Atheists in Quran (44) successive questions for them

The Quran asks the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions: Were they created out of nothing? Did they come into existence of themselves? Were they created without a Creator? Was it a mere chance that they came into being? Were they the creators? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Are the Treasures of the universe with them?


The verses 52:35-37 ask the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions:

  • Were they created out of nothing?
  • Did they come into existence of themselves?
  • Were they created without a Creator?
  • Was it a mere chance that they came into being?
  • Were they created as human beings out of nothing?
  • Are they the creators of themselves?
  • Are the Treasures of the universe with them?

It makes no sense for a created thing to have no creator

There must be a Creator of them, and that is Allah, the One, so why do they not affirm His Oneness and believe in His Messenger and His Book?

Was there not a wonderful seed, from which their material growth can be traced, as the handiwork of a wise and wonderful Creator?

Must they not then seek His Will?

Were they created for nothing, to no purpose?

If they were created for a purpose, must they not try to learn that purpose by understanding Allah’s Revelation?

Or did they create the heavens and the earth?

Nay, they have no firm belief.

Nor can any but Allah, the Creator, have created them, so why do they not worship Him?

They obviously did not create the wonders of the starry heavens and the fruitful globe of the earth.

But they can assign no definite cause to explain it, as they have no firm belief on the subject themselves.

Nay, but they are sure of nothing, they deny Muhammad and the Quran

Nay, but they are not certain, of Allah, for otherwise they would have believed in His Prophet Muhammad.

Or are the Treasures of your Lord with them,

The Treasures of Allah’s Knowledge are infinite.

But the Atheists and unbelievers have no access to them, much less can the Atheists and unbelievers manage the wonders of this world.

Must they not therefore seek grace and revelation from Allah?

Or do they possess the treasuries of Allah? in the way of:

  • prophet hood,
  • the stores of your Lord through rain, provision, vegetation
  • Other matters,

So that they are able to assign what they will exclusively to whom they will?

Or are they the ones in control?

Or have they been given charge (thereof)?

Or are they the mighty ones who hold sway?


The questions in the verses 52:35-37 wonder at their own existence, a truth staring them in the face which they cannot explain in any way other than what the Quran states:

Allah, the Almighty Creator of all that exists has brought them into existence:

“Were they created out of nothing? Were they the creators?”

(Verse 35)

The thought that they just existed out of nothing is against the logic of nature.

It merits no argument.

On the other hand, neither they nor any other creature can claim that they created themselves.

As neither case can be logically entertained, there only remains the true case stated in the Quran, confirming that they are all creatures of Allah, the only Creator and Originator.

Since no one can claim any share of His attributes of creation and origination, then Lordship and Godhead belong solely to Him.

This is clear and true logic.

The verses then direct their attention to the heavens and the earth: are they the ones who created these?

Needless to say, the heavens and the earth did not create themselves, in the same way as humans do not do so:

“Did they create the heavens and the earth? No. They have no faith.” (Verse 36)

Neither they, nor anyone listening to the logic of nature, claim that the heavens and the earth created themselves or came into existence without being created.

Nor do those people claim that they created them.

Yet they stand in front of people like a question requiring an answer.

The verses then takes the Atheists and unbelievers a step lower than that of the creation of either themselves or the world around them.

The Quran asks them whether they own Allah’s treasures or have control of these to be able to cause benefit and harm:

“Do they possess your Lord’s treasures? Or are they in ultimate control?” (Verse 37)

If they make no such claim, then who owns these treasures and controls all things?

The Quran says that Allah is the One who gives in plenty or in small measure, and who determines all affairs in the universe.

This is the only explanation of what happens in the universe.


The verses 52:35-37 in different translations:


35- Or, were they created out of nothing? or, were they their own creators?

36- Or, did they create the heavens and the earth? no, their belief is not certain!

37- Or, are the treasures of your lord in their keeping? or, are they the controllers?


35- Or were they created without there being anything, or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay! they have no certainty

37- Or have they the treasures of your lord with them? or have they been set in absolute authority?


35- Or were they created out of naught? or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, but they are sure of nothing!

37- Or do they own the treasures of thy lord? or have they been given charge (thereof)?


35- Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, they have no firm belief.

37- Or are the treasures of thy lord with them, or are they the managers (of affairs)?

Atheists in Quran (27) Noah’s values vs. their values

Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth. In Noah’s presentation, there were no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message. The Atheists stiffened their attitude became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case; they said: Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a truthful man.


In the previous articles, the Atheists who were the council notables and the respected elders of Noah’s people claim that Noah is just looking for wealth and they said:

  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us.
  • Why have such lowly men followed Noah before us?

This was a part of their rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

In this article, the Atheists continue their stubborn arguments with Noah.

The meanings of the verses 11:31-33

The Atheists demanded that they would never believe Noah unless:

  • Noah tells them that he possess the treasure houses of Allah
  • Noah tells them that he has the keys to Allah’s stores of provision
  • Noah tells them that he has knowledge of the Unseen
  • Noah tells the lowly men who followed him that Allah will not give them any good

However, you know what Noah (they said), we cannot believe in human being, tell your Lord to send us an Angel or to convert you to an Angel

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Peacefully, Noah introduces himself and his message. His presentation is simple, devoid of any ornament and decoration, free of all false standards and values.

Noah reminds them of the true values, looking with contempt on all superficial ones. He renounces all superficiality and states his message as it is, pure and simple, with no false claims. He, who wants it, let him take it, as it is as pure as Allah made it.

Noah said:

I do not say to you that God’s treasures are with me.

I do not claim that I am rich or that I can make any of you rich. “Or that

I know what lies beyond the reach of human perception.

I do not make any claim of any super-human status or

I do not allege that my relationship with Allah exceeds the fact that I am a messenger conveying Allah’s message.

Nor do I say: I am an angel.

I do not claim to have a position, which you think to be higher than that of man, so that I may gain favor or high position from you.

I cannot say to those whom you scorn that Allah will never grant them any good, so that I satisfy your pride or accommodate your standards and values.

Allah knows best what is in their hearts (those whom you scorn).

I have to go by what I see.

To me, they appear deserving of honor and hope that Allah will grant them of His bounty.

If I made such false claims, saying to them that Allah will never grant them any good, I would be unjust

  • I would be unjust to the very truth I have come to convey.
  • I would also be unjust to myself, exposed to Allah’s wrath,
  • I would be unjust to other people to whom I gave a status other than that given them by Allah.

Thus, Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He faces them with the clarity and strength of the truth. Meanwhile, he makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth so that they may look it in the face and decide upon their line of action.

In Noah’s presentation, there were no pretense, no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message and its simple nature.

In this, Noah sets an example for all advocates of the Allah’s message in all generations and provides them with a lesson in how to confront the people of authority with the truth, without any attempt to compromise, or flatter, but with the sort of friendliness, which is not associated with submission.

At this point, it was clear to the notables that they had no chance of winning the argument. They stiffened their attitude, became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case, logical and natural as it certainly was.

Then they finally rallied themselves in order to deliver a challenge to Noah. They said:

Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a man of truth.

This is nothing short of deceit, an attempt to cover up their weakness by putting on a display of strength. It is a challenge made in order to mask their dread of the truth’s strength.

Noah, however, remains unaffected by their outright rejection and challenge. He maintains the noble attitude befitting a great prophet. He continues to explain to them the truth and the facts, which they have ignored

He restates the fact that he is only a messenger whose task is to deliver a message. Their punishment is left to Allah who has absolute control over their destiny.

Allah alone decides, at His own discretion, whether it is appropriate to punish them here and now or to delay their punishment until a later date. Allah’s will must happen, as it is and Noah has no power over it.

As a messenger, he has to continue to explain the truth to his people until the last moment. Their rejection and challenge must not deter him from fulfilling his task.

Hence, he says to them:

Only Allah can bring it upon you, if He so wills. You cannot be immune. Nor will my counsel benefit you, much as I desire to give you good counsel, if it is Allah’s will to let you remain in error. He is your Lord and to Him you shall return.

If He will to punish you, none can by no means escape His chastisement.


The verses 11:31-33 in different translations:


31- I do not say to you that i possess the treasuries of Allah, and i do not know the unseen. I do not say I am an angel, nor do I say to those whom you despise, Allah will not give them any good. Allah knows best what is in their hearts. indeed, if this were so then I would be amongst the harmdoers. ‘

32- They said: ‘o Noah, you have disputed, and disputed too much, with us. bring (down) upon us that which you promised us, if what you say is true! ‘

33- He replied: ‘Allah will bring it (down) upon you if he will; you will never frustrate him.


31- And I do not say to you that i have the treasures of Allah and I do not know the unseen, nor do I say that i am an angel, nor do I say about those whom your eyes hold in mean estimation (that) Allah will never grant them (any) good– Allah knows best what is in their souls– for then most surely I should be of the unjust

32- They said: o nuh! indeed you have disputed with us and lengthened dispute with us, therefore bring to us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful ones

33- He said: Allah only will bring it to you if he please, and you will not escape:


31- I say not unto you: “I have the treasures of Allah” nor “I have knowledge of the unseen,” nor say I: “lo! I am an angel!” nor say I unto those whom your eyes scorn that Allah will not give them good – Allah knoweth best what is in their hearts – lo! Then indeed, I should be of the wrong-doers.

32- They said: o Noah! thou hast disputed with us and multiplied disputation with us; now bring upon us that wherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful.

33- He said: only Allah will bring it upon you if he will, and ye can by no means escape.


31- “I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer.”

32- They said: “o Noah! thou hast disputed with us, and (much) hast thou prolonged the dispute with us: now bring upon us what thou threatenest us with, if thou speakest the truth!?”

33- He said: “truly, Allah will bring it on you if he wills,- and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it!

Atheists in Quran (26) Noah vs. their limitless pride

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless. In their rotten arguments with Noah, they said nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts. Noah remains unaffected by their false accusations; He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. Noah does not make false claims or accusations as they have done.


The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, the respected elders and the chieftains of Noah’s people claim that:

  • Noah wants to force us to accept his religion
  • Noah claims his religion and his prophet hood to gain money
  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us, who have followed him before us. We commanded Noah to drive them away

This is an example of the Atheists’ Rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Noah addresses his Atheists people with kindness and friendliness stressing his relationship to them:  O My people

O my people, have you considered if I am acting upon a clear proof from my Lord and He has given me the mercy of prophet hood and it has been obscured from you

Bethink you, if I rely on a clear exposition, which has come down from my Lord

Allah favored me with his mercy that come unto me.  It is the prophet hood and the religion.

  • Can we compel you to it, while you are averse to it?
  • Are we able to force you to accept it, while you are antagonistic to it?
  • can we inspire it or teach it to when you are deniers of it

We are not able to do that.

Noah continued, O my people,

  • I do not ask of you any wealth that you should give me for conveying the Allah’s Message.
  • I ask of you no wealth, no price in exchange for believing in Allah’s divine Oneness.
  • My wage, my reward, falls only upon God
  • I will not drive away those who believe, as you have commanded me.
  • I am not going to thrust away those who believe because of what you say. Lo! they have to meet their Lord and report me to Him,
  • Those believers shall surely meet their Lord, at the Resurrection, and
  • Allah will requite them and exact vengeance for them from those who wronged them, mocked them and drove them away.
  • I see you are a people who are ignorant, of the consequence of your affair.
  • I see you a folk that are ignorant of the command of Allah.

Moreover, Noah said:

O my people, who would help, defend and save me against Allah’s chastisement, if I drive the believers away due to what you say?

There is none to help, defend and save me.

Will you not then remember?

When you admonished by what I say and hence believe?


Some of the important lessons of this story:

  • I seek no financial gain for my call
  • Noah’s reward rests with none but Allah
  • Noah cannot favor the rich over the poor
  • All people are equal; Allah does not make any distinction based on their wealth, power, race, color, position

Herein, one has to be alert about the relationship between preaching and money.

The true and real relationship between preaching and money is that they are not related.

The true honest genuine preacher never ever asks for money or accept money for his job; he knows that his reward rests with none but God.

Hence, any preacher asks for donation is relying on the money not on the Lord of the universe.

I have to tell you that some kind readers who are interested in my posts keep blaming me that I do not have a donation button to donate my website.

In fact, I do not have any answer but that of the great Prophet Noah: “My reward rests with none but Allah”


The verses 11:28-30 in different translations:


28-He said: ‘what do you think my nation? If I have a clear proof from my lord and he has given me mercy from him, though it is hidden from you, can we compel you to accept it when you hate it?

29-My nation, for this I do not ask you for your wealth for my wage is only with Allah. Nor will I drive away the believers, for they will surely meet their lord. but, I can see that you are ignorant.

30-Were i to drive you away my nation, who would help me from Allah? Will you not remember?


28-He said: o my people! tell me if I have with me clear proof from my lord, and he has granted me mercy from himself and it has been made obscure to you; shall we constrain you to (accept) it while you are averse from it?

29-And, o my people! I ask you not for wealth in return for it; my reward is only with Allah and i am not going to drive away those who believe; surely they shall meet their lord, but i consider you a people who are ignorant:

30-And, o my people! Who will help me against Allah if i drive them away? Will you not then mind?


28-He said: o my people! bethink you, if I rely on a clear proof from my lord and there hath come unto me a mercy from his presence, and it hath been made obscure to you, can we compel you to accept it when ye are averse thereto?

29-And o my people! i ask of you no wealth therefor. my reward is the concern only of Allah, and I am not going to thrust away those who believe – lo! they have to meet their lord! – but I see you a folk that are ignorant.

30-And, o my people! Who would deliver me from Allah if i thrust them away? Will ye not then reflect?


28-He said: “o my people! see ye if (it be that) I have a clear sign from my lord, and that he hath sent mercy unto me from his own presence, but that the mercy hath been obscured from your sight? Shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it?

29-“And o my people! I ask you for no wealth in return: my reward is from none but Allah: but I will not drive away (in contempt) those who believe: for verily they are to meet their lord, and ye i see are the ignorant ones!

30-“And o my people! Who would help me against Allah if I drove them away? Will ye not then take heed?

Atheists in Quran (1) Noah and the Atheists

The history of Atheists is deep-rooted ever since the time of the Prophet Noah.

Chapter 23 of the Noble Quran discloses the story of the great Prophet Noah and the Atheists.

The meanings of the verses 23:23-24:

Verily Allah sent Noah to his people to tell them:

  • My people, worship God, obey God and profess Allah’s divine Oneness.
  • You have no other god besides Him
  • You have no other god save the One in whom I command you to believe
  • Will you not then fear Him?
  • Will you not then fear His punishment in worshipping gods other than Him?
  • Will you not ward off evil the worship of other than Allah?

However, the chieftains Atheists among his folk, said to their followers:

  • Noah would like to make himself superior to you by claiming his message and prophet hood
  • Noah is only a mortal, a human being like you.
  • This is just a human being like you who desires to gain superiority, to have the honor, over you, by acquiring followers, you being his followers
  • And had God willed, that none other than Him be worshipped,

He surely would have sent down angels, with that Message, and not assigned a human being for it.

  • We have not heard that which Noah is saying in the time of our fathers of old.
  • We never heard of such, an affirmation of God’s Oneness as that which Noah summons us, among our ancestors or among past communities.

To be continued.


The verses 23:23-24 in different translations:


23-We sent Noah to his nation. ‘Worship Allah, my nation, ‘ he said, ‘for you have no god except He. Will you not be cautious? ‘

24-The unbelieving assembly of his nation said: ‘this is but a human like you, who desires to gain superiority over you. had Allah willed, he could have sent down angels. we never heard of this among our ancient forefathers.


23-And certainly we sent nuh to his people, and he said: o my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than him; will you not then guard (against evil)?

24-And the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: he is nothing but a mortal like yourselves who desires that he may have superiority over you, and if Allah had pleased, he could certainly have sent down angels. we have not heard of this among our fathers of yore:


23-And we verily sent Noah unto his folk, and he said: o my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other Allah save him. Will ye not ward off (evil)?

24-But the chieftains of his folk, who disbelieved, said: this is only a mortal like you who would make himself superior to you. Had Allah willed, he surely could have sent down angels. we heard not of this in the case of our fathers of old.


23- (Further, we sent a long line of prophets for your instruction). We sent Noah to his people: he said, “o my people! Worship Allah! ye have no other god but him. Will ye not fear (him)?”

24-The chiefs of the unbelievers among his people said: “he is no more than a man like yourselves: his wish is to assert his superiority over you: if Allah had wished (to send messengers), he could have sent down angels; never did we hear such a thing (as he says), among our ancestors of old.”

Angels in Islam (21) their second Witness

The Angels whose number is countless bear witness of Muhammad’s prophet hood and of the Quran as being revealed by Allahز


The idolaters among the Arabs were confused about Muhammad, they were still suspicious if he is genuine prophet or not!

To make it clear for them, Allah has revealed the verses 4:163-166 that mean:

Lo! We (Allah) inspired you O Muhammad as We inspired Noah and the entire prophets after Noah,

We inspire you O Muhammad as We inspired:

  • Abraham
  • Ishmael
  • Isaac
  • Jacob and the tribes (the sons of Jacob),
  • Jesus
  • Job
  • Jonah
  • Aaron, and
  • Solomon,
  • We gave unto David the Inscribed Book (the Psalms)

We inspired you O Muhammad We inspired messengers which We have not mentioned by name in the Quran.

And Allah spoke directly unto Moses.

It is said that Allah sent eight thousand prophets in total; He sent at least one messenger or prophet to every nation on the face of the earth.

Allah has sent all these messengers:

  • of good cheer, giving the good news of Paradise for those who believe, and
  • of warning of hell for those who disbelieve in Allah,

Allah did that in order that mankind might have no argument on the Day of Judgment against Allah after sending the messengers, such that they cannot say: You have not sent us any messenger.

Allah is ever Mighty in His kingdom. He is ever Wise, in His actions.


Then, the idolaters among the Arabs asked the Jews if Muhammad is a Prophet or not.

The idolaters asked the Jews because the Jews are the people of Allah’ scripture.

When the Jews were asked about Muhammad’s prophet hood and they denied him, although they knew that he is the last prophet, when this happened, the following verse of the Noble Quran has revealed; it means:

But Allah bears witness:

  • of your prophet hood O Muhammad
  • of what He has revealed to you O Muhammad (the Quran), He has revealed it through His knowledge

And also, the entire Angels bear witness.

The entire world of the Angels whose number is countless bear witness too.

This is the second witness of the Angels.

O you smart reader, where you are from this second witness of countless billions of Angels that will lead you to either Paradise or Hell


The verses 4:163-166 (PICKTHAL translation):

163) lo! We inspire thee as we inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as we inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as we imparted unto David the psalms;

164) and messengers we have mentioned unto thee before and messengers we have not mentioned unto thee; and Allah spake directly unto Moses;

165) messengers of good cheer and of warning, in order that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers. Allah was ever mighty, wise.

166) but Allah (himself) testifieth concerning that which he hath revealeth unto thee; in his knowledge hath he revealed it; and the Angels also testify. and Allah is sufficient witness.

Allah does not love (17) the Corrupters

The Story of Qaroun, Moses’ cousin, in the Noble Quran

What the believers among the folk of Moses said to Qaroun?


Verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran are talking about “Qaroun”, Moses’ cousin, who was very rich man. He was corrupter in the earth in the earth through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

Verses 28:76-77 are talking about who is Qaroun and what the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him.   


The meanings of the verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran:

Verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran are talking about “Qaroun”, Moses’ cousin, who was very rich man. He was corrupter in the earth in the earth through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

Verses 28:76-77 are talking about who is Qaroun and what the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him.  

Verse 28:76 says

Indeed, Qaroun was of Moses folk, he belonged to the people of Moses.

He was Moses’ paternal and maternal cousin.

Although he had believed in him in Moses, however, he oppressed his people, he transgressed against Moses, Aaron and their folk and he became insolent towards his people, through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

He said: “Moses has been given messenger ship and Aaron religious authority while have nothing; this I will not accept”, and he rejected Moses’ prophet hood.

Allah had given Qaroun so many treasures that the number of their keys would verily have burdened a group of strong men, in other words, they would have been too heavy for such men.

The number of such men required is estimated to be 70 men

In other words, Allah gave him so much treasure and wealth that the stores thereof) the keys of his stores would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men; 70 men carried the keys of his stores

This indicates that he was very wealthy.

His people, the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him, ‘Do not be exultant, in your great wealth, an exultation of insolence; do not be too proud nor associate partners with Allah

Truly Allah does not love the exultant, in such things;

Allah does not love those who are too proud because of their wealth;

Verse 28:77 says

His people, the believers among the folk of Moses, said to Qaroun

But seek the abode of the Hereafter, Paradise in that which Allah has given you through that which Allah has given you of wealth and do not neglect your portion of the world, do not leave your portion in the Hereafter because of your portion in this worldly life;

It is also said: your portion of this worldly life will not diminish because of spending from it for the Hereafter,

And be kind to the poor and needy, even as Allah hath been kind to you by giving you great wealth,

In other words, they said to him:

But seek, in that which God has given you, of wealth, the Abode of the Hereafter, by expending it in obedience to God, and do not forget your share of this world, that is, [do not forget] to strive in it for the sake of the Hereafter; and be good, to people, by [giving] voluntary alms, just as God has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth, by committing acts of disobedience. 

Do not commit transgressions and oppose the command of the Messenger Moses,

Surely, Allah does not love the corrupters, who commit transgressions, meaning that He will punish them


Verses 28:76-77 in different translations:


76) Qaroun was one of Moses’ nation. But he was insolent to them, for we had given him such treasures that their very keys were too heavy a burden for even the strong. his people said to him: ‘do not exult; Allah does not love the boastful.

77) But seek, in that which Allah has given you to attain the everlasting residence. do not forget your share in this world. do good, as Allah has been good to you, and do not corrupt in the land, Allah does not love those who corrupt.



76) Surely Qaroun was of the people of Moses, but he rebelled against them, and we had given him of the treasures, so much so that his hoards of wealth would certainly weigh down a company of men possessed of great strength. when his people said to him: do not exult, surely Allah does not love the exultant;

77) And seek by means of what Allah has given you the future abode, and do not neglect your portion of this world, and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the land, surely Allah does not love the mischief-makers



76) Now Qaroun was of Moses’ folk, but he oppressed them; and we gave him so much treasure that the stores thereof would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men. when his own folk said unto him: exult not; lo! Allah loveth not the exultant;

77) But seek the abode of the hereafter in that which Allah hath given thee and neglect not thy portion of the world, and be thou kind even as Allah hath been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth; lo! Allah loveth not corrupters,



76) Qaroun was doubtless, of the people of Moses; but he acted insolently towards them: such were the treasures we had bestowed on him that their very keys would have been a burden to a body of strong men, behold, his people said to him: “exult not, for Allah loveth not those who exult (in riches).

77) “But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the home of the hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief.”

Allah asks you (9) would you dispute with us about Allah, who is our lord and your lord?

1)    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were neither Jews nor Christians, Allah Declares

2)    Allah is not at all heedless of what you do

3)    Who knows better, you or Allah?

4)    Who is more unjust than he who hides a testimony received from Allah?




In verses 2:139-141 of the Noble Quran, Allah is asking the Jews and the Christians these three questions:

1) Would you dispute with us about Allah, who is our lord and your lord?

2) Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians! Say: who knows better, you or Allah?

3) Who is more unjust than he who hides a testimony received from Allah?   And Allah is not inattentive of what you do.

That nation has passed away. Theirs is what they earned and yours what you have earned.




In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many. In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.




In verses 2:139-141 of the Noble Quran, Allah asks the Jews and the Christians these three questions:

1) Would you dispute with us about Allah, who is our lord and your lord?

2) Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians! Say: ‘who knows better, you or Allah?

3) Who is more unjust than he who hides a testimony received from Allah?

And Allah is not inattentive of what you do.

That nation has passed away. Theirs is what they earned and yours what you have earned.




Verses 2:139-141 give the question of this article and talk about it


The meanings of the verses 34:31-34


Verse 2:139 says:


Say O Muhammad, unto the People of the Scripture, would you then dispute with us concerning God, that He chose a prophet from among the Arabs, and so it is for Him to choose whom He will, Our deeds belong to us, for which we will be requited, and to you belong your deeds, for which you will be requited, so that it is not improbable that among our deeds there will be those for which we will deserve to be honored; and to Him we are sincerely devoted, in religion and in deed, unlike you, hence, we are more worthy to be chosen

Do you argue with us concerning Allah, concerning the Religion of Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? When Allah is our Lord and yours?

Ours are our works; we have our religion and yours your work, your religion.

And we are sincere in our faith in Him, we acknowledge that we worship Him and declare that there is only one true God.


Verse 2:140 says:


Or, nay, do you say O Jews and Christians that Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob, and the tribes, the children of Jacob were Jews or Christians as you claim?

Say to them, O Muhammad! Do you know best, or does Allah?

Do you know best about their religion or does Allah?

Say, to them: ‘Have you then greater knowledge, or has God? That is, God has greater knowledge; He dissociated Abraham from both groups, when He said, Abraham was not a Jew, nor a Christian [See verse 3:67]; 

Allah has already informed us that Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian.

And who is more unjust, in his disbelief and more insolent and daring vis-à-vis Allah than he who hides a testimony which he has received from Allah in the Torah concerning the prophet hood of the Prophet Muhammad?

Allah is not unaware, heedless of what you do about concealing your testimony.


Verse 2:141says:


Those are a group of people, a nation that has passed away, perished;

Theirs is that which they earned of goodness and yours is that which you earn of goodness.

And you will not be asked on the Day of Judgment of what they used to do in the life of this world.




Verses 2:139-141 in different translations:



139) Say: ‘would you dispute with us about Allah, who is our lord and your lord? Our deeds belong to us and your deeds belong to you. We are sincere to him.

140) Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians! Say: ‘who knows better, you or Allah? Who is more unjust than he who hides a testimony received from Allah? And Allah is not inattentive of what you do. ‘

141) That nation has passed away. Theirs is what they earned and yours what you have earned. You shall not be questioned about what they did.




139) Say: do you dispute with us about Allah, and he is our lord and your lord, and we shall have our deeds and you shall have your deeds, and we are sincere to him

140) Nay! Do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians? Say: are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do

141) This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did



139) Say (unto the people of the scripture): dispute ye with us concerning Allah when he is our lord and your lord? Ours are our works and yours your works. We look to him alone.

140) Or say ye that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians? Say: do ye know best, or doth Allah? And who is more unjust than he who hideth a testimony which he hath received from Allah? Allah is not unaware of what ye do.

141) Those are a people who have passed away; theirs is that which they earned and yours that which ye earn. And ye will not be asked of what they used to do.



139) Say: will ye dispute with us about Allah, seeing that he is our lord and your lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that we are sincere (in our faith) in him?

140) Or do ye say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, were Jews or Christians? Say: do ye know better than Allah? Ah! Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? But Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!

141) That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case: