is not evanescent; He is the Eternal, the Self-subsistent Who has no beginning.

He has revealed unto you O Muhammad the Book, the Quran, as He has revealed the Genuine Torah unto His Prophet Moses and the Genuine Gospel unto His Prophet Jesus.

He has revealed Hos scriptures for to guide mankind.

A terrible chastisement in the Afterlife awaits those who disbelieve the revelations of the Genuine Torah and the Genuine Gospel.

In addition, those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Muhammad and the Quran, for them await a terrible chastisement in the life of this world and in the Afterlife.


Verse 3:2 says:

Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive. He does not die and He is not evanescent; He is the Eternal, the Self-subsistent who has no beginning.

Verse 3:3 says:

He has revealed unto you O Muhammad the Book, the Quran. He sent you The great Angel, Gabriel with the True Scripture in order to show truth from falsehood, confirming, corroborating Allah’s divine Oneness that which was revealed before it of scriptures, even as He revealed the Torah in one go to Moses the son of Emran and the Gospel in one go to the Jesus the son of Saint Mary.

Verse 3:4 says:

Aforetime, before Muhammad and the Quran, for a guidance to mankind, as a guidance from error to the Children of Israel; and He has revealed the Criterion of right and wrong. He revealed the Quran to Muhammad in installments to differentiate the lawful from the unlawful.

Lo! Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Muhammad and the Quran, for them awaits a terrible chastisement in this world and in the afterlife. Allah is Mighty, powerful in His vengeance, He is able to requite the wrong and He is able to carry His vengeance out on them. In other words, Allah is victorious in His affair, so that nothing can prevent Him from effecting His promise and His threat; Lord of Retribution, with a severe punishment for those that disobeyed Him, the like of which none can do.

Verse 3:5 says:

Nothing, no existent thing, whatever is hidden in heaven and earth from Allah, on account of His knowledge of universals and particulars. Allah specifies them [heaven and earth] because sensory perception does not go beyond these.

Verse 3:6 says:

He it is Who forms you in the wombs as He will, as males or females, white, black or otherwise, short or tall, pretty or ugly, felicitous or damned etc.. There is no god, there is no fashioner or creator save Him, the Almighty, in His Kingdom, Who is vengeful against whoever does not believe in Him, the Wise, in all of His actions.


Verse 3:2-6 in different English translations



2) Allah! There is no god except he, the living, the everlasting.

3) He has sent down to you the book with the truth, confirming what preceded it; and he has sent down the torah and the gospel (of Prophet Jesus which has been lost)

4) Before, as a guidance for people, and he sent down the criterion. as for those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah, for them is an intense punishment. Allah is mighty, owner of vengeance.

5) Nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah.

6) It is he who shapes you in your mothers’ wombs as he wills. there is no god except him, the almighty, the wise.



2) Allah, (there is) no god but he, the everliving, the self-subsisting by whom all things subsist

3) He has revealed to you the book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and he revealed the tavrat and the injeel aforetime, a guidance for the people, and he sent the furqan

4) Surely they who disbelieve in the communications of Allah they shall have a severe chastisement; and Allah is mighty, the lord of retribution

5) Allah– surely nothing is hidden from him in the earth or in the heaven

6) He it is who shapes you in the wombs as he likes; there is no god but he, the mighty, the wise



2) Allah! There is no god save him, the alive, the eternal.

3) He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the scripture with truth, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, even as he revealed the torah and the gospel.

4) Aforetime, for a guidance to mankind; and hath revealed the criterion (of right and wrong). lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. Allah is mighty, able to requite (the wrong).

5) Lo! Nothing in the earth or in the heavens is hidden from Allah.

6) He it is who fashioneth you in the wombs as pleaseth him. there is no Allah save him, the almighty, the wise.



2) Allah! there is no god but he,-the living, the self-subsisting, eternal.

3) It is he who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the book, confirming what went before it; and he sent down the law (of Moses) and the gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and he sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).

4) Then those who reject faith in the signs of Allah will suffer the severest penalty, and Allah is exalted in might, lord of retribution.

5) From Allah, verily nothing is hidden on earth or in the heavens.

6) He it is who shapes you in the wombs as he pleases. there is no god but he, the exalted in might, the wise.