Angels in Islam (16) every Nation worshiped the Angels

The Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death. Instead of believing in the Angels, man worshiped them and made them gods


Study of man’s traditional, historical, mythological and cultural folklores reveals that man all over the world worshiped the superpowers surrounding him which are represented by many gods like god of power, god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.


It is interesting to find that every nation throughout the history believed in one or more of the above gods; you find that upon studying the cultures of Persian, Egypt, Greece, Romano-Celtic, Native American, Africa, Rome, Chinese, Armenia, Semitic, Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Fiji, Germanic, Japan, Hindu, Haiti, Tibet, Maya, Celtic, Kassites, Aztec, Gaul, Hispanic, Moabite, Teutonic, Sparta, Chaldean, Dahomey, Taoist, Shinto, Hungary, Sumer, Teutonic, Tamil, Slavic, Tamil, Etruscan, Polynesian/Maori, Mexico, Celtic, Sumer, Tahiti, Phoenician, Gaul, Polynesian, Finland, Hittite, Mesoamerican, Akkad, Slavonic, Ethiopian, Yemeni, Native Australia, Columbian etc.


Then, what was the essential background of such belief?

After creation of Adam, Allah has told him that He will send to man messengers to guide human beings and man has to follow them.

The message that Allah sent to his messengers from Noah to Muhammad was the same; it is to believe in 1) Allah, 2) the Angels, 3) the Messengers, 4) the Divinely-revealed Books and 5) the Last Day and the Afterlife.

All the messengers taught their people everything about this faith; and of course they taught them everything about the nature and the role of the Angels the same as the Prophet Muhammad has told us

In brief, the Islamic teachings concerning the job descriptions of the Angels say that the Angels are responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death.

The Angels are responsible also for the activities and the balance of the surrounding environment surrounding us. Not only that, but the Angels are responsible for your Afterlife.


1)    The Angels responsible for helping the entire activities of man from his birth to his death:

There are angels in charge of the baby inside the womb of his mother

Others are responsible for protecting the man throughout his life, when he stays home and when he travels, when he is asleep and when he is awake.

Others are responsible for recording the deeds of man, good and bad

Others are responsible for taking people’s souls: these are the Angel of Death and his group

Others are responsible for testing people in the grave.


2)    The Angels responsible for the environment surrounding us

There are angels responsible for rain, directing it wherever Allah wishes.

There are angels direct the winds and clouds, as Allah wills.

There are angels in charge of the plants

Some of the Angels are responsible for fertility, sea, thunder, ocean, war, mountains, rivers, sky, lightning, planets, plague, healing, etc.


3)    The Angels responsible for your Afterlife

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Paradise.

Some of the Angels are the keepers of Hell,


Back to the man throughout the history, instead of believing in the Angels, he worshiped them and made them god of fertility, god of love, god of sexuality, god of clouds, god of sea, god of wind, god of rain, god of ocean, god of war, god of thunder, god of rivers, god of sky, god of lightning, god of plants, god of planets, god of wine, god of pleasures, god of protection, god of death, god of prosperity, god of plague, god of healing, god of hunting, god of animals etc.

It is possible that his belief took time to develop and for sure it is done by Satan’s inspiration


Man has to believe in the Angels and to love them; however he made them gods and worshiped them!

It may be a kind of fiction to imagine that there are many gods in this world as the ancient people believed.

Would those many gods argue, struggle and fight together?

Have you seen some movies about the Greek gods which fought together?

Look how the Quran simply declares how this faith is err.


The meanings of the verse 21:22:

Had there been in the heavens and/or the earth, gods other than Allah, the heavens and/or the earth would have surely deteriorated, they would have deviated from their observed perfect order, because counteractive forces would exist among such gods, as is usually the case, when there is more than one ruler, that there is counteraction and a lack of consensus regarding something.  So glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, above what the disbelievers ascribe.


The verse 21:22 in four different translations:


Had there been gods in heaven or earth, other than Allah, both would indeed have been ruined. Exalted be Allah, lord of the throne, above that they describe.


if there had been in them any gods except Allah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder; therefore glory be to Allah, the lord of the dominion, above what they attribute (to him)


If there were therein gods beside Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) had been disordered. Glorified be Allah, the lord of the throne, from all that they ascribe (unto him).


If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, the lord of the throne: (high is he) above what they attribute to him!

Angels in Islam (13) are daughters for Allah while sons for Arabs?

The Angels have no sex, they do not marry; they are not like us.

Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

  1. The first party believes that they are the sons of God
  2. The second party believes that they are the daughters of God
  3. The third party believes that they are God
  4. The fourth party believes that they are partners of God

The Quran denies and disproves all of the above belief.

In the article Angels in Islam (10) the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People! (Genesis 6:2)

In the article Angels in Islam (11) the Quran says that neither Jesus nor the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah.

In the article Angels in Islam (12) the Quran says that the Angels are neither males nor females; they are not like us.

Nevertheless, the Arabs before Islam believe that the Angels are female and they are the daughters of Allah and Allah’s descendants are only females!

And such daughters of Allah deserve to be worshipped.

This was the background of why the Arabs before Islam used to worship the Angels, the daughters of Allah as they assumed

Look how the Quran condemns, denies and rejects this err faith.


The Quran tackles the famous custom of the Arabs that is how they look at the females.

The Arabs and the females before Islam.

The Quran says: Are daughters to be for your Lord, while sons are to be for them?

Why the Quran asks this question?

Because the Arabs put down the females. They used to dishonor the females very much. If anyone has got a female baby, he would feel very ashamed and he would bury her alive in the desert

The verses 16:57-59 say:

And they assign to Allah daughters, while they will have what they desire, namely, sons.

To Allah they assign daughters, while to themselves they assign sons.

And when one of them is given the tidings of a girl, that will be born to him, his face becomes darkened, transformed like that of one suddenly struck by grief, and he chokes inwardly, filled with anguish: so how is it that daughters are attributed to Him, exalted be He?

He hides, disappearing, from his people, out of distress at the tidings given to him, fearing mockery, unsure what to do with the newborn: shall he retain it — refrain from killing it — in humiliation, enduring shame and disgrace, or trample into the dust, by burying it alive.

Verily wretched is what they judge, evil is this judgment of theirs, in which they ascribe to their Creator that His are the daughters, who have such a lowly status in their eyes.

In addition to the verses 16:57-59, the Quran mentions this err Arabs’ faith about the Angels in many other verses like the followings:


The verse 16:57-59 (YUSUFALI translation)

57) And they assign daughters for Allah! – Glory be to him! – And for themselves (sons,- the issue) they desire!

58) When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!

59) With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! What an evil (choice) they decide on?


The verse 52:39 (YUSUFALI translation)

Or has he (Allah) only daughters and you have sons?


The verse 17:40 (QARIB translation):

What! Has your Lord favored you with sons and taken to himself females from among the angels? Indeed, you utter a monstrous thing!


The verses 43:16-25 (SHAKIR translation)

16) What! Has he taken daughters to himself of what he himself creates and chosen you to have sons?

17) And when one of them is given news of that of which he sets up as a likeness for the beneficent Allah, his face becomes black and he is full of rage

18) What! That which is made in ornaments and which in contention is unable to make plain speech!

19) And they make the angels– them who are the servants of the beneficent Allah– female (divinities). What! Did they witness their creation? Their evidence shall be written down and they shall be questioned

20) And they say: if the beneficent Allah had pleased, we should never have worshipped them. They have no knowledge of this; they only lie

21) Or have we given them a book before it so that they hold fast to it?

22) Nay! They say: we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are guided by their footsteps

23) And thus, we did not send before you any warner (Prophet) in a town, but those who led easy lives in it said: surely we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are followers of their footsteps

24) (The warner) said: what! Even if I bring to you a better guide than that on which you found your fathers? They said: surely we are unbelievers in that with which you are sent

25) So we inflicted retribution on them, then see how the end of the rejecters was

Angels in Islam (11) neither Jesus nor the Angels disdain

In the Quran, the Angels are Allah’s honored slaves

In the Bible, the Angels are sons of God who married the daughters of the People!


Throughout the history, man was confused about the nature of the Angels.

The scholars and the philosophers have four different belief concerning the nature of Angels and who they are:

1)    The first party believes that they are the sons of God

2)    The second party believes that they are the daughters of God

3)    The third party believes that they are God

4)    The fourth party believes that they are partners of God


The Quran denies, rebuts and disproves all of the above belief.

In the previous article, we have seen how the Quran denies the Bible’s claim that the Angels are the sons of God who married the daughters of the People!(Genesis 6:2)


In addition, the Christians claim that Jesus is the son of God.

The verses 4:171 – 173 denies also this claim and gives fertile guidance to the Christians,

The verses give the following Ten fertile guidance:

1) O People of the Gospel, do not go beyond the bounds, in your religion and do not say about Allah except the truth, such as exalting Him above any associations with a partner or a son:

2) The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was only the Messenger of Allah, and not as you claim, that he is the son of God, while Allah has no son.

3) So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say ‘Three’.

4) Refrain, from this and say what, it is better for you, [to say], which is the profession of His Oneness. Verily, Allah is but the only One God.

5) Glory be to Him, transcending the possibility, that He should have a son!

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth, as possessions, creatures and servants including the Angels,

6) And such sovereignty is not compatible with the prophet hood of Jesus.

Allah suffices as a Guardian, a Witness to this.

7) The Messiah, Jesus, would never disdain, scorn or reject haughtily, to be a slave of Allah, neither would the Angels who are close and favored, to Allah, disdain to be servants of Allah.

this is a splendid digression [to the matter of the angels], and it is mentioned as a refutation of those who claim that they [the angels] are son(s) of gods, just as He refuted the Christians who claim that which is the subject of the address to them [above].

Then the Quran says:

8) Whoever disdains to be slave of Allah, whoever disdains to worship Allah, and waxes proud, Allah will assuredly gather all of them to Him in the Day of Judgment.

9) As for those who believed, who did righteous deeds, He will pay them in full their wages, the reward for their deeds, and He will give them more of His bounty, what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no man’s heart has ever wished for; and

10) As for them who disdain and are too proud, to worship Him, He will chastise them with a painful chastisement, which is the chastisement of the Eternal Fire, and they shall not find for themselves, besides Allah, that is, other than Him, any friend, to ward it off them, or helper, to protect them from it.


The verses 4:171 – 173 in two different translations


171) O people of the scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and his word which he conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from him. So believe in Allah and his messengers, and say not “three” – cease! (It is) better for you! – Allah is only one Allah. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as defender.

172) the messiah will never scorn to be a slave unto Allah, nor will the favoured angels. Whoso scorneth his service and is proud, all such will he assemble unto him;

173) Then, as for those who believed and did good works, unto them will he pay their wages in full, adding unto them of his bounty; and as for those who were scornful and proud, them will he punish with a painful doom. And they will not find for them, against Allah, any protecting friend or helper.


171) O people of the book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and his word, which he bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from him: so believe in Allah and his messengers. Say not “trinity”: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: glory be to him: (far exalted is he) above having a son. To him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs.

172) Christ disdaineth nor to serve and worship Allah, nor do the angels, those nearest (to Allah): those who disdain his worship and are arrogant,-he will gather them all together unto himself to (answer).

173) But to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, he will give their (due) rewards, – and more, out of his bounty: but those who are disdainful and arrogant, he will punish with a grievous penalty; nor will they find, besides Allah, any to protect or help them.

Angels in Islam (4) their extremely huge size

The size of the Angels is outstandingly very huge.

An Angel’s length is more than 45 thousand times the diameter of the Earth and more than 400 times the diameter of the Sun!

It is funny to see the picture of an Angel in the western media; they portray the Angel as if a little beautiful boy with two little wings.

Such picture is very far from the truth.
Allah says concerning the appointed Angels of Hell
“O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are Angels stern and severe, who flinch not (from executing) the commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.” [The verse 66:6, see the appendix but remember that it is addressed to the believers!]
The greatest of all the Angels is Jibreel (Gabriel) peace is upon him who was described in many report and we will discuss them later on.

Among the greatest Angels are those who carry the Throne (of Allah), who were described in the following Hadith:
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah  be upon him) said: ‘

“I have been given permission to speak about one of the Angels of Allah who carry the Throne. The distance between his ear-lobes and his shoulders is equivalent to a seven-hundred-year journey.’”

In another Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said:

“I have been granted permission to speak about one of the Angels of Allah, one of the bearers of the Throne. The distance from his earlobes to his shoulders is the distance of a seven – hundred year journey.”

In a third Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said:

“I have been granted permission to speak to an angel, one of the bearers of the Throne. The distance from his earlobe to his shoulder is like that of a bird flying for seven hundred years. That angel says, ‘Glory be to You, wherever You are.”

Considering that the distance of a bird flying during his migratory journey is about 150 kilometers per day, then the distance from the earlobe to the shoulder of the above Angel is 38,325,000 km i.e. more than 38 million kilometers.

In this case the length of such angel is about 574,875,000 km i.e. more than 500 million kilometers (more than half a billion km).

This means that the above Angel is 45,067 times the diameter of the Earth!

This also indicates that this Angel is 412 times the diameter of the Sun!



The verse 66:6 in four different translations:


Believers, guard yourselves and your families against the fire the fuel of which is people and stones, over which there are harsh, and stern Angels who never disobey Allah in that which he orders and do what they are ordered.


O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones; over it are Angels stern and strong, they do not disobey Allah in what he commands them, and do as they are commanded


O ye who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set Angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which he commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded.


O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) Angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.

Sons of God in Bible vs Quran (1)

The Sons of the Lord God in Bible vs Quran (1)

The Bible says that the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, has SONS who married the daughters of men. 

The Quran says that Allah, the Almighty Creator, has no son(s).


The Sons of the Lord God in the Bible (1)

The Bible says that the sons of the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, saw the daughters of men who were fair, beautiful and attractive and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

But the Bible does not tell the names of the sons of the Lord God,

The Bible also does not give the physical attributes of the sons of the Lord God. In addition, the Bible does not tell what the number of the sons of the Lord God was and how many they were?

In short, the Bible does not let us know who, how, when, where, how many etc. in respect to the sons of the Lord God.

On the other hand, the Bible gives some informative details about the sons of the kings of Judah, for example, but does not give any details about the Sons of the Lord God, the Almighty Creator, who are of course very much more important than the sons of the kings of Judah .  The Quran makes it very clear and says that Allah, the Almighty Creator, has neither a son nor a partner.


Genesis 6:1-2

New International Version

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,

2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

New American Standard Bible

1Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,

2that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.

English Standard Version

1When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them,

2the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.

King James Version

1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Young’s Literal Translation

1And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,

2and sons of God see the daughters of men that they [are] fair, and they take to themselves women of all whom they have chosen.


The Sons of the Lord God in the Quran (1)

The Quran firmly forbids saying that Allah has a son.

It is not befitting for the Majesty of Allah to take to Himself a son.

Just a son; just one son!

Glory is to Him, in affirmation of His being transcendent above doing such a thing.

Allah absolves Himself from taking a son or partner. 

The herein mentioned verse is in the Surah 19 (Chapter 19) that is called “Mary”.

In this Surah, the Quran denies that the Lord Jesus is Allah’ son.

So, the verse says:

When Allah decrees a thing, that is, when He will for it to happen, He only says to it, ‘Be!’, and it is.

This means that when Allah wants to create a son without a father, He saith unto it only: Be! And it is a son without a father, just like the case of the Lord Jesus who has No Human father.

In Islam, this point is very important faith wise.

In a very simple word, Allah, the Almighty Creator, has neither a son nor a partner.

In this world, there are a One Almighty Creator and many different creatures.

The One Almighty Creator is Allah or God or the Lord or Jehovah or whatever you name Him.

The many different creatures are man, animals, insects, plants, microbes, fungi, viruses, atoms, gases, water, liquids, metals, planets, stars etc.

To make it simple, man invents and creates many things like pen, book, chair, car, plane, computer etc.  Herein, man is the creator of these creatures; nevertheless, can the pen for example claim that he is the son of man?  Who would believe it?

The plain clear cut conclusion of this essential point that may establish or destroy the faith, from the Islamic point of view is that:

Anyone who believes that the Almighty Creator has a son or sons; he messes his faith up and is considered as a disbeliever and in the afterlife he will end up as an eternal inhabitant of the hell.

Anyone who believes that the Almighty Creator has no son and no partner; he has a good faith and is considered as a believer and in the afterlife he will end up as an eternal inhabitant of the paradise. 


Verse 19:35


It is not for Allah to take a son! Exaltations to Him! When He decrees a thing he only says: ‘be and it is.


It beseems not Allah that he should take to himself a! Son, glory to be him; when he has decreed a matter he only says to it “be,” and it is


It befitteth not (the majesty of) Allah that he should take unto himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, he saith unto it only: be! and it is.


It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that he should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, he only says to it, “be”, and it is.


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

This is Allah (64) Was Moses able to see Allah?

Was Moses able to see Allah?

When Moses came at Allah’s appointed time, Moses wished to see Allah, he said: My Lord! Show me yourself, that I may behold you!   Allah Said: see me in the life of this world, O Moses, but behold the mountain, which is stronger than you

Allah Preferred Moses by two great items

Allah said: O Moses! I have preferred thee above mankind, above the Children of Israel by My messages and by My speaking unto thee.

When Moses fell down unconscious?

When Allah revealed Himself to the mountain, He leveled it to the ground and Moses fell down senseless, having lost consciousness at the awesomeness of what he had seen.

What Happened When Allah Has Revealed His Glory to the mountain?

When Allah revealed His glory to the mountain He sent it crashing down. And Moses fell down senseless he passed out.

Why Moses Said To Allah: I Turn Unto Thee Repentant?

When Moses recovered his senses he said:

Glory be to You!, in Your transcendence. I repent to You, for having asked You what I was not commanded to ask, and I am the first of the believers.

In English: You Shall Not See Me and In Arabic Lan Tarānī

Moses required to see Allah.  Allah Said: You shall not see Me (that is  “lan tarānī ” in Arabic).  The use of this expression [lan tarānī, ‘you shall not see Me’] instead of lan urā, ‘I shall not be seen’, implies that …


Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-68) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

Verses 7:143-144 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Was Moses able to see Allah?

2) When Moses fell down senseless?

3) What happened when Allah revealed His glory to the mountain?

4) Why Moses said to Allah: I turn unto Thee repentant? And

5) Allah preferred Moses by two great items.


In the previous article, Allah did appoint for Moses to spend in the mountain thirty nights and added to them ten days and he completed the whole time appointed by his Lord of forty nights as he promised;

And Moses said unto his brother: Take my place, be my deputy among the people. Do right, enjoin them to do right, and do not follow the way of mischief-makers by committing transgressions.

The meaning of verse 7: 143

And when Moses came at Allah’s appointed tryst (time), that is, the time at which Allah had promised to speak to him, and his Lord spoke with him, without any intermediary, with speech which he heard from all directions,

Moses said, ‘My Lord! Show me, Yourself, he wished to see Allah, that I may behold You! That I may gaze upon Thee.’

Allah Said, ‘You shall not see Me, that is to say, you do not have the power to see me, you will not be able to see me in the life of this world, O Moses,

but behold the mountain, which is stronger than you are, and if it remains, stays fixed, in its place, then you shall see Me’, that is, [then] you shall remain fixed [able] to see Me, otherwise, you will not have the capacity [for it].

And when his Lord revealed Himself, that is, [when] He manifested of His Light the equivalent of half a nail of a little finger, as stated in one Hadith (said by the Prophet Muhammad), to the mountain He leveled it to the ground and Moses fell down senseless, having lost consciousness at the awesomeness of what he had seen.

And when Moses recovered his senses he said, ‘Glory be to You!, in Your transcendence. I repent to You, for having asked You what I was not commanded to ask, and I am the first of the believers’, of my time.

In other words, Allah said to Moses:

but gaze upon the mountain (the highest mountain in Midian!)

if the mountain stands still in its place when seeing Me, then may be you will see Me. And when Allah revealed His glory to the mountain He sent it crashing down. And Moses fell down senseless he passed out. And when he woke from his fainting, he glorified His Lord and said: Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant from asking to see you, and I am the first of true believers that you will not be seen in the life of this world.


the use of this expression [lan tarānī, ‘you shall not see Me’] instead of lan urā, ‘I shall not be seen’, implies that it is possible to see Allah, exalted be He.  But who will see Him?  Only, the believers will see Him in the Afterlife.

The meaning of verse 7:144

Allah said to him: ‘O Moses, I have elected you, chosen you, from among mankind, the people of your time, for My Messages and My Speech, that is, for My having spoken to you. So take what I have given you, of bounty, and be of the thankful’, of My favors.

In other words, Allah said: O Moses! I have preferred thee above mankind, above the Children of Israel by My messages and by My speaking unto thee. So hold that which I have given thee, act upon that which I have given you, and be among the thankful that I chose to speak to you from among all people.


The Verses 7:143-144 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


143) And when Moses came at the appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said: ‘Lord, let me see, that i can look at you. ‘He replied: ‘you shall not see me. But look at the mountain; if it remains firm in its place, then shall you see me. ‘And when his Lord was revealed to the mountain and caused it to be crushed and leveled whereupon Moses fell down senseless, and when he recovered, he said: ‘exaltations to you! i repent to you. i am the first of believers. ‘

144) He said: ‘Moses, i have chosen you from all mankind with my messages and my words. Therefore, take what i have given you, and be among the thankful.’


143) And when Musa came at our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said: my Lord! Show me (thyself), so that i may look upon thee. he said: you cannot (bear to) see me but look at the mountain, if it remains firm in its place, then will you see me; but when his Lord manifested his glory to the mountain he made it crumble and Musa fell down in a swoon; then when he recovered, he said: glory be to thee, i turn to thee, and i am the first of the believers

144) He said: o Musa! surely i have chosen you above the people with my messages and with my words, therefore take hold of what i give to you and be of the grateful ones


143) And when Moses came to our appointed tryst and his Lord had spoken unto him, he said: my Lord! Show me (thy self), that i may gaze upon thee. He said: thou wilt not see me, but gaze upon the mountain! if it stand still in its place, then thou wilt see me. And when his Lord revealed (his) glory to the mountain he sent it crashing down. and Moses fell down senseless. and when he woke he said: glory unto thee! i turn unto thee repentant, and i am the first of (true) believers.

144) He said: o Moses! i have preferred thee above mankind by my messages and by my speaking (unto thee). so hold that which i have given thee, and be among the thankful.


143) When Moses came to the place appointed by us, and his Lord addressed him, he said: “O my Lord! Show (thyself) to me, that i may look upon thee.” Allah said: “by no means canst thou see me (direct); but look upon the mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see me.” when his Lord manifested his glory on the mount, he made it as dust. and Moses fell down in a swoon. when he recovered his senses he said: “glory be to thee! to thee i turn in repentance, and i am the first to believe.”

144) (Allah) said: “o Moses! i have chosen thee above (other) men, by the mission i (have given thee) and the words i (have spoken to thee): take then the (revelation) which i give thee, and be of those who give thanks.”

Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (8)

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

2. “Do you consider you were really “saved” and that you had in fact, been “born again?”



Now as I promised here are the answers to the questions many have asked me connected with my choice of Islam:

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

The ex- American preacher Yusuf Estes answers this question by saying:

Your question implies you have not considered the similarities and teachings of the Bible and the Quran.

“ISLAM” means – “Surrender, submit and obey your Lord in sincerity and peace.” Whoever is trying to do this, is a “MUSLIM.” If someone believes in Almighty God as One God and One Lord and wants to commit their life to serving Him and obeying His Commandments, then that person will be in the right way and they will be “saved” according to God’s Mercy. No one can take the sins of another and the guilty must stand accused for what they have done. It will be up to Almighty God to Forgive or Punish according to His Judgment on that Day.

According to the remains of the translations of the Bible [see: “Bible, A Closer Look”] Jesus, peace be upon him, did not preach a message of salvation by worshipping him. This was something added later by Saul (who later became Paul). We find clear statements indicating salvation would come only through acknowledging Almighty God as One God and worshipping Him with all the heart, mind and strength. Jesus, peace be upon him, taught his followers to worship “My God and your God, My Lord and your Lord.”

Again, according to the remains of the English translation of the Bible, we see the one on the cross crying out a very blasphemous statement, “Eli! Eli! Lama sabachthani?” (Which being translated means, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?”) This statement on the cross clearly indicates the one on the cross is not pleased with the situation nor does he consider it right or just. Therefore, one would have to conclude this was not something Jesus approved of nor did he accept, or else someone else was on the cross in his place. Either way you look at it, the one on the cross did not accept this as a plan of salvation.

The Quran is absolutely in agreement with these teachings and Muslims do worship the same God and Lord of Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Adam, peace be upon them all. The Quran states in many places, no one will be taken to task for the sins of another, nor can anyone carry the burden of another. We will all be on our own on that Day. And I ask Allah to have Mercy and Forgiveness for all those who believe in Him, ameen.

I consider that I have not left the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. On the contrary, I feel much closer to Jesus, peace be upon him, and I look forward to His return on earth more than ever before. Now I am worshipping the same God he worships and I serve the same Lord he serves, in the very same way he does. Jesus prayed to Almighty God and taught his followers to do the same. I am simply doing what he commanded to the best of my ability and ask Almighty God to accept it.


2. “Do you consider you were really “saved” and that you had in fact, been “born again?”


The Baptists have a statement, “Once saved, always saved.” I asked one of them about this and he agreed it was true. Then I mentioned at one time I had become a Baptist (in my teen years) but now I was a Muslim. I had also been “saved” and baptized at the age of 12. I had accepted the very statement of Jesus being the way, the light and the truth and no man coming on to the Father except by him. I understood these statements to mean I must follow Jesus and his teachings. Therefore, I read the Bible for myself and did not let others tell me what to think about what I was reading.

The Bible states that Jesus prayed for salvation for himself in the garden of Gethsemane in this way, “Let this cup pass from me, even so, Thy Will be done.” This prayer was repeated by Jesus, peace be upon him, a number of times and it is mentioned in more than one Gospel. Yet, according to Biblical accounts, the cup did not pass from him and his prayers were NOT ANSWERED. Islam teaches us his prayers were answered and he did not have to endure the cruel treatment and death on the cross, but rather he was taken up while still alive and is with Almighty God even now and ready to return in the Last Days to bring victory to the believers.

Additionally, we find Jesus, peace be upon him, teaching his disciples to pray like this, “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and Glory, forever and ever, ameen.” Every Muslim I have met accepts every single word of this pray with the exception of calling “Allah” our “Father.” Muslims consider it better to call on Almighty God by His Names, which we do consider to be “Hallowed.”


Written by: Chaplain Yusuf Estes

To be continued.

In Bible vs. Quran, and Paul too denies that Jesus is God (20)

In the Bible: Paul says: “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ…”

In the Quran: Jesus says: “Allah is my lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him. This is the straight path”. The great name “Allah” is mentioned in every Arabic versions of the Bible more than 2222 times.


In the Bible: Paul says: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Paul prayed for the saints who are at Ephesus, and to the faithful God’s people living in Ephesus; he asked his God to give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

Now see how Paul did pray, he says: I pray that “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1:17 according to 21st Century King James Version)

Herein, we have two different beings,

§  The first being is the God and

§  The second being is the Lord Jesus Christ 

Paul defines the first being as “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Does anyone need a proof that Jesus is not God when Paul said it clearly, obviously, undoubtedly and unmistakably: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Study of the available 42 different versions of the Bible shows that 39 versions say: “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”, two versions say “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” and one version ignores Paul’ saying completely (See the appendix 1-3).


In the Quran: Jesus says: “Allah is my Lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him”

On the other hand, the Quran plainly says that Allah is Jesus’ God

Who said that? Paul? No, there is no Paul in the Quran.

Then who said that? It is the lord Jesus himself

Jesus said: “Allah is my Lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him” (the verse 3:51)

Allah in the Bible:

It should be emphasized that the great name “Allah” is never ever found in the available 42 English versions of the Bible. However, the great name “Allah” is mentioned in every Arabic versions of the Bible more than 2222 times.

Read the verse 3:51 in the appendix (4)



(1) “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” is found in 39 Bible’s versions; they are:

21st Century King James Version, American Standard Version, Amplified Bible, Common English Bible, Darby Translation, Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, Easy-to-Read Version, English Standard Version, English Standard Version Anglicised, Expanded Bible, GOD’S WORD Translation, Good News Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, J.B. Phillips New Testament,  King James Version, Knox Bible, Lexham English Bible, Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament, New American Standard Bible, New Century Version,  New English Translation, New International Reader’s Version, New International Version, New International Version 1984, New International Version – UK, New King James Version, New Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised, New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition, New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Today’s New International Version, Young’s Literal Translation, Complete Jewish Bible, Orthodox Jewish Bible, Wycliffe Bible, Contemporary English Version and The Message.


(2) The New Life Version says: “the great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”

The New Living Translation says: “God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”


(3)The Worldwide English (New Testament) ignores Paul’ saying completely; it says:

“I ask him that you may understand these things in your hearts. I ask him that you may know what a great hope you have because God has called you. I ask him that you may know the rich and great blessings God has promised to his people.” (Forged Word of God!).


(4) The verse 3:51 in different translations:


Allah is my lord and your lord. Therefore, worship him. This is the straight path”.


Surely Allah is my lord and your lord, therefore serve him; this is the right path.


Lo! Allah is my lord and your lord, so worship him. That is a straight path.


“‘it is Allah who is my lord and your lord; then worship him. This is a way that is straight.'” 


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

Allah Asks (32): Are not they tried once or twice every year?

In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.
It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.
Allah’ questions are many in the Quran.

In this series, these questions are randomly picked.
In verses 9:126-129 of the Noble Quran, Allah asks mankind this question: do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice?
It is noticeable that mankind anywhere and everywhere is tested at least once a year with disasters and catastrophes e.g. Hurricane, Flood, Earthquakes, drought, misfortune famine, diseases etc.
However, still they do not repent of their disbelief nor do they remember or do they heed admonition.

Verses 9:126-129 of the Noble Quran give the question of this article and talk about it.
The meanings of the verses 9:126-129

Verse 9:126 says:
Do they not see that they are tested, afflicted and tried every year once or twice?
It is noticeable that mankind anywhere and everywhere is tested at least once a year with drought, disaster, catastrophe, misfortune and/or diseases.
Still they do not repent of their disbelief nor do they remember or do they heed admonition.


Verse 9:127 says:
And whenever a Surah is revealed, whenever the Angel Gabriel brings down a Surah exposing the fault of the hypocrites and the Prophet Muhammad used to recite to them; they, the hypocrites look one at another as who should say: Dos anybody among the sincere believers see you? Then they turn away from the prayer, the sermon, the Truth and guidance.
Allah turns away their hearts from the Truth and guidance.
It is also said: they swerved from the truth and guidance, and so Allah swerved their hearts from the truth and guidance because they are a folk who understand not, nor believe in the command of Allah.


Verse 9:128 says:
Verily there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, O man, that is, Muhammad; for whom it is grievous, hard, that you should suffer, that is, your suffering, your experiencing hardship and encountering harm [is hard on him]; who is full of concern for you, that you should be rightly guided; to the believers full of pity, profoundly compassionate, merciful, desiring good for them.


Verse 9:129 says:
Now, if they turn away from faith, repentance and that which you have told them O Muhammad; say: Allah suffices me my trust is in Allah.
There is no God save Him; there is no protector or helper except Him.
In Him have I put my trust, I put my trust in and rely on Him, and
He is Lord of the Tremendous Throne.

Verses 9:126-129 in different translations:



126) Do they not see how once or twice every year they are tried? Yet still they neither repent nor remember.
127) whenever a chapter is sent down, they glance at each other, (asking): ‘does anyone see you? ‘Then they turn away. Allah has turned away their hearts, for they are nations who do not understand.
128) Indeed, there has come to you a messenger from your own, he grieves for your suffering, and is anxious about you, and is gentle, merciful to the believers.
129) Therefore, if they turn away, say: ‘Allah is sufficient for me. There is no god except he. In him I have put my trust. He is the lord of the mighty throne. ‘


126) Do they not see that they are tried once or twice in every year, yet they do not turn (to Allah) nor do they mind
127) And whenever a chapter is revealed, they cast glances at one another: does any one see you? Then they turn away: Allah has turned away their hearts because they are a people who do not understand
128) Certainly a messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate,
129) But if they turn back, say: Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but he; on him do I rely, and he is the lord of mighty power


126) See they not that they are tested once or twice in every year? Still they turn not in repentance, neither pay they heed.
127) And whenever a Surah is revealed, they look one at another (as who should say): doth anybody see you? Then they turn away. Allah turneth away their hearts because they are a folk who understand not.
128) There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves, unto whom aught that ye are overburdened is grievous, full of concern for you, for the believers full of pity, merciful.
129) Now, if they turn away (o Muhammad) say: Allah sufficeth me. There is no Allah save him. in him have I put my trust, and he is lord of the tremendous throne.


126) See they not that they are tried every year once or twice? yet they turn not in repentance, and they take no heed

127) Whenever there cometh down a Sura, they look at each other, (saying), “doth anyone see you?” then they turn aside: Allah hath turned their hearts (from the light); for they are a people that understand not.

128) Now hath come unto you a messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the believers is he most kind and merciful.

129) But if they turn away, say: “Allah sufficeth me: there is no god but he: on him is my trust, – he the lord of the throne (of glory) supreme!”

This is Allah (12) everything is recorded in the Preserved Tablet

This is Allah: all glory and power belong to Allah

Allah says: O man; everything you have done is recorded in the Guarded Tablet

The outcome of those who wanted to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad

The scientific fact of the sweet versus salt sea in the Quran


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 35:10-12 of the Noble Quran says that all glory and power belong to Allah; and  Everything is recorded in the Guarded and Preserved Tablet. Then the verses talk about the outcome of those who wanted to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran gives a scientific fact of the sweet versus salt sea that discovered only recently.


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

The verse 35:10-12 of the Noble Quran says that all glory and power belong to Allah; and everything is recorded in the Guarded and Preserved Tablet. Then the verses talk about the outcome of those who wanted to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran gives a scientific fact of the sweet versus salt sea that discovered only recently.


Verse 35:10 says:

Whoever desires glory and power [should know that] all glory and power belong to Allah, belong to Him might and invincibility, in this world and in the Hereafter, and it cannot be obtained from Him except through obedience to Him, so let such [a one] be obedient to Him.

To Him ascends good words, that is to say, He is aware of such [good words], and these are [statements such as] ‘there is no god except Allah’ and the like; and as for righteous action, He exalts it, He accepts it; but those who plot evil, schemes against the Prophet Muhammad [as was the case] at the council assembly, in the way of imprisoning him, killing him or expelling him, as mentioned in the verse 8:30 of the Noble Quran] — theirs shall be a severe chastisement and their plotting shall come to nothing: it shall be ruined.

In other words, unto Him good words, the expression “there is no deity save Allah” (ascend, and the pious deed doth He exalt) He accepts pious deeds through the profession of “there is no deity except Allah”; (but those who plot iniquities) those who associate partners with Allah; it is also said this means: those who scheme to expel, imprison or assassinate Muhammad, theirs will be an awful doom, as awful as can be; (and the plotting of such (folk will come to naught) will not succeed. Historically, this happened in the life of this world, however, await to see their outcome in the afterlife.

Verse 35:11 says:

Allah created you from dust, He created you from Adam and Adam is from dust, then from a little fluid, the sperm drops of your fathers, then He made you pairs, the male and female. No female bears a child gives birth after the full period of pregnancy or prematurely (save with His knowledge) save with the knowledge and command of Allah. (And no one grows old who grows old, nor is aught lessened of his life, but it is recorded in a Book) except that it is recorded in the Guarded and Preserved Tablet.

(Lo! That) recording that (is easy for Allah) even without writing.

Verse 35:12 says:

 (And the two seas) the sweet and salty (are not alike: this, fresh, sweet, food to drink, this (other) bitter, salt. And from them both) the sweet and salty seas (ye eat fresh meat) fresh fish (and derive) especially from the salty sea (the ornament) gems and pearls (that ye wear. And you see the ship cleaving them) i.e. the seas (with its prow) coming and going driven by the same wind (that ye may seek of His bounty) of His provision, (and that haply ye may give thanks) so that you may give thanks for His bounty.

It is very amazing that the Quran talks about a sweet water coming from a sea; it is discovered recently that this scientific fact said by the Noble Quran is true.

Can anyone tells who taught Muhammad that there are sweet water in sea?


Verses 35:10-12 in different English translations of their meanings:


10) He who wants might, the might belongs to Allah altogether. to him ascend good words, and the righteous deed he raises. but those who devise evil deeds theirs shall be a terrible punishment, and their plotting shall be annulled.

11) Allah created you from dust, then from a (sperm) drop. then he made you pairs. no female conceives or is delivered except by his knowledge. he whose life is long, whatsoever is increased or decreased of his age is in a clear book. surely, that is easy for Allah.

12) The two seas are not alike. one is fresh, sweet and pleasant to taste, while the other is salt and bitter. yet, from each you eat fresh flesh and bring forth out of it ornaments for you to wear. and you see the ships plow their course through it so that you may seek his bounty, and in order that you give thanks.


10) Whoever desires honor, then to Allah belongs the honor wholly. to him do ascend the good words; and the good deeds, lift them up, and (as for) those who plan evil deeds, they shall have a severe chastisement; and (as for) their plan, it shall perish

11) And Allah created you of dust, then of the life-germ, then he made you pairs; and no female bears, nor does she bring forth, except with his knowledge; and no one whose life is lengthened has his life lengthened, nor is aught diminished of one’s life, but it is all in a book; surely this is easy to Allah

12) And the two seas are not alike: the one sweet, that subdues thirst by its excessive sweetness, pleasant to drink; and the other salt, that burns by its saltness; yet from each of them you eat fresh flesh and bring forth ornaments which you wear; and you see the ships cleave through it that you may seek of his bounty and that you may be grateful


10) Whoso desireth power (should know that) all power belongeth to Allah. unto him good words ascend, and the pious deed doth he exalt; but those who plot iniquities, theirs will be an awful doom; and the plotting of such (folk) will come to naught.

11) Allah created you from dust, then from a little fluid, then he made you pairs (the male and female). no female beareth or bringeth forth save with his knowledge. and no-one groweth old who groweth old, nor is aught lessened of his life, but it is recorded in a book, lo! that is easy for Allah.

12) And the two seas are not alike: this, fresh, sweet, good to drink, this (other) bitter, salt. and from them both ye eat fresh meat and derive the ornament that ye wear. and thou seest the ship cleaving them with its prow that ye may seek of his bounty, and that haply ye may give thanks.


10) If any do seek for glory and power,- to Allah belong all glory and power. to him mount up (all) words of purity: it is he who exalts each deed of righteousness. those that lay plots of evil,- for them is a penalty terrible; and the plotting of such will be void (of result).

11) And Allah did create you from dust; then from a sperm-drop; then he made you in pairs. and no female conceives, or lays down (her load), but with his knowledge. nor is a man long-lived granted length of days, nor is a part cut off from his life, but is in a decree (ordained). all this is easy to Allah.

12) Nor are the two bodies of flowing water alike,- the one palatable, sweet, and pleasant to drink, and the other, salt and bitter. yet from each (kind of water) do ye eat flesh fresh and tender, and ye extract ornaments to wear; and thou seest the ships therein that plough the waves, that ye may seek (thus) of the bounty of Allah that ye may be grateful.