Death in Quran (1) Death = Creature

The Quran is the first book on the face of the earth, which says that Death is but a creature. However, why has Allah created death?


Interestingly, the verses 67:1-2 which say Death is created begin with “Blessed is Allah”

Blessed is Allah the exalted and transcendent above the attributes of created beings.

What do we mean when we bless the name of Allah?

We mean that we recognize and proclaim His beneficence to us.

In Allah’s hand and at His disposal, is

  • All Sovereignty,
  • All grace
  • All Authority and
  • All Power to bestow might and abasement, and
  • All Power over the stores of all things

Allah has power over all things.

He is too holy to have children or partners

He is Able to do all that He wills

Allah is Lord of both visible and invisible worlds.

Allah Created Death and Life.

One of the results of Allah’s complete dominion of the universe and absolute power over all things is that He created death and life.

Herein, the Quran puts Death before Life,

Death is therefore not merely a negative state.

Death, then, is

  • The state before life began, which may be nonexistence or existence in some other form:
  • The state in which Life as we know it ceases, but existence does not cease
  • The state of Barrier or Partition, after our visible Death and before Judgment; after that will be the new Life, which we conceive of under the term Eternity.

Why has Allah created death?

Allah created death and life that He may

  • Try you between life and death,
  • Test you in this life,

To see which of you is

  • Best in conduct,
  • Most obedient to Him
  • More sincere in works

Thus, man should always be on the alert, considering every thought and every action.

When a person’s heart is alert, aware that this life is a test, and tries to keep on the right track, he is reassured of God’s forgiveness and grace. This gives man all the rest and comfort he needs.

Allah is

  • the Mighty in retribution against those who disbelieve in Him
  • The Mighty in His vengeance against those who disobey Him,
  • The Forgiving to those who repent to Him;
  • He forgives those who repent and believe in Him.

He is the Mighty in retribution against those who disbelieve in Him, (Forgiving) He forgives those who repent and believe in Him,

Creation, therefore, is not in mere game, or without a purpose with reference to man. The state before our present life, or the state after, we can scarcely understand. But our present Life is clearly given to enable us to strive by good deeds to reach a nobler state.

Allah is so Exalted in Might that He can perfectly carry out His Will and Purpose, and that Purpose is Love, Mercy, and Goodness to His creatures.

The truth Islam establishes in people’s hearts does not depict God as chasing humans to afflict or punish them.

Allah wants them to be aware of the purpose behind their existence and of their true nature. Allah wants them to rise to the level worthy of His honor when He blew of His own spirit into them, elevating them above many of His other creations.

When the believers have absorbed this truth and hold to it, they will find that His grace, mercy and forgiveness are always available to them.


The verses 67:1-2 in different translations:


1-Blessed be he in whose hand is the kingdom, he is powerful over all things,

2-Who created death and life that he might examine which of you is best in deeds, and he is the almighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed is he in whose hand is the kingdom, and he has power over all things,

2-Who created death and life that he may try you– which of you is best in deeds; and he is the mighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed is he in whose hand is the sovereignty, and, he is able to do all things.

2-Who hath created life and death that he may try you which of you is best in conduct; and he is the mighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed be he in whose hands is dominion; and he over all things hath power;-

2-He who created death and life, that he may try which of you is best in deed: and he is the exalted in might, oft-forgiving;-

Atheists in Quran (44) successive questions for them

The Quran asks the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions: Were they created out of nothing? Did they come into existence of themselves? Were they created without a Creator? Was it a mere chance that they came into being? Were they the creators? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Are the Treasures of the universe with them?


The verses 52:35-37 ask the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions:

  • Were they created out of nothing?
  • Did they come into existence of themselves?
  • Were they created without a Creator?
  • Was it a mere chance that they came into being?
  • Were they created as human beings out of nothing?
  • Are they the creators of themselves?
  • Are the Treasures of the universe with them?

It makes no sense for a created thing to have no creator

There must be a Creator of them, and that is Allah, the One, so why do they not affirm His Oneness and believe in His Messenger and His Book?

Was there not a wonderful seed, from which their material growth can be traced, as the handiwork of a wise and wonderful Creator?

Must they not then seek His Will?

Were they created for nothing, to no purpose?

If they were created for a purpose, must they not try to learn that purpose by understanding Allah’s Revelation?

Or did they create the heavens and the earth?

Nay, they have no firm belief.

Nor can any but Allah, the Creator, have created them, so why do they not worship Him?

They obviously did not create the wonders of the starry heavens and the fruitful globe of the earth.

But they can assign no definite cause to explain it, as they have no firm belief on the subject themselves.

Nay, but they are sure of nothing, they deny Muhammad and the Quran

Nay, but they are not certain, of Allah, for otherwise they would have believed in His Prophet Muhammad.

Or are the Treasures of your Lord with them,

The Treasures of Allah’s Knowledge are infinite.

But the Atheists and unbelievers have no access to them, much less can the Atheists and unbelievers manage the wonders of this world.

Must they not therefore seek grace and revelation from Allah?

Or do they possess the treasuries of Allah? in the way of:

  • prophet hood,
  • the stores of your Lord through rain, provision, vegetation
  • Other matters,

So that they are able to assign what they will exclusively to whom they will?

Or are they the ones in control?

Or have they been given charge (thereof)?

Or are they the mighty ones who hold sway?


The questions in the verses 52:35-37 wonder at their own existence, a truth staring them in the face which they cannot explain in any way other than what the Quran states:

Allah, the Almighty Creator of all that exists has brought them into existence:

“Were they created out of nothing? Were they the creators?”

(Verse 35)

The thought that they just existed out of nothing is against the logic of nature.

It merits no argument.

On the other hand, neither they nor any other creature can claim that they created themselves.

As neither case can be logically entertained, there only remains the true case stated in the Quran, confirming that they are all creatures of Allah, the only Creator and Originator.

Since no one can claim any share of His attributes of creation and origination, then Lordship and Godhead belong solely to Him.

This is clear and true logic.

The verses then direct their attention to the heavens and the earth: are they the ones who created these?

Needless to say, the heavens and the earth did not create themselves, in the same way as humans do not do so:

“Did they create the heavens and the earth? No. They have no faith.” (Verse 36)

Neither they, nor anyone listening to the logic of nature, claim that the heavens and the earth created themselves or came into existence without being created.

Nor do those people claim that they created them.

Yet they stand in front of people like a question requiring an answer.

The verses then takes the Atheists and unbelievers a step lower than that of the creation of either themselves or the world around them.

The Quran asks them whether they own Allah’s treasures or have control of these to be able to cause benefit and harm:

“Do they possess your Lord’s treasures? Or are they in ultimate control?” (Verse 37)

If they make no such claim, then who owns these treasures and controls all things?

The Quran says that Allah is the One who gives in plenty or in small measure, and who determines all affairs in the universe.

This is the only explanation of what happens in the universe.


The verses 52:35-37 in different translations:


35- Or, were they created out of nothing? or, were they their own creators?

36- Or, did they create the heavens and the earth? no, their belief is not certain!

37- Or, are the treasures of your lord in their keeping? or, are they the controllers?


35- Or were they created without there being anything, or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay! they have no certainty

37- Or have they the treasures of your lord with them? or have they been set in absolute authority?


35- Or were they created out of naught? or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, but they are sure of nothing!

37- Or do they own the treasures of thy lord? or have they been given charge (thereof)?


35- Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, they have no firm belief.

37- Or are the treasures of thy lord with them, or are they the managers (of affairs)?

Sons of God in Bible vs Quran (1)

The Sons of the Lord God in Bible vs Quran (1)

The Bible says that the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, has SONS who married the daughters of men. 

The Quran says that Allah, the Almighty Creator, has no son(s).


The Sons of the Lord God in the Bible (1)

The Bible says that the sons of the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, saw the daughters of men who were fair, beautiful and attractive and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

But the Bible does not tell the names of the sons of the Lord God,

The Bible also does not give the physical attributes of the sons of the Lord God. In addition, the Bible does not tell what the number of the sons of the Lord God was and how many they were?

In short, the Bible does not let us know who, how, when, where, how many etc. in respect to the sons of the Lord God.

On the other hand, the Bible gives some informative details about the sons of the kings of Judah, for example, but does not give any details about the Sons of the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, who are of course very much more important than the sons of the kings of Judah .  The Quran makes it very clear and says that Allah, the Almighty Creator, has neither a son nor a partner.


Genesis 6:1-2

New International Version

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,

2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

New American Standard Bible

1Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,

2that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

English Standard Version

1When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them,

2the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.

King James Version

1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Young’s Literal Translation

1And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,

2and sons of God see the daughters of men that they [are] fair, and they take to themselves women of all whom they have chosen.


The Sons of the Lord God in the Quran (1)

The Quran firmly forbids saying that Allah has a son.

It is not befitting for the Majesty of Allah to take to Himself a son.

Just a son; just one son!

Glory is to Him, in affirmation of His being transcendent above doing such a thing.

Allah absolves Himself from taking a son or partner. 

The herein mentioned verse is in the Surah 19 (Chapter 19) that is called “Mary”.

In this Surah, the Quran denies that the Lord Jesus is Allah’ son.

So, the verse says:

When Allah decrees a thing, that is, when He will for it to happen, He only says to it, ‘Be!’, and it is.

This means that when Allah wants to create a son without a father, He saith unto it only: Be! And it is a son without a father, just like the case of the Lord Jesus who has No Human father.

In Islam, this point is very important faith wise.

In a very simple word, Allah, the Almighty Creator, has neither a son nor a partner.

In this world, there are a One Almighty Creator and many different creatures.

The One Almighty Creator is Allah or God or the Lord or Jehovah or whatever you name Him.

The many different creatures are man, animals, insects, plants, microbes, fungi, viruses, atoms, gases, water, liquids, metals, planets, stars etc.

To make it simple, man invents and creates many things like pen, book, chair, car, plane, computer etc.  Herein, man is the creator of these creatures; nevertheless, can the pen for example claim that he is the son of man?  Who would believe it?

The plain clear cut conclusion of this essential point that may establish or destroy the faith, from the Islamic point of view is that:

Anyone who believes that the Almighty Creator has a son or sons; he messes his faith up and is considered as a disbeliever and in the afterlife he will end up as an eternal inhabitant of the hell.

Anyone who believes that the Almighty Creator has no son and no partner; he has a good faith and is considered as a believer and in the afterlife he will end up as an eternal inhabitant of the paradise. 


Verse 19:35


It is not for Allah to take a son! Exaltations to Him! When He decrees a thing he only says: ‘be and it is.


It beseems not Allah that he should take to himself a! Son, glory to be him; when he has decreed a matter he only says to it “be,” and it is


It befitteth not (the majesty of) Allah that he should take unto himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, he saith unto it only: be! and it is.


It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that he should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, he only says to it, “be”, and it is.


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

Allah’s Oneness (1) the meaning

Nothing is similar to Allah in His Divinity, Lordship, Attributes and Names


Allah’s Oneness means

§  Allah’s Consolidation,

§  Allah’s Unification,  

§  Allah’s Integration,

§  Allah’s Cohesion,

§  Allah’s Unanimity,

§  Allah’s Singleness,

§  Allah’s Unity,

This indicates that:

·         Nothing has Similarity to Allah

·         Nothing has Resemblance to Allah

·         Nothing has Likeness to Allah

·         Nothing has Correspondence to Allah

·         Nothing has Propinquity to Allah

·         Nothing has Parity to Allah

·         Nothing has Equality to Allah

Allah’s Oneness should entail:

1)      Allah’s Divinity Oneness

2)      Allah’s LordshipOneness

3)      Allah’s AttributesOneness

4)      Allah’s NamesOneness

1) Allah’s Divinity Oneness means that nothing is similar to Allah in his Divinity, Godhood, Deity, Goddess, Divine being, Holy being, Divine

2) Allah’s LordshipOneness means that nothing is similar to Allah in his Godhead and his Lordship

3) Allah’s AttributesOneness means that nothing is similar to Allah in his Attributes, Qualities, Styles, methods, manners, ways, techniques, Features, characteristics, traits

4) Allah’s NamesOneness means that nothing is similar to Allah in his many beautiful Names


Allah presents His Oneness In few words that comprise the chapter 112 of the Quran

Chapter 112 of the Quran in four different translations:


Say: ‘he is Allah, the one, the called upon. who has not given birth, and has not been born, and there is none equal to him. ‘


Say: he, Allah, is one. Allah is he on whom all depend. He begets not, nor is he begotten and none is like him


Say: he is Allah, the one! Allah, the eternally besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto him.


Say: he is Allah, the one and only; Allah, the eternal, absolute; he begetteth not, nor is he begotten; and there is none like unto him.

Allah does not love (2) the arrogant

The arrogant are too proud to believe

Allah knows what you keep secret and what you disclose

The essential association between the disbelief and the arrogance


We have seen that Allah does not love the disbelievers.

In this article, Allah does not love the arrogant those who are too proud to believe.  The Quran declares that there is an essential association between the disbelief and the arrogance.


The meanings of verses 16:22-23 of the Noble Quran:

Verse 16:22 says that:

Your God is One God,

Your LORD is One Lord,

The One deserving of your worship, is One God, without any equal in terms of His essence or His attributes, and this is God, exalted He be.

But as for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, those who do not believe in resurrection after death; their hearts refuse to know, refuse to acknowledge Allah’s divine Oneness, for they are too proud. In other word, their hearts are in denial, rejecting the Oneness of God, and they are arrogant, scorning to believe in it.

This means that:

They are too proud to believe.

They are too haughty to believe.

They are too overconfident to believe.

They are too supercilious to believe.

Verse 16:23 says that:

Without doubt, verily, Allah knows that which they keep hidden of hatred, resentful envy, plotting and treachery and that which they proclaim of vilification, slander and violent confrontation.

In other word, Allah knows what they keep secret and what they disclose, and will requite them for it.

Lo! He does not love the arrogant those who are too proud to believe.

Allah does not love the patronizing, the disdainful; the stuck-up who are too proud to believe

Allah does not love the arrogant, meaning, He will punish them.


Verses 16:22-23 in different translations


22) Your god is one god. Those who do not believe in the everlasting life their hearts disbelieve, and are puffed up with pride.

23) Allah knows without doubt what they hide and what they make known. he does not love the proud.


22) Your Allah is one Allah; so (as for) those who do not believe m the hereafter, their hearts are ignorant and they are proud

23) Truly Allah knows what they hide and what they manifest; surely he does not love the proud


22) Your Allah is one Allah. but as for those who believe not in the hereafter their hearts refuse to know, for they are proud.

23) Assuredly Allah knoweth that which they keep hidden and that which they proclaim. lo! he loveth not the proud.


22) Your Allah is one Allah: as to those who believe not in the hereafter, their hearts refuse to know, and they are arrogant.

23) Undoubtedly Allah doth know what they conceal, and what they reveal: verily he loveth not the arrogant.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (59) the Obese Rabbi

It is well known that the last Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in full details in the Torah; that is why many Jewish rabbis like Abdullah ben Salam embraced Islam. It is also narrated that an obese rabbi went to argue with the Prophet about his prophethood; he said… 



It is well known that the last Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in full details in the Torah; that is why many Jewish rabbis like Abdullah ben Salam embraced Islam.

Allah commanded His Prophet Muhammad, to ask the Jews about his matter and how he is mentioned in their Scriptures. Muhammad did that many times.

However, their resentful envy toward Muhammad drove them to disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger.


The Jews said ‘Allah has never sent down any Scripture from heaven.’

Allah revealed: Say unto the Jews who speak thus: Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind?


It is also narrated that an obese rabbi (Malik ibn al-Sayf) went to argue with the Prophet about his prophethood. 

Muhammad said to him: ‘I plead with you by Him who has revealed the Torah to Moses, do you not find in the Torah that Allah loathes the obese rabbi?’

[In the genuine Torah that was revealed unto the Prophet Moses, an obese rabbi is a symbol indicates that such rabbi eats much and gives the needy a little]


Hearing that, the obese rabbi was horrified and he has got angry then he said: ‘O Muhammad has Allah revealed a Scripture to you?

The Prophet answered: ‘Yes, He did!’

The obese rabbi said: ‘By Allah, Allah has never sent down any Scripture from heaven. Allah has never sent anything to any human being’

The obese rabbi was shocked, when Muhammad’s companions exclaimed: ‘Woe unto you, not even to Moses!’


And so Allah, revealed Ayah 6:91; it says:

They do not estimate Allah its true estimation when they say: Allah has naught revealed unto a human being.

See the interpretation of the verse 6:91 in the next article.

Also, the interested reader may find a lot of articles about ‘Muhammad in the Bible” and the story of Jewish rabbis, Abdullah ben Salam who embraced Islam




The verses 6:91 in two translations



They have not valued Allah with his true value, when they said ‘Allah has never sent down anything to a mortal. ‘Say: ‘who, then sent down the book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for people? You put it on to parchments, revealing them and hiding much, you have now been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew before! ‘Say: ‘Allah. ‘Then leave them, playing in their plunging.



And they do not assign to Allah the attributes due to him when they say: Allah has not revealed anything to a mortal. Say: who revealed the book which musa brought, a light and guidance to men, which you make into scattered writings which you show while you conceal much? and you were taught what you did not know, (neither) you nor your fathers. Say: Allah then leave them sporting in their vain discourses