Atheists in Quran (22) their reward = Woe

The Atheists among the Arabs said to the believers in the Prophet Muhammad ‘If there is Hereafter, then we will receive the same reward as that which you will receive’.  The Quran declares that their reward is Woe.


The verses 38:27-28 set some facts,

The creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them was not without purpose. Their creation is based on the truth and for a definite intent.

Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in vain, frivolously or for no particular purpose.

This is the supposition of the Atheists who disbelieve. That is the opinion of the Atheists who deny the resurrection after death.

So woe to the disbelievers from the Eternal Fire!

Severe chastisement is awaiting for them.

The creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them is based on the truth and for a definite intent.

The Atheists cannot imagine such truth and facts because they do not relate to the great truth on which the universe is based. Henceforth, they entertain ill thoughts about their Lord.

Moreover, they will not understand the truth: “That is what the unbelievers assume. Woe betide the unbelievers when they are cast in the fire.” (Verse 27)

The truth embodied in Allah’s blessed book is for people with insight and understanding so that they can study its verses and reflect on the essential facts of existence.

  • Are the good deeds equated with the corruption
  • Is Allah-fearing equated with the wicked

The Atheists among the Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad said to the believers:

‘In the Hereafter we will receive the same [reward] as that which you will receive’

Then Allah revealed the verse 38:28, it says:

  • Shall Allah treat those who believe n Muhammad and in the Quran and perform righteous deeds obedience between themselves and their Lord like those who do not believe and cause corruption in the earth; or
  • Shall Allah treat the God-fearing like the profligate?
  • Shall Allah treat the Pious who ward off disbelief, indecent acts, like the wicked unbelievers


The verses 38:27-28 in different translations:


27-It was not in falsehood that we created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. that is the thought of the unbelievers. but woe to the unbelievers because of the fire!

28-Are we to make those who believe and do good works the same as those who corrupt the earth? are we to make the righteous as the wicked?


27-And we did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain; that is the opinion of those who disbelieve then woe to those who disbelieve on account of the fire

28-Shall we treat those who believe and do good like the mischief-makers in the earth? or shall we make those who guard (against evil) like the wicked?


27-And we created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in vain. that is the opinion of those who disbelieve. and woe unto those who disbelieve, from the fire!

28-Shall we treat those who believe and do good works as those who spread corruption in the earth; or shall we treat the pious as the wicked?


27-Not without purpose did we create heaven and earth and all between! that were the thought of unbelievers! but woe to the unbelievers because of the fire (of hell)!

28-Shall we treat those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth? shall we treat those who guard against evil, the same as those who turn aside from the right?

Atheists in Quran (5) their god = their egos

The Atheist’s god is but the whim of his ego. Such Atheist’s god does nothing but ruin his worshipper and makes him more astray than cattle.


The meanings of the verses 25:43-44:

Have you seen O Muhammad that the Atheist has taken as his god his own desire?

The Atheist’s god is but the whim of his ego.

This Atheist’s god will be bring about his ruin

O Muhammad, O Believers:

  • Will you be a guardian over him?
  • Will you be a protector to preserve him from following his desires?
  • Will you be a guardian over him against going out for such corruption?

The man who worships his own passions is the most hopeless to teach

The man who worships his own impulses is the most hopeless to lead

The man who worships his own desire is the most hopeless to guide.

If it were anything else the matter with him, the Quran could convince him. However, Reason cannot prevail over blind passion. It is vain to hope that such a man could be led until his mad desires are killed.

Nevertheless, the Atheists’ gods that they follow are their Passions, impulses and desires.

In one word, the Atheists’ gods are but their Egos.

No one could undertake any responsibility for him, for he obeys no law and follows no advice. He is worse than brute beasts, which may not understand, but at least follow the wholesome instincts implanted in them by Allah.

O Muhammad, O Believers:

  • Do you suppose that most of the Atheists are listening to understand or comprehend?
  • what you say to them?
  • They are but as the cattle. Nay, but they are further astray from the way further from the cattle upon the path of misguidance, for at least the cattle yield to the person who looks after them, whereas these Atheists do not obey their Master Who is gracious to them.


The verses 25:43-44 in different translations:


43- Have you seen him who has made gods of his own desires? Would you be a guardian over him?

44- Do you think that most of them can hear or understand? They are like cattle, no, they are further astray from the path.


43- Have you seen him who takes his low desires for his god? Will you then be a protector over him?

44- Or do you think that most of them do hear or understand? They are nothing but as cattle; nay, they are straying farther off from the path


43- Hast thou seen him who chooseth for his god his own lust? Wouldst thou then be guardian over him?

44- Or deemest thou that most of them hear or understand? They are but as the cattle – nay, but they are farther astray?


43- Seest thou such a one as taketh for his god his own passion (or impulse)? Couldst thou be a disposer of affairs for him?

44- Or thinkest thou that most of them listen or understand? They are only like cattle; – nay, they are worse astray in path.

The Spider in Bible vs. Quran vs. Science

The Bible says that the spider is found in kings’ palaces, Locusts have no king and whoever eats the eggs of vipers will die.

The Quran says that the female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house and the spider’s house, from the physical and moral point of view, is the weakest house of all houses


One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible.

This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars

In this series of articles (1-16), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible.

It is also very clear that the Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects. In the present topic of the Spider, the smart reader will answer easily this false dogmatic inquiry: Is the Quran quoted from the Bible. The Bible which says :

1) Four things on earth are small, Ants, Coneys, locusts and a spider,

2) Locusts have no king,

3) The spider is found in kings’ palaces and

4) Whoever eats the eggs of vipers will die. Or the Quran which says

1) The female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house,

2) The spider’s house, from the physical and moral point of view, is the weakest house of all houses and

3) The weakness is in the spider’s house and not in its threads Before dealing with the topic of the Spider in Quran vs. Bible vs. sciences, it is essential to remember that the total words of the Bible are 788,280 while total words of the Quran are 77,473. It follows that, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times the Quran to talk about the spider word-wise. The spider is mentioned in three verses in the Bible (all are in the Old Testament and never mentioned in the New Testament).

On the other hand, the spider is mentioned in one verse in the Quran. ———————————————————

The Spider in the Bible Proverbs 30 24 “Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise: 25 Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer; 26 Coneys are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags; 27 locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks; 28 a spider can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces.

In the “Arabic” Bible, the verse 24 says:” the smallest”; this adjective is modified in the modern English version to “small”. However, there are thousands of creatures that are smaller than the Ants, Coneys, locusts and a spider and are wise also as for examples the microbes, protozoa and fungi. Also, why the spider is found in the kings’ places specifically? Again, why the locusts have no king although they have? Job 8 13 Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless. 14 What he trusts in is fragile; what he relies on is a spider’s web. In this verse, the trust of the hypocrite is compared to the spider’s web or house.

This meaning is a beautiful one. Isaiah 59:5-6 Talking about those who are unjust and lie etc. 5 They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched. 6 Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands. Herein, Isaiah describes the wicked as those which “weave the spider’s web” i.e., their works and designs are, like the spider’s web, vain and useless. However, scientifically speaking, the one who eat the eggs of vipers will not die. Guaranteed. Even the one who eats the viper itself will not die. I wonder why the Bible put itself in such critical scientific conflicts. ———————————————————

The Spider in the Quran: Surah 29: [39] (Remember also) Qaroun, Pharaoh, and Haman: there came to them Moses with Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not overreach (Us). [40] Each one of them We seized for his crime: of them, against some We sent a violent tornado (with showers of stones); some were caught by a (mighty) Blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some We drowned (in the waters): it was not Allah who injured (or oppressed) them: they injured (and oppressed) their own souls. [41] The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the Spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the Spider’s house; if they but knew. [42] Verily Allah doth know of (every thing) whatever that they call upon besides Him: and He is Exalted (in power), Wise. [43] And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge. [44] Allah created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): verily in that is a Sign for those who believe. N.B.: Qaroun and Haman were the best friends of the Pharaoh of Moses. Qaroun was a very wealthy and powerful Israelite but was pro-Pharaoh. Haman was a top Egyptian official, he was chief of the army and police. Both Qaroun and Haman are not mentioned in the Bible. Back to the Spider, the Surah number 29 is named “Al-Ankaboot” which means the spider.

Naming the Surah with the singular form “Al-Ankaboot” indicates the solitary life of this animal, except at times of mating and egg hatching. This can be compared to the Surah “Al-Nahel” (The Bees) and the Surah “Al-Namel” (The Ants), where the names are plural since these insects live in social groups. The word “Al-Ankaboot” is used for the feminine singular. The verse indicates that the female spider is the one mainly undertaking the building of the house. Accordingly, building the spider’s house is an assignment carried on by the female spiders. It is the female which has in its body the glands for secretion of the silk substance from which the spider’s house is made. The spider’s house, from the physical point of view, is the weakest house of all, because it is made out of a number of very delicate silk threads. These threads are interwoven, leaving large separating spaces at most times. Therefore, they do not protect from the heat of the sun, or the extreme cold. These threads do not form adequate shade, nor protect from the rain, storming winds, or the dangers of attackers.

The Quran is very strict and clear when saying that the weakness is in the spider’s house and not the threads; (the flimsiest of houses). The spider’s house is the flimsiest house, whether physically or morally.

This has been proven by the late studies in zoology. In other words, the Quran preceded the modern scientific findings by more than 1300 years. The threads of the spider’s house are made of very delicate silk. The thickness of one thread is usually one million of the squared inch, or one part of four thousand parts of the thickness of the ordinary human hair. Despite its delicacy, it is the strongest biological substance known to mankind so far. The silk threads which make up the spider’s web are considered stronger than steel, and their strength is surpassed only by the melted quartz. The thin thread stretches to five times its length before it is cut. Therefore, the scientists call it “biological steel” or “bio-steel”. It is twenty times stronger than the ordinary metal steel. Its tolerance measures 300,000 pound for the square inch. Hypothetically speaking, should there be a thick rope of the spider’s threads, in the size of the thumb, it can easily carry a “jumbo” jet. In addition, the spider’s house, morally speaking, is the flimsiest of all houses, because it is deprived of all love and kindness, which are the pillars of any happy home. The female kills the male as soon as the fertilization takes place. Being larger in size and more violent, the female kills the male and eats its body. Also, the female eats its youngsters mercilessly. In some types, the female dies after fertilizing its eggs, which are usually fostered in a silk bag. When the eggs hatch, spider lings come out to find themselves in a very crowded place inside the eggs bag. The siblings then start to fight for food, space or both. The brother kills its brother and sister, and the sister kills its sister and brother, until the fight ends with a few spider lings remaining. These spider lings shed their skin and tear the eggs bag to come out one after the other with unhappy memories. They all then spread in the surrounding environment. Each female starts to build its house. On the road to achieve this goal, some of the spider lings die, whereas those who survive repeat the same tragedy. This makes the spider’s house the most violent and ruthless house, lacking all forms of kinship. Hence, Allah the Almighty sets it as a parable in its weakness and frailty because it lacks the simplest form of kindness between the husband and wife, the mother and her children, the brother and his siblings, and the sister and her siblings. These facts were unknown to any human at the time of revelation, and for long centuries thereafter. They have been discovered after extensive studies of the behavior of the spider by hundreds of scientists, for tens of years, until they were realized in the last decades of the twentieth century. That is why Allah ended the noble verse with His saying “if they but knew”. Some deep meaning of the verse: A- The house of the spider is not merely its dwelling place. Being the sticky net it is, it constitutes a trap for flying insects such as flies and others. These insects are a prey on which the spider feeds. Similarly, those idolaters who revere gods besides Allah, and call people to those revered gods, are in fact calling them to an artful trap which leads them to their death and destruction in this life and the afterlife. B- Warning against those with corrupt invocations who revere others besides Allah, whether money or whim. This warning is issued through indicating their hidden strings with which they hunt their victims. These strings can be money, sex, power, or any other hidden string which destroys the victim once it is trapped. Now, I think it is easy to answer this forged dogmatic question:

Is the Quran quoted from the Bible?


Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil wrote this article

Angels in Islam (23) every man will see them-B

Upon their death, the unbelievers will see the Angels while they are angrily smiting their faces and their backs with iron skewers.

Upon their death, the believers will see the Angels while they are smiling and saying to them: ‘Peace be on you!


In the previous article (22), the unbelievers wanted to see the Angels face to face.

The Quran says unto them: Do not worry, you will see them for sure BUT!

But, when you see them, you will blame yourself.

The meanings of the verses 47:27-28:

Then how will it be, their predicament, when the Angels knock their faces and their backs with hooked iron rods.

Upon their death, when the Angels take away their souls, they are angrily smiting their faces and their backs with iron skewers!

That, is because they followed what angers Allah, and because they were averse to what pleases Him. Therefore Allah has made their works fail.

That smiting and punishment will be because they did not followed Allah’ Straight Path and they followed Satan’s footsteps.

They denied Allah’s divine Oneness.

Therefore He has made their actions vain

Allah annulled the good actions which they performed in the life of this world

It is said that this verse revealed about the Jews which know that Muhammad is the last Prophet but they denied him (Also the Jews denied Jesus and still they do).


On the other hand, the verse 16:32 talks about the eventual event of the believers when they see the Angels, it says:

For those who are good, pure of any unbelief and from associating any partners with Allah, the Angels will smilingly say to them upon death: ‘Peace be on you!

And the Angels will say to them in the Hereafter: Enter Paradise because of your faith and because of what you you have done in your life..


The verses 47:27-28 indifferent translations:


27-How shall it be when the Angels (of death) take them and beat them on their face and back?

28-That is because they follow what angers Allah and hate his pleasure, therefore he has annulled their deeds.


27-But how will it be when the Angels cause them to die smiting their backs

28-That is because they follow what is displeasing to Allah and are averse to his pleasure, therefore he has made null their deeds


27-Then how (will it be with them) when the Angels gather them, smiting their faces and their backs!

28-That will be because they followed that which angereth Allah, and hated that which pleaseth him. Therefor he hath made their actions vain.


27-But how (will it be) when the Angels take their souls at death, and smite their faces and their backs?

28-This because they followed that which called forth the wrath of Allah, and they hated Allah’s good pleasure; so he made their deeds of no effect.


The verses 16:32 in different translations:


Whom the Angels take while they are goodly, saying: ‘peace be on you. Enter paradise for what you were doing. ‘


Those whom the Angels cause to die in a good state, saying: peace be on you: enter the garden for what you did


Those whom the Angels cause to die (when they are) good. They say: peace be unto you! Enter the garden because of what ye used to do.


(Namely) those whose lives the Angels take in a state of purity, saying (to them), “peace be on you; enter ye the garden, because of (the good) which ye did (in the world).”

This is Allah (58) When the Egyptian black Sorcerers prostrated to Allah?

When the Egyptian black Sorcerers prostrated to Allah

The Egyptian Wizards Said: We Believe in Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

Was There any Plot Between the Egyptian Wizards and Moses as Pharaoh Claimed?

What was Pharaoh’s problem? He that he is god

Pharaoh Threatened to crucify the Egyptian Wizards

Pharaoh Cut off the Hands and the Feet of the Egyptian Wizards


Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-61) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

The Verses 7:119-124 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) the Egyptian sorcerers prostrated to Allah; for they knew the Truth and we Believe in Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,

2) Pharaoh Thought That He is the Lord of the Worlds,

3) Was There any Plot Between the Egyptian Sorcerers and Moses as Pharaoh Claimed?,

4) Pharaoh Cut off the Hands and the Feet of the Egyptian Sorcerers and

5) He Threatened to Crucify all of them


In the previous articles (55-57)

Moses said: O Pharaoh! I am a messenger from Allah to you,

Pharaoh said: You are lying!

Moses said: when talking about to Allah it is compulsory to say the truth. Truly I have come to you with a clear signs from Allah.

Pharaoh Said: If you have come with a sign, then produce it.

Then Moses cast down, he flung down his staff and it was an enormous huge snake manifest for all to see,

And he drew forth his hand, he took it out from his bosom (armpit), and it was white, radiant and shining for the beholders.

The chiefs of Pharaoh’s council said: Lo! this is some knowing wizard who is proficient in wizardry. Surely this man is a cunning sorcerer, outstanding in the art of magic. The aim of this man (Moses) is to expel you from your land of Egypt.  This was not true, the aim of Moses was to take the children of Israel out of Egypt. 

Then Pharaoh said:

Now what do you advise? What we should do concerning this matter?

They said unto Pharaoh:

We should bring every cunning sorcerer, who is proficient in wizardry to outdo Moses in the art of magic.  And so they summoned many of the knowing wizards.

And the sorcerers who were 70 in number came to Pharaoh, and they said: Surely there will be a great reward for us if we are victors against Moses.

Pharaoh answered: Yes of course you have that, and surely you shall be of those brought near to me in status. 

The Egyptian sorcerers (the black magicians) threw 70 staffs and 70 ropes, they cast a spell upon the people’s eyes, and overawed them scared them, and produced a mighty spell; they put a spell upon the people’s eyes, misleading them from perceiving the real state of these ropes and staffs, and overawed them, scared them, by making their ropes appear to be slithering snakes, and produced a mighty sorcery.

Allah inspired Moses (saying): Throw your staff!  And he threw it. And lo! it swallowed up their lying show, their staffs and ropes.  Then what?


The meaning of verse 7:119

The Egyptian sorcerers, as well as Pharaoh and his folk, were  defeated, humiliated and ended up abased. Moses was victorious against them.

The Egyptian sorcerers knew the Truth, it became clear that Moses was right and that which they were doing of sorcery was made vain.

The Egyptian sorcerers realized that Moses was right and that they are evil doers.

The meaning of verse 7:120

And the Egyptian sorcerers fell down prostrate to Allah; for they realized that what they had witnessed of the staff could not be done through sorcery.

it is also said that they prostrated themselves so fast, that it seemed as if they had fallen prostrate,

The meaning of verse 7:121

The Egyptian sorcerers cried and said: We believe in the Lord of the Worlds.

Pharaoh said: are you referring to me?

The meaning of verse 7:122

The Egyptian sorcerers said: The Lord of Moses and Aaron,

The meaning of verse 7:123

Pharaoh gets very angry at them.

Pharaoh said:

You believe in the Lord of Moses and Aaron before I give you leave, before I command you to do so!

Lo! this is the plot that you have plotted in the city between you and Moses; that you may expel its people from it by means of guile.

Then Pharaoh threatened them and said:

But you shall come to know, what I will do to you!

The meaning of verse 7:124

Pharaoh said:

I shall assuredly have your hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, that is, the right hand and the left foot of every one, then I shall have every one of you crucified; I shall crucify you every one. This was the punishment for anyone who does not believe that Pharaoh is the Lord of the Worlds!


The Verses 7:119-124 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


119-122) they were defeated and turned belittled, And the sorcerers prostrated themselves, saying: ‘we believe in the Lord of the worlds, The Lord of Moses and Aaron.

123-124) Pharaoh said: ‘do you believe in him before i permit? This is a plot that you have contrived in the city in order to expel its people from it. Now you shall know! I will cut off on opposite sides a hand and a foot, and then crucify you all! ‘


119-122) Thus they were vanquished there, and they went back abased,  And the enchanters were thrown down, prostrating (themselves) they said: we believe in the Lord of the worlds, The Lord of Musa and Haroun

123-124) Firon said: do you believe in him before i have given you permission? surely this is a plot which you have secretly devised in this city, that you may turn out of it its people, but you shall know: I will certainly cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, then will i crucify you all together


119-122) thus were they there defeated and brought low. And the wizards fell down prostrate, crying: we believe in the Lord of the worlds, The Lord of Moses and Aaron.

123-124) Pharaoh said: ye believe in him before i give you leave! lo! This is the plot that ye have plotted in the city that ye may drive its people hence. but ye shall come to know! Surely i shall have your hands and feet cut off upon alternate sides. then i shall crucify you every one.


119-122) So the (great ones) were vanquished there and then, and were made to look small. But the sorcerers fell down prostrate in adoration. Saying: “we believe in the Lord of the worlds,- “The Lord of Moses and Aaron.”

123-124) Said pharaoh: “believe ye in him before i give you permission? Surely this is a trick which ye have planned in the city to drive out its people: but soon shall ye know (the consequences). “Be sure i will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and i will cause you all to die on the cross.”

What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam and the Truth (2)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the truest of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about Islam and the Truth?

 “The Holy Koran says, and herein is the duty of man, Worship none but God, and be good to your parents and kindred, and to orphans and to the poor, and speak with men what is true, and pay the stated alms ‘ (Sura ii. 77).

Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the most true of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God. Be sure God knows what you do; and when He destined you as the best of all peoples, He commanded you to do good and forsake evil. The foundation of true belief is faithfulness in the performance of every undertaking. A nation which lacks this quality, and allows itself to become familiar with lying, will be misguided, and all its striving will be in vain.

Suffering, misery, and poverty will overtake it, and in the next world punishment more severe and lasting. O creatures of God!

I call you to the practice of the truth, and faithfulness in every trust. Is there no reward even in this world for this?

To be believed by one’s friends, when one speaks, to be trusted in all the affairs of life? Such was the example and life of our great predecessors, who were before all things faithful, and true to themselves, and to one another. But, alas! We have forfeited the great teachings of our religion that stand now as a remonstrance against us. The Prophet on whom be blessings and peace as you know, hated lying, and he declared,

‘There is no belief in the unfaithful, nor a religion to the untrustful.’ “Shun ye the word of falsehood,” says the Koran (Sura xxii. 31). Mohammed declared that the guardian angel moved away from a man in detestation when he told a lie. By the testimony of all men who knew him Mohammed was a truthful man. “We have ever found thee a speaker of the truth,” they admitted, even in the days before they accepted his message. The only office allowed to the religious teacher is advice, guidance, and warning. Just as the layman will only with extreme reluctance refer to the faults of a brother Moslem, so even the preacher must not venture to expose the follies and frailties of others ; and to pry into the religious beliefs of other Moslems is not permitted even to the chief sheikhs. It is not proper to make any outer show of repentance; sin can only be confessed to God alone and in the secret heart. Of all these things, God will judge; and every function of priestcraft is opposed to the spirit of Islam.

In Bible vs. Quran, Jesus denied that He is God? (5) His First Miracle

The first miracle ever done by the Lord Jesus, peace be upon Him, is that He talked when he was forty days old. In his unique miracle he said eight great statements. This miracle is mentioned in the Quran while it is not found in the Bible.



The present article discusses the first miracle ever done by the Lord Jesus; He talked when he was forty days old. In His distinctive miracle (that is not mentioned in the Bible) He said eight great statements.

Back to the story of the miraculous birth of the Lord Jesus

Saint Mary pointed to her baby Jesus intimating to them that they must ‘talk to him’.

The Jews (her people) said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle?

The forty days old baby, the Lord Jesus said to them:

1. Lo! I am the slave of Allah

2. He taught me the Torah and the Gospel

3. He has appointed me a Prophet

4. He has made me a teacher of goodness

5. He has enjoined upon me prayer and alms-giving, He has commanded me to both of these, as long as I remain alive

6. He has made me dutiful towards my mother

7. And He has not made me arrogant, haughty, wretched, or Disobedient to his Lord.

8. And peace, from Allah, be upon me the day I was born, the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive!’


This is the testimonial of the Truth concerning Jesus which the Christians doubt for Some of them said he is God, Some of them said he was the son of God, Some of them claimed he was God’s partner while Some of them (the Unitarians) deny all of the above!

Here, it seems fruitful to remind the smart reader that the Lord Jesus (peace be upon Him) has observed Allah’s orders and he spent all what he had to help the poor needy people and he never ever was a money collector! In addition, He used to pray like the Muslims pray; he used to bow down and prostrate in His pray.

Also, I hope to have time to show you that the Bible says that Jesus is a slave of God but the eminent Biblical writers have forged “my slave” to “my boy or my son” 

Now, Read the following verses in four different translations and try to find any “Forged” word, and if any, please let me know



The verses 19:29-34

Verse 29


29) So she pointed to him (Prophet Jesus). But they replied: ‘how can we speak with a baby in the cradle? ‘

30) He (the baby) said: ‘I am the worshiper of Allah. Allah has given me the book and made me a prophet.

31) He made me to be blessed wherever I am, and he has charged me with prayer and charity for as long as I shall live.

32) (He has made me) kind to my mother; he has not made me arrogant, unprosperous.

33) Peace be upon me on the day I was born, and on the day I die; and on the day when I shall be raised up alive. ‘

34) Such was (prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary. a saying of truth, concerning what they doubt.



29) But she pointed to him. They said: how should we speak to one who was a child in the cradle?

30) He said: surely I am a servant of Allah; he has given me the book and made me a prophet;

31) And he has made me blessed wherever I may be, and he has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live;

32) And dutiful to my mother, and he has not made me insolent, unblessed;

33) And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life

34) Such is Isa, son of Mariam; (this is) the saying of truth about which they dispute



29) Then she pointed to him. They said: how can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy?

30) He spake: lo! I am the slave of Allah. he hath given me the scripture and hath appointed me a prophet,

31) And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive,

32) And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest.

33) Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!

34) Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.



29) But she pointed to the babe. They said: “how can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?”

30) He said: ” I am indeed a servant of Allah: he hath given me revelation and made me a prophet;

31) “And he hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live;

32) “(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable;

33) “So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)”!

34) Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute.


To be continued.

And Allah is the Witness.


Written by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil,

Chapter 6 of the Quran (59) the Obese Rabbi

It is well known that the last Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in full details in the Torah; that is why many Jewish rabbis like Abdullah ben Salam embraced Islam. It is also narrated that an obese rabbi went to argue with the Prophet about his prophethood; he said… 



It is well known that the last Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in full details in the Torah; that is why many Jewish rabbis like Abdullah ben Salam embraced Islam.

Allah commanded His Prophet Muhammad, to ask the Jews about his matter and how he is mentioned in their Scriptures. Muhammad did that many times.

However, their resentful envy toward Muhammad drove them to disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger.


The Jews said ‘Allah has never sent down any Scripture from heaven.’

Allah revealed: Say unto the Jews who speak thus: Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind?


It is also narrated that an obese rabbi (Malik ibn al-Sayf) went to argue with the Prophet about his prophethood. 

Muhammad said to him: ‘I plead with you by Him who has revealed the Torah to Moses, do you not find in the Torah that Allah loathes the obese rabbi?’

[In the genuine Torah that was revealed unto the Prophet Moses, an obese rabbi is a symbol indicates that such rabbi eats much and gives the needy a little]


Hearing that, the obese rabbi was horrified and he has got angry then he said: ‘O Muhammad has Allah revealed a Scripture to you?

The Prophet answered: ‘Yes, He did!’

The obese rabbi said: ‘By Allah, Allah has never sent down any Scripture from heaven. Allah has never sent anything to any human being’

The obese rabbi was shocked, when Muhammad’s companions exclaimed: ‘Woe unto you, not even to Moses!’


And so Allah, revealed Ayah 6:91; it says:

They do not estimate Allah its true estimation when they say: Allah has naught revealed unto a human being.

See the interpretation of the verse 6:91 in the next article.

Also, the interested reader may find a lot of articles about ‘Muhammad in the Bible” and the story of Jewish rabbis, Abdullah ben Salam who embraced Islam




The verses 6:91 in two translations



They have not valued Allah with his true value, when they said ‘Allah has never sent down anything to a mortal. ‘Say: ‘who, then sent down the book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for people? You put it on to parchments, revealing them and hiding much, you have now been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew before! ‘Say: ‘Allah. ‘Then leave them, playing in their plunging.



And they do not assign to Allah the attributes due to him when they say: Allah has not revealed anything to a mortal. Say: who revealed the book which musa brought, a light and guidance to men, which you make into scattered writings which you show while you conceal much? and you were taught what you did not know, (neither) you nor your fathers. Say: Allah then leave them sporting in their vain discourses