In Quran, Allah sent a Prophet to every nation

It is interesting that the Bible which is a historical book declares that all the Prophets sent by the Lord God were Israelites who were in the area of Iraq, Palestine and Egypt.  On the other hand, the Quran which is not a historical book challenges the Historians and declares that Allah sent a Prophet to every ancient nation.  Hence, the Historian have to find out who are the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 


The Bible talks about the Pre-Flood Era and the Increasing Corruption on Earth which provoked God’s wrath so that He flooded the earth.  The Bible says:

When man began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them, the Sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they married them.

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, his days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, “I will wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

Herein, there are some points; they are:

1)    Why only daughters were born unto man?

2)    Who are the Sons of God and how many they were?

3)    Also, nothing can or could, will or would grieve Allah.  Also, Allah has no heart; He is not like us or like anything else.

4)    Is man’s age 120 years as the Lord God has decided?

5)    Allah never ever repents of anything He did, He does and/or He will do.

6)    Moreover, although the Biblical God has Spirit, Allah has no Spirit; He is not like us.

7)    In addition, although the Biblical God has heart (and blood vessels and blood consequently), Allah has no heart; He is not like us or like anything else.

On the other hand, the Quran does not talk about the Increasing Corruption on Earth in the Pre-Flood Era, but it talks about the corruption of mankind from the time of creation of man up till now.  After Adam’s fall, Allah gave him and his offspring consequently an advice (Verses 20:121-123 and verses 2:38-39); hereupon, Allah sent Prophets to every nation on the Earth and He ends the Prophethood with the last Prophet, Muhammad (Verses 43:6-7 and verses 35:24-25).

After Adam’s fall, Allah gave him and his offspring consequently an advice

The meanings of the verses 20:121-123

And Adam disobeyed his Lord and so he erred, by [his] eating from the tree.

Then his Lord chose him, He brought him close [to Him], and relent to him,

Then Allah chose him, He accepted his repentance, overlooked his sin and guided him to seek repentance regularly.

[N.B., In the Bible, the Lord has not accepted Adam’s repentance; that is why He sent his son to the Earth.] 

And Allah said, ‘Go down both of you, that is, Adam and Eve, including all of your progeny, from it, from the Garden, all together, some of you, some of the progeny, being enemies of others, because of some wronging others. Yet if there should come to you guidance (a Scripture, a Messenger, and/ or a Prophet) from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, shall not go astray in the life of this world nor come to grief in the Hereafter.

The meanings of the verses 2:38-39

Allah said to Adam, Eve, and Satan, ‘Go down from the Heaven, all together. Then Allah mentioned Adam’s progeny, from hence; when and whenever it comes to you, from Me a guidance, whoever follows My guidance, believing in me and performing deeds in obedience of Me, no fear shall befall them, neither shall they grieve, in the Hereafter, since they will be admitted into Paradise.

But those who disbelieve, and deny our guidance, they will be the rightful owners of the Eternal Fire; they will abide therein forever, they will remain perpetually in hell: never to die or be released from it.

Allah sent Prophets to every nation on the Earth and He ends the Prophethood with the last Prophet, Muhammad

The meanings of the verses 43:6-7

Allah asks the Historian this Question  

And how many a prophet did Allah send among the ancients!  O Muhammad, Allah knew that they would not believe, but Allah nonetheless did not leave the bygone nations without messengers and Scriptures!  And never came to these past nations a Prophet but they used to mock their Prophets, in the same way that your people deride you O Muhammad.

It follows that, in contrary to the Bible which states that all the Prophets were Israelites, every ancient nation had its own Prophet; the historians and researchers have to dig through the history to explore the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 

It should be emphasized that Allah sent a Prophet (Idris); the scholar said that he was an Egyptian Prophet sent to the Ancient Egypt before the Flood (Verses 19:56-57). Idris is not mentioned in the Bible.

The meanings of the verses 35:24-25

Lo! Allah has sent you O Muhammad with the Truth, with the Quran, as a bearer of glad tidings, announcing Paradise for whoever believes in Allah, and as a Warner from the Fire for whoever disbelieves in Allah; and there is not a nation except that they had a warning messenger. In other words, there is not a nation or a community before you O Muhammad but a Warner has passed among them to warn them.

And if they deny you O Muhammad, those before them also denied their messengers who brought them manifest signs, miracles and with scriptures.  In other words, the messengers before Muhammad came unto their nations with clear proofs of Allah’s Sovereignty; they came to them with commands, prohibitions and signs, and with the Scripture expositing the lawful and the unlawful.

It is interesting that the Bible which is a historical book declares that all the Prophets sent by the Lord God were Israelites who were in the area of Iraq, Palestine and Egypt.  On the other hand, the Quran which is not a historical book challenges the Historians and declares that Allah sent a Prophet to every ancient nation.  Hence, the Historian have to find out who are the prophets sent to America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. 


The Bible (King James Version)

Genesis 6:1-7

1) And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6) And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7) And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.


The Quran (Pickthal translation)

Verses 43:6-7 

6) How many a prophet did we send among the men of old (the ancients)!

7) And never came there unto them a prophet but they used to mock him.

Verses 35:24-25

24) Lo! We have sent thee with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner; and there is not a nation but a Warner hath passed among them.

25) And if they deny thee, those before them also denied. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), and with the psalms and the scripture giving light.

Verses 20:121-123

121) … and Adam disobeyed his lord, so went astray.

122)  Then his lord chose him, and relented toward him, and guided him.

123)  He said: go down hence, both of you, one of you a foe unto the other. But when there come unto you from me guidance, then whoso followeth my guidance, he will not go astray nor come to grief.

Verses 2:38-39

38) We said: go down, all of you, from hence; but verily there cometh unto you from me guidance; and whoso followeth my guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.

39) But they who disbelieve, and deny our revelations, such are rightful peoples of the fire. They will abide therein.


Back to my question to the smart and interested reader:

Are the Scholars truthful when they claim that the Quran quoted from the Bible?


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

Our Mother Eve in Bible vs. Quran; her lost rights

In the Bible: Eve was the responsible one for the first human sin.

In the Quran: Both Adam and Eve were responsible for the first human sin.


Women are your mother, your wife, your sister, your daughter, your neighbor, your colleague etc.

Islam gives all of them their proper rights.

This article is an attempt to honor our mother Eve and give her their lost rights.


Eve in the Bible:

The fall of Eve is the most significant of all the falls of human being. As a result of Eve’s fall, all mankind was affected. The Bible describes Eve’s fall in six successive steps

“1: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2: And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4: And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6: And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” (Gen. 3).

It follows that Eve Listened, looked, desired, sinned and failed to accept the responsibility for her sin.

Eve Listened. It is evident from the text that Eve listened to what the devil told her. Before there is a fall, there is first attention and listening to the appeal of the devil.

Eve looked. The Bible says “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eye (Gen. 3: 6). It follows that, Eve looked and was soon hooked.

Eve desired. Eve’s response to the smooth words of the devil was, “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise (Gen. 3: 6), i.e. the devil had awakened her desire.

Eve sinned. She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat (Gen. 3: 6). Not only did Eve sin, but she was not satisfied until she had persuaded Adam to also sin and he did eat” (Gen. 3: 6).

Eve was deceived, but Adam was not. Eve was not remorseful and never asked God to forgive her and she looked typically like an impenitent sinners, she blamed another for her sin. “And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat” (Gen. 3: 13).

Eve did not submit to God and she also failed to resist the devil. Eve failed to accept the responsibility for her sin. Eve did not submit to God and she also failed to resist the devil. Eve never asked her God to forgive her.

These are the Biblical teachings.


Eve in the Quran:

In the Quran it is clear that both Adam and Eve sinned, and both together were responsible for the first sin.

“Then did Satan make them slip from the (Garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: “Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time.” Surah 2:36

It means that Satan deceived both Adam and Eve.

It is not logic to accept that Adam and Eve never submitted to God and they never asked Him to forgive both of them.

The Quran says that they did and Allah forgave both of them and gave them and also gave us also a golden advice to live in success in this life and in the afterlife

The verses 7:23-26 of the Quran say:

 [23] They said: “Our Lord! we have wronged our own souls: if Thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.”

[24] (Allah) said: “Get ye down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood for a time.”

[25] He said: “Therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die; but from it shall ye be taken out (at last).”

[26] O ye Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition!


To conclude, according to the Bible Eve was the responsible for the first sin while the Quran says that both Adam and Eve were responsible. A The Bible says that Eve and also Adam never submitted to God and never asked God to forgive them for their sin, while the Quran says that they did and God forgave them and gave them and us the rule for success and happiness in this life and in the afterlife.

This is Allah (27) Allah Told Adam that Satan is his Manifest Enemy

It is both Adam and Eve who did wrong and Eve was not the Leading

The First Oath in the History was a big Lie

Satan knows very well the man’s weak point

Satan made the First nakedness in the History Manifest


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:19-22 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah told Adam that Satan is his manifest enemy,

2) It is both Adam and Eve who did wrong and Eve was not the Leading,

3) The First Oath in the History was a big Lie,

4) Satan knows very well the man’s weak point and

5) Satan made the first nakedness in the History


This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:10-13 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah has given you power in the earth and you give little thanks,

2)Allah told the Angels to Prostrate before Adam for greeting,

3)Iblis (Satan) was the First Historically disobeyed Allah, and

4) When Satan said that he is better than Adam? And 5)

The Pride of Satan was the first Sin in the History


In the previous article (29) Allah said to Satan: Go forth from hence, degraded, rebuked, banished far from good; As for such of them, from the jinn and humans as follow you and obey you, surely I will fill hell with all of you of the disbelievers among the jinn and humans; then Allah told Adam that Satan is his enemy and …

The meaning of verse 7:19

And, Allah said, ‘O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, Eve, in the Garden, and eat from whence in Paradise you will, but do not come near this tree, to eat of it; lest you become evildoers and wrong-doers’.  In other words, do not eat from this tree lest you become of those who harm themselves.

The meaning of verse 7:20

Then Satan, Iblis, whispered to them that he might manifest, reveal, to them that which was hidden to them of their shameful parts by the attire of light (of their shame) of their nakedness. And he said, ‘Your Lord prohibited you from this tree only, in aversion, lest you become angels or become immortals’, in other words, that is the necessary consequence of eating from it, as is stated in another verse (20:120): Shall I guide you to the Tree of Immortality and a kingdom that does not waste away?

In other words, Iblis said to them: (Your Lord forbade you) O Adam and Eve (from this tree only lest ye should become angels) who teach good and evil in Paradise (or become of the immortals) in Paradise: this is why He forbade you to eat from the tree.

This indicates that Satan knows the man’s weak point and man loves to have kingdom and to be immortal

The meaning of verse 7:21

And he swore to both of them, that is, he swore to both of them by Allah, ‘Truly, I am a sincere adviser to you’, in this matter; in my oath that this is the tree of immortality.

The meaning of verse 7:22

Thus he did lead them on, to eat from the tree with guile, with falsehood and lies until they ate from it. Thus Satan did debase them in their status, by delusion, on his part.

And when they tasted of the tree their shame, their nakedness was manifest to them and they began out of shame to hide by heaping on themselves some of the leaves of the Garden.  In other words, their shameful parts were manifested to them, that is, the front private part of each was revealed to the other, as well as their behinds — each of these parts is called, ‘shameful’, because its exposure ‘shames’ that person, and they began to piece together, they began to stick, onto themselves some of the leaves of the Garden, to cover themselves up therewith.

And their Lord called them: O Adam and Eve, saying: Did I not forbid you from that tree, from eating of that tree and tell you: Lo! Satan, Iblis, is an open enemy to you whose enmity is quite manifest?

In other words, Allah called them: ‘Did I not prohibit you from this tree, and say to you, “Verily Satan is a manifest enemy to you”?’, one whose enmity is evident? Herein, the interrogative is meant as an affirmative.


Verses 7:19-22in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


19) ‘o Adam dwell with your wife in paradise, and eat from whatever you please; but never approach this tree or you shall both become harmdoers. ‘

20) But Satan whispered to them, so that he might reveal to them their shameful parts which had been hidden from them, he said: ‘your lord has prohibited you from this tree lest you both become angels or become among the immortal. ‘

21) He swore to both: ‘indeed, i am to you among the advisers. ‘

22) So he cheated both by delusion. and when they had tasted the tree, their shameful parts became apparent to them, and they both covered themselves with the leaves of paradise. (then) their lord called to them, saying: ‘did i not prohibit you to approach that tree, and did i not warn you that Satan was your clear enemy? ‘



19) And (we said): o Adam! dwell you and your wife in the garden; so eat from where you desire, but do not go near this tree, for then you will be of the unjust

20) But the shaitan made an evil suggestion to them that he might make manifest to them what had been hidden from them of their evil inclinations, and he said: your lord has not forbidden you this tree except that you may not both become two angels or that you may (not) become of the immortals

21) And he swore to them both: most surely i am a sincere adviser to you

22) Then he caused them to fall by deceit; so when they tasted of the tree, their evil inclinations became manifest to them, and they both began to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden; and their lord called out to them: did i not forbid you both from that tree and say to you that the shaitan is your open enemy?



19) And (unto man): o Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the garden and eat from whence ye will, but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrong-doers.

20) Then Satan whispered to them that he might manifest unto them that which was hidden from them of their shame, and he said: your lord forbade you from this tree only lest ye should become angels or become of the immortals.

21) And he swore unto them (saying): lo! i am a sincere adviser unto you.

22) Thus did he lead them on with guile. and when they tasted of the tree their shame was manifest to them and they began to hide (by heaping) on themselves some of the leaves of the garden. and their lord called them, (saying): did i not forbid you from that tree and tell you: lo! Satan is an open enemy to you?



19) “o Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the garden, and enjoy (its good things) as ye wish: but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression.”

20) Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them (before): he said: “your lord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become angels or such beings as live for ever.”

21) And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser.

22) So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. and their lord called unto them: “did i not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan was an avowed enemy unto you?”

Allah asks you (8) have you considered the fire that you kindle?

The Quran says: The fire we kindle is a reminder of oil production and the Eternal Hell,


Allah is asking mankind this question: Have you considered the fire that you kindle? Was it you who created the tree thereof?  Or were we the Creator?  We made it a reminder, for travelers, of gas (oil) production from the green organic trees and also We made it a reminder of the Eternal Hell, which is the dweller place for those which disbelieve in Allah, Muhammad and the Quran.




In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many. In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.

The question in this article is:

Have you considered the fire that you kindle? Was it you who created the tree thereof?  Or were we the Creator?

We made it a reminder, for travelers, of gas (oil) production from the green organic trees and also we made it a reminder of the Eternal Hell, which is the dweller place for those which disbelieve in Allah, Muhammad and the Quran.  




Verses 56:71-73 give the question of this article and talk about it


The meanings of Verses 56:71-73


Verse 56:71 says:

Have you considered the fire that you kindle?

Have you observed the Fire which you strike out?

The fire which you produce out of the [oil of] green trees?


Verse 56:72 says:

Was it you who created the tree thereof?

Is it you who created the trees from which fire can be struck out?

Or were We the Creator?


Verse 56:73 says:

We made it a reminder, of the fire of Hell, and a boon, a provision, for the desert-travelers which travel in ‘desolate land’, the wilderness that has neither vegetation nor water.

Why this verse is a reminder for those travelers?

Think about the fire that gives power to the engine of a plane for example, the fire is derived from the gas that comes out from the green trees, i.e., this verse is talking about gas (oil) production from the green organic trees.

Also, the verse is a reminder of the Eternal Hell, which is the dweller place for those which disbelieve in Allah, Muhammad and the Quran.




Verses 56:71-73 in different translations:



71) Have you thought about the fire you kindle?

72) Is it you that originated its tree, or are we the originator?

73) We have made it a reminder and a blessing to the traveler.



71) Have you considered the fire which you strike?

72) Is it you that produce the trees for it, or are we the producers?

73) We have made it a reminder and an advantage for the wayfarers of the desert



71) Have ye observed the fire which ye strike out;

72) Was it ye who made the tree thereof to grow, or were we the grower?

73) We, even we, appointed it a memorial and a comfort for the dwellers in the wilderness.



71) See ye the fire which ye kindle?

72) Is it ye who grow the tree which feeds the fire, or do we grow it?

73) We have made it a memorial (of our handiwork), and an article of comfort and convenience for the denizens of deserts.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (38) Allah’s knowledge

None has the keys of the unseen save Allah; He knows in full details anything, everything, all things that happened, happens and will happen; all were written and recorded in the Preserved Tablet.   



Allah knows everything.

Ayah 6:59 talks about the knowledge of Allah in a simplified way; however, Allah’s knowledge is absolutely unlimited.


Ayah 6:59 says:

None has the keys of the unseen save Allah, exalted be He.

None knows the paths that lead to knowledge of of the unseen save Allah.

None knows when the Hour but Allah is.

Allah knows the treasure stores of the unseen: rain, vegetation, fruits, and the descent of punishment they asked for on the Day of Badr.(the first battle between the Muslims and the unbelievers of Mecca; read the previous article).

Allah knows what is happening, on land, in the deserts, and in the waters; He knows that which is in the land and sea of created beings and marvels; it is also said that this means: Allah knows what He destroys in the land and in the sea.


Not a leaf falls from a tree except He knows how many times it spins in the air before it falls.

And there is no grain in the shadows (darkness) of the earth, fresh or withered, nothing of wet or dry but is recorded in a clear book namely, the Preserved Tablet. 

Everything is written in the Guarded Tablet with their precise measure and time.


In short, Allah knows in full details anything, everything, all things that happened, happens and will happen; all were written and recorded in the Guarded Tablet   



The verses 6:59 in different translations



With Him were the keys of the unseen, none knows them but He. He knows that which is in the land and sea. No leaf falls except he knows it, and there is no grain in the darkness of the earth, fresh or withered, but is recorded in a clear book.



And with Him were the keys of the unseen treasures– none knows them but he; and he knows what is in the land and the sea, and there falls not a leaf but he knows it, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything green nor dry but (it is all) in a clear book.



And with Him were the keys of the invisible. None but he knoweth them. And he knoweth what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falleth but he knoweth it, not a grain amid the darkness of the earth, naught of wet or dry but (it is noted) in a clear record.



With Him were the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but he. He knoweth wver there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with his knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read).