Atheists in Quran (41) come here if you are honest

In the previous two articles, Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed, Allah is challenging them in this article to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasingorder of this unique Challenge


In the previous article (Atheists in Quran -39- a Linguistic Challenge for them), Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran (See the article Atheists in Quran -40- the Challenge they could not cope with).  When the entire Humankind have failed to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran, Allah is challenging them, in this article, to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran

However, this intellectual Linguistic challenge has never ever met.

The smart reader may acknowledge such a scientifically gradually decreasing order of this unique Challenge.

In the verses 10:37-38 we have Allah’s testimony that

  • Muhammad has not forged the Quran
  • The Quran is Allah’s message to humankind

However, the prideful Atheists and unbelievers claim that the Quran is an invented book.

Well, are they sure? Are they trustful?

Allah put for them a simple method to prove that they are trustful and honest in their claim.

What is this simple method?

Produce, then, one Surah like it.

However, what if they cannot?

Can they seek help of friends and resources?

Yes, they can seek the help and resources of the entire Humankind.

Cannot they beat this very simple challenge?

It is impossible to achieve this target; they and the entire Humankind cannot produce one Surah.

Then what? Then before they claim that Muhammad has invented the Quran they have to show us one Surah like it or

Or what?

Or, they are untruthful and dishonest

The verses 10:37-38 say:

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah. It is a confirmation of [revelations] that went before it, and a full explanation of Allah’s Book, about which there is no doubt. It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds. If they say: He (Muhammad) has invented it,’ say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can other than Allah, if what you say is true.’

“This Quran could not have been devised by anyone other than Allah.” Why? Because the Quran has many features like for example:

  • Such unique characteristics of topic and expression; such perfection of order and harmony;
  • Such completeness of the faith it preaches and the enigma for human life it lays down;
  • Such a thorough concept of the nature of 1) Godhead, 2) the life of this world (and the Afterlife), 3) human beings, 4) the universe, 5) etc. Such a thorough concept of the nature of all of that could never have been designed by anyone other than Allah.

Only Allah is able to combine all this, because He is the One who knows:

  • The beginnings of all things
  • The ends of all things
  • The apparent and the hidden.

No one else can devise a system that is perfect, free of shortcomings and based on perfect knowledge.

In addition, the Quran confirms all the revelations and Scriptures given to earlier messengers. It confirms the original faith outlined by those messages and the good things they advocated. It is the same Book, outlining the same message preached by all messengers; that is = there is no god save Allah

It is the Book about which there is no doubt.

It certainly comes from the Lord of the entire worlds..

This is an assertion that the Quran could never have been fabricated or attributed falsely to Allah.

It is indeed a revelation by ‘the Lord of all the worlds.’

Having stated the truth about the Quran, the verses speaks of a certain possibility

The possibility that Muhammad has invented the Quran

If they say that Muhammad has invented the Quran, let them then mobilize their resources and invent a single Surah like it, if they can.

“Say: ‘Produce, then, one Surah like it, and call for help on all you can besides Allah, if what you say is true.’“

Herein, we have two PERMANENT issues:

  • First, the challenge, and
  • Second, their inability to cope with it

The challenge is permanent, as is their inability to meet it. It continues for the rest of time and no one will ever be able to meet it. Anyone who appreciates the strength, beauty and artistic expression of the Arabic language will recognize that the Quranic style is unique, and that no human being could produce anything similar to it. So will those who study human social systems and legal principles. If they study the system laid down in the Quran, they will realize that its approach to the organization of the human community is unique.

It is not merely the incomparability of the Quranic style and mode of expression; instead the absolutely miraculous nature of the Quran is easily recognized by experts in diverse disciplines such as language, society, law, psychology, sciences, embryology, Medicine, etc.

No wonder then that many Rabbi and Priests and the top scientists have embraced Islam just upon reading few verses of the Quran.


The verses 10:37-38 in different translations:


37-This Koran could not have been forged by other than Allah. it confirms what was before it; a distinguishing book, in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of all the worlds.

38-Do they say: ‘he has forged it’. say: ‘compose one chapter like it, and call upon whom you will, other than Allah (to help you), if what you say is true! ‘


37-And this Quran is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds

38-Or do they say: he has forged it? say: then bring a chapter like this and invite whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful


37-And this Qur’an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind – therein is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or say they: he hath invented it? say: then bring a Surah like unto it, and call (for help) on all ye can besides Allah, if ye are truthful.


37-This Qur’an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.

38-Or do they say, “he forged it”? say: “bring then a sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!”

Atheists in Quran (25) Atheists of Noah vs. Atheists today

All the Prophets sent by Allah to guide humankind to the right path are liars in the eyes of the Atheists. Thousands of years later (after Noah), such standards and values still gain the upper hand in the today Atheists’ mind.


The verses 11:25-27 of the Noble Quran say:

Verily Allah sent Noah to his people [and he said]: ‘I am a clear warner for you, one whose warning is plain.

I am a warning Messenger who speaks a language you understand that you worship none but Allah; you confess the divine Oneness of none save Allah

Lo! I fear for you, should you worship other than Him, the chastisement of a painful day that is painful in this world and in the Hereafter.

I know that there shall come upon you if you do not believe the retribution of a painful Day, which is drowning.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, the respected elders and the chieftains of Noah’s people said:

  1. We see you but a mortal like us, you eat and drink just as we do eat and drink
  2. You have no merit over us, for which you would deserve our following you
  3. We see that your followers are but the vilest among us
  4. Those who follow you are the riffraff among us, such as the weavers and the shoemakers
  5. Those who follow you are the most abject, the lowly and the weak among us
  6. Those who follow you are impulsively without thinking; their bad judgment lead them to believe in you.
  7. Nay, we deem you liars with regard to your claim to be bringing a Message

The Atheists among Noah’s people apply here the erroneous standards that make

  • Honor = wealth,
  • Understanding = influence
  • Position = bank balance
  • Knowledge = power.

Thousands of years later, such standards and values still gain the upper hand in the today Atheists’ mind

Finally, they accused Noah as a Liar.

The same happened to the entire prophets from Noah to Muhammad.

All the Prophets sent by Allah to guide humankind to the right path are liars in the eyes of the Atheists.

This is the attitude of people who have full pockets but empty hearts and minds.

Their pride and arrogance are limitless.


The verses 11:25-27 in different translations:


25-We sent Noah to his nation. (he said:) ‘i am a warner for you, and a bearer of glad tidings.

26-Worship none except Allah. i fear for you the punishment of a painful day. ‘

27-The unbelieving council of his nation said: ‘we do not see you other than a human like ourselves. we see your followers are none but the lowliest amongst us, and their opinion is not to be considered. we do not see you superior to us, rather, we consider you liars. ‘


25-And certainly we sent nuh to his people: surely i am a plain warner for you:

26-That you shall not serve any but Allah، surely i fear for you the punishment of a painful day

27-But the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: we do not consider you but a mortal like ourselves, and we do not see any have followed you but those who are the meanest of us at first thought and we do not see in you any excellence over us; nay, we deem you liars


25-And we sent Noah unto his folk (and he said): lo! i am a plain warner unto you.

26-That ye serve none، save Allah. Lo! I fear for you the retribution of a painful day.

27-The chieftains of his folk, who disbelieved, said: we see thee but a mortal like us, and we see not that any follow thee save the most abject among us, without reflection. we behold in you no merit above us – nay, we deem you liars.


25-We sent Noah to his people (with a mission): “I have come to you with a clear warning:

26-“That ye serve none but Allah: verily I do fear for you the penalty of a grievous day.”

27-But the chiefs of the unbelievers among his people said: “we see (in) thee nothing but a man like ourselves: nor do we see that any follow thee but the meanest among us, in judgment immature: nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us: in fact we thing ye are liars!”

What lessons Allah teaches His Servants?

Among the sayings the Prophet Muhammad relates from his Lord (May He be glorified) is that

Allah said:


·         “My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another.

·        My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you.

·        My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you.

·        My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you.

·        My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me.

·        My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything.

·        My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the entire human beings and the jinn, to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle decreases the sea if put into it.

·        My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.'”


This saying was:

1) Said on the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, one of Muhammad’s companions (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

2) Narrated by the authors of At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Muslim

Chapter 6 of the Quran (118) Nobody Bears the Sin of Another

Shall I seek any other than Allah for a lord? He is the King of the kings and the LORD of the entire worlds.  No soul shall be taken to task for the sins of another soul; Then unto your Lord is your return after you die.


In the previous article, Submission to Allah was Abraham’s Religion and was the Religion Abraham’ descendants.

Allah commanded the last Prophet Muhammad to say unto mankind:

I am totally and absolutely submitted to Allah.

My worship, my prayers, my prostrations, my sacrifice, my devotions, are all for Allah,

My entire life, my entire activities, my entire deeds in this world is for for Allah,

He has no partner, no wife, no son, no daughter, and no equivalent. Nothing is equal or similar to Him. He is the Master of the Lords, the King of the kings, and the LORD of the entire worlds.  

Ayah 6:164 says, after all of that say O Muhammad:

Shall I seek any other than Allah for a God?

Shall I seek any other than Allah for a lord?

Shall I worship other than Allah?

Surely, I shall not seek any other than Him, when He is the Lord and the Possessor of all things.

O mankind, remember that:

Every man commintting a sin is earning his sin only against himself.

And no burdened, no sinful soul shall bear the burden or the sin of another man.

No soul shall be taken to task for the sins of another soul

No soul will be tormented for committing no sin

Then unto your Lord is your return after you die

He will inform you of that over which you differed and make your religion different.

And He will tell you that wherein in Religion you differed and you contravened


The verses 6:164 in different translations


Say: ‘should i seek a lord other than Allah, who is the lord of all things? Every soul earns only to its account no soul shall bear another’s burden. Then to your lord you shall be returned, and he will inform you about that in which you differed. ‘


Say: what! shall i seek a lord other than Allah? and he is the lord of all things; and no soul earns (evil) but against itself, and no bewerer of burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your lord is your return, so he will inform you of that in which you differed


Say: shall i seek another than Allah for lord, when he is lord of all things? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another’s load. then unto your lord is your return and he will tell you that wherein ye differed.


Say: “shall i seek for (my) cherisher other than Allah, when he is the cherisher of all things (that exist)? Every soul draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no bewerer of burdens can bear of burdens can bear the burden of another. your goal in the end is towards Allah: he will tell you the truth of the things wherein ye disputed.”

Chapter 6 of the Quran (117) All Messengers = One Message

This was, and still is, Muhammad’s message to mankind.  This was also the message of all the messengers, sent by Allah, to their people. This was the message of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus, 


In the previous article, Submission to Allah was Abraham’s Religion and was the Religion Abraham’ descendants.

Back to the original Abraham and his descendants’ Religion, Ayah 6:162-163 say:

Say O Muhammad, to the Jews, to the Christians and to mankind:

Lo! my worship, my five daily prayers , my rituals, my sacrifice, my devotions, in the way of pilgrimage and otherwise, and my living (my life), and my dying (my death) were all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

In short, my entire life, my entire activities, my entire deeds in this world were for the sake of the obedience and pleasure of Allah; the Master and the King of the entire worlds.

§  He has no partner.

§  He has no wife.

§  He has no son.

§  He has no daughter.

§  He has no equivalent.

§  Nothing is equal or similar to Him.

I am commanded to believe in Him,

I am the first (among my people) of those who submit unto Him

I am the first (among my people) of those who sincerely worship Him and confess His divine Oneness.

This was, and still is, Muhammad’s message to mankind.

This was also the message of all the messengers, sent by Allah, to their people.

This was the message of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus, 

Every one of those great Messengers and Prophet clearly conveyed this message unto his people.


The verses 6:162-163 in different translations


162) say: ‘my prayers and my worship (for example, pilgrimage and sacrifice), my life and my death, were all for Allah, the lord of the worlds.

163) he has no partner, with that i am command ed, and i am the first of the submitters (Muslims). ‘


162) say. surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death were (all) for Allah, the lord of the worlds;

163) no associate has he; and this am i command ed, and i am the first of those who submit


162) say: lo! My worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying were for Allah, lord of the worlds.

163) he hath no partner. This am i commanded, and i am first of those who surrender (unto him).


162) say: “truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, were (all) for Allah, the cherisher of the worlds:

163) no partner hath he: this am i command ed, and i am the first of those who bow to his will.

Allah Asks you (28) Is there any who seeks wisdom?

None of the LORD’ scriptures is memorized by heart other than the Quran

A Unique Feature: many thousands of kids can recite the entire Quran by heart

Allah has made the Quran easy; is there any who seek knowledge?


In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many. In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.

In Verses 54:17, 54:22, 54:32 and 54:40 of the Noble Quran Allah says that He has made the Quran easy to 1) read, 2) write, 3) understand, 4) remember, 5) recite etc.  Many thousands of kids can recite the entire Quran by heart.   None of God’s scriptures is memorized by heart other than the Quran.  So is there anyone who remembers?  Is there anyone who will be admonished by it and memorize it?  Is there any that seeks wisdom and knowledge and hence be helped to acquire that?


Verses 54:17, 54:22, 54:32 and 54:40 of the Noble Quran give the question of this article

The meanings of the verses 54:17, 54:22, 54:32 and 54:40

In these verses  of the Noble Quran Allah says that He has made the Quran easy to 1) read, 2) write, 3) understand, 4) remember, 5) recite etc.  Many thousands kids can recite the entire Quran by heart.   None of God’s scriptures is memorized by heart other than the Quran.  So is there anyone who remembers?  Is there anyone who will be admonished by it and memorize it?  Is there any that seeks wisdom and knowledge and hence be helped to acquire that?

The verses say:

And verily,

Allah has made the Quran easy to read.

Allah has made the Quran easy to write.

Allah has made the Quran easy to understand.

Allah has made the Quran easy to remember.

Allah has made the Quran easy to recite.

We know that many thousands of 6-9 years old kids can memorize the entire Quran and can recite it by heart very easily.

This is a unique feature of the Noble Quran.

None of God’s scriptures is memorized by heart other than the Quran

Allah has facilitated its memorization and disposed it to serve as a source of remembrance.

Allah has made the recitation of the Quran easy.

So is there anyone who remembers?

Is there anyone who will be admonished by it and memorize it?

Is there any that seeks the truth?

Is there any that seeks wisdom?

Is there any that seeks knowledge and hence be helped to acquire it?


Verses 54:17, 54:22, 54:32 and 54:40 in different translations:


We have made the Quran easy to remember, is there any that will remember!


And certainly we have made the Quran easy for remembrance, but is there anyone who will mind?


And in truth we have made the Quran easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth?


And we have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?