Why has the Nurse embraced Islam? A real touchy story from the United Kingdom

The Nurse and the Muslim Patient – A True Story from the United Kingdom


My name is Cassie, I am 23 years old. I graduated as a qualified nurse this year and was given my first position as a home nurse.

My patient was an English gentleman in his early 80s who suffered from Alzheimer’s. In the first meeting, the patient was given his record and from it I could see that he was a convert to the religion of Islam, therefore he was a Muslim.

I knew from this that I would need to take into account some modes of treatment that may go against his faith, and therefore try to adapt my care to meet his needs. I brought in some ‘halal’ meat to cook for him and ensured that there was no pork or alcohol in the premises as I did some research which showed that these were forbidden in Islam.

My patient was in a very advanced stage of his condition so a lot of my colleagues could not understand why I was going through so much effort for him. But I understood that a person who commits to a faith deserves that commitment to be respected, even if they are not in a position to understand.

Anyway after a few weeks with my patient I began to notice some patterns of movement.

At first I thought it was some copied motions he’s seen someone doing, but I saw him repeat the movement at particular time; morning, afternoon, evening.

The movements were to raise his hands, bow and then put his head to the ground. I could not understand it. He was also repeating sentences in another language, I couldn’t figure out what language it was as his speech was slurred but I know the same verses were repeated daily.

Also there was something strange, he didn’t allow me to feed him with my left hand (I am left-handed).

Somehow I knew this linked to his religion but didn’t know how.

One of my colleagues told me about paltalk as a place for debates and discussions and as I did not know any Muslims except for my patient I thought it would be good to speak to someone live and ask questions. I went on the Islam section and entered the room ‘True Message’.

Here I asked questions regarding the repeated movements and was told that these were the actions of prayer. I did not really believe it until someone posted a link of the Islamic prayer on youtube.

I was shocked.

A man who has lost all memory of his children, of his occupation, and could barely eat and drink was able to remember not only actions of prayer but verses that were in another language.

This was nothing short of incredible and I knew that this man was devout in his faith, which made me want to learn more in order to care for him the best I could.

I came into the paltalk room as often as I could and was given a link to read the translation of the Quran and listen to it.

The chapter of the ‘Bee’ gave me chills and I repeated it several times a day.

I saved a recording of the Quran on my iPod and gave it to my patient to listen to, he was smiling and crying, and in reading the translation I could see why.

I applied what I gained from paltalk to care for my patient but gradually found myself coming to the room to find answers for myself.

I never really took the time to look at my life; I never knew my father, my mother died when I was 3, me and my brother were raised by our grandparents who died 4 years ago, so now its just the two of us.

But despite all this loss, I always thought I was happy, content.

It was only after spending time with my patient that felt like I was missing something. I was missing that sense of peace and tranquility my patient, even through suffering felt.

I wanted that sense of belonging and a part of something that he felt, even with no one around him.

I was given a list of mosques in my area by a lady on paltalk and went down to visit one. I watched the prayer and could not hold back my tears.

I felt drawn to the mosque every day and the imam and his wife would give me books and tapes and welcome any questions I had.

Every question I asked at the mosque and on paltalk was answered with such clarity and depth that could do nothing but accept them.

I have never practiced a faith but always believed that there was a God; I just did not know how to worship Him.

One evening I came on paltalk and one of the speakers on the mic addressed me. He asked me if I have any questions, I said no. He asked if I was happy with the answers I was given, I said yes.

He asked then what was stopping me accepting Islam, I could not answer.

I went to the mosque to watch the dawn prayer. The imam asked me the same question, I could not answer.

I then went to tend to my patient, I was feeding him and as I looked in his eyes I just realized, he was brought to me for a reason and the only thing stopping me from accepting was fear…. not fear in the sense of something bad, but fear of accepting something good, and thinking that I was not worthy like this man.

That afternoon I went to the mosque and asked the imam if I could say my declaration of faith, the Shahadah.: lā ilāha illà al-Lāh, Muhammadun rasūlu Al-Lāh.  There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.

He helped me through it and guided me through what I would need to do next.

I cannot explain the feeling I felt when I said it.

It was like someone woke me up from sleep and sees everything more clearly.

The feeling was overwhelming joy, clarity and most of all…. peace.

The first person I told was not my brother but my patient.

I went to him, and before I even opened my mouth he cried and smiled at me.

I broke down in front of him, I owed him so much.

I came home logged on to paltalk and repeated the shahadah for the room.

They all helped me so much and even though I had never seen a single one of them, they felt closer to me than my own brother.

I did eventually call my brother to tell him and although he wasn’t happy, he supported me and said he would be there, I couldn’t ask for any more.

After my first week as a Muslim my patient passed away in his sleep while I was caring for him. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

He died a peaceful death and I was the only person with him.

He was like the father I never had and he was my doorway to Islam.

From the day of my Shahadah to this very day and for every day for as long as I live, I will pray that Allah shows mercy on him and grant him every good deed I perform in the tenfold.

I loved him for the sake of Allah and I pray each night to become an atoms weight of the Muslim he was.

Islam is a religion with an open door; it is there for those who want to enter it…. Verily Allah is the Most Merciful, Most Kind.

* Note * Our sister Cassie passed away October 2010 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, after she gave da’wa to her brother, who had accepted Islam Alhamdulillah.


[Source: a da’wa organization in the UK]

Watch what Cassie, the nurse says:


This is Allah (60) Moses said: Seek Help in Allah and Endure the Affliction

1) Moses Said unto His people: Seek Help in Allah and Endure the Affliction

Moses said unto his people: Seek help in Allah and endure the affliction. Be patient, their (the Egyptians) persecution.

2)The land is Allah’s. He Gives it for an Inheritance to whom He Will

Moses said unto his people:

Lo! the land of Egypt is Allah’s.  He bequeaths it, He gives it for an inheritance to whom He will.

3) The Israelites said to Moses: We Suffered Hurt Since You Have Come to Us

The Israelites said to Moses: We suffered hurt, we were tormented by the killing of our sons, the use of our women and also by working, before you came to us, and since you have come to us with the message.

4) Moses Said: the Sequel Paradise is for Those Who Keep their Duty unto Allah

Moses said unto his people:

Be patient. And lo! the sequel Paradise is for those who keep their duty unto Allah; those who ward off disbelief, idolatry and indecencies.  The, praiseworthy, sequel belongs to those who are wary, of Allah.

5) Moses Said unto his People: Allah Will Destroy Your Enemy that He May See How You Shall Act

Moses said unto the Israelites:

it may be that your Lord is going to destroy your adversary, Pharaoh and his council, that Allah may see how you behave with regard to obeying Him.

6) Allah Straitened Pharaoh’s Folk with the Dearth of Vegetation Year after Year

Allah straitened Pharaoh’s folk with drought and the dearth of vegetation, that they might take admonition, and become believers.

7) Allah Seized Pharaoh’s Folk with Famine that they Might Take Admonition

Allah seized Pharaoh’s folk with the years, of famine so that they might remember, that they might heed the admonition, and become believers.


Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-60) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

Verses 7:128—130 of the Noble Quran talk about: 1) Moses said unto his people: Seek help in Allah and endure the affliction, and He said also: The land is Allah’s. He gives it for an inheritance to whom He will, 2) The Israelites said to Moses: We suffered hurt before you came to us and since you have come to us, 3) Moses said: Be patient, the sequel Paradise is for those who keep their duty unto Allah , 4) Moses said: Allah will destroy Pharaoh, that He may see how you shall act,  5) Allah straitened Pharaoh’s folk with the dearth of vegetation year after year and 6) Allah seized them with famine that they might take admonition


In the previous articles (55-59)

Pharaoh has every one of the Egyptian sorcerers crucified after cutting their hands and feet.

Then the chiefs of Pharaoh’s people said to Pharaoh:

O King, Will you leave Moses and his people to work corruption in the land, by calling to disobedience against you, and flout you and your gods?

Will you leave Moses and his people to make mischief in the land by changing the religion and worship, and abandon you and the worship of your gods?

It is also said that this means, according to a different reading: and leave worshipping you as a god?

Pharaoh said:

We will slay their sons, their young sons, as we did the first time and spare their grown up women,

We shall slaughter their new-born sons and spare their women, keeping them alive, as we did with them before.  For lo! we are in power over them; we have dominance and supremacy over them, and they did this to them, and so the Children of Israel grieved.  Then what?


The meaning of verse 7:128

Moses said unto his people:

Seek help in Allah and endure the affliction. Be patient, their (the Egyptians) persecution. Lo! the land of Egypt is Allah’s.  He bequeaths it, He gives it for an inheritance to whom He will from among His servants. And lo! the sequel Paradise is for those who keep their duty unto Allah; those who ward off disbelief, idolatry and indecencies.  The, praiseworthy, sequel belongs to those who are wary, of Allah.

The meaning of verse 7:129

They (Moses’ people) said:

‘We suffered hurt, we were tormented by the killing of our sons, the use of our women and also by working before you came to us, and since you have come to us with the message.’

Moses said unto them:

it may be that your Lord is going to destroy your adversary, Pharaoh and his council by means of drought and hunger etc.; and make you vicegerents in the earth, make you in the inhabitants of the land of Egypt, that Allah may see how you behave with regard to obeying Him.

In other words, Moses said unto his people: Perhaps your Lord, Allah, will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the land, that He may observe how you shall act in it.

The meaning of verse 7:130

And verily Allah seized Pharaoh’s folk with the years, of drought, and dearth of fruits, so that they might remember, that they might heed the admonition, and become believers.

In other words, Allah straitened Pharaoh’s folk with famine and hunger, year after year and the dearth of vegetation, that they might take admonition.


Verses 7:128–130 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


128) Moses said to his nation: ‘seek help from Allah and be patient. the earth belongs to Allah; he gives it as a heritage to whom he chooses amongst his worshipers. the outcome is for the cautious. ‘

129) They replied: ‘we were hurt before you came to us, and after you came to us. ‘ he said: ‘your Lord may destroy your enemies and make you inheritors in the land. then he will see how you conduct yourselves. ‘

130) We seized pharaoh’s people with years of drought and scarcity of fruit so that they might remember.


128) Musa said to his people: ask help from Allah and be patient; surely the land is Allah’s; he causes such of his servants to inherit it as he pleases, and the end is for those who guard (against evil)

129) They said: we have been persecuted before you came to us and since you have come to us. he said: it may be that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you rulers in the land, then he will see how you act

130) And certainly we overtook Firon’s people with droughts and diminution of fruits that they may be mindful


128) And Moses said unto his people: seek help in Allah and endure. lo! the earth is Allah’s. he giveth it for an inheritance to whom he will. and lo! the sequel is for those who keep their duty (unto him).

129) They said: we suffered hurt before thou camest unto us, and since thou hast come unto us. he said: it may be that your Lord is going to destroy your adversary and make you viceroys in the earth, that he may see how ye behave.

130) And we straitened pharaoh’s folk with famine and dearth of fruits, that peradventure they might heed.


128) Said Moses to his people: “pray for help from Allah, and (wait) in patience and constancy: for the earth is Allah’s, to give as a heritage to such of his servants as he pleaseth; and the end is (best) for the righteous.

129) They said: “we have had (nothing but) trouble, both before and after thou camest to us.” he said: “it may be that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you inheritors in the earth; that so he may try you by your deeds.”

130) We punished the people of pharaoh with years (of droughts) and shortness of crops; that they might receive admonition.

They tried to Kill Muhammad but Allah protected Him

How Has Allah Protected His Prophet Muhammad?

Throughout his life, there were many attempts to kill or to hurt the last Prophet Muhammad.

None of such attempts succeeded; all have failed.

Although Muhammad was able to retaliate and strike back those who attempted to kill him, however, he  let all of them go.


In this article, two examples are given.


Example (1) The 80 men who wanted to kill Muhammad,

Anas (one of Muhammad’s Companions) reported that eighty men from Mecca came down a mountain intending to take on the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions by surprise and kill them.

However, Muhammad and his Companions captured them and spared their lives.

So Allah, exalted is He, revealed:

(And it is Allah Who has withheld men’s hands from you, and has withheld your hands from them, after He had made you victors over them).


‘Abdu Allah al-Muzani (one of Muhammad’s Companions) said:

“We were with the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, at al-Hudaybiyyah (a place that is nearby Mecca by few kilometers) when eighty armed youths suddenly charged on us.

The Prophet, prayed against them, and Allah took away their sight.

We then bounced on them and seized them.

The Prophet Muhammad asked them:

‘Have you come under the protection of someone?

Has anyone given you a guarantee of safety?’

They said: ‘No!’

He let them go.

After which Allah, revealed

“And it is Allah Who has withheld men’s hands from you, and has withheld your hands from them…”

Verse 48:24


it was he who restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the hollow (al-Hudaybiyyah) of Mecca after he had given you victory over them. Allah sees the things you do.


and he it is who held back their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of Mecca after he had given you victory over them; and Allah is seeing what you do


and he it is who hath withheld men’s hands from you, and hath withheld your hands from them, in the valley of Mecca, after he had made you victors over them. Allah is seer of what ye do.


and it is he who has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of Makka, after that he gave you the victory over them. And Allah sees well all that ye do.


The meaning of the verse,

And it is Allah Who has withheld their hands of the people of Mecca from fighting you, and has withheld your hands from fighting them, in the valley of Mecca, at al-Hudaybiyyah, after He had made you victors over them: for eighty of them surrounded your camp in order to inflict losses upon you, but they were captured and taken to the Prophet, who pardoned them and set them free, and this resulted in the truce.

And Allah is ever Seer of what you do and of what they do, that is to say, He is ever possessed of this attribute.


Example (2) the woman who wanted to poison Muhammad

A Jewess came to the Prophet Muhammad with poisoned mutton and presented it as a gift. Muhammad took it and ate a little of it.

When the effects of the poison were felt by him, he called for her and asked her about that, whereupon she said: I had determined to kill you.

Thereupon he said: Allah will never give you the power to do it.

The narrator of this story said that the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad said:

We have to kill her?

But Muhammad said: No. Let her go.