Atheists in Quran (46) Historical Miracle

The first human beings worshiped Satan were the Waldenses, Vallenses or Vaudois; these are names for a Christian movement, which started in Lyon, France and spread soon to the Cottian Alps in the late 1170s. However, the Quran is the first book on the Earth that mention the fact that man one day will worship Satan. Is this Historical miracle is one of the many miracles of the Quran or what?


The verses 36:59-64 dwells on the scene of reckoning faced by the Atheists and unbelievers with all that it involves of criticism and blame. The verses say:

“But stand aside today, you guilty ones!

Children of Adam!

  • Did I not enjoin on you that you should not worship Satan, as he is your open foe?
  • And that You should worship Me alone? This is the straight path.
  • He (Satan) had already led astray a great many of you.
  • Could you not, then, use your reason?

This, then, is the hell that Our messengers were repeatedly warned you against:

Endure it today for your persistent rejection [of the truth].”

In these verses, we see that Scorn and Derision mark the dealing they receive.

At first, Allah commands them to stand aside, away from the believers.

Allah will say to them

  • Stand apart, O you sinners, guilty, unbelievers
  • Separate yourselves from the believers

Then, Allah addressed them as ‘Children of Adam,’ which is an address implying reproach.

“Children of Adam! Did I not enjoin on you that you should not worship Satan, as he is your open foe?”

Did I not charge you and command you, O children of Adam, by the tongues of My repeated messengers, and in the Scripture brought by the Messengers

  • That you should not worship Satan,
  • That you should not obey Satan
  • That Satan is a manifest enemy to you, one whose enmity is quite evident,

It was Satan who caused the expulsion of their father, Adam, from heaven. He has declared his permanent enmity to Adam and his children, yet they continue to worship him.

On the other hand, Children of Adam were enjoined to do something that was certain to set them on a straight path, leading to Allah’s pleasure and a happy end in the Afterlife:

“You should worship Me alone. This is the straight path.”

They are reminded that this enemy led astray many generations.

For verily Satan has led astray from a great multitude of people before you and from among you

Did you not know what Satan did to them, and hence avoid following their path?

Did you not use to comprehend his enmity and his misguidance?

Did you not use to comprehend the chastisements that befell them in the life of this world?

Moreover, Allah will say to them in the Hereafter:

This is Hell, which Allah’ messengers have promised you!

Burn therein today [as chastisement] for that which you used to reject!’

Burn therein today because of your denial of the Scriptures and the messengers.

Hence, the pretentious question for them:

“Could you not, then, use your reason?”

At the end of this very hard and humiliating position, the dreaded sentence continues, given in connotations of reproach and derision:

“This, then, is the hell that you were repeatedly warned against: endure it today for your persistent rejection of the truth.”


We know that Allah revealed the Quran unto the Prophet Muhammad via the great Angel Gabriel more than 1400 years ago.

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Humankind has never ever heard about worshipping of Satan.

As far as I know, the first human beings worshiped Satan were the Waldenses, Vallenses or Vaudois. Those are names for a Christian movement, which started in Lyon, France and spread soon to the Cottian Alps in the late 1170s.

In 1179, they gained the attention of the Church and were accused of worshipping Satan.

Hence, the Quran is the first book on the Earth that mention the fact that man one day will worship Satan.

Is this Historical miracle is one of the many miracles of the Quran or what?


The verses 36:59-64vin different translations:


59-(And he will say): ‘distance yourselves, o sinners, this day.

60-Children of Adam, did I not make a covenant with you, that you should not worship Satan he is surely a clear enemy to you

61-And that you worship me? Surely, that is the straight path.

62-Yet he has led many a host of you astray, did you not understand?

63-This, then is gehenna (hell), that which you were promised.

64-Roast well therein this day for you were unbelievers. ‘


59-And get aside today, o guilty ones!

60-did I not charge you, o children of Adam! That you should not serve the Shaitan? Surely, he is your open enemy,

61-And that you should serve me; this is the right way

62-And certainly he led astray numerous people from among you. What! Could you not then understand?

63-This is the hell with which you were threatened

64-Enter into it this day because you disbelieved


59-But avaunt ye, o ye guilty, this day!

60-Did i not charge you, o ye sons of Adam, that ye worship not the devil – lo! He is your open foe! –

61-But that ye worship me? That was the right path.

62-Yet he hath led astray of you a great multitude. Had ye then no sense?

63-This is hell which ye were promised (if ye followed him).

64-Burn therein this day for that ye disbelieved.


59-“And o ye in sin! Get ye apart this day!

60-“Did I not enjoin on you, o ye children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?-

61-“And that ye should worship me, (for that) this was the straight way?

62-“But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did ye not, then, understand?

63-“This is the hell of which ye were (repeatedly) warned!

64-“Embrace ye the (fire) this day, for that ye (persistently) rejected (truth).”

This is Allah (62) Allah Has Requited Pharaoh and his folk

1) Allah Requited Pharaoh and his folk and Drowned Them

It was their outcome that Allah exacted retribution from Pharaoh and his folk, once and for all, and therefore He drowned them in the sea.

2) When Pharaoh And His Folk Cried: O Moses! Pray For Us Unto Your Lord?

The Quran says: Whenever a torment fell on Pharaoh and his folk such as the flood, locusts, vermin, frogs and blood;  they cried: O Moses! Pray for us unto your Lord, because He has a covenant with you.

3) When Pharaoh And His Folk Promised Moses To Believe In Him?

The Quran states that Pharaoh and his folk said: O Moses! If you remove the chastisement from us, we verily will trust you, we will believe in you and will let the Children of Israel go with you with all their property.

4) Has Pharaoh And His Folk Kept Their Pledge To Moses?

The Quran says: “But when Allah did remove from them the terror,  the punishment for a term which they must reach (i.e. the drowning in the Red Sea), behold! they broke their covenant, they broke their pledge to Moses.”

5) Why Has Allah drowned Pharaoh And His Folk in the Red Sea?

The Quran says: Once and for all, Allah has punished Pharaoh and his folk and drowned them in the Red Sea because they denied His clear signs, revelations and Moses and they were disbelievers.


Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-62 so far) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

The verses 7:134-136 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) When Pharaoh and his folk cried: O Moses! Pray for us unto your Lord? 

2) When Pharaoh and his folk promised Moses to believe in him? 

3) Has Pharaoh and his folk kept their pledge to Moses?

4) Allah exacted retribution from Pharaoh and his folk and drowned them and

5) Why Had Allah drowned Pharaoh and his folk in the sea?


The meaning of verse 7:134

And when the terror, the chastisement,  fell on them; whenever a torment fell on them such as the flood, locusts, vermin, frogs and blood

they (Pharaoh and his folk) cried: O Moses! Pray for us unto your Lord, ask your Lord for us, because He has a covenant with you, because of that with which He has commanded you.

If you remove the terror from us, if you remove the punishment from us; we verily will trust you, we will believe in you and will let the Children of Israel go with you with all their property.

In short, they said:

O Moses, pray to your Lord for our sake by the covenant which He has made with you, to remove the chastisement from us if we believe.

Indeed if you remove from us the terror, verily we will believe in you and let the Children of Israel go with you.

The meaning of verse 7:135

But when Allah removed, through the supplication of Moses, the terror from them to a term which they should reach, lo! they were already reneging, breaking their covenant and persisting in their disbelief.

In other words, but when Allah did remove from them the terror,  the punishment for a term which they must reach (i.e. the drowning in the Red Sea), behold! they broke their covenant, they broke their pledge to Moses.

The meaning of verse 7:136

So Allah exacted retribution from Pharaoh and his folk and therefore He drowned them in the sea for, the reason, that they denied Our signs and were heedless of them, not reflecting upon them.

In other words, Allah took retribution from them, once and for all; therefore He drowned them in the sea: because they denied His revelations, His clear signs and were heedless of them; they were disbelievers in them.


Verses 7:134-136 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


134) And when the plague smote them, they said: ‘Moses, pray to your Lord for us invoking the promise he has made with you. if you lift the plague from us, we will believe in you and let the children of israel go with you. ‘

135) But when we had lifted the plague from them for a term which they had to reach, they broke their promise.

136) So we punished them and drowned them in the sea, for they had belied our signs and gave no heed to them.


134) And when the plague fell upon them, they said: o Musa! pray for us to your Lord as he has promised with you, if you remove the plague from us, we will certainly believe in you and we will certainly send away with you the children of israel

135) But when we removed the plague from them till a term which they should attain lo! they broke (the promise)

136) Therefore we inflicted retribution on them and drowned them in the sea because they rejected our signs and were heedless of them


134) And when the terror fell on them they cried: o Moses! pray for us unto thy Lord, because he hath a covenant with thee. if thou removest the terror from us we verily will trust thee and will let the children of israel go with thee.

135) But when we did remove from them the terror for a term which they must reach, behold! they broke their covenant.

136) Therefore we took retribution from them; therefore we drowned them in the sea: because they denied our revelations and were heedless of them.


134) Every time the penalty fell on them, they said: “o Moses! on your behalf call on thy Lord in virtue of his promise to thee: if thou wilt remove the penalty from us, we shall truly believe in thee, and we shall send away the children of israel with thee.”

135) But every time we removed the penalty from them according to a fixed term which they had to fulfil,- behold! they broke their word!

136) So we exacted retribution from them: we drowned them in the sea, because they rejected our signs and failed to take warning from them.

This is Allah (54) Allah Sent Moses with Nine Signs to Pharaoh

Allah’s Messengers Brought the Ancient Disbelievers Clear Proofs, but they Would Not Believe

The Quran Describes the Outcome of the Breakers of Covenants Among the Ancient People

Allah Sent His Messengers with Clear Proofs, Commands, Prohibitions etc.

They were Indeed Wicked, that is why they Deserved Allah’s Destruction

The Historical Consequence for the Ancient Corrupters


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

Verses 7:101-103 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah’s messengers brought the ancient disbelievers clear proofs, but they would not believe,

2) They were indeed wicked, that is why they deserved Allah’s destruction,

3) The Historical consequence for the ancient corrupters

4) Allah sent Moses with nine signs to Pharaoh,

5) Allah Sent His messengers with clear proofs, commands, prohibitions etc. And

6) The Quran describes the outcome of the breakers of covenants among the ancient people.


In the previous articles of this series, the interested reader can find the details about the townships and the disbelievers dwelled therein which deserved Allah’s destruction because of their disobediences.

Such outcome is summarized in these five articles that talk about:

1.    Allah Sent Noah Unto His people

2.    Allah Sent to the Messenger Hood to the Ancient Aad

3.    Allah Sent the Prophet Salih to Thamood

4.    Allah Sent Lot to his People Saying: Stop homosexuality

5.    Allah Punished And Destroyed Those Who Denied Shuayb


The meaning of verse 7:101

Those towns, which have been mentioned whose people Allah had destroyed,  Allah narrates, Allah sends you O Muhammad the Angel Gabriel with some of their tidings, with the story of their destruction. 

Verily their messengers brought them clear proofs, manifest miracles, but they would not believe, when these signs came to them, in what they had denied, disbelieved in, before, before these signs came to them; nay, they persisted in disbelief. Thus, Allah does seal up the hearts of the disbelievers.

In other words, Their messengers verily came unto them with clear proofs) with commands, prohibitions and signs, (but they could not believe) in the Scriptures or messengers (because they had before denied) i.e. on the Day of the Covenant; it is also said the last of nations did not believe in that which the first of nations disbelieved.


The meaning of verse 7:102

And We did not find in most of them, that is, people, any covenant, that is, any loyalty to a covenant from the day the pledge was made. Nay, Allah found that most of them, all of them, were indeed wicked, wrong-doers and breakers of covenants.


The meaning of verse 7:103

Then Allah sent, after them, after the messengers mentioned, Moses with nine signs to Pharaoh and his council and his chiefs, his folk, but they mistreated, they disbelieved in them; they repelled and denied Allah’ signs.

So behold what was the end of those who work corruption, by way of disbelief, when they were destroyed.

In other words, see the nature of the consequence for the corrupters; see how destruction was the end result of the idolaters!


Verses 7:101-103 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


101) Those villages we narrate their news to you. their messengers came to them with clear proofs, yet they would not believe what they had belied before; as such Allah seals the hearts of the unbelievers.

102) We did not find the covenant upheld by the majority of them, but we found most of them evildoers.

103) After those we sent forth moses with our signs to pharaoh and his assembly, but with it they harmed. look at the end of the corrupters.



101) These towns– we relate to you some of their stories, and certainly their messengers came to them with clear arguments, but they would not believe in what they rejected at first; thus does Allah set a seal over the hearts of the unbelievers

102) And we did not find in most of them any (faithfulness to) covenant, and we found most of them to be certainly transgressors

103) Then we raised after them musa with our communications to firon and his chiefs, but they disbelieved in them; consider then what was the end of the mischief makers



101) Such were the townships. we relate some tidings of them unto thee (Muhammad). their messengers verily came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), but they could not believe because they had before denied. thus doth Allah print upon the hearts of disbelievers (that they hear not).

102) We found no (loyalty to any) covenant in most of them. nay, most of them we found wrong-doers.

103) Then, after them, we sent moses with our tokens unto pharaoh and his chiefs, but they repelled them. now, see the nature of the consequence for the corrupters!



101) Such were the towns whose story we (thus) relate unto thee: there came indeed to them their messengers with clear (signs): but they would not believe what they had rejected before. thus doth Allah seal up the hearts of those who reject faith.

102) Most of them we found not men (true) to their covenant: but most of them we found rebellious and disobedient.

103) Then after them we sent Moses with our signs to pharaoh and his chiefs, but they wrongfully rejected them: so see what was the end of those who made mischief.

Allah loves (10) the good doers who keep their Covenant

Who Broke the LORD Covenant?

Allah Commands to pardon and forgive the people of the Books


We have seen that Allah loves those:

(1) the kind good doers,

(2) those who turn to him and those who are Clean and Pure, (3) those who guard against evil,

(4) those who put their Trust in Him,

5) those who are firm and steadfast,

6) the virtuous,

7) the charitable,

8) judge in equity and

9) those who are just and are not biased.   

In this article, Allah loves the good doers who keep their Covenant.


Verse 5:13 says that indeed, Allah loves the good doers, those who do their best to the others and keep their Covenant.

The verse talks about the people of the Books.

They broke their covenant and their hearts are hard

Allah says: So because of their breaking their covenant,

We cursed them,

We removed them from Our mercy,

And made their hearts hard, unyielding to the acceptance of faith;

They pervert words, pertaining to the descriptions of Muhammad in the Torah and other things, from their contexts, those in which Allah has placed them,

In other words, they substitute them; and they have forgotten.

They have abandoned, a portion, a part,

Of what they were reminded of,

Of what they were enjoined to in the Torah, in the way of following Muhammad

And you, our Prophet Muhammad, will never cease to discover some treachery on their part, in the way of breaking a covenant or some other matter, except for a few of them, who have submitted themselves to Islam like Ben Salam for example.

Yet pardon them, and forgive;

Herein, Allah Commands to pardon and forgive the people of the Books; Allah the Just will deal with them in the Afterlife.

Surely Allah loves the virtuous: the good doers, those who do their best to the others and keep their Covenant.


Verse 5:13 in different translations:


But because they broke their covenant, we cursed them and hardened their hearts. They changed the words from their places and have forgotten a portion of what they were reminded. Except for a few, you will always find treachery from them, yet pardon them, and forgive; indeed Allah loves the good doers.



but on account of their breaking their covenant we cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others)



And because of their breaking their covenant, we have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words from their context and forget a part of that whereof they were admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover treachery from all save a few of them. But bear with them and pardon them. Lo! Allah loveth the kindly.



but because of their breach of their covenant, we cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few – ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.

Chapter 6 of the Quran (110) the Orphan’s Rights

Do not approach the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better, through protecting it and  making it grow; till he reach maturity and his legal age and  shows righteousness in his character.


Ayah 152 continues saying:

And do not approach the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better, through protecting it and  making it grow; till he reach maturity and his legal age and  shows righteousness in his character.

And give full measure and full weight, in justice, fairly, desisting from any fraud.

We do not charge any soul beyond its capacity, what it can bear in such [matters], so that if one makes a mistake in a measure or weight, and Allah knows that his intention had been well-meaning, then he suffers no blame, as is stated in one hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.

Allah does not task any soul upon measuring and weighing beyond its scope or beyond its effort to establish justice.  

And  if you speak a judgement or otherwise, then be just, by being truthful, even if he, the person receiving the statement or the one being accused in it, should be a kinsman.

In other words, if you give your word, do justice thereunto, be truthful, even though it be against a kinsman and you should be truthful and say what is true.

And fulfil Allah’s covenant.

This is what Allah has charged you with, that perhaps you will remember and you may heed the admonition.


The verse 6:152 in different translations


Do not touch the wealth of the orphan, except in the fairer manner until he reaches maturity. Give just weight and full measure, we never charge a soul with more than it can bear. When you speak, be just, even if it affects your own kinsmen. Fulfill the covenant of Allah. With such he charges you, in order that you remember.


and do not approach the property of the orphan except in the best manner until he attains his maturity, and give full measure and weight with justice– we do not impose on any soul a duty except to the extent of its ability; and when you speak, then be just though it be (against) a relative, and fulfill Allah’s covenant; this he has enjoined you with that you may be mindful;


and approach not the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better, till he reach maturity. Give full measure and full weight, in justice. we task not any soul beyond its scope. And if ye give your word, do justice thereunto, even though it be (against) a kinsman; and fulfill the covenant of Allah. This he commandeth you that haply ye may remember.


and come not nigh to the orphan’s property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;- no burden do we place on any soul, but that which it can bear;- whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill the covenant of Allah: thus doth he command you, that ye may remember.




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Allah loves (3) those who guard against evil

Allah loves those who keep their promise

The Trustworthiness and Treachery of the followers of the Scripture


Verse 3:75 of the Quran talks about the trustworthiness and treachery of the followers of the Scripture, some are honest and the others are dishonest.

Verse 3:76 honors those who keep their promise and says that Allah loves those who guard against evil.


The verse 3:75 means:

In this verse, Allah mentions the trustworthiness and treachery of the people of the Book, saying:

Among the People of the Scripture there is he who, if you trust him with a weight of treasure (with a hundredweight, that is, with much money), will return it to you without any problem, hardship or ever thinking to keep it for himself by declaring it lawful for him to take.

And among them there is he who, if you trust him with a piece of gold, will not return it to you and will declare it lawful for him to take unless you keep standing over him insisting on taking it back and suing him for it.

That treachery and declaring that it is lawful to take other people’s property is because they say: We have no duty to the Gentiles; there is no harm in taking the property of Arabs.

In other words, that refusal to return things, is because they say, ‘we have no duty towards, the Gentiles’, the Arabs; for they considered it lawful to be unjust towards any person of a different religion, and they attributed [the source of] this conviction to God, exalted be He.

They speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly;

They lie about Allah and know that they are lying.

The verse 3:76 means:

Nay, there is a duty incumbent over them in this regard; but whoever fulfills his covenant, the one he has made or the covenant of God, by restoring a trust and other such things, and has fear, of God, by refraining from disobedience and performing deeds of obedience, for truly Allah loves the God-fearing: ‘He loves them’ means that He will reward them in the afterlife.


Verse 3:75-76 in different translations:


75) Among the people of the book there are some, who, if you trust him with a “qintar” (98,841.6 lbs.), will return it to you, and there are others, who, if you trust him with a “dinar” will not hand it back unless you stand over him, for they say: ‘as for the common people, they have no recourse to us. ‘They say lies against Allah while they know.

76) Rather, those who keep their promise and fear Allah; Allah loves the cautious.


75) And among the followers of the book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you; and among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a “dinar” he shall not pay it back to you except so long as you remain firm in demanding it; this is because they say: there is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach); and they tell a lie against Allah while they know

76) Yea, whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil) — then surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil)


75) Among the people of the scripture there is he who, if thou trust him with a weight of treasure, will return it to thee. And among them there is he who, if thou trust him with a piece of gold, will not return it to thee unless thou keep standing over him. That is because they say: we have no duty to the gentiles. They speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly.

76) Nay, but (the chosen of Allah is) he who fulfilleth his pledge and wardeth off (evil); for lo! Allah loveth those who ward off (evil).


75) among the people of the book are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of gold, will (readily) pay it back; others, who, if entrusted with a single silver coin, will not repay it unless thou constantly stoodest demanding, because, they say, “there is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (pagans).” but they tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it.

76) Nay – those that keep their plighted faith and act aright,-verily Allah loves those who act aright.