Atheists in Quran (8) they contend with falsehood

Throughout the History, the Atheists disputed their messengers with falsehood; their aim was to invalidate the truth of Allah’ scriptures and message.


The meanings of the verse 18:56:

Allah sent a messenger (and/or prophet) to every nation.

Allah sent his messengers with one message; it is believe in Allah, the One, the Almighty Creator, the Merciful, the Forgiving, He has no partner, no similar, no son etc.

Allah’s messengers were bearers and warners

  • They were bearers of good tidings (Paradise) to believers
  • They were warners against Eternal hell for the disbelievers

All the messengers and the prophets were belied by most of their people, folks, tribes and nations.

The Atheists among the people of the messengers belied them and disbelieved in them.

The Atheists who disbelieved disputed with falsehood.

The Atheists gave many false reasons to justify their disbelief

They say for example:

  • Has God sent a human as a messenger?
  • God has to send an Angel not a human
  • We have never heard about that from our ancients
  • Why God choose this man specifically?
  • We want to see God and talk to him
  • Etc. of their foolish and ignorant falsehood

When they say that and the like of such statements, that they may refute thereby, that by way of their disputing they may invalidate the truth of Allah’ scriptures.

Throughout the History, the Atheists disputed their messengers with falsehood, their aim was to invalidate the truth of Allah’ scriptures and message.

This happened to all the messengers like for example Noah, Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Zachariah, John, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad

Sometimes, the Atheists knew some verses of the Quran and they take them in mockery

They have taken in mockery the verses of the Quran that whereof they have been warned, in the way of the Eternal Hell.

They take Allah’s revelations, messengers, and that wherewith they are threatened of chastisement as a jest and mockery.


The verse 18:56 in different translations:


We send our messengers only to proclaim glad tidings and to give warning. but the unbelievers dispute with false arguments so that they may belie the truth. they have taken my verses and warnings in mockery.


And we do not send messengers but as givers of good news and warning, and those who disbelieve make a false contention that they may render null thereby the truth, and they take my communications and that with which they are warned for a mockery


We send not the messengers save as bearers of good news and warners. Those who disbelieve contend with falsehood in order to refute the truth thereby. And they take our revelations and that wherewith they are threatened as a jest.


We only send the messengers to give glad tidings and to give warnings: but the unbelievers dispute with vain argument, in order therewith to weaken the truth, and they treat my signs as a jest, as also the fact that they are warned!

Chapter 6 of the Quran (117) All Messengers = One Message

This was, and still is, Muhammad’s message to mankind.  This was also the message of all the messengers, sent by Allah, to their people. This was the message of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus, 


In the previous article, Submission to Allah was Abraham’s Religion and was the Religion Abraham’ descendants.

Back to the original Abraham and his descendants’ Religion, Ayah 6:162-163 say:

Say O Muhammad, to the Jews, to the Christians and to mankind:

Lo! my worship, my five daily prayers , my rituals, my sacrifice, my devotions, in the way of pilgrimage and otherwise, and my living (my life), and my dying (my death) were all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

In short, my entire life, my entire activities, my entire deeds in this world were for the sake of the obedience and pleasure of Allah; the Master and the King of the entire worlds.

§  He has no partner.

§  He has no wife.

§  He has no son.

§  He has no daughter.

§  He has no equivalent.

§  Nothing is equal or similar to Him.

I am commanded to believe in Him,

I am the first (among my people) of those who submit unto Him

I am the first (among my people) of those who sincerely worship Him and confess His divine Oneness.

This was, and still is, Muhammad’s message to mankind.

This was also the message of all the messengers, sent by Allah, to their people.

This was the message of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus, 

Every one of those great Messengers and Prophet clearly conveyed this message unto his people.


The verses 6:162-163 in different translations


162) say: ‘my prayers and my worship (for example, pilgrimage and sacrifice), my life and my death, were all for Allah, the lord of the worlds.

163) he has no partner, with that i am command ed, and i am the first of the submitters (Muslims). ‘


162) say. surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death were (all) for Allah, the lord of the worlds;

163) no associate has he; and this am i command ed, and i am the first of those who submit


162) say: lo! My worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying were for Allah, lord of the worlds.

163) he hath no partner. This am i commanded, and i am first of those who surrender (unto him).


162) say: “truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, were (all) for Allah, the cherisher of the worlds:

163) no partner hath he: this am i command ed, and i am the first of those who bow to his will.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (111) Genuine vs.Today Torah

The genuine Torah is a mercy that absolves the one who believes in Allah from His torment, that the Children of Israel might believe in in the encounter with their Lord, through the Resurrection after death and in the Afterlife.  In today Torah, there is no reference for resurrection after death and in the Afterlife


Ayah 6:153 says:

And that Allah has charged you with is the religion (of worshipping only One True God who has no partner, wife, son, daughter etc.) that is Allah’ straight path, so follow it.

And do not follow other ways or paths opposed to it, lest it separate you and make you astray, away from His religion and His straight path

This is what Allah has ordained for you,

§  That perhaps you will be God-fearing’.

§  That you may ward off evil,

§  That you may ward off these different ways.

It should be emphasized that Allah has commanded His entire messengers to convey this message to their people.

Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus, delivered this message to their people; and Muhammad is conveying this message to the entire mankind.

Back to Allah’s messenger, Moses, Ayah 154 says:

Also, Allah gave the Scripture, the Torah unto Moses; it was complete with command and prohibitions, promises and threats, reward and punishment for him who would do good acts.

It is also said that this means: for him who follows the excellence of Moses and the conveyance of the message of his Lord,

In Torah, there was an explanation of all things needed for religion and describing the lawful and the unlawful.

The Torah was (guidance from error and) a mercy that absolves the one who believes in Allah from His torment, that the Children of Israel might believe in the meeting with their Lord and that they might believe in resurrection after death and in the Afterlife.

All of the above is about the genuine Torah that is inspired by Allah unto Moses.

In today Torah, there is no mention for resurrection after death and in the Afterlife


The verses 6:153-154 in different translations


153) this path of mine is straight. follow it and do not follow other paths, for they will scatter you away from his path. with such Allah charges you, in order that you be cautious.

154) Then to Moses we gave the book, complete for him who does good, and (to make) plain all things, and guidance, and mercy, so that they might believe in the ultimate meeting with their lord.


153) and (know) that this is my path, the right one therefore follow it, and follow not (other) ways, for they will lead you away from his way; this he has enjoined you with that you may guard (against evil)

154) Again, we gave the book to musa to complete (our blessings) on him who would do good (to others), and making plain all things and a guidance and a mercy, so that they should believe in the meeting of their lord


153) and (he command eth you, saying): this is my straight path, so follow it. follow not other ways, lest ye be parted from his way. this hath he ordained for you, that ye may ward off (evil).

154) Again, we gave the scripture unto Moses, complete for him who would do good, an explanation of all things, a guidance and a mercy, that they might believe in the meeting with their lord.


153) verily, this is my way, leading straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you about from his (great) path: thus doth he command you. that ye may be righteous.

154) Moreover, we gave Moses the book, completing (our favour) to those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail,- and a guide and a mercy, that they might believe in the meeting with their lord.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (107) the Conclusive Argument

If you do not have a definitive argument for your claim that Allah is satisfied with your faith when you ascribe unto Him partners, sons, daughters, etc, then, verily, to Allah belong the perfect and the conclusive argument.  Allah only guides the one who is keen to be guided.


In the previous article, the unbelievers said to the Prophet Muhammad:

Neither we nor our forefathers would have ascribed partners unto Allah

Our faith and belief were by Allah’s will, and so Allah must be satisfied with us

The Quran says:

So, in the same way that they are making a big lie and following their falsehood, those who were before them gave also the same lie to their prophets, until they tasted our might and our chastisement.

It follows that:

The unbelievers among Noah’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Hud’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Saleh’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Abraham’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Lot’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Shu’aib’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among the Egyptians and Israelites said that to Moses and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among David’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Solomon’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Elias’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Jonah’s people said that and followed their lie.

The unbelievers among Jesus’ people (the Jews) said that and followed their lie, as well as the unbelievers among Muhammad’s people (the Arabs) said that and followed their lie.

Allah Exalted is He commaned His Prophet Muhammad (and all of the prophets before him) to say unto the unbelievers:

Have you any clarification and/or document saying that Allah is satisfied with your faith when you ascribe unto Him partners, sons, daughters, etc.

Have you any proof such that you can adduce for us?

The truth is that you have no such knowledge and you follow but a satanic opinion.

Ayah 6:149 says:

Say to them, O Muhammad,

If you do not have an argument for your claim and if you have no definitive argument, then

For Allah’s is the final argument

For Allah’s is the most firm argument.

To Allah belong the perfect and the conclusive argument,

Ha Allah willed, to guide you, He could have guided all of you

Had Allah willed, He could indeed have directed all of you to His religion.

Allah guides the one who deserves to be guided (who is keen to be guided).


The verse 6:149 in different translations


Say: ‘Allah alone has the conclusive proof. had he willed, he would have guided you all. ‘


Say: then Allah’s is the conclusive argument; so if he please, he would certainly guide you all


Say – for Allah’s is the final argument – had he willed he could indeed have guided all of you.


Say: “with Allah is the argument that reaches home: if it had been his will, he could indeed have guided you all.”

Chapter 6 of the Quran (85) the persistent Historical Law

The Prophet Muhammad was not an exception; the chief leaders and wealthy among the people of Mecca were the top unbelievers. They intensely deny Him and did their best to impede the faith.  However, they plot only against themselves, because the evil consequences thereof will befall them, though they do not perceive this fact.


Throughout the history of mankind, there is a determined constant historical law

The law is that: the top leading unbelievers of any and evey Prophet Allah sent are the chief leaders and wealthy among the people of each Prophet.

The history of mankind tells that this determined constant law was true as it shows that:

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Noah were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Hud were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Saleh were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Abraham were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Lot were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Shu’aib were the top leading unbelievers

Pharoah and the chief leaders and wealthy Egyptians vs.the Prophet Moses were the top leading unbelievers

The chief Jewish leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet David were the top leading unbelievers

The chief Jewish leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Solomon were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Elias were the top leading unbelievers

The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Jonah were the top leading unbelievers

The chief Jewish leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet Zachariah were the top leading unbelievers

The chief Jewish leaders and wealthy among the people of the Prophet John were the top leading unbelievers

The chief Jewish leaders, priest and Rabbis among the people of the Prophet Jesus were the top leading unbelievers

Ayah 6:123 says:

The Prophet Muhammad was not an exception. The chief leaders and wealthy among the people of Mecca were the top unbelievers and the great sinners ones; they used to sneer and engage in transgression and corruption. They intensely deny the prophet Muhammad and did their best to impede the faith and the truth.

However, the fact is that they plot only against themselves, because the evil consequences thereof will befall them, though they do not perceive this fact.


The verse 6:123 in different translations


And as such we have placed in every village its archtransgressors to scheme there. but they scheme only against themselves, though they do not sense it.


And thus have we made in every town the great ones to be its guilty ones, that they may plan therein; and they do not plan but against their own souls, and they do not perceive


And thus have we made in every city great ones of its wicked ones, that they should plot therein. they do but plot against themselves, though they perceive not.


Thus have we placed leaders in every town, its wicked men, to plot (and burrow) therein: but they only plot against their own souls, and they perceive it not.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (78) the Prophet’s Enemies

But, who listen to this fine varnished speech?

Those who do not believe in the Day of Judgment and Afterlife listen to and follow such fine varnished speech.

The fact is that they do not recognize that they will be punished for what they are acquiring of sins on the Day of Judgment although it is the absolute truth.


In the previous article, Allah appointed unto every Prophet enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Noah enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah. 

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Hud enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.  

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Saleh enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Abraham enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Lot enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Jacob enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Joseph enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Shu’aib enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Moses enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet David enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Solomon enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Elias enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Jonah enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Zachariah enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet John enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.

Allah appointed unto His Prophet Jesus enemies who the truth and the straight path of Allah.


Ayah 6:113 says:

Throughout the history, those enemies of the prophets are the devils unbelievers of mankind and jinn; they use the varnished speech to attack the prophets and to put them down.

They inspire, whisper, fine varnished speech to each other, the falsehood that is disguised as such in delusion, in order to delude themslves and delude the others.


The same happened exactly to the Prophet Muhammad and is still happening.

But, who listen to this fine varnished speech? Those who do not believe in the Day of Judgment and Afterlife listen to and follow such speech; they the fact that they will be punished for what they are acquiring of sins on the Day of Judgment although it is the absolute truth.


The verse 6:113 in different translations



So that the hearts of those who have no belief in the everlasting life are inclined to it and , being pleased, persist in their sinful ways.



And that the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter may incline to it and that they may be well pleased with it and that they may earn what they are going to earn (of evil)



That the hearts of those who believe not in the hereafter may incline thereto, and that they may take pleasure therein, and that they may earn what they are earning.



To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in the hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (56) Abraham’s Descendants – B

Abraham’s Descendants are Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham, Elisha, Elias, Jonah, and Zachariah (and his son John) and Jesus. Allah preferred all of them above the people of their own time through prophethood.




In the previous articles, Abraham’s people, the idolators and the astrologers, threatened him that their gods would severely harm him with many malicious things like diseases, poverty, infertility etc.

As a matter of fact, Abraham was infertile up to his age of eighty years.

Was that because those false gods had really harmed him so that he will never ever have a son?


They threatened Abraham that their gods will hurt him and make him infertile.

But, Abraham’s God, Allah, made Abraham the father of the prophets.

Noah and Abraham are the key fathers in the genealogy of any prophet


Ayah 6:85 says:

And Zachariah (and his son John), Jesus and Elias (the paternal nephew of Aaron, Moses’ brother); all of them were of the righteous

Allah guided all of them by bestowing upon them prophethood and and surrender to Allah; and all of them were of the seed of Abraham and they were messengers.


Ayah 6:85 says:

Also mention as Noah and Abraham’s Descendants Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham, Elisha Jonah and Lot.

Allah preferred all of them above the people of their own time, both believers and unbelievers, through prophethood.


Ayah 6:85 says:

With some of their forefathers (Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Hud, and Salih): Allah guided all of them by bestowing prophethood and Islam upon them; and also of their offspring and their brethren i.e. the offspring of Jacob and the brothers of Joseph.

Allah chose them and guided them unto the straight path and made them firm on His path.




The verses 6:85-87 in different translations



85) And (prophets) Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elias, each was of the righteous,

86) And Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot. Each we preferred above the worlds,

87) As we did their fathers, their descendants, and their brothers. we chose them and guided them to a straight path.



85) And zakariya and yahya and isa and ilyas; every one was of the good;

86) And Ismail and Al-yasha and Yunus and Lut; and every one we made to excel (in) the worlds:

87) And from among their fathers and their descendants and their brethren, and we chose them and guided them into the right way



85) And zachariah and john and jesus and elias. each one (of them) was of the righteous.

86) And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot each one (of them) did we prefer above (our) creatures,

87) With some of their forefathers and their offspring and their brethren; and we chose them and guided them unto a straight path.



85) And zakariya and john, and Jesus and elias: all in the ranks of the righteous:

86) And isma’il and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: and to all we gave favour above the nations:

87) (To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren: we chose them, and we guided them to a straight way.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (44) The Quran is but a Reminder

The Quran is but a reminder, so that men may be observant of their Creator. Allah placed on the shoulders of His messengers and prophets the duty of conveying His Message. Allah placed on the shoulders of His nearby believers the duty of reminding man.




The Quran is but a reminder, so that man may be observant of their Creator.

To remind man with the entire truth, Allah used to send his messengers and prophets everynow and then to lead the people to the straight path.

Truly, Allah placed on the shoulders of His of His messengers and prophets the duty of conveying His Message.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Noah the duty of conveying His Message to his people.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Hud the duty of conveying His Message to the Arabs.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Saleh the duty of conveying His Message to the Arabs.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Abraham the duty of conveying His Message to his people.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Shu’aib the duty of conveying His Message to the Arabs.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Moses the duty of conveying His Message to the Egyptiand .

Allah placed on the shoulders of David the duty of conveying His Message to his Israelites.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Solomon the duty of conveying His Message to his Israelites.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Jesus the duty of conveying His Message to his Israelites.

Allah placed on the shoulders of Muhammad the duty of conveying His Message to mankind.


Then the nearby believers who devoted and submit to Allah come after the messengers and prophets.

Allah placed on the shoulders of His nearby believers the duty of reminding man.

Thus, it is incumbent upon the nearby believers of Allah to guide man to Him, and if they cease or stop from doing so they were falling short of their duty.


In Ayah 6:68 (in the previous article) it is said:

When you see those who engage in discourse about the Quran, in mockery, turn away from them. And do not sit with them, until they discourse on some other topic.

Allah commanded His Prophet with this verse in Mecca, but the prophetic Companions found it hard to implement.

The devoted Muslims said, ‘If we get up and leave every time they delve into the matter of the Qurān, we would never be able to sit in Kaabah or perform circumambulations.


Therefore, Ayah 6:69 was revealed; it says:

Those who fear Allah were not accountable for those who discourse in mockery.

For them, talk and explain to make them remember and to admonish them, so that perhaps they will be wary about their outcome. Hence, they may ward off disbelief, idolatry, indecencies and mocking the Quran and Muhammad.




The verse 6:69 in different translations



Those who were cautious were not accountable for them in anything, but it is a reminder in order that they be cautious.



And nought of the reckoning of their (deeds) shall be against those who guard (against evil), but (theirs) is only to remind, haply they may guard.



Those who ward off (evil) were not accountable for them in aught, but the reminder (must be given them) that haply they (too) may ward off (evil).



On their account no responsibility falls on the righteous, but (their duty) is to remind them, that they may (learn to) fear Allah.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (42) the Fixed Term

The Prophet Muhammad said to the unbelievers: for every saying from Allah, for every command, prohibition, promise, threat, glad tiding of victory or punishment that I told you, there is a fixed time in which it will take place and be concluded, including the tiding concerning your punishment; some of which will happen in this world and some in the Afterlife.




The Prophet Muhammad did his best to convince the people of Mecca to stop worshipping their many idols they used to worship and to worship Allah, the only one true God.

The leaders of Mecca were full of pride and too haughty and bigheaded to listen to the truth.

The Prophet Muhammad told them about the terrible outcome they will face if they do not believe in the one true God and stop worshipping their idols.

The chiefs’ wealthy unbelievers of Mecca used to say mockingly to the Prophet: ‘O Muhammad when you would bring on us the punishment you assured us’.


The Prophet Muhammad said: If I had that for which you were impatient i.e. punishment, you would have already been destroyed.

Allah is best awwere of the wrong-doers and of the punishment of the idolaters.

The Prophet Muhammad has reminded them about the outcome of the unbelievers of the prophets Noah, HUD, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus etc.  However, they did not listen nor they understand .


The Prophet Muhammad told them that:

1) Allah is able to send forth upon them a chastisement from above them as He did on the people who denied Noah and Lot.

2) Allah is able to send forth upon them a chastisement from under their feet or make the earth swallow them as it swallowed Qaroun.

However, they did not listen nor they understand .


Ayah 66 says:

Although the Quran is the absolute truth; however, your people have denied it.

Say to them O Muhammad:

I do not guarantee to take you to Allah as believers; I am not a guardian over you, to requite you. I am only a warner and your affair is left to Allah.


Ayah 67 says:

For every announcement there is a term; for every saying from Allah, and for every command , prohibition, promise, threat, glad tiding of victory or punishment that I told you, there is a term.

Every tiding and every announcement has a conclusion, a fixed time in which it will take place and be concluded, including the tiding concerning your punishment some of which will happen in this world and some in the Afterlife.

And you will come to know of all of it in this world or in the Afterlife; this is a threat for them.




The verses 6:66-67 in different translations



66} your nation has belied it (the Koran), although it is the truth. say: ‘I am not a guardian over you.

67} every news has its appointed time; you will surely know. ‘



66} and your people call it a lie and it is the very truth. say: I am not placed in charge of you

67} for every prophecy is a term, and you will come to know (it)



66} Thy people (o Muhammad) have denied it, though it is the truth. say: I am not put in charge of you.

67} for every announcement there is a term, and ye will come to know.



66} But thy people reject this, though it is the truth. say: “not mine is the responsibility for arranging your affairs;

67} for every message is a limit of time, and soon shall ye know it.”

Chapter 6 of the Quran (30) the Purpose of the Messengers

What is the function of the messengers which Allah sent? The verse 6:48 of the Quran concludes their function in two words; they were 1) Bewerers of Paradise for whoever believes, and 2) Warners of the Eternal Hell for whoever disbelieves.



In Ayah 6:47, Allah command ed His Last Prophet Muhammad to say to the unbelievers of Mecca::

Have you considered for yourselves, if Allah’s chastisement were to come upon you, suddenly or openly? At night or during the day; would any be destroyed, except the evildoing, the unbelieving, folk who disobey that with which they have been command ed; it is also said that this refers to the idolaters? That is to say, none but the unbelievers will be destroyed.


In Ayah 6:48, Allah reminds the unbelievers with the great historical events that happened throughout the history of mankind..

Allah has sent many Messengers and /or Prophets to man e.g.Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Shu’aib, Moses, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, Jesus etc. the same way and for the same purpose as He did with the Prophet Muhammad.

In general, what was the function of the entire Messengers and /or Prophets?


Ayah 6:48 concludes their function in two words saying:

Allah does not send messengers, except as

  • Bewerers of of Paradise for whoever believes, and as
  • Warners of the Eternal Fire for whoever disbelieves,


Whoever believes, in the messengers and Scriptures, and makes amends, in his deeds:


  • No fear shall befall them when fear comes upon the folk of hell
  • Neither shall they grieve when the people of hell grieve.




The verses 6:47-48 in different translations



47) Say: ‘what do you see yourselves then, if the punishment of Allah overtook you suddenly or openly, would any perish but the harmdoing nation? ‘

48) We send forth our messengers only to give glad tidings to mankind and to warn them. those who believe and mend their ways shall have nothing to fear or to be saddened.



47) Say: have you considered if the chastisement of Allah should overtake you suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed but the unjust people?

48) And we send not messengers but as announcers of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve



47) Say: can ye see yourselves, if the punishment of Allah come upon you unawweres or openly? would any perish save wrongdoing folk?

48) We send not the messengers save as bewerers of good news and warners. whoso believeth and doeth right, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.



47) Say: “think ye, if the punishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed except those who do wrong?

48) We send the messengers only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives),- upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.