What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam (1)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Islamic life. “To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about the gentleness and simplicity in Islam?

 “There is a great deal in the religion of Islam which teaches consideration for .others, and leads to gentleness and simplicity of conduct, which, with a remarkable absence of censoriousness, produces what we call gentlemen. And no national decadence, or falling behind in the race for intellectual and material attainment and advantage, has obliterated this.

The men of the family with whom we are staying, in the culture of mind they show in all the relationships of life and I speak now after a friendship which ripened into close intimacy recalled for me the fine qualities which marked the early Moslems.

Here was a father and five sons, living together in a patriarchal dignity, the father ruling with a firm and wise benevolence, and the sons filling their part with filial respect and affection, all conscious of their duty to their dependents and their neighbors, following a family tradition of many generations.

They are known as men faithful to their word, whatever may be the cost, and equally faithful to their self-respect, whatever the inducements to depart from it. The Bey would have been a Pasha, when titles were on sale, if he had not possessed qualities above the temptations of personal aggrandizement in the East a sore temptation indeed. It was my happiness with these friends to bridge the gulf of reticence which the different forms of Eastern and Western pride create to separate men of different races, and causes them to misjudge each other from across the gulf.

The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Egyptian life.

“To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.

I never was in any family where the sons, of whatever age, did not rise when their father entered a room, waiting for him to be seated; an air of respect coming over them which prevents any slackness of good manners in his presence. His slightest wish is a law obeyed with quiet grace. The youngest son of this particular family sits by his father’s side at meals, and waits upon him as a most attentive servant. A father is seldom or never harsh to his sons; he reasons with them in a way that assumes intelligence, and a perfect desire to consider his wishes on their part.

An undutiful son is very rare amongst Moslems. The deplorable decline of respect paid to the aged in Western lands has no echo in the East.

“Nothing more greatly surprises the European traveller,” Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole admits,” than the polite and gentlemanlike manners of Egyptians of all classes. They always do the right thing in the most courteous, graceful, and self-possessed manner, and intentional rudeness to an older man, or a superior in rank, is almost unknown.”

This is Allah (34) How Does Allah Requite the Guilty and the Evildoers?

The Gates of Heaven will not be Opened for the Souls of Those Who…

What is the Outcome of those who Deny Muhammad and the Quran?

When Allah Shall Say: so Taste the Doom for what you Used to Earn?

How will be the Beds and the Coverings over the Disbelievers in the Afterlife?


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know their Creator.

Verses 7:39-41 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) How does Allah requite the guilty and the evildoers?,

2) What is the outcome of those who deny Muhammad and the Quran?

3) The gates of Heaven will not be opened for the Souls of those who…,

4) When Allah Shall Say: so taste the doom for what you used to earn? And

5) How will be the bed and the coverings over the Disbelievers in the Afterlife?


In the previous article (36) you have seen that:

Allah will say to the disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Enter into the Fire among, the number of, nations of jinn and man who passed away before you’. Every time a nation enters, the Fire, it curses its sister-nation, the one that came before it, because of its having gone astray on account of it, until, when they have all followed, caught up with, one another there, the last of them, those who were the followers, shall say to the first of them, those whom they revered and followed: ‘Our Lord, these led us astray; so give them a double chastisement of the Fire.’ He, exalted be He, will say, ‘For each, of you and them, will be a double, chastisement, but you do not know’ what will be for each party.



The meaning of verse 7:39

And the first of them shall say to the last of them, ‘You have no advantage over us, since you did not disbelieve because of us: you and we are equal in this predicament. God, exalted be He, says to them: So taste the chastisements for what you used to earn’.

In other words, the first (disbelieved) nation shall say to the last of nations: You were no whit better than us such that our torment should be double yours, for you disbelieved as we disbelieved and worshipped others beside Allah as we did. Allah then tells them: so taste the doom for what you used to earn, for what you used to say and do of idolatry in the life of this world.


The meaning of verse 7:40

Lo! those who deny Our revelations, Muhammad and the Quran and scorn believing in them, for them the gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, to receive their works or when their spirits are carried up to it after death, for instead they are taken down into jail with torment; in contrast to the believer, for whom the gates are opened, and his spirit is carried up into the seventh heaven, as is stated by Muhammad.

Back to the disbelievers, nor will they enter the Garden, Paradise, until the camel passes through the eye of the needle, which is impossible, and so is their entry [into Paradise]; they will not enter Paradise just as a camel cannot pass through the eye of a needle; it is also said that this means: they will not enter Paradise until a rope goes through a needle’s eye. So, with this requital, We requite those who are sinful, through disbelief; thus does Allah requite the guilty.


The meaning of verse 7:41

Theirs will be a bed of hell, a bed of fire, and over them coverings of hell, of fire. Thus does Allah requite wrong-doers, the evildoers.


Verses 7:39-41in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


39) Then, the first will say to the last: ‘you were no better than us. ‘ so taste the punishment for what you have earned.

40) The gates of heaven shall not be opened for those who have belied and grew proud against our verses; nor shall they enter paradise until a camel shall pass through the eye of a needle. as such we shall recompense the sinners.

41) Gehenna (hell) shall be their cradle, and layers of fire shall cover them. as such we recompense the harmdoers.



39) And the foremost of them will say to the last of them: so you have no preference over us; therefore taste the chastisement for what you earned

40) Surely (as for) those who reject our communications and turn away from them haughtily, the doors of heaven shall not be opened for them, nor shall they enter the garden until the camel pass through the eye of the needle; and thus do we reward the guilty

41) They shall have a bed of hell-fire and from above them coverings (of it); and thus do we reward the unjust



39) And the first of them saith unto the last of them: ye were no whit better than us, so taste the doom for what ye used to earn.

40) Lo! they who deny our revelations and scorn them, for them the gates of heaven will nor be opened not will they enter the garden until the camel goeth through the needle’s eye. thus do we requite the guilty.

41) Theirs will be a bed of hell, and over them coverings (of hell). thus do we requite wrong-doers.



39) Then the first will say to the last: “see then! no advantage have ye over us; so taste ye of the penalty for all that ye did !”

40) To those who reject our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: such is our reward for those in sin.

41) For them there is hell, as a couch (below) and folds and folds of covering above: such is our requital of those who do wrong.

Chapter 50 of the Quran (7) Two Angels for every Man

Allah has engaged two angels for every man; their job is recording a person’s deeds.

One angel is at your right side and he is recording your good deeds.

The other angel is at your left side and he is recording your evil deeds.


The verse 50:17 says:

Remember when the two Receivers, the two angels charged with recording a person’s deeds, receive and record, they are sitting on the right and on the left, hand side of every man.

Remember when the two angels write and record your deeds!


The verse 50:18 says:

Man utters no good or evil word but there is with him an observer ready to record either that which is in his advantage or disadvantage.


Man does not utter a word but there is beside him a watcher ready to record.


Man has an attendant guardian who is never absent from him.

The angels do not know the good and evil that is within a person’s conscience save when that person’s heart acquiesces in it either good or evil.


In order to appreciate how kind is Allah, remember that Allah commanded the angels to record the one good deed ten times up to 700 hundred times and to record every evil deed only once!


The verse 50:19 says:

If you know that, then what you are going to do when:

The agony of death, its throes and distress, arrives with the truth of the Hereafter, such that the one who denied it sees it with his own eyes at the moment of his death.

And this is the distress itself.

That, namely, death, is what you used to shun.

That death, is what, you use to dislike and to flee from.

That death, is what, you use to avoid and be terrified by.




The verses 50:17-19 in different translations



17) When both receivers (the angels) receive, one on his right, the other on his left,

18) Whatever phrase he utters, an observer is present.

19) And when the agony of death comes in truth (they will say): ‘this is what you have been trying to avoid! ‘



17) When the two receivers receive, sitting on the right and on the left

18) He utters not a word but there is by him a watcher at hand

19) And the stupor of death will come in truth; that is what you were trying to escape



17) When the two receivers receive (him), seated on the right hand and on the left,

18) He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready.

19) And the agony of death cometh in truth. (and it is said unto him): this is that which thou wast wont to shun.



17) Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left.

18) Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it).

19) And the stupor of death will bring truth (before his eyes): “this was the thing which thou wast trying to escape!”