Atheists in Quran (40) the Challenge they could not cope with

In the previous article, Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed.

In this article, Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran

However, the Atheists could not cope with this intellectual Linguistic challenge.


The meanings of the verses 11:13-14:

The Atheists often claimed that the Quran was a forgery, invented by the Prophet Muhammad.

Allah commanded His Prophet to challenge them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran, and to that end, they are able to seek the help of whomever they like

“If they say: We has invented it,’ say: ‘Produce, then, ten invented Surah like it, and call for help on all you can other than Allah, if what you say is true.’”

Herein, the Quran narrows down this intellectual Linguistic challenge from the entire Quran to ten Surah.

In the previous article, we have seen that the Orientalists might have been disabled to face the challenge because the Quran is composed of 114 Surah (Chapter); however, what about ten Surah?

See the next article.

The challenge was once to produce a Quran like the one revealed. Herein, it required them to produce ten Surah.

The purpose was to challenge them to produce anything like the Quran, in full or in part.

 “And call for help on all you can other than Allah, if what you say is true.”

The challenge included anyone they cared to call to their aid as:

  • Their deities, which they worship,
  • Their premium poets
  • Those who have the best literary talents.
  • The Orientalists

Call on everyone you can seek the help, even call on the entire Humankind if to help you if you are truthful in your claim

To prove their allegation that Muhammad invented the Quran; all they had to do is to produce ten Surah like those of the Quran.

However, all the help you seek will produce nothing.

Then it should be enough for you to come to know the truth of revelation

“If they do not respond to you, “know that the Quran has been bestowed from on High with Allah’s knowledge.””

Allah alone has the ability to bestow the Quran.

Only His knowledge could have produced it the way it is.

They must also realize “that there is no deity other than Him.”

This is the net result of the inability of their helpers to help compose ten Surah similar to those Allah revealed.

The self-evident conclusion then is:

  • There is only one God, Allah,
  • Allah only is able to reveal such a Scripture.

Having stated this fact, which does not admit any contradiction, the verse concludes with a question, which allows for only one answer, unless it be by those who stubbornly refuse to admit the evident.

The question is:

“Will you then submit yourselves to Allah?”

If they, that is, those on whom you call for assistance, do not answer you, know that there is no God save Allah.

Will you then submit and believe?


The verses 11:13-14 in different translations:


13- Or do they say: ‘he has forged it? ‘Say (to them): ‘then produce ten forged chapters like it. Call, if you are able, upon other than Allah, if what you say is true. ‘

14- But if they do not answer you, know that it has been sent down with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god except he. So, have you surrendered (become Muslims)?


13- Or, do they say: he has forged it. Say: then bring ten forged chapters like it and call upon whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful

14- But if they do not answer you, then know that it is revealed by Allah’s knowledge and that there is no god but he; will you then submit?


13- Or they say: he hath invented it. say: then bring ten Surah, the like thereof, invented, and call on everyone ye can beside Allah, if ye are truthful!

14- And if they answer not your prayer, then know that it is revealed only in the knowledge of Allah; and that there is no Allah save him. Will ye then be (of) those who surrender?


13- Or they may say, “he forged it,” say, “bring ye then ten Surah forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can, other than Allah!- if ye speak the truth!

14- “If then they (your false gods) answer not your (call), know ye that this revelation is sent down (replete) with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but he! Will ye even then submit (to Islam)?”

Atheists in Quran (3) their heart disease

The Quran diagnoses the heart disease of the Atheists. Their hearts are puffed up with pride; they are arrogant, scorning and too proud to believe; Allah does not love those who are too proud to believe.


The meanings of the verses16:22-23, they say:

  • Your God is One God.
  • Your Almighty Creator is One.
  • The One deserving of your worship is One.
  • He is One without any equal
  • He is One without any similar
  • He is One without any comparable
  • He is Allah, exalted He be

Then the Quran diagnoses the heart disease of the Atheists; the Quran says:

However, the Atheists

  • Do not believe in resurrection after death
  • Do not believe in the Hereafter
  • Their hearts are rejecting of their Creator
  • Their hearts refuse to acknowledge Allah’s divine Oneness
  • They are arrogant, scorning to believe in Allah
  • They are too proud to believe in Allah

Assuredly, Allah knows

  • That which they keep hidden of hatred, resentful envy, plotting and treachery and
  • That which they proclaim of vilification, slander and violent confrontation.

Lo! Allah does not love the proud

Allah does not love those who are too proud to believe.


The verses 16:22-23 in different translations:


22- Your god is one god. Those who do not believe in the everlasting life their hearts disbelieve, and are puffed up with pride.

23- Allah knows without doubt what they hide and what they make known. he does not love the proud.


22- Your Allah is one Allah; so (as for) those who do not believe m the hereafter, their hearts are ignorant and they are proud

23- Truly, Allah knows what they hide and what they manifest; surely, he does not love the proud


22- Your Allah is one Allah. But as for those who believe not in the hereafter their hearts refuse to know, for they are proud.

23- Assuredly, Allah knoweth that which they keep hidden and that which they proclaim. Lo! He loveth not the proud.


22- Your Allah is one Allah: as to those who believe not in the hereafter, their hearts refuse to know, and they are arrogant.

23- Undoubtedly, Allah doth know what they conceal, and what they reveal: verily he loveth not the arrogant.

This is Allah (47) Allah destroyed those who denied Shuayb

Madyan’s Leaders Said: If You Follow Allah’s Religion, You Shall Be The Losers, Ignorant And Duped

Who Were The Losers? Those Who Followed Shuayb Or Those Who Denied Him?

Shuayb Said: Why Should I Grieve For A Disbelieving People? And Therefore Were Destroyed?

Has Allah Destroyed Madyan By Earthquake Or Electric Shock?


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

The verses 7:90-93 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Madyan’s leaders said: if you follow Allah’s religion, you shall be the losers, ignorant and duped,

2) Allah punished and destroyed those who denied Shuayb,

3) Who were the losers? Those who followed Shuayb or  those who denied him?,

4) Shuayb said: why should I grieve for a disbelieving people? And therefore were destroyed? And

5) Has Allah destroyed Madyan by earthquake or electric shock?


In the previous articles of the series, the Prophet Shuayb said unto the people of Madyan (Midian):O my people,

1- Worship Allah! you have no god other than Him,

2- Give full measure and weight and do not diminish the value of people’s goods, and do not work corruption in the earth,

3- Do not Lurk on every road that people use to threaten, scare and take the clothes of strangers, and to turn away the believers from Allah’s path.

4- And remember when you were but few, and then Allah multiplied you.

Then, Shuayb said unto them:

And if there is a party of you who believe in that with which I have been sent, and a party who do not believe, in it, then have patience and wait until Allah judges between us and you, by delivering the affirmer of this truth and destroying the denier of it. Allah is the best of judges, the fairest of them.

The chieftains of Madyan, who were scornful and disdainful towards believing said:

‘Surely we will expel you, O Shuayb, and those who believe with you, from our township, unless you return to embrace our creed, our religion

Shuayb said:

We should have invented a falsehood against Allah if we returned to your religion after Allah has rescued us from it

It is not, right, for us to return to it, unless Allah our Lord wills that [it be so] and forsakes us.

Then Shuayb prayed:

Our Lord, decide with truth, adjudicate with justice, between us and our people, for You are the best of deciders’, adjudicators; for You are the best of those who make decision, the best of judges.

The chieftains, the leaders of Madyan said:


The meaning of verse 7:90

The leaders (disbelievers) of Madyan said unto those (believers) who followed Shuayb:

Verily if you follow Shuayb in his religion and submit to Allah, then truly you shall be the losers, ignorant and duped.


The meaning of verse 7:91

So the Trembling, the violent earthquake and the loud noise announcing their torment, seized them, and they lay lifeless prostrate keeled over their knees, dead (in their dwelling-place) in their town and encampments.

It is also said that the cause of their death was severe shock preceded by a violent and loud noise, a kind of severe electric shock.


The meaning of verse 7:92

Those who denied Shuayb were destroyed and became as though they had not dwelt there, it is as if they had never dwelt in those dwelling-places of theirs; Those who denied Shuayb, they were the losers in that they were punished.


The meaning of verse 7:93

The Prophet Shuayb departed from them before they were destroyed, and said:

O my people! I have conveyed and delivered to you the Messages of my Lord, by explaining the commands and prohibitions and gave you good advice, I advised you sincerely, I warned you of Allah’s torment and invited you to repent and believe; then how can I sorrow for a people that rejected Allah, why should I grieve for a disbelieving people? and therefore were destroyed?

(the interrogative is meant [rhetorically] as a negation).


Verses 7:90-93 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


90) But the unbelieving assembly of his nation said: ‘if you follow shu’aib, you shall assuredly be losers.’

91) So the earthquake seized them, at the morning they were crouched in their dwellings, dead.

92) It seemed as if those who had belied shu’aib had never lived there. those who belied shu’aib were the losers.

93) He turned away from them saying: ‘i conveyed to you, my nation, the messages of my Lord and advised you. how can i grieve for the unbelieving nation? ‘



90) And the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: if you follow shu’aib, you shall then most surely be losers

91) Then the earthquake overtook them, so they became motionless bodies in their abode

92) Those who called shu’aib a liar were as though they had never dwelt therein; those who called shu’aib a liar, they were the losers

93) So he turned away from them and said: o my people! certainly i delivered to you the messages of my Lord and i gave you good advice; how shall i then be sorry for an unbelieving people?



90) But the chieftains of his people, who were disbelieving, said: if ye follow shu’eyb, then truly ye shall be the losers.

91) So the earthquake seized them and morning found them prostrate in their dwelling-place.

92) Those who denied shu’eyb became as though they had not dwelt there. those who denied shu’eyb, they were the losers.

93) So he turned from them and said: o my people! i delivered my Lord’s messages unto you and gave you good advice; then how can i sorrow for a people that rejected (truth)?



90) The leaders, the unbelievers among his people, said: “if ye follow shu’aib, be sure then ye are ruined!”

91) But the earthquake took them unawares, and they lay prostrate in their homes before the morning!

92) The men who reject shu’aib became as if they had never been in the homes where they had flourished: the men who rejected shu’aib – it was they who were ruined!

93) So shu’aib left them, saying: “o my people! i did indeed convey to you the messages for which i was sent by my Lord: i gave you good counsel, but how shall i lament over a people who refuse to believe!”

Allah loves (9) those who are just and are not biased

How should Muslims deal with the disbelievers?

Islam, Muslims, Disbelievers and Tolerance


In the previous articles, we have seen that Allah loves

1) the kind good doers,

2) those who turn to him and those who are Clean and Pure,

3) those who guard against evil,

4) those who put their Trust in Him,

5) those who are firm and steadfast,

6) the virtuous,

7) the charitable, and

8) who judge in equity.

In this article, Allah loves those who are just and are not biased.



Allah does not forbid you in regard to those who did not wage war against you, from among the disbelievers, on account of religion and did not expel you from your homes,

That you should treat them kindly

That you should have relations with them and help them

And deal with them justly ) by honoring your pledges to them:

It is obvious that Allah did not forbid the Prophet Muhammad from having good relations with the disbelievers to have peace.

Assuredly Allah loves the just dealers, those who are just and are not biased.


The Background of verse 8:60 and a story about it:

Allah, exalted is He, says to the believers: “You have in Abraham as well as in the prophets and friends of Allah good role models, regarding their declaration of enmity towards their relatives who were idolaters, which should be emulated”.

So when this verse was revealed, the believers declared their relatives who were idolaters to be their enemies. They showed this enmity to them and absolved themselves of all the things that they did or believed in.

Allah, exalted is He, knew that this was hard on the believers and so He revealed

“It may be that Allah will ordain love between you and those of them with whom ye are at enmity” [60:7].

And He did just that when many of them embraced Islam, thus becoming brothers and friends. Consequently, they mingled with and married from among each other. The Messenger Muhammad, Allah bless him, married Umm Habibah, the daughter of Abu Sufyan (who was one of the leaders of the disbelievers).

As a result, Abu Sufyan mellowed a little. When he heard of the news of his daughter’s marriage, he said while he was still an idolater: “What an honor, He is an outstanding person; no harm shall come to him”.

Also, there is a story about this verse:

Asma’s mother (was disbeliever) went to visit her daughter Asma’ and took with her gifts: desert lizards, clarified butter and dry cheese. However, Asma’ refused to let her in her house and rejected her gifts.

‘A’ishah (Muhammad’s wife) went on behalf of Asma’ to ask the Prophet Muhammad. Allah, exalted is He, revealed (Allah does not forbid you those who warred not against you on account of religion) [60:8].

Asma’ then let her mother into her house and accepted her gifts.


Verse 60:8 says that Allah loves those who are just and are not biased.

The verse Commands the Muslims to deal kindly with the disbelievers who do not wage war against them.

The verse commands that Muslims should treat them kindly, have relations with them, help them and deal with them justly. Assuredly Allah loves the just dealers, those who are just and are not biased.


Verse 60:8 in different translations:


Allah does not forbid you to be kind and to act justly to those who have neither made war on your religion nor expelled you from your homes. Allah loves the just.


Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.


Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.