Atheists in Quran (48) No Ransom, No Exit

As for the Atheists and unbelievers, if they possessed, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection, The ransom would not be accepted from them. They will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it.


Truly, as for the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran,

If they possessed, definitely, all that is in the earth, and the double of it with it, by which to ransom themselves from the chastisement of the Day of Resurrection,

The ransom would not be accepted from them.

Theirs will be a painful doom and severe chastisement.

However, they will desire to exit from the Eternal Fire, but they will not exit from it; theirs shall be a lasting, a perpetual, chastisement.

They will wish to come forth from the Eternal Fire but they will not come forth from it

Theirs will be a lasting doom; which will never be interrupted.


Ransom = the act of holding someone or something hostage in order to get a demand met, or the money paid to get the item or person back.

Ransom = a sum of money paid to free a captive or a prisoner.

To ransom is to obtain the release of someone that has been held hostage by paying a price.

If the Atheists and unbelievers had everything on earth and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, Allah would never accept any ransom of them.


The Quranic unique method of description

The verses 5:36-37 of the Noble Quran portray a scene of the Atheists and unbelievers who disbelieve in Muhammad and the Quran. It is a very vivid description, because the verses do not only give a statement outlining a position, but depicts a full scene with movement and interaction.

This is, indeed, the Quranic method used in portraying scenes of the Day of Judgment. The Quran uses it for most purposes:

“If those who disbelieve had all that is on earth and as much besides to offer as ransom from the suffering of the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. Theirs shall be a painful suffering. They will wish to come out of the Fire, but they shall not come out of it. Theirs shall be a long-lasting suffering.” (Verses 36-37)

By the longest stretch of imagination, the most that the unbelievers can have is all that is available on the face of the earth.

But the verses go far beyond that and suppose that they have all that the earth contains twice over, and portray them trying to pay all that as ransom to spare themselves the suffering of the Day of Resurrection.

The verses also portray them as they try to get out of the Fire of Hell, but they are unable to do so. They continue to endure their painful, lasting suffering.

This is a very vivid scene with actions following one another in speedy sequence. There they are at first, having everything that is on earth and as much besides. They offer it all to escape punishment. Then we see them disappointed when all their appeals fail. The Angels are then forcing them into the Fire, trying to get out, but having no means of escape. The screen then falls and they dwell there permanently.


The verses 5:36-37 in different translations:


36-As for those who disbelieve, if they possessed all that the earth contains and as much besides to ransom themselves from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them. theirs shall be a painful punishment.

37-They will wish to get out of the fire, but they shall not, theirs shall be a lasting punishment.


36-Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, even if they had what is in the earth, all of it, and the like of it with it, that they might ransom themselves with it from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them, and they shall have a painful punishment

37-They would desire to go forth from the fire, and they shall not go forth from it, and they shall have a lasting punishment


36-As for those who disbelieve, lo! if all that is in the earth were theirs, and as much again therewith, to ransom them from the doom on the day of resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. theirs will be a painful doom.

37-They will wish to come forth from the fire, but they will not come forth from it. Theirs will be a lasting doom.


36-As to those who reject faith,- if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the day of judgment, it would never be accepted of them, theirs would be a grievous penalty.

37-Their wish will be to get out of the fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures.

Atheists in Quran (46) Historical Miracle

The first human beings worshiped Satan were the Waldenses, Vallenses or Vaudois; these are names for a Christian movement, which started in Lyon, France and spread soon to the Cottian Alps in the late 1170s. However, the Quran is the first book on the Earth that mention the fact that man one day will worship Satan. Is this Historical miracle is one of the many miracles of the Quran or what?


The verses 36:59-64 dwells on the scene of reckoning faced by the Atheists and unbelievers with all that it involves of criticism and blame. The verses say:

“But stand aside today, you guilty ones!

Children of Adam!

  • Did I not enjoin on you that you should not worship Satan, as he is your open foe?
  • And that You should worship Me alone? This is the straight path.
  • He (Satan) had already led astray a great many of you.
  • Could you not, then, use your reason?

This, then, is the hell that Our messengers were repeatedly warned you against:

Endure it today for your persistent rejection [of the truth].”

In these verses, we see that Scorn and Derision mark the dealing they receive.

At first, Allah commands them to stand aside, away from the believers.

Allah will say to them

  • Stand apart, O you sinners, guilty, unbelievers
  • Separate yourselves from the believers

Then, Allah addressed them as ‘Children of Adam,’ which is an address implying reproach.

“Children of Adam! Did I not enjoin on you that you should not worship Satan, as he is your open foe?”

Did I not charge you and command you, O children of Adam, by the tongues of My repeated messengers, and in the Scripture brought by the Messengers

  • That you should not worship Satan,
  • That you should not obey Satan
  • That Satan is a manifest enemy to you, one whose enmity is quite evident,

It was Satan who caused the expulsion of their father, Adam, from heaven. He has declared his permanent enmity to Adam and his children, yet they continue to worship him.

On the other hand, Children of Adam were enjoined to do something that was certain to set them on a straight path, leading to Allah’s pleasure and a happy end in the Afterlife:

“You should worship Me alone. This is the straight path.”

They are reminded that this enemy led astray many generations.

For verily Satan has led astray from a great multitude of people before you and from among you

Did you not know what Satan did to them, and hence avoid following their path?

Did you not use to comprehend his enmity and his misguidance?

Did you not use to comprehend the chastisements that befell them in the life of this world?

Moreover, Allah will say to them in the Hereafter:

This is Hell, which Allah’ messengers have promised you!

Burn therein today [as chastisement] for that which you used to reject!’

Burn therein today because of your denial of the Scriptures and the messengers.

Hence, the pretentious question for them:

“Could you not, then, use your reason?”

At the end of this very hard and humiliating position, the dreaded sentence continues, given in connotations of reproach and derision:

“This, then, is the hell that you were repeatedly warned against: endure it today for your persistent rejection of the truth.”


We know that Allah revealed the Quran unto the Prophet Muhammad via the great Angel Gabriel more than 1400 years ago.

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Humankind has never ever heard about worshipping of Satan.

As far as I know, the first human beings worshiped Satan were the Waldenses, Vallenses or Vaudois. Those are names for a Christian movement, which started in Lyon, France and spread soon to the Cottian Alps in the late 1170s.

In 1179, they gained the attention of the Church and were accused of worshipping Satan.

Hence, the Quran is the first book on the Earth that mention the fact that man one day will worship Satan.

Is this Historical miracle is one of the many miracles of the Quran or what?


The verses 36:59-64vin different translations:


59-(And he will say): ‘distance yourselves, o sinners, this day.

60-Children of Adam, did I not make a covenant with you, that you should not worship Satan he is surely a clear enemy to you

61-And that you worship me? Surely, that is the straight path.

62-Yet he has led many a host of you astray, did you not understand?

63-This, then is gehenna (hell), that which you were promised.

64-Roast well therein this day for you were unbelievers. ‘


59-And get aside today, o guilty ones!

60-did I not charge you, o children of Adam! That you should not serve the Shaitan? Surely, he is your open enemy,

61-And that you should serve me; this is the right way

62-And certainly he led astray numerous people from among you. What! Could you not then understand?

63-This is the hell with which you were threatened

64-Enter into it this day because you disbelieved


59-But avaunt ye, o ye guilty, this day!

60-Did i not charge you, o ye sons of Adam, that ye worship not the devil – lo! He is your open foe! –

61-But that ye worship me? That was the right path.

62-Yet he hath led astray of you a great multitude. Had ye then no sense?

63-This is hell which ye were promised (if ye followed him).

64-Burn therein this day for that ye disbelieved.


59-“And o ye in sin! Get ye apart this day!

60-“Did I not enjoin on you, o ye children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?-

61-“And that ye should worship me, (for that) this was the straight way?

62-“But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did ye not, then, understand?

63-“This is the hell of which ye were (repeatedly) warned!

64-“Embrace ye the (fire) this day, for that ye (persistently) rejected (truth).”

Atheists in Quran (34) Muhammad and their Evil Eyes

The Atheists Arabs hired some famous Enviers who had very harmful evil hurt Muhammad but they… Then they claimed that Muhammad is mad and possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Allah’s swear that Muhammad is neither mad nor possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Which one you go with? Allah’s swear or the Atheists Arabs’ claim?

Then again, why you every human being is involved in this issue?


The Arabic name of Chapter (Surah) 68 of the Noble Quran is “AL-QALAM”


In the first verse of the Surah, Allah swears by the Pen.

Allah swears by what they wrote, write and shall write by the pen to deny Muhammad.

About what has Allah sworn by the Pen?

The verses 68:2-4 tell us that:

Allah swears by the Pen that Muhammad:

  • Is neither mad nor possessed (because of reciting the Quran)
  • Is of great morality, tremendous nature and has the best standard of human characters
  • Shall have a reward that is never to be cut off

This Allah’s swear is a great testimony in favor of the last Prophet Muhammad.

This Allah’s swear = the witness of the Almighty Creator who creates the unlimited universe.

This is the witness of the Almighty Creator

Now, let us see the witness of some of Allah’s creatures about Muhammad and the Quran.

Let us go back in the History for 1400 years ago (The verses 68:51-52)

We are now in the Holy Mosque, Al-Kaaba, in Makkah

See Al-Kaaba today and yesterday in these videos

We see the ignorant Atheists, unbelievers and idolaters among the Arabs.

They could not resist the great effects that essentially happen upon hearing the Quran.

They know that Muslims have embraced Islam and believed in Muhammad just upon hearing the recited Quran

The notables Atheists and the unbelievers’ leaders put a nasty plan.

They hired some famous Enviers in order to envy the Prophet Muhammad by their very harmful evil eyes.

They hired the Enviers to hurt Muhammad.

They gave them a lot of money to accomplish such a nasty mission.

What was the qualifications of the hired Enviers?

Upon they concentrated looking at something for a while:

  • One of the hired Enviers claimed that he can split a big solid rock into two halves
  • Another Envier claimed that Muhammad will slip and fall on the ground and his bones will be broken into pieces
  • A third Envier claimed that Muhammad will be sick and he will never get out of bed until he died
  • Etc.

Well, their target was to smite and strike Muhammad down with their glances.

On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad used to recite the Quran in the Holy Mosque, Al-Kaaba, in Makkah in an attempt to spread Allah’s message unto the visitors of Al-Kaaba.

The Enviers kept looking at the Prophet Muhammad by their very harmful evil eyes for many hours.

Nothing happened to the Prophet Muhammad.

Allah protected his messenger from the Evil eyes of the Enviers

The notables and leaders’ plan failed!

Then what?

Many of the Arabs used to come every day from all over the Arabia to visit Al-Kaaba.

They certainly will hear the Prophet Muhammad reciting the Quran.

The notables and leaders were afraid of the great effects that essentially happen upon hearing the Quran by the visitors of Al-Kaaba

Then what they have to say about the Prophet Muhammad

They agreed to say to the visitors of Al-Kaaba that Muhammad is but a mad and possessed man

This is not a historical story for entertainment

This story is for you and for every human being all over the world

You have two witnesses:

Allah’s witness = Muhammad is neither mad nor possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Atheists Arabs’ witness = Muhammad mad and possessed because of reciting the Quran.

Which one you go with?

Then again, why you and every human being is involved in this story?


The Quran = Allah’s message to the entire world.

Allah is warning everyone: if someone hears about the existence of Muhammad and the Quran and he disbelieves in them, then he/she will dwell in the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife

It is interesting that Allah gives herein two names for the Quran:

A Reminder for all the worlds

Allah’s Favor to humankind

Then again, is it a moral way or a scientific conduct to judge about the Quran without reading it?

In fact, about 99% of the Quran deniers have no idea about the Quran and the other 1% of the Quran deniers know for sure that it is the Absolute Truth but they hide that in order not to lose their wealth and their power.

Nevertheless, some of that 1% could not resist anymore and they embraced Islam and announced their new faith.

To realize that, Google search how many Jews, Catholic Priests and orientalists embraced Islam?


The verses 68:1-4 in different translations:


1-4) Noon. By the pen and that (the angels) write, you are not, because of the favor of your Lord, mad. Indeed, there is an unfailing wage for you. Surely, you (Prophet Muhammad) are of a great morality.


1-4) Noon. I swear by the pen and what the angels write, by the grace of your Lord you are not mad. And most surely you shall have a reward never to be cut off. And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality


1-4) Nun. By the pen and that which they write (therewith), thou art not, for thy Lord’s favor unto thee, a madman. And lo! thine verily will be a reward unfailing. And lo! Thou art of a tremendous nature.


1-4) Nun. By the pen and the (record) which (men) write,- thou art not, by the grace of thy Lord, mad or possessed. Nay, verily for thee is a reward unfailing: and thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.


The verses 68:51-52 in different translations:


51-52) When the unbelievers hear the reminder, they nearly strike you down with their glances, and say: ‘surely, he is mad! ‘ But it is nothing other than a reminder for all the worlds.


51-52) And those who disbelieve would almost smite you with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: most surely he is mad And it is naught but a reminder to the nations


51-52) And lo! Those who disbelieve would fain disconcert thee with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: lo! He is indeed mad; When it is naught else than a reminder to creation.


51-52) And the unbelievers would almost trip thee up with their eyes when they hear the message; and they say: “surely he is possessed!” But it is nothing less than a message to all the worlds.

The Shadow in Bible vs. Quran

In the Bible, God the Almighty Creator has a shadow; also, the Angels, the Death, the evening etc. have shadows.

On the other hand, the Quran talks about two Historical Shadows and the Shadow at the Day of Judgment for the believers and the unbelievers; also, the Quran gives some scientific facts about the Shadow.


The Bible talks about:

1)     The Lord God has a shadow

2)     What is in heaven has Shadow

3)     The Shadow of death, its valley and its land

4)     The Evening Shadows that grow long

5)     The Deep shadow that ring the eyes

6)     The Shadow goes forward or backward ten steps

7)     Our Life is shadow

8)     Some other Biblical facts about the Shadow

The Quran talks about:

1) Two Historical Shadows

2) Scientific facts about the Shadow

3) The Shadow at the Day of Judgment

4) The Shadow for the believers and the unbelievers in the Afterlife


The Shadow in the Bible:

The Shadow is mentioned 51 in the Bible and 19 times in the Quran.

Upon talking about the Shadow, the Bible declares that:

  • God has a shadow,
  • God’s hand has a shadow,
  • God’s wings have shadow, and
  • God does not change like shifting shadows.

In addition, the Bible says that “What is in heaven has Shadow”. It is known that the Angels are in the heaven; have they shadows too like their Creator.

Moreover, the Bible talks about the death has shadow and there are the valley of the shadow of death and the land of the shadow of the death.

In addition, the Bible talks about the evening has shadows, there are deep shadows, the Shadow and the ten steps etc.

In fact, most of the above especially God, Angels and death have no shadow(s) at all!

If God has a shadow, then He is a body like us!

The Angels are created from light, has the light a shadow?

In addition, does anyone see the shadow of the death?


1) The Lord God has a shadow, His hand has a shadow, His wings have shadow, and He does not change like shifting shadows

Psalm 91:1

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Isaiah 49:2

In the shadow of His Hand, he hid me;

Isaiah 51:16

I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of My Hand

Psalm 17:8

Hide me in the shadow of your wings

Psalm 36:7

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 57:1

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

Psalm 63:7

Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

James 1:17

The Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows,


2) What is in heaven has Shadow

Hebrews 8:5

They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.


3) The Shadow of death, the valley and the land of the shadow of the death

The Bible states that the death has shadow and there are the valley of the shadow of death and the land of the shadow of the death.

Job 38:17

Have the gates of death been shown to you?

Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death ?

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Isaiah 9:2

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Matthew 4:16

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

Luke 1:79

to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.”


4) The Evening Shadows that grow long

Job 7:2

Like a slave longing for the evening shadows, or a hired man waiting eagerly for his wages,

Nehemiah 13:19

When evening shadows fell on the gates of Jerusalem before the Sabbath, I ordered the doors to be shut and not opened until the Sabbath was over. I stationed some of my own men at the gates so that no load could be brought in on the Sabbath day.

Psalm 102:11

My days are like the evening shadow; I wither away like grass.

Psalm 109:23

I fade away like an evening shadow; I am shaken off like a locust.

Jeremiah 6:4

“Prepare for battle against her! Arise, let us attack at noon! But, alas, the daylight is fading, and the shadows of evening grow long.


5) The Deep shadow that ring the eyes

Job 10:21

Before I go to the place of no return, to the land of gloom and deep shadow,

Job 10:22

To the land of deepest night, of deep shadow and disorder, where even the light is like darkness.”

Job 12:22

He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings deep shadows into the light.

Job 3:5

May darkness and deep shadow claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm its light.

Job 16:16

My face is red with weeping; deep shadows ring my eyes;

Job 34:22

There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide.

Isaiah 59:9

So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.


6) The Shadow goes forward or backward ten steps

2 Kings 20:9

“This is the Lord’s sign to you that the LORD will do what he has promised: Shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or shall it go back ten steps?”

2 Kings 20:10

It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps,” said Hezekiah. “Rather, have it go back ten steps.”

2 Kings 20:11

The LORD made the shadow go back the ten steps it had gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.

Isaiah 38:8

I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.’ “So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down.


7) Our Life is shadow

Our days on earth (few and meaningless) are like a fleeting shadow, without hope

1 Chronicles 29:15

Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.

Job 8:9

For we were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow.

Psalm 144:4

Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.

Ecclesiastes 6:12

For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days he passes through like a shadow? Who can tell him what will happen under the sun after he is gone?

Ecclesiastes 8:13

Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow.


8) Some other Biblical facts about the Shadow

You mistake the shadows of the mountains for men

Judges 9:36

“You mistake the shadows of the mountains for men.”

Job 14:2

He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow,

Job 17:7

My eyes have grown dim with grief; my whole frame is but a shadow.

Job 40:22

The lotuses conceal him in their shadow;

Psalm 11:2

They (the wicked) set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.

Song of Solomon 2:17

Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn, my lover, and be like a gazelle

Song of Solomon 4:6

Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, I will go to the mountain…

Isaiah 16:3

Make your shadow like night

Isaiah 25:5

Heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud

Isaiah 32:2

Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.

Isaiah 34:15

The owl will nest there and lay eggs, she will hatch them, and care for her young under the shadow of her wings; there also the falcons will gather, each with its mate.

Jeremiah 48:45

“In the shadow of Heshbon the fugitives stand helpless

Lamentations 4:20

We thought that under his shadow we would live among the nations.

Colossians 2:17

These are a shadow of the things that were to come

Acts 5:15

At least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.

Hebrews 10:1

The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming


The Shadow in the Quran:

The Quran talks about:

1) Two Historical Shadows

2) Scientific facts about the Shadow

3) The Shadow at the Day of Judgment

4) The Shadow for the believers and the unbelievers in the Afterlife


1) Two Historical Shadows

The Quran mentions two important Historical Shadows;

One of them is the Shadow for Moses and the Israelites and

The other is the Shadow for the deniers of the Prophet “Shu’aib” and their grievous day of punishment.

These two Historical Shadows are not mentioned in the Bible.

a-The Shadow for Moses and the Israelites

Surah 28:24

So he (Moses) watered (their flock) for them. Then he turned aside into the shade, and said: my Lord! i am needy of whatever good thou sendest down for me.

Surah 7:160

We divided them into twelve tribes, nations; and we inspired Moses, when his people asked him for water, saying: smite with thy staff the rock! And there gushed forth therefrom twelve springs, so that each tribe knew their drinking-place. And we caused the white cloud to overshadow them and sent down for them the manna and the quails (saying): eat of the good things wherewith we have provided you. They wronged us not, but they were wont to wrong themselves.

Surah 7:171

and when we shook the mountain over them as if it were a covering overhead, and they thought that it was going to fall down upon them: take hold of what we have given you with firmness, and be mindful of what is in it, so that you may guard (against evil)

Surah 2:57

And We gave you the shade of clouds and sent down to you Manna and quails, saying: “Eat of the good things We have provided for you:” (but they rebelled); to Us they did no harm, but they harmed their own selves.

b-The Shadow for the deniers of the Prophet “Shu’aib”

The Shadow furnished for people of the Prophet “Shu’aib” who denied him and their grievous day of punishment.

The Prophet “Shu’aib” is never mentioned in the Bible.

Is that because He was Arabic?

Surah 26:189

But they rejected and denied him (Shu’aib) and called him a liar (Shu’aib) then the punishment of the day of overshadowing gloom seized them, surely it was the punishment of a grievous day


2) Scientific facts about the Shadow:

Allah extends the shade; if He pleases, He would certainly have made it stationary and then have made the sun an indication of it.

Scientifically speaking, the shade will be stationary when the Earth stops its circular movement about itself. In such case, half of the Earth will be day and the other will be night.

So, the sun is the indicator for such event. Who could do that? It is Allah the Creator of the Sun.

Surah 25:45

Have you not considered (the work of) your Lord, how he extends the shade? And if he had pleased he would certainly have made it stationary; then we have made the sun an indication of it

All things that Allah has created have their shadows and prostrate unto Him.

Surah 16:48

Have they not observed all things that Allah hath created, how their shadows incline to the right and to the left, making prostration unto Allah, and they are lowly?

Surah 16:81

it is Allah who made out of the things he created, some things to give you shade; of the hills he made some for your shelter; he made you garments to protect you from heat, and coats of mail to protect you from your (mutual) violence. thus does he complete his favors on you, that ye may bow to his will (in Islam).

Surah 35:19-21

19 and the blind and the seeing are not alike

20 nor the darkness and the light,

21 nor is the shadow equal with the sun’s full heat;


3) The Shadow at the Day of Judgment

At that horrible day, everything is already judged in justice.

Man is one of two, believer or unbeliever; each one has his own Shadow.

The Coming of Allah:

Surah 2:210

Wait they for naught else than that Allah should come unto them in the shadows of the clouds with the angels? Then the case would be already judged. All cases go back to Allah (for judgment).


4) The Shadow for the believers and the unbelievers in the Afterlife

The Shadow for those who believe; this meaning is not mentioned in the Bible.

Surah 4:57

And as for those who believe and do good works, we shall make them enter gardens underneath which rivers flow – to dwell therein forever; there for them are pure companions – and we shall make them enter plenteous shadow.

Surah 36:56

They and their associates will be in a pleasant shadow, reclining on thrones (of dignity);

Surah 76:14

And the shades of the (garden) will come low over them, and the bunches (of fruit), there, will hang low in humility (being easy to reach).

Surah 56:30

In shade long-extended,

Surah 77:41

As to the righteous, they shall be amidst (cool) shades and springs (of water).


The Shadow for those who do not believe;

This implication is not cited in the Bible

Surah 56:43

And the shade of black smoke

Surah 77: 28-31

28 ah woe, that day, to the rejecters of truth!

29 (it will be said 🙂 “Depart ye to that which ye used to reject as false!

30 “depart ye to a shadow (of smoke ascending) in three branches,

31 “(which yields) no shade of coolness, and is of no use against the fierce blaze.

32 indeed it throws about sparks (huge) as palaces,

Surah 56:43

And the shade of black smoke


The following verse summarizes the Shadow for the believers and the unbelievers.

Surah 13:35

a likeness of the garden which the righteous are promised; there now beneath it rivers, its food and shades are perpetual; this is the requital of those who guarded (against evil), and the requital of the unbelievers is the fire.


It is very important to declare that anyone believes that the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, has a shadow, hand and/or wings then he surely is unbeliever, he will dwell in the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife forever, and he made Paradise forbidden for him.

Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil wrote this article


Back to the main issue of my series of articles (1-38); this is my question to you smart readers: “Is the Quran quoted from the Bible “?

Angels in Islam (35) the curse of the Angels

The Angels love what Allah loves and curse what Allah curses.The disbelievers have merited total banishment from the Truth and from the world of the Angelic realm.


The meanings of the verses 2:161=162:

But those who disbelieve, and die while they are disbelievers in Allah and His Messenger are veiled from religion and from the Truth

Upon them shall be:

1)    The curse of Allah

2)    The curse of the Angels

3)    The curse of people altogether,

That is, they deserve such a curse in this life and in the next;

People here is said to be people in general. The believers curse the disbelievers in the life of this world; and, both the believers and the disbelievers will curse the disbelievers in the Afterlife.

It is interesting to know that the friendship of the disbelievers in the life of this world will change to enmity in the Afterlife so that the friendly disbelievers will curse each other in the Afterlife.

In the Afterlife, they are Abiding and ever dwell therein in this curse and in the Eternal Fire.

The chastisement shall not be lightened for them, not even for a blink of an eye,

The doom will not be lifted or reduced, neither will they be reprieved.

Their torment will not be deferred.

No respite shall be given them, in which to have time to repent or to excuse themselves.

It follows that:

The Angels love what Allah loves.

The Angels curse what Allah curses.

The disbelievers have merited total distance, privation, banishment from the Truth and from the world of the Angelic realm.


The verses 2:161-162 in different translations:


But those who disbelieve, and die disbelieving shall incur the curse of Allah, the Angels, and all people. They are there (in the fire) for eternity neither shall the punishment be lightened for them; nor shall they be given respite.


Surely those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, these it is on whom is the curse of Allah and the Angels and men all; abiding in it; their chastisement shall not be lightened nor shall they be given respite


Lo! Those who disbelieve, and die while they are disbelievers; on them is the curse of Allah and of Angels and of men combined. They ever dwell therein. The doom will not be lightened for them, neither will they be reprieved.


Those who reject faith, and die rejecting, – on them is Allah’s curse, and the curse of Angels, and of all mankind; they will abide therein: their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot).

Angels in Islam (33) who believed in Angels?

The faith is one package, it is ALL or NONE; if you deny anyone of it, you are UNBELIEVERS and you will dwell in the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife.


The meanings of the verse 2:285:

The Messenger Muhammad believes in what was revealed to him from his Lord (Quran), and the believers; each one alone in totality believes in:

1)    Allah, witnessing His Oneness

2)    Allah’s Angels,

3)    Allah’s Books, all of them and each of them, and

4)    Allah’s Messengers, and they make no distinction between any of His messengers; they say: we do not disbelieve in any of his messengers. They say: we do not distinguish between any of Allah’s Messengers either by rejecting some or accepting others. Nor do we doubt that they are upon the truth and sent with the truth.

(They are not like the Jews and the Christians who are believing in some messengers and disbelieving in others)

And then the Prophet Muhammad said and so do the believers:

  • We hear, what we have been enjoined to hear and accept, and obey the command of our Lord
  • We ask you: Grant us Your forgiveness, our Lord; forgive us for the discourse of our souls, our Lord
  • To you, our Lord, is the homecoming, unto you is the return after death. That is, the return at the Resurrection.


It follows that it essential to believe in:

1) Allah at first

2) The Angels, all of them. Do not say that one of them is an enemy (like the Jews who say that Gabriel is their enemy)

3) All the books that are revealed from Allah like the book of Abraham, the Genuine Torah revealed unto the Prophet Moses, the book revealed unto the Prophet David and the Genuine Gospel revealed unto the Prophet Jesus.

4) All the Messengers and Prophets without any distinction; it essential to believe that all the Messengers and Prophets are the best ever among human beings. They are chosen by Allah. They all have done their job conveying Allah’s message to their people, folk, tribe, and nation. The principle message of all of them was: There is No god save Allah.

The principle message was the principle teaching of Adam, Noah, Hood, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Shu’aib, Moses, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Elisha, Jonah, Zachariah, John, Jesus and Muhammad.

It should be emphasized that the above 1), 2) 3) and 4) is one package, it is ALL or NONE

According to Islamic teaching, if you reject or deny anyone of the above, then you are UNBELIEVERS and you will dwell in the Eternal Hell forever in the Afterlife.

Allah and His Angels are our witnesses that I wrote it and you read it.


The verse 2:285 in different translations:


The messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his lord, and so do the believers. Each believes in Allah and his angels, his books, and his messengers, we do not differentiate between any one of his messengers. They say: ‘we hear and obey. (We ask) your forgiveness lord, and to you is the arrival.


The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his lord, and (so do) the believers; they all believe in Allah and his angels and his books and his messengers; we make no difference between any of his messengers; and they say: we hear and obey, our lord! Thy forgiveness (do we crave), and to thee is the eventual course


The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and his angels and his scriptures and his messengers – we make no distinction between any of his messengers – and they say: we hear, and we obey. (Grant us) thy forgiveness, our lord. Unto thee is the journeying.


The messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, his angels, his books, and his messengers. “We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of his messengers.” and they say: “we hear, and we obey: (we seek) thy forgiveness, our lord, and to thee is the end of all journeys.”

Angels in Islam (31) thunder is God’s voice or Angel’s voice?

In the Bible: the thunder is the voice of Jehovah, the Lord God.

In the Quran, the thunder is an Angel who is Glorifying Allah.


In the Bible: the thunder is the voice of Jehovah, the Lord God.

This ultimate fact is found in many Biblical verses like for example 1 Samuel 2:10, 7:10, 2 Samuel 22:14, Job 37:4-5 and Psalm 18:13

Such verses say:

Jehovah, the Lord God:

  • Thundered with a great thunder
  • Thundered from heaven
  • Shall thunder upon them
  • Thundered with the voice of His Excellency

The thunder is but the voice of Jehovah, the Lord God:

  • His voice is heard
  • The Most High uttered His voice
  • God thundered marvelously with His voice
  • Lord thundered in the heavens, and the Highest uttered His voice
  • Jehovah thundered in the heavens, the Most High uttered his voice


In the Quran, The thunder is an Angel, his voice is to Glorify Allah.

The meanings of the verse 13:13:

The thunder proclaims his praise to his Almighty Creator.

The thunder says: all Glory and praise be to Allah.

And this thunder saying is the voice of the thunder that we hear.

Not only the thunder proclaims His praise to his Almighty Creator, but also, the Angels do proclaim their praises, in awe of Allah.

It is interesting that the Angels who never ever sin proclaim their praise, all the time, in awe of Allah, although man who is sinful does not!

Also, the unbelievers among mankind dispute and argue about Allah, though He is great in might, in power, or in the severity of His retribution.

The unbelievers among mankind argue about the Religion of Allah; however, Allah is mighty in wrath, His chastisement is severe. Exalted is He!

According to Islamic teachings, it should be emphasized that anyone believes that the thunder is the voice of the Almighty Creator will dwell in the Eternal Fire forever!


In the Quran, The thunder is an Angel, his voice is to Glorify Allah.

The verse 13:13 in different translations:


The thunder exalts his praise, and so are the Angels are in awe of him. He looses the thunderbolts and smites whosoever he will. Yet they dispute about Allah who is mighty in power.


And the thunder declares his glory with his praise, and the Angels too for awe of him; and he sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom he pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and he is mighty in prowess


The thunder hymneth his praise and (so do) the Angels for awe of him. he launcheth the thunderbolts and smiteth with them whom he will while they dispute (in doubt) concerning Allah, and he is mighty in wrath.


Nay, thunder repeateth his praises, and so do the Angels, with awe: he flingeth the loud-voiced thunder-bolts, and therewith he striketh whomsoever he will. Yet these (are the men) who (dare to) dispute about Allah, with the strength of his power (supreme)!


In the Bible: the thunder is the voice of Jehovah, the Lord God.

1 Samuel 2:10

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

10 …out of heaven shall He (the Lord) thunder upon them.

American Standard Version (ASV)

10 … against them will he (Jehovah) thunder in heaven:


1 Samuel 7:10

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

10 …but the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day (upon them)

American Standard Version (ASV)

10 … but Jehovah thundered with a great thunder on that day (upon them)


2 Samuel 22:14

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

14 The Lord thundered from heaven, and the Most High uttered His voice.

American Standard Version (ASV)

14 Jehovah thundered from heaven, And the Most High uttered his voice.


Job 37:4-5

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

4 … He thundered with the voice of His Excellency…. His voice is heard.

5 God thundered marvelously with His voice;

American Standard Version (ASV)

4 He thundered with the voice of his majesty; …his voice is heard.

5 God thundered marvelously with his voice;


Psalm 18:13

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

13 The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest uttered His voice

American Standard Version (ASV)

13 Jehovah also thundered in the heavens, And the Most High uttered his voice,


N.B. This article is kindly written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil

Angels in Islam (28) is Gabriel the enemy of Jews?

The Jews claimed that Gabriel is their enemy because he did not come with good and that if it had been Michael they would have believed in Muhammad.


Omar ibn al-Khattab was one of Muhammad best friends.

He was astonished how the Genuine Torah and the Quran confirm each other.

The conversation between Omar ibn al-Khattab and the chief rabbi?

Said ‘Omar ibn al-Khattab:

‘I used to go to the Jews upon their study of the (genuine) Torah and was amazed to see the conformity of the Quran with the Torah and of the Torah with the Quran.

On one occasion they said: ‘O ‘Omar! We do not like anyone more than we like you’.

Omar asked: ‘And why is that?’

They said: ‘Because you come to us and mix with us’.

Omar said: ‘I come to you only because of my amazement at how the different parts of the Book of Allah strengthen each other, and how the Quran is in conformity with the Torah and how the Torah is in conformity with the Quran’.

They said: who among the Angels came to your prophet?

Omar said: Gabriel

Omar continued: ‘I adjure you by Allah and by that which was revealed to you of Scripture, do you know that he is Allah’s Messenger?’

Their chief said to them: ‘He has implored you by Allah, so do tell him’.

They said: ‘You are our chief; you tell him’.

Their chief said: ‘We do know that he is Allah’s Messenger!’

Omar said: ‘You are the one who shall be subject to the worst form of destruction if you all know that he is Allah’s Messenger and then do not follow him’.

Their chief rabbi said: Let us go to him to ask him some questions at first

The Jews came to the Prophet, and said: ‘O Muhammad! We would like to ask you about a few things; we shall follow you if you answer them.

They asked him about many things like faith, deeds. Afterlife etc.

The Prophet Muhammad answered them according to what inspired to him from Allah.

The Jews looked at each other, they were confused about what to say, should they say: Now we believe in you O Muhammad as the promised last prophet found in Torah?

Their chief rabbi said: Who, among the Angels, comes to you? For there is not a single prophet except that an angel comes to him with a message and revelation from his Lord, glorified and majestic is He, so who is the angel who comes to you?’

Muhammad said: ‘it is Gabriel’.

Their chief rabbi said: ‘That is the one who comes down with war and fighting. He is our enemy. If you had said: Michael, who comes down with rain and mercy, we would have followed you’.

It follows that the Jews claimed that Gabriel did not come with good, that they did not love him, and that if it had been Michael they would have believed in Muhammad.

And so Allah revealed the verses 2:97-98 that mean:

Say O Muhammad not to Jews only but to mankind

Gabriel is the Angel who brought the Quran down upon your heart by Allah’s permission and command

The revealed Quran is confirming the scriptures before it (e.g. the Genuine Torah)

The Quran brought down upon your heart by Gabriel is a guidance from error and good tidings, of Paradise, for the believers

Who is an enemy to Gabriel is automatically an enemy to Allah and to the entire Angels.

Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel, let him die in exasperation

Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His Angels and His messengers, and Gabriel and Michael then surely Allah is an enemy to him

Anyone who is an enemy to Allah’s Angels, Gabriel, and Michael etc. is but an unbeliever and he will dwell in the Eternal Hell forever!

The Jews said Gabriel did not bring good, what good is greater than the Quran that descended through him?’ Does it not suffice them that Allah sent down the Quran upon you O Muhammad?

The thing is Gabriel came down many times to punish the Jews when they, many times, disobeyed Allah. But, did he do it by his own or by Allah’s permission and command?

The one who is perfectly doing his Job is an enemy only to those who hate the truth!

Nevertheless, does the enmity of the Jews harm Gabriel?

The Real Gabriel’s size is more than 100 times the total earth’ size!


The verses 2:97-98 in different translations:


-Say: ‘whoever is an enemy of Gabriel, indeed, he has brought it down by the permission of Allah to your heart, confirming what was before it and a guidance and glad tidings to the believers.

-Whoever is an enemy of Allah, his Angels, his messengers, Gabriel, and Michael indeed Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers. ‘


-Say: whoever is the enemy of Jibreel– for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah’s command, verifying that which is before it and guidance and good news for the believers

-Whoever is the enemy of Allah and his Angels and his messengers and Jibreel and Meekaeel, so surely Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers


-Say (o Muhammad, to mankind): who is an enemy to Gabriel! For he it is who hath revealed (this scripture) to thy heart by Allah’s leave, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, and a guidance and glad tidings to believers;

-Who is an enemy to Allah, and his Angels and his messengers, and Gabriel and Michael! Then, lo! Allah (himself) is an enemy to the disbelievers.


-Say: whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah’s will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-

-Whoever is an enemy to Allah and his Angels and messengers, to Gabriel and Michael, – lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject faith.

Angels in Islam (10) slaves of Allah or sons of God

In the Quran, the Angels are Allah’s honored slaves

In the Bible, the Angels are sons of God who married the daughters of the People!


Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different concepts concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

1)    The first party believes that they are the sons of God

2)    The second party believes that they are the daughters of God

3)    The third party believes that they are God

4)    The fourth party believes that they are partners of God


The Quran denies, rebuts and disproves all of the above theories about the nature of Angels

The Quran (21:26) declares that the Angels are Allah’s honored slaves!

The Quran defines who the Angels are:

·         They are honored slaves;

·         They are honored worshipers,

·         They are honored servants

·         They are but servants raised to honor.

Accordingly, anyone believes that the Angels are sons of God, daughters of God, God and/or partners of God will be a dweller of the Eternal Fire in the Afterlife.


Nevertheless, the Bible (Genesis 6:2) says that they are sons of God who married the daughters of the People!

The Bible says that the divine beings (the Angels) saw how beautiful these human women were, so they married the ones they chose and desired!


The verse 21:26 in four different translations

QARIB: they say ‘the Merciful has taken a son. ‘Exaltations to him! No, they are only his honored worshipers,

SHAKIR: and they say: the Beneficent Allah has taken to himself a son. Glory be to him. Nay! They are honored servants

PICKTHAL: and they say: the Beneficent hath taken unto himself a son. Be he glorified! Nay, but (those whom they call sons) are honoured slaves;

YUSUFALI: and they say: “(Allah) most gracious has begotten offspring.” glory to him! They are (but) servants raised to honour.


Genesis 6:2 in four different versions

21st Century King James Version

That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took for themselves wives of all whom they chose.

American Standard Version

That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose.

Common English Bible

The divine beings saw how beautiful these human women were, so they married the ones they chose.

Amplified Bible

The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose.

Angels in Islam (5) the Arabs and the 19 Angels

Another Angel is as big as 34 million men

In the previous article, we have seen that the length of an angel is about 574,875,000 kilometers. i.e. more than 500 million kilometers (more than half a billion kilometers).

If one man’s average shoulder width is like 17-18 inches wide i.e. 44.45 cm then the length of a line formed by a thousand men stick together shoulder by shoulder is 0.4445 kilometer.

Again, the length a hypothetical line formed by One Million men stick together shoulder by shoulder is 444.5 kilometers.

Further, the length a hypothetical line formed by One Billion men stick together shoulder by shoulder is 444,500 kilometers.

And, the length a hypothetical line formed by One Trillion men stick together shoulder by shoulder is 444,500,000 kilometers.

Therefore, the length of an Angel is equal to a hypothetical line formed by 1.3 trillion men stick together shoulder by shoulder.

In the previous article, we have also seen that this Angel is 412 times the diameter of the Sun!

At this instant, it may be fruitful to remember that the Sun is 400 times the size of the moon just to imagine how extremely huge the Angel is.

Now, I will take you back in the History to the year 613

The Prophet Muhammad kept conveying the Message of Allah; he promised the people to dwell in the Eternal Paradise if they believe in Allah and he warned them dwell in the Eternal fire if they do not believe in Allah.

Allah informed us that the keepers of the Eternal Fire are strictly obedient Angels.

Allah mentioned that the keepers of the Eternal Fire are 19 appointed to take care of the Eternal Hell (the verse 74:30 of the Quran).

It is said that the Angels appointed for the Eternal Hell is not as big as those appointed to carry the Throne.

It is said that the shoulder width of the smaller sized Angel appointed for the Eternal Hell is equivalent to the distance of a journey of one year (a camel continuously march in a desert for one year).

This camel’s journey = 365 X 41.5= 15147.5 kilometers = 1.25 the diameter of the Earth = the length of a hypothetical line formed by 34 million men stick together shoulder by shoulder  

It is said that the handful of the lesser sized Angels appointed for the Eternal Hell can take very easily 700,000 unbelievers and throw them wherever he wants in the Hell.

When Allah mentioned the seemingly few number of the keepers of the Fire and said that they are 19 Angels appointed to take care of the Eternal Hell, the unbelievers among the Arabs of Makkah mocked very much.

One man, Abu Jahl said: O noble people of Makkah, Can’t each ten of us beat and destroy one of those Angels? We need only 190 men to destroy all of those Angels!

Another man, Abu’l-Ashadd who was very muscular and very strong said mockingly: O please, I can beat and destroy 17 Angels, aren’t you O people able to take care of the other two?

And they kept laughing and took it as an issue for mocking!

However, it is said that the number 19 does not mean 19 individuals but it may denote 19 rows or 19 groups or 19 kinds.

Nevertheless, even if they are 19 individual Angels they are quite enough and quite sufficient to take care of the Eternal Hell and its dwellers.