Atheists in Quran (32) the failed Noah’s plea for his Atheist son

Noah cried unto his Lord and said, O My Lord! Lo! My son is one of my family whom you promised to save! Surely, your promise is the Truth. However, Allah’s principle = there is no rescue for unbelievers and the tie is not the tie of blood.


In the previous article, the ark is sailing amid huge waves, Noah, the worried father makes one plea after another; his Atheist son insolently turns his back.

In an instant, the gigantic waves swallow up everything, so he was among the drowned by the flood.

The verses 11:45-46 of the Noble Quran continues the story.

The Loving Father’s Plea

Now that the storm has subsided and the ark has come to rest.

Noah once again feels the paternal love of a distressed father.

He makes this appeal to Allah:

“Noah called out to his Lord, saying: ‘Lord, my son is of my family. Surely Your promise always

comes true, and You are the most just of judges.’”

Noah makes clear that he has no doubt that Allah is just and wise.

Nothing Allah does is without reason.

Yet Allah has promised Noah that He will be save his family (and his son of course is one of his family)

Now, Noah requests that Allah fulfil the promise He made to spare his family (and his son of course).

Noah cried unto his Lord and said,

O My Lord! Lo! My son is of my family whom you promised to save! Surely Your promise is the Truth for certain.

O my Lord! You promised me that they would be saved, and truly, Your promise is the Truth, which never fails, and You are the Most Just of Judges’, the most knowledgeable and the fairest of them.

Allah’s answer

Allah’s answer states the fact that Noah has overlooked.

By Allah’s standards and according to Allah’s principles, one’s family are not necessarily one’s blood relations.

The true relationship is that of faith.

This son was not a believer, and as such, he was not a member of the family of the great Prophet Noah.

Allah’s answer is firm and undisputable.

Moreover, there is an element of criticism and warning in Allah’s answer:

“‘Noah,’ Allah answered, ‘he was not of your family; his was an unrighteous conduct. Do not question Me about matters of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you become one of the ignorant.”

O Noah, lo! He is not of your family, of those who will be saved, or of the followers of your religion; lo! it, that is, your plea to save him, is not a righteous deed, for he is unbeliever and there is no rescue for unbelievers

A great principle of this religion states that the paramount relationship that exists between individuals is not one based on family affinity: “He was not of your family; his was an unrighteous conduct.”

Your relationship with him is thus severed despite the fact that he was your own son. Since the basic tie between the two of you does not exist, no other tie has any significance.

Since Noah’s prayer requested the fulfilment of a promise which he felt had not happened, the answer includes an implicit reproach and warning:

“Do not question Me about matters of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you become one of the ignorant.”

I admonish you lest you be among the ignorant’, when you ask about what you do not know.

The admonition is needed lest Noah become one of those who are ignorant of the real ties and relationships, or unaware of Allah’s promise and its

interpretation. For Allah’s promise has been done and Noah’s true faithful family has been saved.

There is one thing, which Noah will see it in the Day of Judgment; Noah lost one Atheist son but he gained billions of believer sons, they are the Muslims.


The verses 11:45-46 in different translations:


45- Noah called out to his lord, saying: ‘o lord, my son was of my family, and your promise is surely the truth. you are the most just of judges. ‘

46- He said: ‘Noah, he is not of your family. it is not a good deed. do not ask me about things of which you have no knowledge. i reproach you lest you become among the ignorant. ‘


45- And nuh cried out to his lord and said: my lord! Surely my son is of my family, and thy promise is surely true, and thou art the most just of the judges

46- He said: o nuh! Surely he is not of your family; surely he is (the doer of) other than good deeds, therefore ask not of me that of which you have no knowledge; surely i admonish you lest you may be of the ignorant


45- And Noah cried unto his lord and said: my lord! lo! My son is of my household! Surely thy promise is the truth and thou are the most just of judges.

46- He said: o Noah! lo! he is not of thy household; lo! He is of evil conduct, so ask not of me that whereof thou hast no knowledge. i admonish thee lest thou be among the ignorant.


45- And Noah called upon his lord, and said: “o my lord! Surely my son is of my family! and thy promise is true, and thou art the justest of judges!”

46- He said: “o Noah! he is not of thy family: for his conduct is unrighteous. so ask not of me that of which thou hast no knowledge! i give thee counsel, lest thou act like the ignorant!”

Angels in Islam (26) their greeting word

The Angels’ greeting word on meeting is persistently one word; it is “Salam”.

Salam means Peace


The Angels’ greeting words on meeting are not:

  • How do you do
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Good day
  • Pleased to meet you
  • Hello
  • Hi, or
  • How are you

The Angels’ greeting words on meeting is persistently one word; it is “Salam”.

Salam, in Arabic, means Peace

Al-Salam that means “the Peace” is one of Allah’s names.


Salam was the Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham); the story of this meeting is mentioned three times in the Noble Quran in the verses 15:51-52, 11:69 and 51:25

The Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the good faithful believers at the moment of their death:

To those whom the angels cause to die when they are good, pure of any unbelief and pure from associating any partners with Allah, the Angels say: Peace be unto you! This is the greeting!

Then, the Angels will continue saying: Enter Paradise because of your faith and what you have done in your worldly life. (The verse 16:32)

The Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the good faithful believers at the gate of Paradise in the Afterlife:

And those who feared their Lord, those who keep their duty to their Lord and those who obey their Lord, they will be driven, gently, to Paradise in troops, until, when they reach it, and its gates are opened and its keepers (the Angels therein) will say to them, ‘Peace be to you! This is the greeting!

Then, the Angels will continue saying:

You are good! You succeeded and are saved. So enter it to abide therein with the decree that you are to abide in it forever, never to die or and never to leave it (the verse 39:73).

The manner of their being driven as well as the opening of the gates before their arrival is a way of honoring them; the driving of the disbelievers to the Hell, however, and the opening of the gates only upon their arrival so that all of its heat is retained for them, is a means of humiliating them.


Nevertheless, Salam, the Angels’ greeting word is only for the believers.

For the unbelievers there are the words of blaming, accusing and smiting their faces.


The Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the Prophet Ibrahim

15:51-52 (PICKTHAL translation)

And tell them of Abraham’s guests, (how) when they came in unto him, and said: peace. He said: lo! We are afraid of you.

11:69 (PICKTHAL translation)


And our messengers came unto Abraham with good news. They said: peace! He answered: peace! And delayed not to bring a roasted calf.

51:25 (QARIB translation)

Have you heard the story of Abraham’s honored guests? They entered to him and said: ‘peace. ‘And he replied: ‘peace, you are people unknown to me.’


The Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the good faithful believers at the moment of their death:

16:32 (SHAKIR translation)

Those whom the angels cause to die in a good state, saying: peace be on you: enter the garden for what you did


The Angels’ greeting words on meeting with the good faithful believers at the gate of Paradise in the Afterlife:

39:73 (YUSUFALI translation)

And those who feared their Lord will be led to the garden in crowds: until behold, they arrive there; its gates will be opened; and its keepers will say: “peace be upon you! We’ll have ye done! Enter ye here, to dwell therein.”

What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam and the Truth (2)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the truest of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about Islam and the Truth?

 “The Holy Koran says, and herein is the duty of man, Worship none but God, and be good to your parents and kindred, and to orphans and to the poor, and speak with men what is true, and pay the stated alms ‘ (Sura ii. 77).

Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the most true of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God. Be sure God knows what you do; and when He destined you as the best of all peoples, He commanded you to do good and forsake evil. The foundation of true belief is faithfulness in the performance of every undertaking. A nation which lacks this quality, and allows itself to become familiar with lying, will be misguided, and all its striving will be in vain.

Suffering, misery, and poverty will overtake it, and in the next world punishment more severe and lasting. O creatures of God!

I call you to the practice of the truth, and faithfulness in every trust. Is there no reward even in this world for this?

To be believed by one’s friends, when one speaks, to be trusted in all the affairs of life? Such was the example and life of our great predecessors, who were before all things faithful, and true to themselves, and to one another. But, alas! We have forfeited the great teachings of our religion that stand now as a remonstrance against us. The Prophet on whom be blessings and peace as you know, hated lying, and he declared,

‘There is no belief in the unfaithful, nor a religion to the untrustful.’ “Shun ye the word of falsehood,” says the Koran (Sura xxii. 31). Mohammed declared that the guardian angel moved away from a man in detestation when he told a lie. By the testimony of all men who knew him Mohammed was a truthful man. “We have ever found thee a speaker of the truth,” they admitted, even in the days before they accepted his message. The only office allowed to the religious teacher is advice, guidance, and warning. Just as the layman will only with extreme reluctance refer to the faults of a brother Moslem, so even the preacher must not venture to expose the follies and frailties of others ; and to pry into the religious beliefs of other Moslems is not permitted even to the chief sheikhs. It is not proper to make any outer show of repentance; sin can only be confessed to God alone and in the secret heart. Of all these things, God will judge; and every function of priestcraft is opposed to the spirit of Islam.

What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam (1)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Islamic life. “To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about the gentleness and simplicity in Islam?

 “There is a great deal in the religion of Islam which teaches consideration for .others, and leads to gentleness and simplicity of conduct, which, with a remarkable absence of censoriousness, produces what we call gentlemen. And no national decadence, or falling behind in the race for intellectual and material attainment and advantage, has obliterated this.

The men of the family with whom we are staying, in the culture of mind they show in all the relationships of life and I speak now after a friendship which ripened into close intimacy recalled for me the fine qualities which marked the early Moslems.

Here was a father and five sons, living together in a patriarchal dignity, the father ruling with a firm and wise benevolence, and the sons filling their part with filial respect and affection, all conscious of their duty to their dependents and their neighbors, following a family tradition of many generations.

They are known as men faithful to their word, whatever may be the cost, and equally faithful to their self-respect, whatever the inducements to depart from it. The Bey would have been a Pasha, when titles were on sale, if he had not possessed qualities above the temptations of personal aggrandizement in the East a sore temptation indeed. It was my happiness with these friends to bridge the gulf of reticence which the different forms of Eastern and Western pride create to separate men of different races, and causes them to misjudge each other from across the gulf.

The relationship between the father and his sons is one of the pleasantest features of Egyptian life.

“To please your father is to please God, and to displease your father is to displease God,” said the Prophet Mohammed; and the teaching is taken to heart.

I never was in any family where the sons, of whatever age, did not rise when their father entered a room, waiting for him to be seated; an air of respect coming over them which prevents any slackness of good manners in his presence. His slightest wish is a law obeyed with quiet grace. The youngest son of this particular family sits by his father’s side at meals, and waits upon him as a most attentive servant. A father is seldom or never harsh to his sons; he reasons with them in a way that assumes intelligence, and a perfect desire to consider his wishes on their part.

An undutiful son is very rare amongst Moslems. The deplorable decline of respect paid to the aged in Western lands has no echo in the East.

“Nothing more greatly surprises the European traveller,” Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole admits,” than the polite and gentlemanlike manners of Egyptians of all classes. They always do the right thing in the most courteous, graceful, and self-possessed manner, and intentional rudeness to an older man, or a superior in rank, is almost unknown.”

In Bible vs. Quran, and Paul too denies that Jesus is God (20)

In the Bible: Paul says: “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ…”

In the Quran: Jesus says: “Allah is my lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him. This is the straight path”. The great name “Allah” is mentioned in every Arabic versions of the Bible more than 2222 times.


In the Bible: Paul says: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Paul prayed for the saints who are at Ephesus, and to the faithful God’s people living in Ephesus; he asked his God to give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

Now see how Paul did pray, he says: I pray that “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1:17 according to 21st Century King James Version)

Herein, we have two different beings,

§  The first being is the God and

§  The second being is the Lord Jesus Christ 

Paul defines the first being as “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Does anyone need a proof that Jesus is not God when Paul said it clearly, obviously, undoubtedly and unmistakably: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Study of the available 42 different versions of the Bible shows that 39 versions say: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”, two versions say “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” and one version ignores Paul’ saying completely (See the appendix 1-3).


In the Quran: Jesus says: “Allah is my Lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him”

On the other hand, the Quran plainly says that Allah is Jesus’ God

Who said that? Paul? No, there is no Paul in the Quran.

Then who said that? It is the lord Jesus himself

Jesus said: “Allah is my Lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him” (the verse 3:51)

Allah in the Bible:

It should be emphasized that the great name “Allah” is never ever found in the available 42 English versions of the Bible. However, the great name “Allah” is mentioned in every Arabic versions of the Bible more than 2222 times.

Read the verse 3:51 in the appendix (4)



(1) “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” is found in 39 Bible’s versions; they are:

21st Century King James Version, American Standard Version, Amplified Bible, Common English Bible, Darby Translation, Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, Easy-to-Read Version, English Standard Version, English Standard Version Anglicised, Expanded Bible, GOD’S WORD Translation, Good News Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, J.B. Phillips New Testament,  King James Version, Knox Bible, Lexham English Bible, Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament, New American Standard Bible, New Century Version,  New English Translation, New International Reader’s Version, New International Version, New International Version 1984, New International Version – UK, New King James Version, New Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised, New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition, New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Today’s New International Version, Young’s Literal Translation, Complete Jewish Bible, Orthodox Jewish Bible, Wycliffe Bible, Contemporary English Version and The Message.


(2) The New Life Version says: “the great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”

The New Living Translation says: “God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”


(3)The Worldwide English (New Testament) ignores Paul’ saying completely; it says:

“I ask him that you may understand these things in your hearts. I ask him that you may know what a great hope you have because God has called you. I ask him that you may know the rich and great blessings God has promised to his people.” (Forged Word of God!).


(4) The verse 3:51 in different translations:


Allah is my lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him. This is the straight path”.


Surely Allah is my lord and your lord, therefore serve him; this is the right path.


Lo! Allah is my lord and your lord, so worship him. That is a straight path.


“‘it is Allah who is my lord and your lord; then worship him. This is a way that is straight.'” 


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

Chapter 6 of the Quran (76) Even if the Dead Spoke to Them

Even if Allah sent down the angels to them and even if the dead spoke to them, and assembled all things in front of them, they would still not believe.  Allah drives someone to believe or not depends on what is inside his heart, if he likes to achieve the truth Allah will guide him, and if not, Allah will lead him astray.


In the previous article, the disbelievers of Mecca, mockingly, said to the Prophet Muhammad:

‘You told us that Moses had a staff with which he struck a stone and twelve springs gushed forth, and that Jesus revived the dead, and that Thamud had a camel emerged from a rock; why do you not bring us some of those signs so that we believe in you?’

And in a sarcastic manner, they swear a solemn oath by Allah, if there come unto them a sign as they have asked they will believe in that sign and they will believe in Muhammad and in the Quran.

When one swears by Allah, it is an utmost oath; however, they were scornful! 

Their dishonest oath actually need repent because they were not faithful; otherwise it is an unforgivable sin that deserve their dwelling in the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife.


Ayah 6:111 says:

Allah knows what is inside their hearts of pride, arrogance, smugness and supremacy; they the truth.

And if we had sent down the angels as they have asked and testified in favour of that which they denied, they would not have believed.

And if their dead forefathers had revived from their graves and spoken with them as they asked, telling them that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger and that the Quran is Allah’s Word, they would not have believed.

And if we had gathered against them all things of birds and beasts in array face to face, testifying that what the Quran is the Truth and affirming that which they have denied, they would not have believed.

They would not have believed unless Allah willed that they believe; but most of them are ignorant of this fact.

Allah drives someone to believe or not depends on what is inside his heart, if he likes to achieve the truth Allah will guide him, and if not, Allah will lead him astray.


The verse 6:111 in different translations



Even if we sent down the angels to them and the dead spoke to them, and assembled all things in front of them, they would still not believe, unless Allah willed it. But most of them are ignorant.



And even if we had sent down to them the angels and the dead had spoken to them and we had brought together all things before them, they would not believe unless Allah pleases, but most of them are ignorant



And though we should send down the angels unto them, and the dead should speak unto them, and we should gather against them all things in array, they would not believe unless Allah so willed. howbeit, most of them are ignorant.



Even if we did send unto them angels, and the dead did speak unto them, and we gathered together all things before their very eyes, they are not the ones to believe, unless it is in Allah’s plan. but most of them ignore (the truth).

Chapter 6 of the Quran (75) the Supreme Oath

When one swears by Allah, it is an utmost oath; however, they were mocking! 

Their false sarcastic oath actually need repent because they were not faithful; otherwise it is an unjustifiable sin that deserve severe punishment in the Afterlife.


The Prophet Muhammad informed the disbelievers of Mecca about the signs and the miracles which Allah has given the prophets before him but they did not believe therein.

He told them about the flood of Noah but they did not believe

He told them about the she-camel of Saleh which emerged from a huge rock but they did not believe

He told them about the great fire that Abraham was thrown into it but they did not believe

He told them about the splitting of the red sea by Moses but they did not believe

He told them about the miracles of Solomen but they did not believe

He told them about the swallowing of Jonah by the whale but they did not believe

He told them about the miracles of Jesus but they did not believe


Mockingly, the disbelievers of Mecca said to the Prophet Muhammad:

‘You told us that Moses had a staff with which he struck a stone and twelve springs gushed forth, and that Jesus revived the dead, and that Thamud had a camel emerged from a rock; why do you not bring us some of those signs so that we believe in you?’

Sarcastically, they swear a solemn oath by Allah, if there come unto them a sign as they have asked they will believe in that sign and they will believe Muhammad and the Quran.


When one swears by Allah, it is an utmost oath; however, they were mocking! 

Their false sarcastic oath actually need repent because they were not faithful; otherwise it is an unjustifiable sin that deserve severe punishment in the Afterlife.


Ayah 6:110 says:

Because Allah knows what is inside their heart of supremacy and arrogance and because they the truth, Allah shall confound their hearts.

Allah shall turn their hearts away from the truth because they the truth, so that they would not understand it,

And Allah shall turn their eyes, away from the truth, so that they do not see it and thus do not believe.

This is just as they did not believe in it, that is, in the verses that have been revealed generally and especially those of the signs of the Prophets before you O Muhammad., the first time; and Allah shall leave them in their insolence, in their misguidance, wandering blindly, hesitating, perplexed.

Allah shall leave them in their disbelief and error.


The verse 6:110 in different translations



We will turn away their hearts and eyes since they refused to believe in it at first. we will leave them in their insolence wandering blindly.



And we will turn their hearts and their sights, even as they did not believe in it the first time, and we will leave them in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on



We confound their hearts and their eyes. as they believed not therein at the first, we let them wander blindly on in their contumacy.



We (too) shall turn to (confusion) their hearts and their eyes, even as they refused to believe in this in the first instance: we shall leave them in their trespasses, to wander in distraction.