What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam and the Truth (2)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the truest of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about Islam and the Truth?

 “The Holy Koran says, and herein is the duty of man, Worship none but God, and be good to your parents and kindred, and to orphans and to the poor, and speak with men what is true, and pay the stated alms ‘ (Sura ii. 77).

Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the most true of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God. Be sure God knows what you do; and when He destined you as the best of all peoples, He commanded you to do good and forsake evil. The foundation of true belief is faithfulness in the performance of every undertaking. A nation which lacks this quality, and allows itself to become familiar with lying, will be misguided, and all its striving will be in vain.

Suffering, misery, and poverty will overtake it, and in the next world punishment more severe and lasting. O creatures of God!

I call you to the practice of the truth, and faithfulness in every trust. Is there no reward even in this world for this?

To be believed by one’s friends, when one speaks, to be trusted in all the affairs of life? Such was the example and life of our great predecessors, who were before all things faithful, and true to themselves, and to one another. But, alas! We have forfeited the great teachings of our religion that stand now as a remonstrance against us. The Prophet on whom be blessings and peace as you know, hated lying, and he declared,

‘There is no belief in the unfaithful, nor a religion to the untrustful.’ “Shun ye the word of falsehood,” says the Koran (Sura xxii. 31). Mohammed declared that the guardian angel moved away from a man in detestation when he told a lie. By the testimony of all men who knew him Mohammed was a truthful man. “We have ever found thee a speaker of the truth,” they admitted, even in the days before they accepted his message. The only office allowed to the religious teacher is advice, guidance, and warning. Just as the layman will only with extreme reluctance refer to the faults of a brother Moslem, so even the preacher must not venture to expose the follies and frailties of others ; and to pry into the religious beliefs of other Moslems is not permitted even to the chief sheikhs. It is not proper to make any outer show of repentance; sin can only be confessed to God alone and in the secret heart. Of all these things, God will judge; and every function of priestcraft is opposed to the spirit of Islam.

This is Allah (29) Allah Has sent down on you a garment, and the best is the garment of righteous deeds

Satan is the friend of those who do not believe

Satan and his tribe see you from whence you do not see them

Satan and his tribe have their home inside your chests

Satan loves your nakedness to manifest your shameful parts

The Linguistic meanings of the Arabic words Shaitan and Iblis


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:26-27 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah Has sent down on you a garment, and the best is the garment of righteous deeds,

2) Satan is the friend of those who do not believe,

3) Satan and his tribe see you from whence you do not see them,

4) Satan and his tribe have their home in your breasts and

5) Satan loves your nakedness to manifest to your shameful parts

The meaning of verse 7:26

O Children of Adam! We have sent down on you a garment, that is, We have created it for you, to conceal, to cover up, your shameful parts, and feathers, meaning all that one adorns oneself with of garments, and the garment of Allah-fearing, righteous deeds and virtuous traits, ‘the garment of Allah-fearing’ that is best; that is one of Allah’s signs, the proofs of His power; perhaps they will remember, and believe (the address shifts to mankind).

In other words, Allah gives advice mankind and says:

(O Children of Adam! We have revealed unto you) We have created and given you (raiment) clothes of cotton, wool and fur (to conceal your shame) your nakedness, (and splendid vesture) properties and stuff, that is the furniture of the house, (but the raiment of restraint from evil) the raiment of profession of Allah’s divine Oneness and of abstinence, (that is best) better than the raiment of cotton. (This) the raiment of cotton (is of the revelations of Allah) of the marvels of Allah, (that they may remember) take admonition.

The meaning of verse 7:27

Then, Allah takes you back to remember what happened to your father and mother, Adam and Eve; He says: 

O Children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt you, lead you astray, that is, do not follow him, lest you fall into temptation, as he caused your parents to go forth from the Garden, by tempting them, stripping them of their garments to manifest to them their shameful parts. Surely he, Satan, sees you, he and his tribe, his army, from where you do not see them, because of their ethereal bodies or their being colorless and invisible. We have made the devils friends, helpers and companions, of those who do not believe.

This verse shows that Satan loves the nakedness of mankind to manifest to your shameful parts; this is an easy way to sin and to commit adultery.

In other words, Allah gives advice mankind and says:

O Children of Adam! Let not Satan, Iblis, (seduce you) make you slip with regard to obeying Me (as he caused your (first) parents) Adam and Eve (to go forth from the Garden and tore off) took away (from them their robe) the robe of light (that he might manifest their shame to them. Lo! he) Iblis (sees you, he and his tribe) his soldiers, (from whence ye see him not) because your breasts are their dwellings. (Lo! We have made the devils protecting friends) helpers (for those who believe not) in Muhammad and in the Quran.


Verses 7:26-27in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


26) Children of Adam! we have sent down to you clothing that covers your nakedness, and feathers. but the clothing of piety that is better. that is one of the signs of Allah, in order that they remember.

27) Children of Adam! do not let Satan tempt you, as he brought your parents out of paradise. he stripped them of their garments to show them their shameful parts. indeed he and his descendants see you from where you cannot see them. we have made the satans supporters of those who do not believe.


26) O children of Adam! we have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shame, and (clothing) for beauty and clothing that guards (against evil), that is the best. this is of the communications of Allah that they may be mindful

27) O children of Adam! let not the shaitan cause you to fall into affliction as he expelled your parents from the garden, pulling off from them both their clothing that he might show them their evil inclinations, he surely sees you, he as well as his host, from whence you cannot see them; surely we have made the shaitans to be the guardians of those who do not believe


26) O children of Adam! we have revealed unto you raiment to conceal your shame, and splendid vesture, but the raiment of restraint from evil, that is best. this is of the revelations of Allah, that they may remember.

27) O children of Adam! let not Satan seduce you as he caused your (first) parents to go forth from the garden and tore off from them their robe (of innocence) that he might manifest their shame to them. lo! he seeth you, he and his tribe, from whence ye see him not. lo! we have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not.


26) O ye children of Adam! we have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. but the raiment of righteousness,- that is the best. such are among the signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition!

27) O ye children of Adam! let not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as he got your parents out of the garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: we made the evil ones friends (only) to those without faith.



Shaitan or shaytan in Arabic means Satan or devil.

Iblis is the name of Satan which beguiled Adam.

Iblis in Arabic means the one which has no chance to have any mercy

Chapter 6 of the Quran (109) the Sacred Duty

The Prophet Muhammad said to them: Come to hear what Allah has made a sacred duty for you, 1) you associate nothing with Allah, 2) be dutiful to your parents, 3) do not slay your children, 4) do not draw near any acts of lewdness, whether openly or in secret and 5) do not slay the life which Allah has made sacred.


In Ayah 6:151, Allah commanded His Prophet: Say O Muhammad to them; 

Come to hear, I will recite that which your Lord has made a sacred duty for you in the Scripture that was revealed to me:

That you associate nothing with Allah,

That you do not ascribe anything as partner unto Allah like partner, sons, wife, daughters, Angels, Jinn, idols etc


That you be dutiful to parents, you do good to them and be kind to them, and

That you do not slay your children, by burying them alive, because of poverty, destitution, that you may fear — Allah will provide for you and them — and

That you do not draw near any acts of lewdness, whether openly or in secret…Whether openly refers to that which it has been forbidden to do with the external bodily members such as fornication. Or in secret means the persistence in committing that act, and

That you do not slay the life which Allah has made sacred, save in the course of justice as a result of cases such as retaliation.

This, which is mentioned, is what Allah has charged you with that perhaps you will understand, reflect and recognize Allah’s divine Oneness


The verse 6:151 in different translations


say: ‘come, i will recite to you what your lord forbids you; that you shall associate anything with him; that you shall be good to your pwerents, that you shall not kill your children because of poverty, we provide for you and for them, that you shall not commit foul deeds whether openly or in secret, and that you shall not kill the soul that Allah has forbidden except by right. with such Allah charges you, in order that you understand .


say: come i will recite what your lord has forbidden to you– (remember) that you do not associate anything with him and show kindness to your pwerents, and do not slay your children for (fear of) poverty– we provide for you and for them– and do not draw nigh to indecencies, those of them which were appwerent and those which were concealed, and do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except for the requirements of justice; this he has enjoined you with that you may understand


say: come, i will recite unto you that which your lord hath made a sacred duty for you: that ye ascribe no thing as partner unto him and that ye do good to pwerents, and that ye slay not your children because of penury – we provide for you and for them – and that ye draw not nigh to lewd things whether open or concealed. And that ye slay not the life which Allah hath made sacred, save in the course of justice. this he hath command you, in order that ye may discern.


say: “come, i will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from”: join not anything as equal with him; be good to your pwerents; kill not your children on a plea of want;- we provide sustenance for you and for them;- come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth he command you, that ye may learn wisdom.

Allah does not love (4) the proud and the boastful

The Rights of the Parents in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Neighbor in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Orphan in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Guest in the Noble Quran


In the previous three articles, we have seen that Allah does not love:

(1) the disbelievers and Whoever disbelieves, the consequence of his disbelief shall be upon him,

2) the arrogant and

3) those who reject faith and there is an essential association between the disbelief and the arrogance.

In this article, Allah does not love who is proud and boastful


The meanings of verse 4:36 of the Noble Quran:

And serve Allah, acknowledge His divine Oneness.

Ascribe no thing, no idol as partner unto Him.

And worship God, declare His Oneness, and associate nothing with Him.

Show kindness unto parents, be dutiful and gentle-mannered to them, and also unto near kindred.

Be kind to near kindred, and to orphans, and to the needy, and to the neighbor who is near, to you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship, and to the neighbor who is a stranger, the one far from you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship; and to the friend at your side, a traveling companion, or a colleague at work, and, it is also said, one’s wife; and to the wayfarer, the one cut off during a journey, and to what your right hands own, of bondsmen. 

Allah commands you to keep ties with your kin, and orphans

Allah commands that you show kindness to orphans, and to protect their wealth, etc, and the needy, and He enjoins giving alms to the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin unto you,

The neighbor who also happen to be your relative has three rights over you: the right of kinship, the right of Islam, and the right of being a neighbor

And the neighbor who is not of kin, the neighbor who is not a relative has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of being a neighbor

and the fellow traveler, a fellow traveler has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of companionship;

it is also said that this refers to one’s wife at home. Allah commands kindness towards her (and the wayfarer)

Allah commands the honoring of guests. Honoring a guest for three days is the guest’s right. The honour bestowed on the guest after the third day is considered a charity on the part of the host;

And the slaves, whom your right hands possess, Allah commands kindness towards slaves, males and females.

Lo! Allah does not love such as are proud, in their walking and boastful about the bounties of Allah, showing nothing but wantonness and arrogance towards Allah’s servants, and Allah does not love the one who boasts before people of what he has been given.


Verse 4:36 in different translations


Worship Allah and do not associate anything with him. be kind to parents and near kinsmen, to the orphans and to the needy, to your neighbor who is your kindred, and to the neighbor at your far side, and the companion at your side, and to the destitute traveler, and to that which your right hands owns. Allah does not love he who is proud and struts,


And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful;


And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto him. (show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbor who is not of kin, and the fellow-traveler and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. lo! Allah loveth not such as are proud and boastful,


serve Allah, and join not any partners with him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: for Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-