Atheists in Quran (38) a Biology Challenge for them

In this article, the Quran challenges, with a great BiologicalChallenge, not only the Atheists but also the entire Humankind on the face of the Earth. Moreover, since the challenge is not yet accepted, the Quran tells the Atheists and disbelievers: you have no right to be proud since you are as weak as flies.


The Quran is the first book on the face of Earth that challenges the Entire Humankind with a great Scientific Contest that is valid until now and shamefully none accepted it.

How ScientificallyDeficit are Human beings?

The verse 22:73 makes an influential, universal declaration that all the deities, which people worship and appeal for help are weak and powerless. The Quran presents an active and fascinating scene to illustrate their weakness:

O Humankind. An aphorism is set forth; hearken, then, Listen to it.

“Those beings whom you invoke instead of Allah cannot create a fly, even though they were to join all their forces to that end. If a fly robs them of anything, they cannot rescue it from the fly! Weak indeed is the seeker, and weak the sought!” (Verse 73)

The address herein is universal, it includes everyone anywhere in the world, and the declaration is loud and clear: “Humankind!”

When people gathered to listen, they are told that they are about to be given a statement of a general principle, not a particular case applicable on a certain occasion.

“An aphorism is set forth; hearken, then, listen to it.”

It is a statement of addressing fact that is applied in all situations

“Those beings whom you invoke instead of Allah cannot create a fly, even though they were to join all their forces to that end.”

All false deities, whether they be

  • Idols
  • Statues,
  • Human beings,
  • Traditions,
  • Values,
  • Animals
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Planets
  • Stars
  • Desire as in case of Atheists,
  • Ego as in case of Atheists,
  • Etc.

All false deities, to whom you appeal for support and with whom you seek to achieve satisfaction, victory and high esteem, are incapable of creating a fly, even if they:

  • Muster all their forces,
  • Utilize all their knowledge and machines and
  • Conduit all their resources into one supreme effort.

In general, creation of living creature is impossible for anyone other than Allah.

Indeed, the creation of a mere fly, that small and abject creature, challenges all the harnessed powers of such false gods.

Creating a fly is just as impossible as creating a camel or an elephant, because the fly also demonstrates the great secret of life.

Hence, the Quran places a fly on the same level as camels and elephants, with regard to its miraculous creation.

The Quranic aphorism, however, cites the case of a little, insignificant fly in order to generate a more profound feeling of powerlessness.

The verse adds another dimension in describing their powerlessness:

“If a fly robs them of anything, they cannot rescue it from him!”

False deities, be they idols, humans or Ego cannot retrieve anything from a fly when it robs them of it. Flies can rob people of that which is precious indeed. At the same time, a fly carries microbes of some very serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, typhoid, dysentery and conjunctivitis. It can deprive a person of his eyes or other organs, or indeed deprive him of his life.

A weak and contemptible fly can rob a human being of what he can never retrieve.

Here again you realize how the Quran uses Scientific facts in the most effective way.

This effective image affirming a clear aphorism concludes with a simple comment:

“Weak indeed is the seeker, and weak the sought!”

This comment further emphasizes the effects generated by the verse as a whole.

At this moment when we realize how weak and contemptible these false deities are, the verse 22:74 condemns the unbelievers for their defective concept of Allah, clearly stating Allah’s power:

“No true understanding of Allah have they. Allah is certainly Most Powerful, Almighty.”

  • They do not esteem Allah with the esteem He deserves
  • They do not magnify Allah, as He deserves to be magnified
  • No one knows His measure save He.
  • No one can recognize Him as is worthy of Him save He

How could they understand Allah, as He really is, when they associate with Him such powerless deities that cannot even create a fly?

What understanding of Allah have they, when they see His highly sophisticated creation and yet they consider as equal to Him beings that cannot create even a little fly?

They even invoke such powerless creatures which cannot retrieve anything flies take away from them, instead of invoking Allah.

This is a damning comment at a point that should arouse feelings of submission to Allah alone.

Now, why Allah choose a fly not a camel in this Scientific Challenge?

The Arabs used a fly to express ignorance; they used to say in their parables, “this is more ignorant than a fly”

Therefore, this Scientific Challenge told the Atheists among the Arabs “do not be more ignorant than a fly.

Nevertheless, this Scientific Challenge is still valid for not only the Atheists but for the entire Humankind on the face of the Earth.


The verses 22:73-74 in different translations:


73- People, this is a parable, listen to it. Those whom you call upon, other than Allah, could never create a fly, though they banded together to do this. And if a fly robs them of anything, they could never rescue it from it. The seeker and the sought are alike in their weakness.

74- They do not value Allah as he should be valued. For Allah is powerful and mighty.


73- O people! a parable is set forth, therefore listen to it: surely those whom you call upon besides Allah cannot create fly, though they should all gather for it, and should the fly snatch away anything from them, they could not take it back from i weak are the invoker and the invoked

74- They have not estimated Allah with the estimation that i due to him; most surely, Allah is strong, mighty


73- O mankind! a similitude is coined, so pay ye heed to it: lo! Those on whom ye call beside Allah will never create a fly though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly took something from them, they could not rescue it from it. so weak are (both) the seeker and the sought!

74- They measure not Allah his rightful measure. lo! Allah is strong, almighty.


73- O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition!

74- No just estimate have they made of Allah: for Allah is he who is strong and able to carry out his will.

Atheists in Quran (28) Noah and their Recycled History

The ignorant Atheists among Noah’s people said Noah has invented that which he has brought us.

The ignorant Arabs among Muhammad’s people said Muhammad has invented that which he has brought us.

Interestingly, the “Today” intellectual Atheists deny Noah and say that Muhammad has invented that which he has brought of Quran.


The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, respected elders and chieftains of Noah’s people claim many false and nasty statements about the great Prophet Noah.

They had many rotten arguments with Noah.

Noah did his job patiently and perfectly; he kept advising his people all the time and he never ever put.

However, the Atheists’ pride veiled their hearts.

The verses 11:34-36 describe the scene.

Noah said:

1) If I sincerely desire to counsel you, my sincere counsel will not benefit you if Allah wants to lead you astray (because of your limitless pride). He is your lord, and to him you shall return

2) My invitation and warning to you from Allah’s chastisement will not benefit you if I were to warn you and call you to profess Allah’s divine Oneness

3) If Allah’s law determines that, you will proud fully perish because of your rejection of the truth, Allah’s law has to be fulfilled, regardless of my advice. It is not that Allah will deprive you of benefiting by my advice.

4) According to Allah’s law, It is what you do with yourselves that will, take you away from the right path.

5) You cannot defy Allah or make yourselves immune from Him. You are always within His reach. He has absolute power over you and over your lives. You cannot escape meeting Him when He brings you to account and decides your reward; He will reward you according to your works.

 “He is your Lord and to Him you shall return.”

Prophets Act on Their Instructions

At this stage in Noah’s story, the Quran has a remarkable pause.

The verse makes brief reference to the reception of a similar message by the Atheists among the Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

The significance of this pause:

There is a remarkable similarity of attitudes, as the Atheists among the Arabs claim that Muhammad too has invented the Quran.

The Atheists among the Arabs have too limitless pride.

A Recycled History?

The Atheists among Noah’s people said Noah has invented that which he has brought us.

The ignorant skeptic Arabs among Muhammad’s people said Muhammad has invented that which he has brought us.

The verse quickly refutes their claim before returning to Noah:

“Do they claim that he (i.e. Muhammad] has invented it? Say: ‘If I have invented it, upon me be this crime of mine, but I am innocent of the crimes you perpetrate.’” (Verse 35)

To fabricate a falsehood is to commit a crime.

Hence, Allah instructed His Prophet Muhammad to tell the unbelievers:

1) If I have made any such fabrication, I will bear the responsibility for it. It is a great sin to do that; however, the punishment for my sin will be upon me

2) Since I am aware that it is a crime to make such fabrications, it is highly unlikely that I would do so.

3) However, I am, innocent of all your:

  • Crimes, including your false allegations,
  • Misconduct, when you attribute invention to me.
  • Rejection of Allah’s message
  • Associating partners with Allah.

It is interesting that the “Today” intellectual Atheists deny Noah and say that Muhammad has invented that which he has brought of Quran.

This interjecting overlap however does not interrupt the Quranic story; rather it serves the purpose of the verse.

In the next sight, we see Noah receiving Allah’s revelations and commandments.

“Noah received this revelation: “none of thy people will believe except those who have believed already! So grieve no longer over their (evil) deeds.”

Do not be in distress over anything they may do.

None of your people will believe except those who have already believed.

Do not be distressed, grieved, because of what they do and do not be saddened for their destruction

Everything has ended:

  • The advocacy of Allah’s message,
  • The advice
  • The warning,
  • The arguments.
  • Their pride

Then what?

“None of your people will believe now apart from those who have already accepted the faith.”

Those who are susceptible to faith have already accepted it. The others are hopeless.

Allah, who knows best what is feasible and what is not, and knows His servants well, has informed Noah of this.

Hence, it is pointless to continue with the argument.

Allah told Noah not to grieve at their rejection or their mockery.

“Do not be in distress over anything they may do.”

Allah’s will has happened.


The verses 11:34-36 in different translations:


34-Nor will my sincere counsel benefit you if I sincerely desire to counsel you if Allah desires to lead you astray. He is your lord, and to him you shall return. ‘

35-Or do they say: ‘he has fabricated it (himself)? ‘Say: ‘if i had fabricated it, then the sin rests upon me. I reject the sins you do. ‘

36-And it was revealed to Noah: ‘none of your nation will believe except whosoever has already believed. Do not distress yourself with what they may do.


34-And if I intend to give you good advice, my advice will not profit you if Allah intended that he should leave you to go astray; he is your lord, and to him shall you be returned

35-Or do they say: he has forged it? Say: if I have forged it, on me is my guilt, and i am clear of that of which you are guilty

36-And it was revealed to nuh: that none of your people will believe except those who have already believed, therefore do not grieve at what they do:


34-My counsel will not profit you if I were minded to advise you, if Allah’s will is to keep you astray. He is your lord and unto him ye will be brought back.

35-Or say they (again): he hath invented it? Say: if i have invented it, upon me be my crimes, but i am innocent of (all) that ye commit.

36-And it was inspired in Noah, (saying): no one of thy folk will believe save him who hath believed already. Be not distressed because of what they do.


34-“Of no profit will be my counsel to you, much as I desire to give you (good) counsel, if it be that Allah willeth to leave you astray: he is your lord! and to him will ye return!”

35-Or do they say, “he has forged it”? Say: “if I had forged it, on me were my sin! And I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty!

36-It was revealed to Noah:”none of thy people will believe except those who have believed already! so grieve no longer over their (evil) deeds.

Atheists in Quran (27) Noah’s values vs. their values

Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth. In Noah’s presentation, there were no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message. The Atheists stiffened their attitude became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case; they said: Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a truthful man.


In the previous articles, the Atheists who were the council notables and the respected elders of Noah’s people claim that Noah is just looking for wealth and they said:

  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us.
  • Why have such lowly men followed Noah before us?

This was a part of their rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

In this article, the Atheists continue their stubborn arguments with Noah.

The meanings of the verses 11:31-33

The Atheists demanded that they would never believe Noah unless:

  • Noah tells them that he possess the treasure houses of Allah
  • Noah tells them that he has the keys to Allah’s stores of provision
  • Noah tells them that he has knowledge of the Unseen
  • Noah tells the lowly men who followed him that Allah will not give them any good

However, you know what Noah (they said), we cannot believe in human being, tell your Lord to send us an Angel or to convert you to an Angel

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Peacefully, Noah introduces himself and his message. His presentation is simple, devoid of any ornament and decoration, free of all false standards and values.

Noah reminds them of the true values, looking with contempt on all superficial ones. He renounces all superficiality and states his message as it is, pure and simple, with no false claims. He, who wants it, let him take it, as it is as pure as Allah made it.

Noah said:

I do not say to you that God’s treasures are with me.

I do not claim that I am rich or that I can make any of you rich. “Or that

I know what lies beyond the reach of human perception.

I do not make any claim of any super-human status or

I do not allege that my relationship with Allah exceeds the fact that I am a messenger conveying Allah’s message.

Nor do I say: I am an angel.

I do not claim to have a position, which you think to be higher than that of man, so that I may gain favor or high position from you.

I cannot say to those whom you scorn that Allah will never grant them any good, so that I satisfy your pride or accommodate your standards and values.

Allah knows best what is in their hearts (those whom you scorn).

I have to go by what I see.

To me, they appear deserving of honor and hope that Allah will grant them of His bounty.

If I made such false claims, saying to them that Allah will never grant them any good, I would be unjust

  • I would be unjust to the very truth I have come to convey.
  • I would also be unjust to myself, exposed to Allah’s wrath,
  • I would be unjust to other people to whom I gave a status other than that given them by Allah.

Thus, Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He faces them with the clarity and strength of the truth. Meanwhile, he makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth so that they may look it in the face and decide upon their line of action.

In Noah’s presentation, there were no pretense, no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message and its simple nature.

In this, Noah sets an example for all advocates of the Allah’s message in all generations and provides them with a lesson in how to confront the people of authority with the truth, without any attempt to compromise, or flatter, but with the sort of friendliness, which is not associated with submission.

At this point, it was clear to the notables that they had no chance of winning the argument. They stiffened their attitude, became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case, logical and natural as it certainly was.

Then they finally rallied themselves in order to deliver a challenge to Noah. They said:

Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a man of truth.

This is nothing short of deceit, an attempt to cover up their weakness by putting on a display of strength. It is a challenge made in order to mask their dread of the truth’s strength.

Noah, however, remains unaffected by their outright rejection and challenge. He maintains the noble attitude befitting a great prophet. He continues to explain to them the truth and the facts, which they have ignored

He restates the fact that he is only a messenger whose task is to deliver a message. Their punishment is left to Allah who has absolute control over their destiny.

Allah alone decides, at His own discretion, whether it is appropriate to punish them here and now or to delay their punishment until a later date. Allah’s will must happen, as it is and Noah has no power over it.

As a messenger, he has to continue to explain the truth to his people until the last moment. Their rejection and challenge must not deter him from fulfilling his task.

Hence, he says to them:

Only Allah can bring it upon you, if He so wills. You cannot be immune. Nor will my counsel benefit you, much as I desire to give you good counsel, if it is Allah’s will to let you remain in error. He is your Lord and to Him you shall return.

If He will to punish you, none can by no means escape His chastisement.


The verses 11:31-33 in different translations:


31- I do not say to you that i possess the treasuries of Allah, and i do not know the unseen. I do not say I am an angel, nor do I say to those whom you despise, Allah will not give them any good. Allah knows best what is in their hearts. indeed, if this were so then I would be amongst the harmdoers. ‘

32- They said: ‘o Noah, you have disputed, and disputed too much, with us. bring (down) upon us that which you promised us, if what you say is true! ‘

33- He replied: ‘Allah will bring it (down) upon you if he will; you will never frustrate him.


31- And I do not say to you that i have the treasures of Allah and I do not know the unseen, nor do I say that i am an angel, nor do I say about those whom your eyes hold in mean estimation (that) Allah will never grant them (any) good– Allah knows best what is in their souls– for then most surely I should be of the unjust

32- They said: o nuh! indeed you have disputed with us and lengthened dispute with us, therefore bring to us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful ones

33- He said: Allah only will bring it to you if he please, and you will not escape:


31- I say not unto you: “I have the treasures of Allah” nor “I have knowledge of the unseen,” nor say I: “lo! I am an angel!” nor say I unto those whom your eyes scorn that Allah will not give them good – Allah knoweth best what is in their hearts – lo! Then indeed, I should be of the wrong-doers.

32- They said: o Noah! thou hast disputed with us and multiplied disputation with us; now bring upon us that wherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful.

33- He said: only Allah will bring it upon you if he will, and ye can by no means escape.


31- “I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer.”

32- They said: “o Noah! thou hast disputed with us, and (much) hast thou prolonged the dispute with us: now bring upon us what thou threatenest us with, if thou speakest the truth!?”

33- He said: “truly, Allah will bring it on you if he wills,- and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it!

Atheists in Quran (26) Noah vs. their limitless pride

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless. In their rotten arguments with Noah, they said nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts. Noah remains unaffected by their false accusations; He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. Noah does not make false claims or accusations as they have done.


The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, the respected elders and the chieftains of Noah’s people claim that:

  • Noah wants to force us to accept his religion
  • Noah claims his religion and his prophet hood to gain money
  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us, who have followed him before us. We commanded Noah to drive them away

This is an example of the Atheists’ Rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Noah addresses his Atheists people with kindness and friendliness stressing his relationship to them:  O My people

O my people, have you considered if I am acting upon a clear proof from my Lord and He has given me the mercy of prophet hood and it has been obscured from you

Bethink you, if I rely on a clear exposition, which has come down from my Lord

Allah favored me with his mercy that come unto me.  It is the prophet hood and the religion.

  • Can we compel you to it, while you are averse to it?
  • Are we able to force you to accept it, while you are antagonistic to it?
  • can we inspire it or teach it to when you are deniers of it

We are not able to do that.

Noah continued, O my people,

  • I do not ask of you any wealth that you should give me for conveying the Allah’s Message.
  • I ask of you no wealth, no price in exchange for believing in Allah’s divine Oneness.
  • My wage, my reward, falls only upon God
  • I will not drive away those who believe, as you have commanded me.
  • I am not going to thrust away those who believe because of what you say. Lo! they have to meet their Lord and report me to Him,
  • Those believers shall surely meet their Lord, at the Resurrection, and
  • Allah will requite them and exact vengeance for them from those who wronged them, mocked them and drove them away.
  • I see you are a people who are ignorant, of the consequence of your affair.
  • I see you a folk that are ignorant of the command of Allah.

Moreover, Noah said:

O my people, who would help, defend and save me against Allah’s chastisement, if I drive the believers away due to what you say?

There is none to help, defend and save me.

Will you not then remember?

When you admonished by what I say and hence believe?


Some of the important lessons of this story:

  • I seek no financial gain for my call
  • Noah’s reward rests with none but Allah
  • Noah cannot favor the rich over the poor
  • All people are equal; Allah does not make any distinction based on their wealth, power, race, color, position

Herein, one has to be alert about the relationship between preaching and money.

The true and real relationship between preaching and money is that they are not related.

The true honest genuine preacher never ever asks for money or accept money for his job; he knows that his reward rests with none but God.

Hence, any preacher asks for donation is relying on the money not on the Lord of the universe.

I have to tell you that some kind readers who are interested in my posts keep blaming me that I do not have a donation button to donate my website.

In fact, I do not have any answer but that of the great Prophet Noah: “My reward rests with none but Allah”


The verses 11:28-30 in different translations:


28-He said: ‘what do you think my nation? If I have a clear proof from my lord and he has given me mercy from him, though it is hidden from you, can we compel you to accept it when you hate it?

29-My nation, for this I do not ask you for your wealth for my wage is only with Allah. Nor will I drive away the believers, for they will surely meet their lord. but, I can see that you are ignorant.

30-Were i to drive you away my nation, who would help me from Allah? Will you not remember?


28-He said: o my people! tell me if I have with me clear proof from my lord, and he has granted me mercy from himself and it has been made obscure to you; shall we constrain you to (accept) it while you are averse from it?

29-And, o my people! I ask you not for wealth in return for it; my reward is only with Allah and i am not going to drive away those who believe; surely they shall meet their lord, but i consider you a people who are ignorant:

30-And, o my people! Who will help me against Allah if i drive them away? Will you not then mind?


28-He said: o my people! bethink you, if I rely on a clear proof from my lord and there hath come unto me a mercy from his presence, and it hath been made obscure to you, can we compel you to accept it when ye are averse thereto?

29-And o my people! i ask of you no wealth therefor. my reward is the concern only of Allah, and I am not going to thrust away those who believe – lo! they have to meet their lord! – but I see you a folk that are ignorant.

30-And, o my people! Who would deliver me from Allah if i thrust them away? Will ye not then reflect?


28-He said: “o my people! see ye if (it be that) I have a clear sign from my lord, and that he hath sent mercy unto me from his own presence, but that the mercy hath been obscured from your sight? Shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it?

29-“And o my people! I ask you for no wealth in return: my reward is from none but Allah: but I will not drive away (in contempt) those who believe: for verily they are to meet their lord, and ye i see are the ignorant ones!

30-“And o my people! Who would help me against Allah if I drove them away? Will ye not then take heed?

Atheists in Quran (11) have they read the History

The Quran asks the Atheists three questions, 1) Have not the stories of those who rejected Faith aforetime reached you? 2) Do not you realize that Allah is free of all needs? 3) You think that you will not be raised up for Judgment?

The Quran gives the answers to those who like to know.


The verses 64:5-7 ask the Atheists three questions

The first Question:

Have not the stories of those who rejected Faith aforetime reached you?

Have not the stories of

  • Noah and the flood that swept all the Atheists
  • Aad and Thamood
  • Abraham and Nimrod
  • Moses and Pharaoh
  • Etc.

Have not these stories reached you?

Have not you read the History?

Do you know what happened to the ancient Atheists?

They tasted the evil result of their conduct in the life of this world and they had a grievous Penalty.

That was because there came to them messengers with Clear Sign; However, they said:

“Shall (mere) human beings direct us?”

So, they rejected (the Message) and turned away.

They tasted the punishment for disbelief in the life of this world.

Moreover, the evil result of their conduct in the Afterlife is awaiting for them; its culminating force will be exhibited in the grievous Penalty of the Hereafter.

The second Question:

Do not the Atheists realize that Allah, the worthy of all praise, is free of all needs?

If all human beings are believers, this will not increase Allah’s kingdom by one inch.

If all human beings are unbelievers, this will not decrease Allah’s kingdom by one inch.

O Atheists, Your obedience is not necessary to Allah, nor will your rejection of Truth affect the validity of Truth or injure the progress of Truth.

Allah is free of all needs or dependence on any circumstance whatever.

He sends His Message for the good of mankind, and it is man who suffers by ignoring, rejecting, or opposing it.

The third Question:

O Atheists, You think that you will not be raised up for Judgment.

In other words, you think that there is no future

life, and no responsibility for your actions beyond what you see in the present life.

If that were true, all the profits of fraud and roguery, which remain unpunished in this

world-and many do remain unpunished in this world-will remain with the wicked; and all the losses and pain suffered by integrity and righteousness, if they find no compensation in this life, will never find any compensation.

This would be an odd result in a world of justice. Muslims are taught:

  • That this is not true,
  • That it is certain that the balance will be redressed in a better future world;
  • That there will be a resurrection of the dead; and

O Atheists, You think that you will not be raised up for Judgment.

Verily, by my Lord, you shall surely be raised up: then shall ye be told (the truth) of all that you did. And that is easy for Allah.”


Allah, the Almighty Creator, created all men,

Some are good and others are evil,

You wonder how the good do suffer and the evil succeed,

Remember the Final Goal, when true corrections will be made

The gainers here will be the Losers there,

The Losers here will be the Gainers there.

Good will get more than its full reward

For Allah is Bounteous, Merciful, Mighty, Wise.


The verses 64:5-7 in different translations:


5-Have you not heard the news of those before you who disbelieved? they tasted the mischief of their action, and for them is a painful punishment.

6-That is because, when their messengers came to them with clear proofs they said: ‘shall humans be our guides? ‘ they disbelieved and turned away, but Allah was not in need (of them). Allah is the rich and the praised.

7-The unbelievers think that they will never be raised up. say: ‘by my Lord, yes indeed, you shall assuredly be raised up! then you shall be told of all that you have done. that is easy for Allah. ‘


5-Has there not come to you the story of those who disbelieved before, then tasted the evil result of their conduct, and they had a painful punishment?

6-That is because there came to them their messengers with clear arguments, but they said: shall mortals guide us? so they disbelieved and turned back, and Allah does not stand in need (of anything), and Allah is self-sufficient, praised

7-Those who disbelieve think that they shall never be raised. say: aye! by my Lord! you shall most certainly be raised, then you shall most certainly be informed of what you did; and that is easy to Allah


5-Hath not the story reached you of those who disbelieved of old and so did taste the ill-effects of their conduct, and theirs will be a painful doom.

6-That was because their messengers (from Allah) kept coming unto them with clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), but they said: shall mere mortals guide us? so they disbelieved and turned away, and Allah was independent (of them). Allah is absolute, owner of praise.

7-Those who disbelieve assert that they will not be raised again. say (unto them, o muhammad): yea, verily, by my Lord! ye will be raised again and then ye will be informed of what ye did; and that is easy for Allah.


5-Has not the story reached you, of those who rejected faith aforetime? so they tasted the evil result of their conduct; and they had a grievous penalty.

6-That was because there came to them messengers with clear signs, but they said: “shall (mere) human beings direct us?” so they rejected (the message) and turned away. but Allah can do without (them): and Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise.

7-The unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (for judgment). say: “yea, by my Lord, ye shall surely be raised up: then shall ye be told (the truth) of all that ye did. and that is easy for Allah.”

Atheists in Quran (7) their worst trade

What a worst trade! They purchase unbelief at the price of faith. Who are losing in such trade, God or the Atheists?


The meanings of the verses 3:177-178:

Look at this amazing trade

  • The Atheists purchase unbelief at the price of faith
  • The Atheists are taking unbelief in place of faith
  • The Atheists preferred and recommend unbelief to faith

What an extremely worse trade

Surely, there are losing in such trade

Who are the losing God or the Atheists?

Allah says:

Those who purchase unbelief at the price of faith, they will not hurt Allah at all, with their unbelief, and there awaits them a painful chastisement.

They do not harm Allah by choosing unbelief, but theirs will be a painful doom whose agony will spread to their hearts

If they cause harm, it is only to themselves.

If they persist, they persist only to their own loss. Allah gives them respite despite their indulgence in disbelief

However, The Atheists suppose that extending their terms of life as progeny, wealth and amusements in their life is better for them.

No, Allah grant them indulgence, He give them respite, only that they may increase in sinfulness, through frequent disobedience, and theirs is a humbling chastisement in the Hereafter.

Favor or Revenge?

Allah indulge them in the life of this world and they think that it is an act of favor, not considering that it might be an act of revenge.

Let not their conduct grieve you (O believers); theirs will be a shameful doom.

When the essential forces of the divine preordination emerge to them all of a sudden, they will know that they have lost.


The verses 3:177-178 in different translations:


177-Those who buy disbelief with belief will not harm Allah a thing, for them there is a painful punishment!

178-Do not let those who disbelieve think that what we delay is better for them. Indeed, we delay for them only that they will increase in sin, and for them a humiliating punishment.


177-Surely, those who have bought unbelief at the price of faith shall do no harm at all to Allah, and they shall have a painful chastisement

178-And let not those who disbelieve think that our granting them respite is better for their souls; we grant them respite only that they may add to their sins; and they shall have a disgraceful chastisement


177-Those who purchase disbelief at the price of faith harm Allah not at all, but theirs will be a painful doom.

178-And let not those who disbelieve imagine that the rein we give them bodeth good unto their souls. We only give them rein that they may grow in sinfulness. and theirs will be a shameful doom.


177-Those who purchase unbelief at the price of faith,- not the least harm will they do to Allah, but they will have a grievous punishment.

178-Let not the unbelievers think that our respite to them is good for themselves: we grant them respite that they may grow in their iniquity: but they will have a shameful punishment.

Angels in Islam (16) every Nation worshiped the Angels

The Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death. Instead of believing in the Angels, man worshiped them and made them gods


Study of man’s traditional, historical, mythological and cultural folklores reveals that man all over the world worshiped the superpowers surrounding him which are represented by many gods like god of power, god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.


It is interesting to find that every nation throughout the history believed in one or more of the above gods; you find that upon studying the cultures of Persian, Egypt, Greece, Romano-Celtic, Native American, Africa, Rome, Chinese, Armenia, Semitic, Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Fiji, Germanic, Japan, Hindu, Haiti, Tibet, Maya, Celtic, Kassites, Aztec, Gaul, Hispanic, Moabite, Teutonic, Sparta, Chaldean, Dahomey, Taoist, Shinto, Hungary, Sumer, Teutonic, Tamil, Slavic, Tamil, Etruscan, Polynesian/Maori, Mexico, Celtic, Sumer, Tahiti, Phoenician, Gaul, Polynesian, Finland, Hittite, Mesoamerican, Akkad, Slavonic, Ethiopian, Yemeni, Native Australia, Columbian etc.


Then, what was the essential background of such belief?

After creation of Adam, Allah has told him that He will send to man messengers to guide human beings and man has to follow them.

The message that Allah sent to his messengers from Noah to Muhammad was the same; it is to believe in 1) Allah, 2) the Angels, 3) the Messengers, 4) the Divinely-revealed Books and 5) the Last Day and the Afterlife.

All the messengers taught their people everything about this faith; and of course they taught them everything about the nature and the role of the Angels the same as the Prophet Muhammad has told us

In brief, the Islamic teachings concerning the job descriptions of the Angels say that the Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death.

The Angels are responsible also for the activities and the balance of the surrounding environment surrounding us. Not only that, but the Angels are responsible for your Afterlife.


1)    The Angels responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death:

There are angels in charge of the baby inside the womb of his mother

Others are responsible for protecting the man throughout his life, when he stays home and when he travels, when he is asleep and when he is awake.

Others are responsible for recording the deeds of man, good and bad

Others are responsible for taking people’s souls: these are the Angel of Death and his group

Others are responsible for testing people in the grave.


2)    The Angels responsible for the environment surrounding us

There are angels responsible for rain, directing it wherever Allah wishes.

There are angels direct the winds and clouds, as Allah wills.

There are angels in charge of the plants

Some of the Angels are responsible for fertility, sea, thunder, ocean, war, mountains, rivers, sky, lightning, planets, plague, healing, etc.


3)    The Angels responsible for your Afterlife

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Paradise.

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Hell,


Back to the man throughout the history, instead of believing in the Angels, he worshiped them and made them god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.

It is possible that his belief took time to develop and for sure it is done by Satan’s inspiration


Man has to believe in the Angels and to love them; however he made them gods and worshiped them!

It may be a kind of fiction to imagine that there are many gods in this world as the ancient people believed.

Would those many gods argue, struggle and fight together?

Have you seen some movies about the Greek gods which fought together?

Look how the Quran simply declares how this faith is err.


The meanings of the verse 21:22:

Had there been in the heavens and/or the earth, gods other than Allah, the heavens and/or the earth would have surely deteriorated, they would have deviated from their observed perfect order, because counteractive forces would exist among such gods, as is usually the case, when there is more than one ruler, that there is counteraction and a lack of consensus regarding something.  So glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, above what the disbelievers ascribe.


The verse 21:22 in four different translations:


Had there been gods in heaven or earth, other than Allah, both would indeed have been ruined. Exalted be Allah, lord of the throne, above that they describe.


if there had been in them any gods except Allah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder; therefore glory be to Allah, the lord of the dominion, above what they attribute (to him)


If there were therein gods beside Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) had been disordered. Glorified be Allah, the lord of the throne, from all that they ascribe (unto him).


If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, the lord of the throne: (high is he) above what they attribute to him!

Allah’s Oneness (1) the unique name Allah

The unique phenomenon of the name Allah:

In Arabic, the name Allah is composed of four characters; they are: Aleph, Lam, Lam and Haa,

Allah is pronounced as “Allahu” when comes at the beginning of a sentence.

The name Allah is the Great name of the Lord, the Almighty Creator of this cosmos.
The name Allah is mentioned in the Quran 1567 times
God is mentioned in the Bible 3877 times.
The unique linguistic phenomenon of the name Allah:
The name Allah is a unique name which is quite different from the name God.
From the linguistic point of view, the name Allah can give the same meaning if we use:
• All of its four Arabic characters  الله
• Three Arabic characters ”
• Two Arabic characters ”
• Or its last Arabic character ”

To illustrate this unique phenomenon:
If we say Allah” الله”; it means the Great name of the Lord, the Almighty Creator.
If we deduct, subtract or take away the first letter Aleph, then we get three Characters (Lam, Lam and Haa)” لله“which is pronounced as: Lillah and means: To Allah.
If we deduct the first two letters Aleph and Lam, then we get two Characters (Lam and Haa)” له” which is pronounced as: Lahu and also means: To him (to Allah).
If we deduct the first three letters Aleph, Lam and Lam then we get only one Character; the last one (Haa)” ه” which is pronounced as: hu and it means: Him.

This unique linguistic phenomenon indicates that the name Allah can give the same meaning by using all of its four characters, three characters, two Characters or one character.
The name God does not have this phenomenon; which is not applicable for any name but Allah.
God is the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
If we deduct the character G, we will get od
Od in dictionary means:
An imaginary force which in the past detained to include all environment and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.
Also, od means a person who has taken an overdose of a drug, esp. one who has become seriously ill or has died from such an overdose.
And it means also, to die from an overdose of a drug.
If we deduct the characters G and O, we will get d which is the fourth letter of the English alphabet, and it is used as a contraction of had, did and should.

This article “Which Name is Unique, Allah or God?” is Written by:

Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology,
Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Unit,
Ain-Shams University. Cairo, Egypt.
And, President of the Egyptian Society of Inventors.
Member of the Egyptian union of Writers