Atheists in Quran (51) another Scientific fact. Recycling

The Quran is the first book on the face of Earth that mentions the scientific fact of recycling more than 1400 years ago. This may help the scientific-minded Atheists to realize that Allah is able to bring them back to life on the Day of Judgment.


The verse 10:4 of the Noble Quran is composed of 28 Arabic words; it talks about:

1) A very important fact

2) Then the verse strengthens this important fact by assuring us that this fact is but an Allah’s promise that will happen certainly.

3) Then the verse makes a remarkable scientific pause to simplify the important fact and make it easy to be understood by the scientific minded people

4) Further, discuss the impact of the important fact on both the believers and the Atheists


1) What is the very important fact? To Allah you shall return

2) How the verse strengthens this important fact? It is Allah’s promise will certainly happen.

3) What is the remarkable scientific pause? Allah originates the creation and repeats it. This scientific pause = the recycling of everything around us

4) What is the impact of the important fact on both the believers and the Atheists?

On the believers = reward, with equity

The Atheists = scalding drink + grievous suffering


The verse and the remarkable scientific pause

The remarkable scientific pause is translated as

Allah originates the creation and repeats it, or

Allah begins the creation and he reproduces it

The verbs originates, begins, repeats and reproduces are in the present tense that indicate the continuity of the acts of beginning the creation and the repetition of it.

All organic material in nature are recycled. If you go for a walk in the woods, you will see compost formed from deadfall. Organisms like mushrooms help to break down the deadfall and create the compost. When a living thing dies, it breaks down and becomes a source for nutrients for other living things. Even animal waste is utilized as fertilizer.

If we look around us or inside us we then acknowledge this Quranic scientific fact very much

Everything around us is created, recycled and then created again

Around us, we see that the soil, air, gases, clouds, rain, plants, bacteria and energy are recycled every minute etc.

Inside our body, we see that millions of cells are created, recycled and reproduced again every minute.

This is the ever-continuous Allah’s action

It goes without saying that the Quran is the first book on the face of Earth that mentions this scientific fact of recycling more than 1400 years ago.


How this this scientific fact of recycling serves the issue of Faith?

Let us agree first about this: without the continuous process of recycling that occurs every minute around and inside us, our lives would have been impossible.

Have we praise Allah for that?

Well, is the One who does that unable to bring you back to life in the Day of Judgment?

Back to the meanings of the verse 10:4

To Allah you shall return to face the reckoning when He gives each one, believer or unbeliever, his or her fitting reward

 “To Him you shall all return. This is, in truth, Allah’s promise.”

Allah has promised that you will return to Him and Allah’s promise will certainly happen.

For resurrection is the completion of creation.

“He originates all His creation, and then brings them all back to life so that He may reward, with equity, those who have believed and done good deeds. As for the unbelievers, they shall have a scalding drink and a grievous suffering for their unbelief.”

Administering justice to all is in itself one of the aims of original creation and bringing all creatures back to life. Similarly, giving pure happiness and enjoyment without any unwelcome consequences to spoil its effects is another aim of the process of creation and resurrection.

The unbelievers will have to suffer the consequences of their errant ways just like one who violates the rules of health: he suffers disease and debility and they suffer distress after distress. Their outcome will be unmitigated misery, in contrast to the pure happiness the believers enjoy: “As for the unbelievers, they shall have a scalding drink and a grievous suffering for their persistent disbelief”


The verse 10:4 in different translations:


To him all of you will return together. This is, in truth, the promise of Allah. He originates creation, then he revives it so that he may recompense those who believe and do righteous deeds. As for the unbelievers, theirs is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for their disbelief.


To him is your return, of all (of you); the promise of Allah (made) in truth; surely he begins the creation in the first mstance, then he reproduces it, that he may with justice recompense those who believe and do good; and (as for) those who disbelieve, they shall have a drink of hot water and painful punishment because they disbelieved


Unto him is the return of all of you; it is a promise of Allah in truth. lo! he produceth creation, then reproduceth it, that he may reward those who believe and do good works with equity; while, as for those who disbelieve, theirs will be a boiling drink and painful doom because they disbelieved.


To him will be your return- of all of you. the promise of Allah is true and sure. It is he who beginneth the process of creation, and repeateth it, that he may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness; but those who reject him will have draughts of boiling fluids, and a penalty grievous, because they did reject him.

What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam (1)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Islamic life. “To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about the gentleness and simplicity in Islam?

 “There is a great deal in the religion of Islam which teaches consideration for .others, and leads to gentleness and simplicity of conduct, which, with a remarkable absence of censoriousness, produces what we call gentlemen. And no national decadence, or falling behind in the race for intellectual and material attainment and advantage, has obliterated this.

The men of the family with whom we are staying, in the culture of mind they show in all the relationships of life and I speak now after a friendship which ripened into close intimacy recalled for me the fine qualities which marked the early Moslems.

Here was a father and five sons, living together in a patriarchal dignity, the father ruling with a firm and wise benevolence, and the sons filling their part with filial respect and affection, all conscious of their duty to their dependents and their neighbors, following a family tradition of many generations.

They are known as men faithful to their word, whatever may be the cost, and equally faithful to their self-respect, whatever the inducements to depart from it. The Bey would have been a Pasha, when titles were on sale, if he had not possessed qualities above the temptations of personal aggrandizement in the East a sore temptation indeed. It was my happiness with these friends to bridge the gulf of reticence which the different forms of Eastern and Western pride create to separate men of different races, and causes them to misjudge each other from across the gulf.

The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Egyptian life.

“To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.

I never was in any family where the sons, of whatever age, did not rise when their father entered a room, waiting for him to be seated; an air of respect coming over them which prevents any slackness of good manners in his presence. His slightest wish is a law obeyed with quiet grace. The youngest son of this particular family sits by his father’s side at meals, and waits upon him as a most attentive servant. A father is seldom or never harsh to his sons; he reasons with them in a way that assumes intelligence, and a perfect desire to consider his wishes on their part.

An undutiful son is very rare amongst Moslems. The deplorable decline of respect paid to the aged in Western lands has no echo in the East.

“Nothing more greatly surprises the European traveller,” Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole admits,” than the polite and gentlemanlike manners of Egyptians of all classes. They always do the right thing in the most courteous, graceful, and self-possessed manner, and intentional rudeness to an older man, or a superior in rank, is almost unknown.”

Our Mother Eve in Bible vs. Quran; her lost rights

In the Bible: Eve was the responsible one for the first human sin.

In the Quran: Both Adam and Eve were responsible for the first human sin.


Women are your mother, your wife, your sister, your daughter, your neighbor, your colleague etc.

Islam gives all of them their proper rights.

This article is an attempt to honor our mother Eve and give her their lost rights.


Eve in the Bible:

The fall of Eve is the most significant of all the falls of human being. As a result of Eve’s fall, all mankind was affected. The Bible describes Eve’s fall in six successive steps

“1: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2: And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4: And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6: And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” (Gen. 3).

It follows that Eve Listened, looked, desired, sinned and failed to accept the responsibility for her sin.

Eve Listened. It is evident from the text that Eve listened to what the devil told her. Before there is a fall, there is first attention and listening to the appeal of the devil.

Eve looked. The Bible says “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eye (Gen. 3: 6). It follows that, Eve looked and was soon hooked.

Eve desired. Eve’s response to the smooth words of the devil was, “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise (Gen. 3: 6), i.e. the devil had awakened her desire.

Eve sinned. She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat (Gen. 3: 6). Not only did Eve sin, but she was not satisfied until she had persuaded Adam to also sin and he did eat” (Gen. 3: 6).

Eve was deceived, but Adam was not. Eve was not remorseful and never asked God to forgive her and she looked typically like an impenitent sinners, she blamed another for her sin. “And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat” (Gen. 3: 13).

Eve did not submit to God and she also failed to resist the devil. Eve failed to accept the responsibility for her sin. Eve did not submit to God and she also failed to resist the devil. Eve never asked her God to forgive her.

These are the Biblical teachings.


Eve in the Quran:

In the Quran it is clear that both Adam and Eve sinned, and both together were responsible for the first sin.

“Then did Satan make them slip from the (Garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: “Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time.” Surah 2:36

It means that Satan deceived both Adam and Eve.

It is not logic to accept that Adam and Eve never submitted to God and they never asked Him to forgive both of them.

The Quran says that they did and Allah forgave both of them and gave them and also gave us also a golden advice to live in success in this life and in the afterlife

The verses 7:23-26 of the Quran say:

 [23] They said: “Our Lord! we have wronged our own souls: if Thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.”

[24] (Allah) said: “Get ye down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood for a time.”

[25] He said: “Therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die; but from it shall ye be taken out (at last).”

[26] O ye Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition!


To conclude, according to the Bible Eve was the responsible for the first sin while the Quran says that both Adam and Eve were responsible. A The Bible says that Eve and also Adam never submitted to God and never asked God to forgive them for their sin, while the Quran says that they did and God forgave them and gave them and us the rule for success and happiness in this life and in the afterlife.