Atheists in Quran (47) when they wish they were dust

The punishment endured by the unbelievers originates from Allah’s mercy. For it is certainly part of mercy that evildoer should be punished and that it should not have the same end as the righteous. Lo! Allah is warning you O Atheists of a doom at hand, which will surely happen, a day whereon every Atheist will sadly cry: “Would that I were dust!”


The meanings of the verses 78:38-40 of the Noble Quran:

On the day when Gabriel, and the angels stand arrayed.

Frightful Silence!

The scene shows total silence; none dares to talk, everyone is looking around awaiting for his fate.

None will not speak, except him whom Allah permits to speak from among the believers and the angels.

The one who speaks from among the believers will say what is right.

On the day when the angels and Gabriel stand arrayed, they speak not to intercede, saving him whom Allah allows to intercede and speak right

That is the True Day, the Day of Resurrection, whose happening is definite

So whoever wishes to, let him come to Allah by being believing and obedient to Him, so that he may be secure from chastisement in it.

Lo! We have warned you, O Atheists, of a the chastisement of the impending Day of Resurrection when every person, will behold what his hands have sent ahead, of good and evil, and the Atheist will say, ‘O would that I were dust!’

In other words,

Lo! Allah is warning you O Atheists of a doom at hand, which will surely happen,

A day whereon every man will look

When the believer will look

When the Atheist will look

They both will look on that which their own hands have:

Sent before

Earned of good

Earned of evil

Then every Atheist will sadly cry:

“Would that I were dust!”

Why Atheist says that? Because of the horrors, severity and torment of that day.


When Punishment = Mercy

Allah is the Supreme Lord; He is the Most Gracious. He metes out reward for believers and punishment for unbelievers.

The reward He assigns is a manifestation of His mercy.

In addition, the punishment endured by the unbelievers originates from Allah’s mercy. For it is certainly part of mercy that evildoer should be punished and that it should not have the same end as the righteous.

In Allah’s Presence

The verse unveil the unseen and describes the scene of the day when the great angel Gabriel, and all the angels standing in ranks before Allah; they greatly esteem Him; no one dares utter a word without prior permission from Him.

In this awesome situation, neither man nor angel can speak without Allah’s permission.

Whatever said will be right because Allah does not permit anyone to speak whom He knows will not be saying what is right.

Back to the Angels, the pure sinless great creatures whom does Allah favor,

When we think that the angels dare not speak without His permission, we are bound to feel how overwhelming the situation is.

Having driven such a feeling, the verse conveys a threatening to the Atheists who have chosen not to hear or see

“That day is a certainty. Let him who will seek a way back to his Lord. We have forewarned you of an imminent scourge, on the day when man will look on what his hands have forwarded and the unbeliever will cry: ‘Would that I were dust!”

Those who raise doubts and question the reality of the Day of Resurrection are here shaken violently:

“That day is a certainty.”

There is no room left for doubt and controversy. Yet there is time for mending one’s erring ways before the fearful watch guard, i.e. hell, becomes a permanent home:

“Let him who will seek a way back to his Lord.”

The warning is severe enough to make the drunken awake:

“We have forewarned you of an imminent scourge.”

It will not be long coming, for man’s life is but a short period.

The scourge is so fearful that the unbelievers, when faced with it, will send up that great cry expressing the wish that they had never lived:

“On the day when man will look on what his hands have forwarded and the unbeliever will cry: ‘Would that I were dust!”

This is the cry of the one who is in great distress, who feels ashamed for what he has been and what he has done. He feels that it is better not to be, or to be something as worthless as dust, than to witness such a fearful occasion.

The terrible position of the unbelievers is the subject of the questions and doubts they raise concerning that fateful tiding.


The verses 78:38-40 in different translations:


38-On that day, when the spirit (gabriel) and the angels stand in ranks they shall not speak, except he to whom the merciful has given permission, and says what is right.

39-That is the day, the truth, so whosoever wills takes a way to his Lord.

40-Indeed, we have forewarned you of an imminent punishment, the day when the person will look upon his works and the unbelievers will say: ‘would that i were dust! ‘


38-The day on which the spirit and the angels shall stand in ranks; they shall not speak except he whom the beneficent Allah permits and who speaks the right thing

39-That is the sure day, so whoever desires may take refuge with his Lord

40-Surely we have warned you of a chastisement near at hand: the day when man shall see what his two hands have sent before, and the unbeliever shall say: o! would that i were dust!


38-On the day when the angels and the spirit stand arrayed, they speak not, saving him whom the beneficent alloweth and who speaketh right.

39-That is the true day. so whoso will should seek recourse unto his Lord.

40-Lo! We warn you of a doom at hand, a day whereon a man will look on that which his own hands have sent before, and the disbeliever will cry: “would that i were dust!”


38-The day that the spirit and the angels will stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except any who is permitted by (Allah) most gracious, and he will say what is right.

39-That day will be the sure reality: therefore, whoso will, let him take a (straight) return to his Lord!

40-Verily, we have warned you of a penalty near, the day when man will see (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth, and the unbeliever will say, “woe unto me! would that i were (metre) dust!”

The Spider in Bible vs. Quran vs. Science

The Bible says that the spider is found in kings’ palaces, Locusts have no king and whoever eats the eggs of vipers will die.

The Quran says that the female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house and the spider’s house, from the physical and moral point of view, is the weakest house of all houses


One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible.

This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars

In this series of articles (1-16), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible.

It is also very clear that the Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects. In the present topic of the Spider, the smart reader will answer easily this false dogmatic inquiry: Is the Quran quoted from the Bible. The Bible which says :

1) Four things on earth are small, Ants, Coneys, locusts and a spider,

2) Locusts have no king,

3) The spider is found in kings’ palaces and

4) Whoever eats the eggs of vipers will die. Or the Quran which says

1) The female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house,

2) The spider’s house, from the physical and moral point of view, is the weakest house of all houses and

3) The weakness is in the spider’s house and not in its threads Before dealing with the topic of the Spider in Quran vs. Bible vs. sciences, it is essential to remember that the total words of the Bible are 788,280 while total words of the Quran are 77,473. It follows that, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times the Quran to talk about the spider word-wise. The spider is mentioned in three verses in the Bible (all are in the Old Testament and never mentioned in the New Testament).

On the other hand, the spider is mentioned in one verse in the Quran. ———————————————————

The Spider in the Bible Proverbs 30 24 “Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise: 25 Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer; 26 Coneys are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags; 27 locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks; 28 a spider can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces.

In the “Arabic” Bible, the verse 24 says:” the smallest”; this adjective is modified in the modern English version to “small”. However, there are thousands of creatures that are smaller than the Ants, Coneys, locusts and a spider and are wise also as for examples the microbes, protozoa and fungi. Also, why the spider is found in the kings’ places specifically? Again, why the locusts have no king although they have? Job 8 13 Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless. 14 What he trusts in is fragile; what he relies on is a spider’s web. In this verse, the trust of the hypocrite is compared to the spider’s web or house.

This meaning is a beautiful one. Isaiah 59:5-6 Talking about those who are unjust and lie etc. 5 They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched. 6 Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands. Herein, Isaiah describes the wicked as those which “weave the spider’s web” i.e., their works and designs are, like the spider’s web, vain and useless. However, scientifically speaking, the one who eat the eggs of vipers will not die. Guaranteed. Even the one who eats the viper itself will not die. I wonder why the Bible put itself in such critical scientific conflicts. ———————————————————

The Spider in the Quran: Surah 29: [39] (Remember also) Qaroun, Pharaoh, and Haman: there came to them Moses with Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not overreach (Us). [40] Each one of them We seized for his crime: of them, against some We sent a violent tornado (with showers of stones); some were caught by a (mighty) Blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some We drowned (in the waters): it was not Allah who injured (or oppressed) them: they injured (and oppressed) their own souls. [41] The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the Spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the Spider’s house; if they but knew. [42] Verily Allah doth know of (every thing) whatever that they call upon besides Him: and He is Exalted (in power), Wise. [43] And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge. [44] Allah created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): verily in that is a Sign for those who believe. N.B.: Qaroun and Haman were the best friends of the Pharaoh of Moses. Qaroun was a very wealthy and powerful Israelite but was pro-Pharaoh. Haman was a top Egyptian official, he was chief of the army and police. Both Qaroun and Haman are not mentioned in the Bible. Back to the Spider, the Surah number 29 is named “Al-Ankaboot” which means the spider.

Naming the Surah with the singular form “Al-Ankaboot” indicates the solitary life of this animal, except at times of mating and egg hatching. This can be compared to the Surah “Al-Nahel” (The Bees) and the Surah “Al-Namel” (The Ants), where the names are plural since these insects live in social groups. The word “Al-Ankaboot” is used for the feminine singular. The verse indicates that the female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house. Accordingly, building the spider’s house is an assignment carried on by the female spiders. It is the female which has in its body the glands for secretion of the silk substance from which the spider’s house is made. The spider’s house, from the physical point of view, is the weakest house of all, because it is made out of a number of very delicate silk threads. These threads are interwoven, leaving large separating spaces at most times. Therefore, they do not protect from the heat of the sun, or the extreme cold. These threads do not form adequate shade, nor protect from the rain, storming winds, or the dangers of attackers.

The Quran is very strict and clear when saying that the weakness is in the spider’s house and not the threads; (the flimsiest of houses). The spider’s house is the flimsiest house, whether physically or morally.

This has been proven by the late studies in zoology. In other words, the Quran preceded the modern scientific findings by more than 1300 years. The threads of the spider’s house are made of very delicate silk. The thickness of one thread is usually one million of the squared inch, or one part of four thousand parts of the thickness of the ordinary human hair. Despite its delicacy, it is the strongest biological substance known to mankind so far. The silk threads which make up the spider’s web are considered stronger than steel, and their strength is surpassed only by the melted quartz. The thin thread stretches to five times its length before it is cut. Therefore, the scientists call it “biological steel” or “bio-steel”. It is twenty times stronger than the ordinary metal steel. Its tolerance measures 300,000 pound for the square inch. Hypothetically speaking, should there be a thick rope of the spider’s threads, in the size of the thumb, it can easily carry a “jumbo” jet. In addition, the spider’s house, morally speaking, is the flimsiest of all houses, because it is deprived of all love and kindness, which are the pillars of any happy home. The female kills the male as soon as the fertilization takes place. Being larger in size and more violent, the female kills the male and eats its body. Also, the female eats its youngsters mercilessly. In some types, the female dies after fertilizing its eggs, which are usually fostered in a silk bag. When the eggs hatch, spider lings come out to find themselves in a very crowded place inside the eggs bag. The siblings then start to fight for food, space or both. The brother kills its brother and sister, and the sister kills its sister and brother, until the fight ends with a few spider lings remaining. These spider lings shed their skin and tear the eggs bag to come out one after the other with unhappy memories. They all then spread in the surrounding environment. Each female starts to build its house. On the road to achieve this goal, some of the spider lings die, whereas those who survive repeat the same tragedy. This makes the spider’s house the most violent and ruthless house, lacking all forms of kinship. Hence, Allah the Almighty sets it as a parable in its weakness and frailty because it lacks the simplest form of kindness between the husband and wife, the mother and her children, the brother and his siblings, and the sister and her siblings. These facts were unknown to any human at the time of revelation, and for long centuries thereafter. They have been discovered after extensive studies of the behavior of the spider by hundreds of scientists, for tens of years, until they were realized in the last decades of the twentieth century. That is why Allah ended the noble verse with His saying “if they but knew”. Some deep meaning of the verse: A- The house of the spider is not merely its dwelling place. Being the sticky net it is, it constitutes a trap for flying insects such as flies and others. These insects are a prey on which the spider feeds. Similarly, those idolaters who revere gods besides Allah, and call people to those revered gods, are in fact calling them to an artful trap which leads them to their death and destruction in this life and the afterlife. B- Warning against those with corrupt invocations who revere others besides Allah, whether money or whim. This warning is issued through indicating their hidden strings with which they hunt their victims. These strings can be money, sex, power, or any other hidden string which destroys the victim once it is trapped. Now, I think it is easy to answer this forged dogmatic question:

Is the Quran quoted from the Bible?


Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil wrote this article

Why has the Nurse embraced Islam? A real touchy story from the United Kingdom

The Nurse and the Muslim Patient – A True Story from the United Kingdom


My name is Cassie, I am 23 years old. I graduated as a qualified nurse this year and was given my first position as a home nurse.

My patient was an English gentleman in his early 80s who suffered from Alzheimer’s. In the first meeting, the patient was given his record and from it I could see that he was a convert to the religion of Islam, therefore he was a Muslim.

I knew from this that I would need to take into account some modes of treatment that may go against his faith, and therefore try to adapt my care to meet his needs. I brought in some ‘halal’ meat to cook for him and ensured that there was no pork or alcohol in the premises as I did some research which showed that these were forbidden in Islam.

My patient was in a very advanced stage of his condition so a lot of my colleagues could not understand why I was going through so much effort for him. But I understood that a person who commits to a faith deserves that commitment to be respected, even if they are not in a position to understand.

Anyway after a few weeks with my patient I began to notice some patterns of movement.

At first I thought it was some copied motions he’s seen someone doing, but I saw him repeat the movement at particular time; morning, afternoon, evening.

The movements were to raise his hands, bow and then put his head to the ground. I could not understand it. He was also repeating sentences in another language, I couldn’t figure out what language it was as his speech was slurred but I know the same verses were repeated daily.

Also there was something strange, he didn’t allow me to feed him with my left hand (I am left-handed).

Somehow I knew this linked to his religion but didn’t know how.

One of my colleagues told me about paltalk as a place for debates and discussions and as I did not know any Muslims except for my patient I thought it would be good to speak to someone live and ask questions. I went on the Islam section and entered the room ‘True Message’.

Here I asked questions regarding the repeated movements and was told that these were the actions of prayer. I did not really believe it until someone posted a link of the Islamic prayer on youtube.

I was shocked.

A man who has lost all memory of his children, of his occupation, and could barely eat and drink was able to remember not only actions of prayer but verses that were in another language.

This was nothing short of incredible and I knew that this man was devout in his faith, which made me want to learn more in order to care for him the best I could.

I came into the paltalk room as often as I could and was given a link to read the translation of the Quran and listen to it.

The chapter of the ‘Bee’ gave me chills and I repeated it several times a day.

I saved a recording of the Quran on my iPod and gave it to my patient to listen to, he was smiling and crying, and in reading the translation I could see why.

I applied what I gained from paltalk to care for my patient but gradually found myself coming to the room to find answers for myself.

I never really took the time to look at my life; I never knew my father, my mother died when I was 3, me and my brother were raised by our grandparents who died 4 years ago, so now its just the two of us.

But despite all this loss, I always thought I was happy, content.

It was only after spending time with my patient that felt like I was missing something. I was missing that sense of peace and tranquility my patient, even through suffering felt.

I wanted that sense of belonging and a part of something that he felt, even with no one around him.

I was given a list of mosques in my area by a lady on paltalk and went down to visit one. I watched the prayer and could not hold back my tears.

I felt drawn to the mosque every day and the imam and his wife would give me books and tapes and welcome any questions I had.

Every question I asked at the mosque and on paltalk was answered with such clarity and depth that could do nothing but accept them.

I have never practiced a faith but always believed that there was a God; I just did not know how to worship Him.

One evening I came on paltalk and one of the speakers on the mic addressed me. He asked me if I have any questions, I said no. He asked if I was happy with the answers I was given, I said yes.

He asked then what was stopping me accepting Islam, I could not answer.

I went to the mosque to watch the dawn prayer. The imam asked me the same question, I could not answer.

I then went to tend to my patient, I was feeding him and as I looked in his eyes I just realized, he was brought to me for a reason and the only thing stopping me from accepting was fear…. not fear in the sense of something bad, but fear of accepting something good, and thinking that I was not worthy like this man.

That afternoon I went to the mosque and asked the imam if I could say my declaration of faith, the Shahadah.: lā ilāha illà al-Lāh, Muhammadun rasūlu Al-Lāh.  There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.

He helped me through it and guided me through what I would need to do next.

I cannot explain the feeling I felt when I said it.

It was like someone woke me up from sleep and sees everything more clearly.

The feeling was overwhelming joy, clarity and most of all…. peace.

The first person I told was not my brother but my patient.

I went to him, and before I even opened my mouth he cried and smiled at me.

I broke down in front of him, I owed him so much.

I came home logged on to paltalk and repeated the shahadah for the room.

They all helped me so much and even though I had never seen a single one of them, they felt closer to me than my own brother.

I did eventually call my brother to tell him and although he wasn’t happy, he supported me and said he would be there, I couldn’t ask for any more.

After my first week as a Muslim my patient passed away in his sleep while I was caring for him. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

He died a peaceful death and I was the only person with him.

He was like the father I never had and he was my doorway to Islam.

From the day of my Shahadah to this very day and for every day for as long as I live, I will pray that Allah shows mercy on him and grant him every good deed I perform in the tenfold.

I loved him for the sake of Allah and I pray each night to become an atoms weight of the Muslim he was.

Islam is a religion with an open door; it is there for those who want to enter it…. Verily Allah is the Most Merciful, Most Kind.

* Note * Our sister Cassie passed away October 2010 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, after she gave da’wa to her brother, who had accepted Islam Alhamdulillah.


[Source: a da’wa organization in the UK]

Watch what Cassie, the nurse says:

This is Allah (47) Allah destroyed those who denied Shuayb

Madyan’s Leaders Said: If You Follow Allah’s Religion, You Shall Be The Losers, Ignorant And Duped

Who Were The Losers? Those Who Followed Shuayb Or Those Who Denied Him?

Shuayb Said: Why Should I Grieve For A Disbelieving People? And Therefore Were Destroyed?

Has Allah Destroyed Madyan By Earthquake Or Electric Shock?


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

The verses 7:90-93 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Madyan’s leaders said: if you follow Allah’s religion, you shall be the losers, ignorant and duped,

2) Allah punished and destroyed those who denied Shuayb,

3) Who were the losers? Those who followed Shuayb or  those who denied him?,

4) Shuayb said: why should I grieve for a disbelieving people? And therefore were destroyed? And

5) Has Allah destroyed Madyan by earthquake or electric shock?


In the previous articles of the series, the Prophet Shuayb said unto the people of Madyan (Midian):O my people,

1- Worship Allah! you have no god other than Him,

2- Give full measure and weight and do not diminish the value of people’s goods, and do not work corruption in the earth,

3- Do not Lurk on every road that people use to threaten, scare and take the clothes of strangers, and to turn away the believers from Allah’s path.

4- And remember when you were but few, and then Allah multiplied you.

Then, Shuayb said unto them:

And if there is a party of you who believe in that with which I have been sent, and a party who do not believe, in it, then have patience and wait until Allah judges between us and you, by delivering the affirmer of this truth and destroying the denier of it. Allah is the best of judges, the fairest of them.

The chieftains of Madyan, who were scornful and disdainful towards believing said:

‘Surely we will expel you, O Shuayb, and those who believe with you, from our township, unless you return to embrace our creed, our religion

Shuayb said:

We should have invented a falsehood against Allah if we returned to your religion after Allah has rescued us from it

It is not, right, for us to return to it, unless Allah our Lord wills that [it be so] and forsakes us.

Then Shuayb prayed:

Our Lord, decide with truth, adjudicate with justice, between us and our people, for You are the best of deciders’, adjudicators; for You are the best of those who make decision, the best of judges.

The chieftains, the leaders of Madyan said:


The meaning of verse 7:90

The leaders (disbelievers) of Madyan said unto those (believers) who followed Shuayb:

Verily if you follow Shuayb in his religion and submit to Allah, then truly you shall be the losers, ignorant and duped.


The meaning of verse 7:91

So the Trembling, the violent earthquake and the loud noise announcing their torment, seized them, and they lay lifeless prostrate keeled over their knees, dead (in their dwelling-place) in their town and encampments.

It is also said that the cause of their death was severe shock preceded by a violent and loud noise, a kind of severe electric shock.


The meaning of verse 7:92

Those who denied Shuayb were destroyed and became as though they had not dwelt there, it is as if they had never dwelt in those dwelling-places of theirs; Those who denied Shuayb, they were the losers in that they were punished.


The meaning of verse 7:93

The Prophet Shuayb departed from them before they were destroyed, and said:

O my people! I have conveyed and delivered to you the Messages of my Lord, by explaining the commands and prohibitions and gave you good advice, I advised you sincerely, I warned you of Allah’s torment and invited you to repent and believe; then how can I sorrow for a people that rejected Allah, why should I grieve for a disbelieving people? and therefore were destroyed?

(the interrogative is meant [rhetorically] as a negation).


Verses 7:90-93 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


90) But the unbelieving assembly of his nation said: ‘if you follow shu’aib, you shall assuredly be losers.’

91) So the earthquake seized them, at the morning they were crouched in their dwellings, dead.

92) It seemed as if those who had belied shu’aib had never lived there. those who belied shu’aib were the losers.

93) He turned away from them saying: ‘i conveyed to you, my nation, the messages of my Lord and advised you. how can i grieve for the unbelieving nation? ‘



90) And the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: if you follow shu’aib, you shall then most surely be losers

91) Then the earthquake overtook them, so they became motionless bodies in their abode

92) Those who called shu’aib a liar were as though they had never dwelt therein; those who called shu’aib a liar, they were the losers

93) So he turned away from them and said: o my people! certainly i delivered to you the messages of my Lord and i gave you good advice; how shall i then be sorry for an unbelieving people?



90) But the chieftains of his people, who were disbelieving, said: if ye follow shu’eyb, then truly ye shall be the losers.

91) So the earthquake seized them and morning found them prostrate in their dwelling-place.

92) Those who denied shu’eyb became as though they had not dwelt there. those who denied shu’eyb, they were the losers.

93) So he turned from them and said: o my people! i delivered my Lord’s messages unto you and gave you good advice; then how can i sorrow for a people that rejected (truth)?



90) The leaders, the unbelievers among his people, said: “if ye follow shu’aib, be sure then ye are ruined!”

91) But the earthquake took them unawares, and they lay prostrate in their homes before the morning!

92) The men who reject shu’aib became as if they had never been in the homes where they had flourished: the men who rejected shu’aib – it was they who were ruined!

93) So shu’aib left them, saying: “o my people! i did indeed convey to you the messages for which i was sent by my Lord: i gave you good counsel, but how shall i lament over a people who refuse to believe!”

This is Allah (43) if you are Allah’s Messenger, Bring upon us Allah’s Torment

The Leaders of Thamood’s people Broke the Deal Made with their Prophet Salih

Thamood Killed the Marvel Camel and Flouted Allah’s Commandment

The Eventual Outcome if We Do Not Love the Sincere Advisers

The Wisdom of the Real Ancient Story of Thamood


Many people do not know Allah. This series, This is Allah (1- 49), is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:73-75 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) The leaders of Thamood’s people broke the deal made with their Prophet Salih,

2) Thamood killed the marvel Camel and flouted Allah’s commandment,

3) They said: if you are indeed Allah’s messenger, Bring upon us Allah’s torment, 

4) The eventual outcome if we do not love the sincere advisers and

5) The wisdom of the real ancient story of Thamood.


In the previous article:

The leaders of Thamood said unto their Prophet Salih:

If you are truthful in your claim that you are a messenger from Allah, then tell your Lord to bring us a she-camel out of this (specific huge) rock!

Salih said: then you will believe?

They said: oh, yes, sure we will

Salih said: and you will let the she-camel eat and drink without bothering her?

They said: oh, yes, sure we will

Salih said: Look, if you hurt the she-camel you be seized by a severe chastisement

They said: agreed, deal !

Salih prayed to Allah to bring the she-camel out of the specific huge rock that they determined.

Allah did. Miraculously, this she-camel had no father, no mother; it just came out of the rock when Allah has said: Be.

But most of Thamood’s people especially their leaders did not believe in Allah and did not follow the teaching of their Prophet Salih.

the leaders of the arrogant party among his people said to those who were oppressed, to such of them as believed, that is, from among Thamood’s people who were overpowered, despised and weak:

So you know that Salih is sent from his Lord to you?

They, chieftains of Thamood’s people who were scornful, waxed proud, who disdained belief in Salih said that mocking.

The poor people replied: Yes! Truly we believe in the Message with which Salih has been sent.


The meaning of verse 7: 76

The leaders, those who were proud and scornful towards the believers said: ‘Truly we are disbelievers of that which you believe!’

And they broke the deal and did not keep their word that they had given their Prophet Salih.

Not only that but…


The meaning of verse 7: 77

They hamstrung the she-camel,

They killed the Most Amazing Camel in the History, the Miraculous Camel that has no Father and no Mother.

They hamstrung her by their command, killing her with a sword

And they flouted the commandment of their Lord,

They refused to accept the commands of their Lord with which Salih enjoined them,

And they, ‘O Salih, bring upon us that which you promised us, in the way of chastisement for our killing it, if you are indeed a messenger’; Bring upon us that which you threaten of torment if you are indeed Allah’s messenger; they said this out of mockery. 


The meaning of verse 7: 78

So the Trembling, a violent earthquake and a cry from the heaven, a loud noise announcing their torment, seized them, and they lay lifeless prostrate in their habitations, keeled over their knees, dead without a movement (in their dwelling-place) in their town.

But what about Salih and the believers?

They left them before they were destroyed.

When Salih saw what happened, he said:


The meaning of verse 7: 79

Salih turned on them and said: O my people! I delivered my Lord’s message unto you, explaining the commands and prohibitions and gave you good advice; I warned you of Allah’s torment and called you to repent and believe, but you do not listen to those who advise you; you do not love sincere advisers.


Herein, in this story, two parties were given advice

The first party was sincere, Salih which is Allah’s messenger.

The second party was dishonest, proud, sarcastic leaders which are Satan’s hosts on the earth.

This story is repeated everyday; the wisdom of the story is to inspect what you hear, what you see, what you read, what you do and look at it;  is it from your Creator Who loves you or from your enemy, the Satan who want you end up in the Eternal Fire!


Verses 7:76-79 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


76) Those who were proud said: ‘we disbelieve in that which you believed in. ‘

77) (Then) they hamstrung the shecamel and defied the order of their lord, saying to salih: ‘bring down that which you have promised us if you truly are one of the messengers. ‘

78) Thereupon the earthquake seized them, at morning in their dwellings they were crouched, dead.

79) He turned from them, saying: ‘i conveyed to you, my nation the message of my lord and gave you counsel; but you had no love for sincere advisers. ‘



76) Those who were haughty said: surely we are deniers of what you believe in

77) So they slew the she-camel and revolted against their lord’s commandment, and they said: o salih! bring us what you threatened us with, if you are one of the messengers

78) Then the earthquake overtook them, so they became motionless bodies in their abode

79) Then he turned away from them and said: o my people i did certainly deliver to you the message of my lord, and i gave you good advice, but you do not love those who give good advice



76) Those who were scornful said: lo! in that which ye believe we are disbelievers.

77) So they hamstrung the she-camel, and they flouted the commandment of their lord, and they said: o salih! bring upon us that thou threatenest if thou art indeed of those sent (from Allah).

78) So the earthquake seized them, and morning found them prostrate in their dwelling-place.

79) And (Salih) turned from them and said: o my people! i delivered my lord’s message unto you and gave you good advice, but ye love not good advisers.



76) The arrogant party said: “for our part, we reject what ye believe in.”

77) Then they ham-strung the she-camel, and insolently defied the order of their lord, saying: “o salih! bring about thy threats, if thou art a messenger (of Allah)!”

78) So the earthquake took them unawares, and they lay prostrate in their homes in the morning!

79) So Salih left them, saying: “o my people! i did indeed convey to you the message for which i was sent by my lord: i gave you good counsel, but ye love not good counsellors!”

Allah does not love (20) those who desire to be Haughty in the Earth

The Story of Qaroun, Moses’ cousin -d

What those who had longed to be in his place said after Allah’s torment to Qaroun?

The sequel, Paradise, is for those who ward off evil


Verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran are talking about “Qaroun”, Moses’ cousin, who was very rich man. He was corrupter in the earth in the earth through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

Verses 28:82-83 are talking about what those who had longed to be in his place said after Allah’s torment to Qaroun.  The sequel, Paradise, is for those who ward off evil, those who ward off disbelief, those who fear, God’s punishment, by performing deeds of obedience.


The story of Qaroun, Moses’ cousin is mentioned in the previous articles when talking about the verses  28:76-81 of the Noble Quran.

Furthermore, the verse 28:82-83 continue narrating this story.


Verse 28:82 says:

And those who had longed to be in his place, who had coveted his place, his status, standing and wealth the day before, were crying to one another were saying,

it is not as Qaroun said, i.e. that his wealth was his own doing, but rather Allah enlarges the provision for whom He will of His slaves and in the case of Qaroun such wealth was a lure to perdition, and straitened it, for whom He will out of care for the person. 

‘Alas! God expands provision for whomever He will of His servants and straitens it, He restricts it for whomever He will

If Allah had not been gracious unto us, and withheld from us what He gave him,

He would have caused it to swallow us also as it swallowed Qaroun.

‘Alas! The disbelievers never prosper; they will never be safe from Allah’s torment.

Lo! Indeed those who are ungrateful, for God’s grace, such as Qaroun, never prosper.


Verse 28:83 says

As for that Abode of the Hereafter, namely, Paradise, which Allah shall grant to those who do not desire to be haughty in the earth, through insolence, or to cause corruption, by committing acts of disobedience.

Allah assigns Paradise unto those who do not seek oppression and haughtiness in the earth through their wealth,

And the, praiseworthy, the sequel, Paradise, is for those who ward off evil, those who ward off disbelief, idolatry, haughtiness and corruption in the earth.

And it will be for those who fear, God’s punishment, by performing deeds of obedience.


Verses 28:82-83 in different translations


82) And in the morning those who had wished to be in his place the previous evening said: ‘indeed, Allah outspreads to whom he will among his worshipers, and he restrains. had he not shown us favor, he could have caused the earth to swallow us. indeed, the unbelievers shall never prosper. ‘

83) That is the last abode, we shall assign it to those who desire neither exorbitance in the earth, nor corruption. the outcome is for the cautious.



82) And those who yearned for his place only the day before began to say: ah! (know) that Allah amplifies and straitens the means of subsistence for whom he pleases of his servants; had not Allah been gracious to us, he would most surely have abased us; ah! (know) that the ungrateful are never successful

83) (As for) that future abode, we assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for those who guard (against evil)



82) And morning found those who had coveted his place but yesterday crying: ah, welladay! Allah enlargeth the provision for whom he will of his slaves and straiteneth it (for whom he will). if Allah had not been gracious unto us he would have caused it to swallow us (also). ah, welladay! the disbelievers never prosper.

83) As for that abode of the hereafter we assign it unto those who seek not oppression in the earth, nor yet corruption. the sequel is for those who ward off (evil).



82) And those who had envied his position the day before began to say on the morrow: “ah! it is indeed Allah who enlarges the provision or restricts it, to any of his servants he pleases! had it not been that Allah was gracious to us, he could have caused the earth to swallow us up! ah! those who reject Allah will assuredly never prosper.”

83) That home of the hereafter we shall give to those who intend not high-handedness or mischief on earth: and the end is (best) for the righteous.

Allah does not love (17) the Corrupters

The Story of Qaroun, Moses’ cousin, in the Noble Quran

What the believers among the folk of Moses said to Qaroun?


Verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran are talking about “Qaroun”, Moses’ cousin, who was very rich man. He was corrupter in the earth in the earth through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

Verses 28:76-77 are talking about who is Qaroun and what the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him.   


The meanings of the verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran:

Verses 28:76-83 of the Noble Quran are talking about “Qaroun”, Moses’ cousin, who was very rich man. He was corrupter in the earth in the earth through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

Verses 28:76-77 are talking about who is Qaroun and what the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him.  

Verse 28:76 says

Indeed, Qaroun was of Moses folk, he belonged to the people of Moses.

He was Moses’ paternal and maternal cousin.

Although he had believed in him in Moses, however, he oppressed his people, he transgressed against Moses, Aaron and their folk and he became insolent towards his people, through his disdain, haughtiness and great wealth.

He said: “Moses has been given messenger ship and Aaron religious authority while have nothing; this I will not accept”, and he rejected Moses’ prophet hood.

Allah had given Qaroun so many treasures that the number of their keys would verily have burdened a group of strong men, in other words, they would have been too heavy for such men.

The number of such men required is estimated to be 70 men

In other words, Allah gave him so much treasure and wealth that the stores thereof) the keys of his stores would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men; 70 men carried the keys of his stores

This indicates that he was very wealthy.

His people, the believers among the folk of Moses, said to him, ‘Do not be exultant, in your great wealth, an exultation of insolence; do not be too proud nor associate partners with Allah

Truly Allah does not love the exultant, in such things;

Allah does not love those who are too proud because of their wealth;

Verse 28:77 says

His people, the believers among the folk of Moses, said to Qaroun

But seek the abode of the Hereafter, Paradise in that which Allah has given you through that which Allah has given you of wealth and do not neglect your portion of the world, do not leave your portion in the Hereafter because of your portion in this worldly life;

It is also said: your portion of this worldly life will not diminish because of spending from it for the Hereafter,

And be kind to the poor and needy, even as Allah hath been kind to you by giving you great wealth,

In other words, they said to him:

But seek, in that which God has given you, of wealth, the Abode of the Hereafter, by expending it in obedience to God, and do not forget your share of this world, that is, [do not forget] to strive in it for the sake of the Hereafter; and be good, to people, by [giving] voluntary alms, just as God has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth, by committing acts of disobedience. 

Do not commit transgressions and oppose the command of the Messenger Moses,

Surely, Allah does not love the corrupters, who commit transgressions, meaning that He will punish them


Verses 28:76-77 in different translations:


76) Qaroun was one of Moses’ nation. But he was insolent to them, for we had given him such treasures that their very keys were too heavy a burden for even the strong. his people said to him: ‘do not exult; Allah does not love the boastful.

77) But seek, in that which Allah has given you to attain the everlasting residence. do not forget your share in this world. do good, as Allah has been good to you, and do not corrupt in the land, Allah does not love those who corrupt.



76) Surely Qaroun was of the people of Moses, but he rebelled against them, and we had given him of the treasures, so much so that his hoards of wealth would certainly weigh down a company of men possessed of great strength. when his people said to him: do not exult, surely Allah does not love the exultant;

77) And seek by means of what Allah has given you the future abode, and do not neglect your portion of this world, and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the land, surely Allah does not love the mischief-makers



76) Now Qaroun was of Moses’ folk, but he oppressed them; and we gave him so much treasure that the stores thereof would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men. when his own folk said unto him: exult not; lo! Allah loveth not the exultant;

77) But seek the abode of the hereafter in that which Allah hath given thee and neglect not thy portion of the world, and be thou kind even as Allah hath been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth; lo! Allah loveth not corrupters,



76) Qaroun was doubtless, of the people of Moses; but he acted insolently towards them: such were the treasures we had bestowed on him that their very keys would have been a burden to a body of strong men, behold, his people said to him: “exult not, for Allah loveth not those who exult (in riches).

77) “But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the home of the hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief.”

Allah does not love (4) the proud and the boastful

The Rights of the Parents in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Neighbor in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Orphan in the Noble Quran

The Rights of the Guest in the Noble Quran


In the previous three articles, we have seen that Allah does not love:

(1) the disbelievers and Whoever disbelieves, the consequence of his disbelief shall be upon him,

2) the arrogant and

3) those who reject faith and there is an essential association between the disbelief and the arrogance.

In this article, Allah does not love who is proud and boastful


The meanings of verse 4:36 of the Noble Quran:

And serve Allah, acknowledge His divine Oneness.

Ascribe no thing, no idol as partner unto Him.

And worship God, declare His Oneness, and associate nothing with Him.

Show kindness unto parents, be dutiful and gentle-mannered to them, and also unto near kindred.

Be kind to near kindred, and to orphans, and to the needy, and to the neighbor who is near, to you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship, and to the neighbor who is a stranger, the one far from you in terms of [physical] vicinity or kinship; and to the friend at your side, a traveling companion, or a colleague at work, and, it is also said, one’s wife; and to the wayfarer, the one cut off during a journey, and to what your right hands own, of bondsmen. 

Allah commands you to keep ties with your kin, and orphans

Allah commands that you show kindness to orphans, and to protect their wealth, etc, and the needy, and He enjoins giving alms to the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin unto you,

The neighbor who also happen to be your relative has three rights over you: the right of kinship, the right of Islam, and the right of being a neighbor

And the neighbor who is not of kin, the neighbor who is not a relative has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of being a neighbor

and the fellow traveler, a fellow traveler has two rights: the right of Islam and the right of companionship;

it is also said that this refers to one’s wife at home. Allah commands kindness towards her (and the wayfarer)

Allah commands the honoring of guests. Honoring a guest for three days is the guest’s right. The honour bestowed on the guest after the third day is considered a charity on the part of the host;

And the slaves, whom your right hands possess, Allah commands kindness towards slaves, males and females.

Lo! Allah does not love such as are proud, in their walking and boastful about the bounties of Allah, showing nothing but wantonness and arrogance towards Allah’s servants, and Allah does not love the one who boasts before people of what he has been given.


Verse 4:36 in different translations


Worship Allah and do not associate anything with him. be kind to parents and near kinsmen, to the orphans and to the needy, to your neighbor who is your kindred, and to the neighbor at your far side, and the companion at your side, and to the destitute traveler, and to that which your right hands owns. Allah does not love he who is proud and struts,


And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful;


And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto him. (show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbor who is not of kin, and the fellow-traveler and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. lo! Allah loveth not such as are proud and boastful,


serve Allah, and join not any partners with him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: for Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-

This is Allah (18) Allah Classifies the Muslims into three types

What is the final residence of the Believers?

What the Believers will say when they enter the Paradise?

What the Believers will wear in the Paradise?

Is there gold and or silk in the Paradise?


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 35:32-35 of the Noble Quran talks about:

1) Allah Classifies the Muslim’s community into three types,

2) What is the final Dwelling of the Believers?

3) What the Believers will say when they enter the Paradise?

4) What the Believers will wear in the Paradise? And

5) Is there Gold and or Silk in the Paradise?


The meaning of verse 35:32:

Then Allah gave the Book, the Quran, to those of Our servants whom Allah chose, namely, the Muslim’s community.

Yet some of them are those who wrong themselves, by failing to act fully in accordance with it, and

Some of them are moderate, acting in accordance with it most of the time, and

Some are those who take the lead in performing good works, so that in addition to Allah’s acquiring knowledge, He disseminates it and shows others the way [to proper conduct as well as acting in accordance [with the Quran], by the leave of Allah, by His will. That, bequest to them of the Book, is the greatest favor!

In other words, the verse means:

Then, after we sent Gabriel with the Quran to Muhammad Allah gave the Scripture as inheritance, He gave the honor of memorizing, writing and reciting the Quran (unto those whom Allah has elected of His bondmen, by means of faith, i.e. the community of Muhammad.

But of them are some who wrong themselves through committing enormities, and these will not be saved unless there is intercession in their favor, or unless they are forgiven or when Allah’s promise is fulfilled

and of them are some who are lukewarm, some of them did good works and evil works in equal measure; these will be slightly taken to task and then be saved,

and of them are some who outstrip (others) through good deeds in the life of this world and among those brought near to the Garden of Eden in the Hereafter, by Allah’s given success and beneficence.

That selection and outstripping is the great favor, the greatest grace that Allah can bestow upon them!

The meaning of verse 35:33:

Allah then showed their abode, saying: Gardens of Eden! the chamber of the Beneficent is their dwelling, with the Gardens surrounding it. They enter them wearing armlets of gold and pearl; this is the attire of women while the attire of men will be made of gold (and their raiment therein) in Paradise (is silk).

The meaning of verse 35:34:

And they will say, ‘Praise be to Allah Who has removed, all, grief from us. Truly our Lord is Forgiving, of sins, Appreciative, of obedience,

In other words, they say, the inhabitants of Paradise say, in Paradise: (Praise be to Allah) thanks and gratitude belong to Allah (who hath put grief) the grief of death, evanescence and the terrors of the Day of Judgment;

It is also said that this means: the grief of the risks involved in the life of this world (away from us. Lo! Our Lord is Forgiving) He forgives great sins, (Bountiful) He is grateful for even the slightest of good works,

The meaning of verse 35:35:

Who out of His favor has made us to dwell in the Abode of [everlasting] Stay, wherein no toil shall touch us, nor shall we be touched by any fatigue’, lack of strength caused by exhaustion, [and this is] because [religious] obligations no longer apply therein (the second of these [‘fatigue’], which is consequent upon the first [‘toil’], is mentioned in order to make explicit the non-existence [of any toil in Paradise]).

In short, the verse says: Who, of His grace, out of His great favor, (has installed us in the mansion of eternity) in Paradise, (where toil touches us not nor can weariness affect us) in Paradise.


Verses 35:32-35 in different English translations:


32) Then, we gave the book as an inheritance to those of our worshipers whom we chose. among them, is he who was harmful to himself, and some who minimize, and some who, by the permission of Allah, race in charity, this is the greatest virtue.

33) They shall enter the gardens of eden, where they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold and with pearls, and there, their robes shall be of silk.

34) They shall say: ‘praise belongs to Allah who has removed all sorrow from us. indeed, our lord is the forgiver, the thanker.

35) Through his bounty he has made us to live in the abode of everlasting life, where neither weariness nor fatigue shall touch us. ‘


32) Then we gave the book for an inheritance to those whom we chose from among our servants; but of them is he who makes his soul to suffer a loss, and of them is he who takes a middle course, and of them is he who is foremost in deeds of goodness by Allah’s permission; this is the great excellence

33) Gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter therein; they shad be made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress therein shall be silk

34) And they shall say: (all) praise is due to Allah, who has made grief to depart from us; most surely our lord is forgiving, multiplier of rewards,

35) Who has made us alight in a house abiding for ever out of . his grace; toil shall not touch us therein, nor shall fatigue therein afflict us


32) Then we gave the scripture as inheritance unto those whom we elected of our bondmen. but of them are some who wrong themselves and of them are some who are lukewarm, and of them are some who outstrip (others) through good deeds, by Allah’s leave. that is the great favour!

33) Gardens of eden! they enter them wearing armlets of gold and pearl and their raiment therein is silk.

34) And they say: praise be to Allah who hath put grief away from us. lo! our lord is forgiving, bountiful,

35) Who, of his grace, hath installed us in the mansion of eternity, where toil toucheth us not nor can weariness affect us.


32) Then we have given the book for inheritance to such of our servants as we have chosen: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by Allah’s leave, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest grace.

33) Gardens of eternity will they enter: therein will they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk.

34) And they will say: “praise be to Allah, who has removed from us (all) sorrow: for our lord is indeed oft-forgiving ready to appreciate (service):

35) “Who has, out of his bounty, settled us in a home that will last: no toil nor sense of weariness shall touch us therein.”