Death in Quran (1) Death = Creature

The Quran is the first book on the face of the earth, which says that Death is but a creature. However, why has Allah created death?


Interestingly, the verses 67:1-2 which say Death is created begin with “Blessed is Allah”

Blessed is Allah the exalted and transcendent above the attributes of created beings.

What do we mean when we bless the name of Allah?

We mean that we recognize and proclaim His beneficence to us.

In Allah’s hand and at His disposal, is

  • All Sovereignty,
  • All grace
  • All Authority and
  • All Power to bestow might and abasement, and
  • All Power over the stores of all things

Allah has power over all things.

He is too holy to have children or partners

He is Able to do all that He wills

Allah is Lord of both visible and invisible worlds.

Allah Created Death and Life.

One of the results of Allah’s complete dominion of the universe and absolute power over all things is that He created death and life.

Herein, the Quran puts Death before Life,

Death is therefore not merely a negative state.

Death, then, is

  • The state before life began, which may be nonexistence or existence in some other form:
  • The state in which Life as we know it ceases, but existence does not cease
  • The state of Barrier or Partition, after our visible Death and before Judgment; after that will be the new Life, which we conceive of under the term Eternity.

Why has Allah created death?

Allah created death and life that He may

  • Try you between life and death,
  • Test you in this life,

To see which of you is

  • Best in conduct,
  • Most obedient to Him
  • More sincere in works

Thus, man should always be on the alert, considering every thought and every action.

When a person’s heart is alert, aware that this life is a test, and tries to keep on the right track, he is reassured of God’s forgiveness and grace. This gives man all the rest and comfort he needs.

Allah is

  • the Mighty in retribution against those who disbelieve in Him
  • The Mighty in His vengeance against those who disobey Him,
  • The Forgiving to those who repent to Him;
  • He forgives those who repent and believe in Him.

He is the Mighty in retribution against those who disbelieve in Him, (Forgiving) He forgives those who repent and believe in Him,

Creation, therefore, is not in mere game, or without a purpose with reference to man. The state before our present life, or the state after, we can scarcely understand. But our present Life is clearly given to enable us to strive by good deeds to reach a nobler state.

Allah is so Exalted in Might that He can perfectly carry out His Will and Purpose, and that Purpose is Love, Mercy, and Goodness to His creatures.

The truth Islam establishes in people’s hearts does not depict God as chasing humans to afflict or punish them.

Allah wants them to be aware of the purpose behind their existence and of their true nature. Allah wants them to rise to the level worthy of His honor when He blew of His own spirit into them, elevating them above many of His other creations.

When the believers have absorbed this truth and hold to it, they will find that His grace, mercy and forgiveness are always available to them.


The verses 67:1-2 in different translations:


1-Blessed be he in whose hand is the kingdom, he is powerful over all things,

2-Who created death and life that he might examine which of you is best in deeds, and he is the almighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed is he in whose hand is the kingdom, and he has power over all things,

2-Who created death and life that he may try you– which of you is best in deeds; and he is the mighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed is he in whose hand is the sovereignty, and, he is able to do all things.

2-Who hath created life and death that he may try you which of you is best in conduct; and he is the mighty, the forgiving,


1-Blessed be he in whose hands is dominion; and he over all things hath power;-

2-He who created death and life, that he may try which of you is best in deed: and he is the exalted in might, oft-forgiving;-

Atheists in Quran (47) when they wish they were dust

The punishment endured by the unbelievers originates from Allah’s mercy. For it is certainly part of mercy that evildoer should be punished and that it should not have the same end as the righteous. Lo! Allah is warning you O Atheists of a doom at hand, which will surely happen, a day whereon every Atheist will sadly cry: “Would that I were dust!”


The meanings of the verses 78:38-40 of the Noble Quran:

On the day when Gabriel, and the angels stand arrayed.

Frightful Silence!

The scene shows total silence; none dares to talk, everyone is looking around awaiting for his fate.

None will not speak, except him whom Allah permits to speak from among the believers and the angels.

The one who speaks from among the believers will say what is right.

On the day when the angels and Gabriel stand arrayed, they speak not to intercede, saving him whom Allah allows to intercede and speak right

That is the True Day, the Day of Resurrection, whose happening is definite

So whoever wishes to, let him come to Allah by being believing and obedient to Him, so that he may be secure from chastisement in it.

Lo! We have warned you, O Atheists, of a the chastisement of the impending Day of Resurrection when every person, will behold what his hands have sent ahead, of good and evil, and the Atheist will say, ‘O would that I were dust!’

In other words,

Lo! Allah is warning you O Atheists of a doom at hand, which will surely happen,

A day whereon every man will look

When the believer will look

When the Atheist will look

They both will look on that which their own hands have:

Sent before

Earned of good

Earned of evil

Then every Atheist will sadly cry:

“Would that I were dust!”

Why Atheist says that? Because of the horrors, severity and torment of that day.


When Punishment = Mercy

Allah is the Supreme Lord; He is the Most Gracious. He metes out reward for believers and punishment for unbelievers.

The reward He assigns is a manifestation of His mercy.

In addition, the punishment endured by the unbelievers originates from Allah’s mercy. For it is certainly part of mercy that evildoer should be punished and that it should not have the same end as the righteous.

In Allah’s Presence

The verse unveil the unseen and describes the scene of the day when the great angel Gabriel, and all the angels standing in ranks before Allah; they greatly esteem Him; no one dares utter a word without prior permission from Him.

In this awesome situation, neither man nor angel can speak without Allah’s permission.

Whatever said will be right because Allah does not permit anyone to speak whom He knows will not be saying what is right.

Back to the Angels, the pure sinless great creatures whom does Allah favor,

When we think that the angels dare not speak without His permission, we are bound to feel how overwhelming the situation is.

Having driven such a feeling, the verse conveys a threatening to the Atheists who have chosen not to hear or see

“That day is a certainty. Let him who will seek a way back to his Lord. We have forewarned you of an imminent scourge, on the day when man will look on what his hands have forwarded and the unbeliever will cry: ‘Would that I were dust!”

Those who raise doubts and question the reality of the Day of Resurrection are here shaken violently:

“That day is a certainty.”

There is no room left for doubt and controversy. Yet there is time for mending one’s erring ways before the fearful watch guard, i.e. hell, becomes a permanent home:

“Let him who will seek a way back to his Lord.”

The warning is severe enough to make the drunken awake:

“We have forewarned you of an imminent scourge.”

It will not be long coming, for man’s life is but a short period.

The scourge is so fearful that the unbelievers, when faced with it, will send up that great cry expressing the wish that they had never lived:

“On the day when man will look on what his hands have forwarded and the unbeliever will cry: ‘Would that I were dust!”

This is the cry of the one who is in great distress, who feels ashamed for what he has been and what he has done. He feels that it is better not to be, or to be something as worthless as dust, than to witness such a fearful occasion.

The terrible position of the unbelievers is the subject of the questions and doubts they raise concerning that fateful tiding.


The verses 78:38-40 in different translations:


38-On that day, when the spirit (gabriel) and the angels stand in ranks they shall not speak, except he to whom the merciful has given permission, and says what is right.

39-That is the day, the truth, so whosoever wills takes a way to his Lord.

40-Indeed, we have forewarned you of an imminent punishment, the day when the person will look upon his works and the unbelievers will say: ‘would that i were dust! ‘


38-The day on which the spirit and the angels shall stand in ranks; they shall not speak except he whom the beneficent Allah permits and who speaks the right thing

39-That is the sure day, so whoever desires may take refuge with his Lord

40-Surely we have warned you of a chastisement near at hand: the day when man shall see what his two hands have sent before, and the unbeliever shall say: o! would that i were dust!


38-On the day when the angels and the spirit stand arrayed, they speak not, saving him whom the beneficent alloweth and who speaketh right.

39-That is the true day. so whoso will should seek recourse unto his Lord.

40-Lo! We warn you of a doom at hand, a day whereon a man will look on that which his own hands have sent before, and the disbeliever will cry: “would that i were dust!”


38-The day that the spirit and the angels will stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except any who is permitted by (Allah) most gracious, and he will say what is right.

39-That day will be the sure reality: therefore, whoso will, let him take a (straight) return to his Lord!

40-Verily, we have warned you of a penalty near, the day when man will see (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth, and the unbeliever will say, “woe unto me! would that i were (metre) dust!”

Atheists in Quran (45) their arrogance: diagnosis and treatment

This article declare three important issues about the Atheists; they are 1) How they becomes arrogant? 2) How they express their arrogance? 3) The treatment of their arrogance


How they become arrogant?

Man habitually forgets the fact that he is a weak small creature and that whatever strength he may have does not originate from within himself, but from Allah, the source of all strength and power.

Forgetting his bond with Allah, man begins to swell and take on prides.

Arrogance, thus, begins to establish itself within the heart of human being.

On the other hand, man has an essential evident enemy, the Satan.

Satan’s job = to make man astray

Satan’s target = to lead man to hell

Satan, who doomed himself because of his arrogance, works on man to increase his arrogance knowing that through it he can bring man to deterioration.

How the Atheists express their arrogance?

The Atheist disputes Allah’s revelations even when they are clear, addressing human nature with the sort of argument that appeals to it.

The Atheist also claims to himself and others that he is only raising questions because he is not yet convinced.

However, Allah who knows the inner feelings and secret thoughts of all His creatures makes clear that all this is the result of man’s arrogance.

Such arrogance prompts man to argue and dispute Allah’s revelations over which there can be no dispute.

Such arrogance also drives man to aspire to what is beyond his status and what his nature cannot attain.

Yet he has no solid basis for such argument for it is rooted deeply in nothing but his own arrogance:

“As for those who dispute Allah’s revelations, with no authority granted to them, there is nothing in their hearts but a quest for a greatness they will never attain.” (Verse 56)

If only man would understand the truth about himself and the universe, recognizing his role and not trying to exceed it, appreciating

that he is one of countless creatures each doing their role by Allah’s will and according to His design which He alone knows, he would certainly feel relaxed, humble, living in peace with himself and with the world around him.

If man did this, he would easily and readily submit himself to Allah. He would also do this without any hesitation.

“Seek, then, refuge with Allah, for He is the One who hears all and sees all.” (Verse 56)

Seeking refuge with Allah against arrogance is indicative of how grisly it is.

The believers seek Allah’s refuge in order to escape what is ghastly, horrible and evil. Arrogance combines all these. Moreover, it is hard for the arrogant person and for those around him. It causes harm to the heart in which it stirs and to other people’s hearts.

Arrogance is an evil we should seek refuge with Allah from it.

Allah hears all and sees all.

Arrogance is manifested by visible action and/or audible words.

Therefore, it is left to Allah to decide upon it as He pleases.

Man is then told of his true position in this great universe: how small he is in comparison to some of Allah’s creatures, the great magnitude of which is readily visible and better appreciated on careful examination:

“The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of man; yet most people do not understand.” (Verse 57)

The heavens and the earth are there for man to see and to measure himself in relation to them. When he knows the reality of the proportions of distance, dimension, size and power, he reduces his pride, feels his smallness and almost disappears. He can only hold his own when he remembers the superior element Allah has granted him, and for which Allah has honored him.

A quick glance at the universe is sufficient to appreciate all this. The earth on which we live is merely a small satellite of the sun: its mass compared to the mass of the sun is no more than three to a million, while its size is one-millionth of the size of the sun. Yet the sun is only one of around billion suns our galaxy includes.

Man now knows that there are around billion such galaxies dispersed in the great expanse of the universe.

Still, what we have discovered of the universe is merely a small part; it is so great that we become dazed when we even try to imagine it. The distance between the sun and us is about 93 million miles. The sun is the head of the family of our planet earth, and most probably, the sun is the mother of the earth.

Therefore, the earth remains close to its mother, standing merely 93 million miles away from it!

The diameter of our galaxy = one hundred billion light years, with one light year measuring 5.8 billion miles, because light travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second.

The closest galaxy to our own is around 750,000 light years away.

We may say again that these distances and dimensions are the best man’s little knowledge has determined.

Scientists acknowledge that all their discoveries cover only a small part of this great universe.

Allah says:

“The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of man; yet most people do not understand” (Verse 57) When we speak of Allah’s power and ability, the concepts of greater or smaller, harder or easier do not apply. He creates everything by a single word, ‘Be!’ The reference here is to how things appear in themselves and how people see and measure them. How does man compare to this great expanse of the universe?

How high can his arrogance take him in Allah’s great creation?

“The blind and the seeing are not equal; nor can those who believe and do good works and those who do evil be deemed equal.” (Verse 58)

The one who is able to see learns and understands, recognizing his station. He does not give himself prides, nor does he allow conceit to distort his judgment.

By contrast, a blind person cannot recognize his position in relation to his surroundings. Therefore, he misjudges his position and what is around him.

The same applies to those believers who do good works and those who do evil. The first group see things for what they are and form accurate ideas, while the other group misjudges all due to their blind ignorance. They harm themselves and others, and above all, they assign to themselves an erroneous position in relation to their environment.

They are blind, for true blindness is that of the mind:

“How seldom you reflect.” (Verse 58)

Had we reflected, we would have known. The whole thing is clear, needing only some reflection before it becomes very apparent.

If only we would remember the hereafter, be certain of its coming, reflect on our position then and recall how we will then stand

“The Last Hour is sure to come: of this there is no doubt. Yet most people will not believe.” (Verse 59)

Because they do not believe, they argue and give themselves prides; they do not submit to the truth and do not limit themselves to their rightful position.

The treatment of their arrogance

Addressing our worship to Allah, praying and appealing to Him, are all means to cure hearts of arrogance, which is the evil that leads people to dispute His revelations and signs without any clear evidence.

Allah opens the door for us to address and pray to Him. He tells us that He has committed Himself to respond to those who pray to Him, warning those who are too proud that they will suffer total humiliation:

“Your Lord says: Call on Me, and I shall answer you. Those who are too proud to worship Me shall enter hell humiliated.” (Verse 60)

Supplication and prayer must observe certain manners.

  • Hearts must be totally dedicated to Allah,
  • Be sure that He will answer our prayer.
  • We must not suggest a particular form, time, or circumstance for answering it. To make such a suggestion is improper when appealing to Allah. We should be clear in our minds that it is a blessing that we address our prayers to Allah, and that His response is another blessing.

Those who are too proud to pray to Allah and appeal to Him deserve their just reward, which leads them to enter hell in total humiliation.

Such is the fitting end of the arrogance that fills some hearts in this small planet and short life, forgetting the greatness of Allah’s creation, let alone His own greatness. It is suitable requital for forgetting the Last Hour, which will inevitably come.


The verses 40:56-60 in different translations:


56- (As for) those who dispute the verses of Allah without authority having been given to them, there is nothing in their chests but pride; that, they shall never attain. therefore seek refuge in Allah, surely, he is the hearer, the seer.

57-Indeed, the creation of heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, yet most people do not know.

58-The blind and the seeing are not equal, nor are those who believe and do good works, and the wrongdoer yet you seldom reflect.

59-There is no doubt that the hour is coming, yet most people do not believe.

60-Your Lord has said: ‘call on me and i will answer you. those who are too proud to worship me shall enter gehenna utterly abject. ‘


56-Surely (as for) those who dispute about the communications of Allah without any authority that has come to them, there is naught in their breasts but (a desire) to become great which they shall never attain to; therefore seek refuge in Allah, surely he is the hearing, the seeing

57-Certainly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the men, but most people do not know

58-And the blind and the seeing are not alike, nor those who believe and do good and the evil-doer; little is it that you are mindful

59-Most surely, the hour is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people do not believe

60-And your Lord says: call upon me, i will answer you; surely those who are too proud for my service shall soon enter hell abased


56-Lo! Those who wrangle concerning the revelations of Allah without a warrant having come unto them, there is naught else in their breasts save pride which they will never attain. So take thou refuge in Allah. lo! he, only he, is the hearer, the seer.

57-Assuredly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind; but most of mankind know not.

58-And the blind man and the seer are not equal, neither are those who believe and do good works (equal with) the evil-doer. little do ye reflect!

59-Lo! The hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not.

60-And your Lord hath said: pray unto me and i will hear your prayer. lo! those who scorn my service, they will enter hell, disgraced.


56-Those who dispute about the signs of Allah without any authority bestowed on them,- there is nothing in their breasts but (the quest of) greatness, which they shall never attain to: seek refuge, then, in Allah: it is he who hears and sees (all things).

57-Assuredly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater (matter) than the creation of men: yet most men understand not.

58-Not equal are the blind and those who (clearly) see: nor are (equal) those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and those who do evil. little do ye learn by admonition!

59-The hour will certainly come: therein is no doubt: yet most men believe not.

60-And your Lord says: “call on me; i will answer your (prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve me will surely find themselves in hell – in humiliation!”

Atheists in Quran (44) successive questions for them

The Quran asks the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions: Were they created out of nothing? Did they come into existence of themselves? Were they created without a Creator? Was it a mere chance that they came into being? Were they the creators? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Are the Treasures of the universe with them?


The verses 52:35-37 ask the Atheists and unbelievers many successive questions:

  • Were they created out of nothing?
  • Did they come into existence of themselves?
  • Were they created without a Creator?
  • Was it a mere chance that they came into being?
  • Were they created as human beings out of nothing?
  • Are they the creators of themselves?
  • Are the Treasures of the universe with them?

It makes no sense for a created thing to have no creator

There must be a Creator of them, and that is Allah, the One, so why do they not affirm His Oneness and believe in His Messenger and His Book?

Was there not a wonderful seed, from which their material growth can be traced, as the handiwork of a wise and wonderful Creator?

Must they not then seek His Will?

Were they created for nothing, to no purpose?

If they were created for a purpose, must they not try to learn that purpose by understanding Allah’s Revelation?

Or did they create the heavens and the earth?

Nay, they have no firm belief.

Nor can any but Allah, the Creator, have created them, so why do they not worship Him?

They obviously did not create the wonders of the starry heavens and the fruitful globe of the earth.

But they can assign no definite cause to explain it, as they have no firm belief on the subject themselves.

Nay, but they are sure of nothing, they deny Muhammad and the Quran

Nay, but they are not certain, of Allah, for otherwise they would have believed in His Prophet Muhammad.

Or are the Treasures of your Lord with them,

The Treasures of Allah’s Knowledge are infinite.

But the Atheists and unbelievers have no access to them, much less can the Atheists and unbelievers manage the wonders of this world.

Must they not therefore seek grace and revelation from Allah?

Or do they possess the treasuries of Allah? in the way of:

  • prophet hood,
  • the stores of your Lord through rain, provision, vegetation
  • Other matters,

So that they are able to assign what they will exclusively to whom they will?

Or are they the ones in control?

Or have they been given charge (thereof)?

Or are they the mighty ones who hold sway?


The questions in the verses 52:35-37 wonder at their own existence, a truth staring them in the face which they cannot explain in any way other than what the Quran states:

Allah, the Almighty Creator of all that exists has brought them into existence:

“Were they created out of nothing? Were they the creators?”

(Verse 35)

The thought that they just existed out of nothing is against the logic of nature.

It merits no argument.

On the other hand, neither they nor any other creature can claim that they created themselves.

As neither case can be logically entertained, there only remains the true case stated in the Quran, confirming that they are all creatures of Allah, the only Creator and Originator.

Since no one can claim any share of His attributes of creation and origination, then Lordship and Godhead belong solely to Him.

This is clear and true logic.

The verses then direct their attention to the heavens and the earth: are they the ones who created these?

Needless to say, the heavens and the earth did not create themselves, in the same way as humans do not do so:

“Did they create the heavens and the earth? No. They have no faith.” (Verse 36)

Neither they, nor anyone listening to the logic of nature, claim that the heavens and the earth created themselves or came into existence without being created.

Nor do those people claim that they created them.

Yet they stand in front of people like a question requiring an answer.

The verses then takes the Atheists and unbelievers a step lower than that of the creation of either themselves or the world around them.

The Quran asks them whether they own Allah’s treasures or have control of these to be able to cause benefit and harm:

“Do they possess your Lord’s treasures? Or are they in ultimate control?” (Verse 37)

If they make no such claim, then who owns these treasures and controls all things?

The Quran says that Allah is the One who gives in plenty or in small measure, and who determines all affairs in the universe.

This is the only explanation of what happens in the universe.


The verses 52:35-37 in different translations:


35- Or, were they created out of nothing? or, were they their own creators?

36- Or, did they create the heavens and the earth? no, their belief is not certain!

37- Or, are the treasures of your lord in their keeping? or, are they the controllers?


35- Or were they created without there being anything, or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay! they have no certainty

37- Or have they the treasures of your lord with them? or have they been set in absolute authority?


35- Or were they created out of naught? or are they the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, but they are sure of nothing!

37- Or do they own the treasures of thy lord? or have they been given charge (thereof)?


35- Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?

36- Or did they create the heavens and the earth? nay, they have no firm belief.

37- Or are the treasures of thy lord with them, or are they the managers (of affairs)?

Atheists in Quran (43) when their Doubt Leads to Hell

In Surah 2, there is no doubt the Quran that it is Allah’s Book.

However, the Atheists and unbelievers are in doubt about it.

Well, if they are in doubt about the Quran, then produce only one Surah like it. If they do not do it, otherwise, this doubt will leads to the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife!


In the previous articles,

  1. Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce a Quran like the one revealed and when they have failed,
  2. Allah challenged them to produce ten Surah similar to the Quran.  When the entire Humankind have failed,
  3. Allah challenges the entire Humankind to produce only ONE Surah similar to the Quran.

In this article, Surah 2 (chapter 2) of the Noble Quran puts the end of this unique linguistic Challenge

Surah 2 begins with Allah’s affirmation that the Quran is His book without any doubt; in it, there is guidance unto those who ward off Hell. (Verse 2:2)

The Creator, Exalted be He, knows that some of his arrogant creature have doubt about the Quran.

Allah knows that the Atheists and unbelievers claim that Muhammad forged the Quran and they are in doubt about the Quran.

In the verses 2:23-24 we have this strict clear-cut plan that is followed by severe warning

1)    If you are in doubt about the Quran, then produce only one Surah like it

2)    Seek the help of the entire humankind to help you in your work

3)    If you do not do it, and in fact you WILL NEVER Ever DO IT, then guard yourselves against the Hell whose fuel is people and stones, prepared for the Atheists and unbelievers.

Hence, the verse 2:23 put the end of the unique linguistic Challenge by stating that the Atheists + the unbelievers + humankind will never ever Challenge the Quran and they are unable to cope with the challenge and emulate even one Surah like it

The Atheists + the unbelievers + humankind cannot produce 15 Arabic words and produce a Surah like that present in the Quran!

This is the summary of the plan that is followed by severe warning

Now, let us discuss this risky issue calmly

 “This is the Book; there is no doubt about it a guidance unto those who ward off Hell.” (Verse 2)

The key words in this statement are:

  • Doubt
  • Guidance
  • Hell

Guidance expresses the essence and the nature of the Quran.

But guidance for whom? Who are the people who will find that this Book provides them with light, direction and true counsel?

They are the Allah-fearing.

They fear Allah, submit, obey and Ward off Hell

Once a man’s heart is filled with the fear of Allah, he will benefit by the Quran. Fear and consciousness of Allah is the quality that opens one’s mind to the true guidance contained in the Quran and allows it to have its proper effect on one’s life.

Fear of Allah is the factor that causes one’s heart and mind to become sensitive and receptive to Allah’s guidance and enables one to respond to His call and His instruction.

Anyone seeking the benefit and Allahly wisdom of the Quran must approach it with an open mind and a pure heart. One must also approach it with perception and sensitivity, and with a determination not to fall by the wayside or be tempted away from Allah.

Then, and only then, will the marvels and treasures of the Quran be opened and revealed, and their light and wisdom will pour into this apprehensive, alert and welcoming heart.

Fear of Allah, then, is to have a sensitive conscience, clear feelings, a continuous concern, vigilance and alacrity, and a yearning for the correct path in life. It is a feeling that is ever alive, a feeling of being aware of life’s temptations and pitfalls; and the ambitions and hopes, and the worries and fears that come with it. It is a feeling of being able to discern false hopes and unwarranted fears that one associates with individuals or powers that could neither bring benefit nor cause harm.

A Divine Challenge

Allah puts a scientific plan for the Atheists and unbelievers

The Quran is challenging them all, as indeed it challenges humankind in general, saying:

“If you are in doubt as to what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce one Surah comparable to it and call upon all your witnesses, other than Allah, if what you say is true.” (Verse 23)

The challenge begins with emphasizing an important fact by describing the Prophet Muhammad as Allah’s ‘servant’. This description is significant in a number of ways: it is,

First, an honor to the Prophet himself and an indication that to be a ‘servant’ of Allah is the highest honor a human being can attain.

Second, it affirms the essence of servitude to Allah in the universal human context, calling on all men to submit only to Allah and renounce all partners that may be associated with Him.

The Prophet Muhammad, who attained the highest position of honor as a recipient of Allah’s Revelations, is also honored by being described as a servant of Allah.

The challenge = If they were in any doubt, they were free to produce anything, even one Surah, comparable to it, and they could seek the help of the entire humankind.

This challenge remained open throughout the Prophet’s life, and has done so ever since. The Quranic argument stands just as firmly today as it has through the centuries.

Thus, Allah’s words, and His warning, remain true:

“But if you fail, as you will certainly do, then guard yourselves against the fire, fuelled by men and stones, prepared for the unbelievers.” (Verse 24)

It is a remarkable challenge indeed, but what is even more remarkable is the absolute certainty with which it is made. Were any of the unbelieving Arabs able to take up the challenge, they would not have hesitated for a moment. The Quranic assertion of the futility of their task, and the endurance of that assertion, are in themselves manifest and irrefutable proof of its superior nature.

The opportunity remains wide open for anyone or any group to pick up the gauntlet and try their best to match the Quran and refute its claims of divinity and superiority.

However, this has not happened and, as the Quran clearly states, will never happen. That is the Quran’s final word for posterity.

Anyone with any real knowledge or appreciation of literary styles, or expertise in philosophy, psychology, social science, or any other science at all, will not fail to recognize that whatever the Quran has to say in any field of knowledge is something unique, unlike anything human beings would say. Argument over this fact can only arise from blind ignorance or sheer prejudice.

The stern warning to “guard yourselves against the fire, fuelled by men and stones” comes as no surprise to those who may fail in their challenge to Allah but persist, nevertheless, with their rejection of the truth.

The use of the word ‘stones’ here is fascinating.

This fire is prepared for the Atheists and unbelievers.

They are the ones who have failed to take up Allah’s challenge, and persisted, nevertheless, in their rejection of His message.

They are stone like, although they have a human form. Hence the connection between humans and stones in this verse. The expression amply conveys the horror of the awesome scene in which people and stones are both:

  • The fuel of the Fire
  • Consumed by Fire

Miserably, this is the doubt that leads to the Eternal Hell in the Afterlife!


The verse 2:2 in different translations:


That is the (holy) book, where there is no doubt. it is a guidance for the cautious (of evil and hell).


This book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who guard (against evil)


This is the scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil).


This is the book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;


The verses 2:23-24 in different translations:


23- If you are in doubt of what we have sent down to our worshiper (prophet muhammad), produce a chapter comparable to it. call upon your helpers, other than Allah, to assist you, if you are true.

24- But if you fail, as you are sure to fail, then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel is people and stones, prepared for the unbelievers.


23- And if you are in doubt as to that which we have revealed to our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful

24- But if you do (it) not and never shall you do (it), then be on your guard against the fire of which men and stones are the fuel; it is prepared for the unbelievers


23- And if ye are in doubt concerning that which we reveal unto our slave (Muhammad), then produce a surah of the like thereof, and call your witness beside Allah if ye are truthful.

24- And if ye do it not – and ye can never do it – then guard yourselves against the fire prepared for disbelievers, whose fuel is of men and stones.


23- And if ye are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to our servant, then produce a sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.

24- But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject faith.

Atheists in Quran (35) they are hasty

The Atheists try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet Muhammad warns them. Sarcastically, they say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

The Quran says that 1) Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs and 2) Verily, messengers before you O Muhammad were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.


The Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad were one of two:

The unbelievers deny the existence of One God and they used to worship many idols as gods

The Atheists who deny the existence of any god

Both groups deny the Resuscitation, the Day of Judgment and the Afterlife

They deny the very existence of Allah, the Most Merciful, who has created the universe and set the rules that operate in it and sustain its existence.

Herein, a likely dispute is expected.

Allah’s Messenger Muhammad speaks out against their deities, showing such inanimate idols to be useless.

On the other hand, The Atheists and unbelievers rudely deny Allah and they hurl abuse and mockery at Allah’s Messenger, saying that it is unacceptable that he should criticize their idol worship. They find nothing wrong with the arrogance that leads them to

Deny Allah’s existence,

Deny Allah’s Messenger and

Reject Allah’s revelation, the Quran.

The sarcasm of their attitude exposes to the full the far- reaching corruption that affects their nature and impairs their judgment.

Whenever they see you O Muhammad, they take you in derision and pick you out for mockery

What is more stupid of them?

They try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet warns them.

They say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs

Haste is present in man’s very nature and constitution.

He always stretches his eyes to what lies ahead, beyond the present moment, aiming to grasp it with his own hand. He wants to achieve, the moment it flashes in his mind, all that seems desirable. He wants to see all that is promised to him, even though it may be to his damage. Such is man’s nature, unless he establishes a firm relationship with Allah, which gives him strength and reassurance. He will then trust to Allah’s wisdom, leaving His will to run its course without hastening events. For faith combines trust with patience and reassurance.

Those unbelievers hastened Allah’s punishment, wondering when the promise of punishment in the hereafter, as well as in this life, would be fulfilled.

The Quran paints here for them a scene of the suffering in the hereafter, while also warning them against a similar punishment to that which befell earlier communities, which rejected the faith

If the unbelievers only knew what shall happen to them:

They would change their attitude completely.

They would stop their mockery and hastening of what is bound to come.

Let them, then, see what is bound to come.

There, the fire surrounds them on all sides.

Nay, but it, the Resurrection, shall come upon them suddenly, dumbfounding them, confusing them, and they shall not be able to ward it off, nor shall they be granted any respite, [nor shall they] be given any [extra] time to make a repentance or offer an excuse.

We envisage their agitated movements, described implicitly in the verse, to protect their faces and their backs against the fire, but their attempt is useless. It is as if the fire engulfs them on all sides. They can neither keep it away from themselves, nor retreat to seek protection. Nor is even a short respite from it possible.

That the punishment comes suddenly is only the response for their hastening it.

Sarcastically, they used to say time after time:

“When is this promise to be fulfilled, if what you say be true?”

The answer is that it comes suddenly, perplexing their minds and paralyzing their will. Thus, they are unable to think or act. This applies to the punishment in the hereafter.

Moreover, verily messengers before you were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.

As for this world’s punishment, it certainly befell communities before them, which ridiculed Allah’s messengers. Just as those communities were unable to ward off a punishment that wiped them out altogether, so these unbelievers are unable to avert their defeat and captivity. They are thus warned not to deride Allah’s Messenger, to avoid the punishment that befalls those who ridicule prophets. Such fate and punishment is bound to come, because it is part of Allah’s law, which will inevitably, take effect, just as the destruction of earlier communities, guilty of the same offence, proves.


The verses 21:36-41in different translations:


36-When the unbelievers see you, they take you only for mockery, saying: ‘is this he who talks about your gods? ‘While they are unbelievers in the remembrance of the merciful.

37-The human was created of haste. Indeed, I will show you my signs; so do not ask me to hasten them.

38-They say: ‘if you are truthful, when will this promise come? ‘

39-If the unbelievers only knew when they will be unable to shield either their faces or their backs from the fire; when they will not be helped!

40-It will overtake them suddenly, dumbfounding them. they shall be unable to ward it off, and they shall not be respited.

41-Before you, other messengers were mocked, but the mockers were encompassed by the very thing they mocked.


36-And when those who disbelieve see you, they do not take you but for one to be scoffed at: is this he who speaks of your gods? and they are deniers at the mention of the beneficent Allah

37-Man is created of haste; now will i show to you my signs, therefore do not ask me to hasten (them) on

38-And they say: when will this threat come to pass if you are truthful?

39-Had those who disbelieve but known (of the time) when they shall not be able to ward off the fire from their faces nor from their backs, nor shall they be helped

40-Nay, it shall come on them all of a sudden and cause them to become confounded, so they shall not have the power to avert it, nor shall they be respited

41-And certainly messengers before you were scoffed at, then there befell those of them who scoffed that at which they had scoffed


36-And when those who disbelieve behold thee, they but choose thee out for mockery, (saying): is this he who maketh mention of your gods? and they would deny all mention of the beneficent.

37-Man is made of haste. I shall show you my portents, but ask me not to hasten.

38-And they say: when will this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?

39-If those who disbelieved but knew the time when they will not be able to drive off the fire from their faces and from their backs, and they will not be helped!

40-Nay, but it will come upon them unawares so that it will stupefy them, and they will be unable to repel it, neither will they be reprieved.

41-Messengers before thee, indeed, were mocked, but that whereat they mocked surrounded those who scoffed at them.


36-When the unbelievers see thee, they treat thee not except with ridicule. “is this,” (they say), “the one who talks of your gods?” and they blaspheme at the mention of (Allah) most gracious!

37-Man is a creature of haste: soon (enough) will i show you my signs; then ye will not ask me to hasten them!

38-They say: “when will this promise come to pass, if ye are telling the truth?”

39-If only the unbelievers knew (the time) when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and (when) no help can reach them!

40-Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite.

41-Mocked were (many) messenger before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

The Donkey in Bible vs. Quran vs. Science – A

In the Bible, God commands to kill the donkeys especially the firstborn one. In addition, the Bible says that 1) Egyptian’s genitals are like those of donkeys, 2) the Donkey has to keep the Sabbath 3) A donkey spoke with a man’s voice! 4) Samson killed a thousand men with a jawbone of a donkey etc.
Upon talking about the Donkey, the Bible give a dozen of interesting issues and says:
1) Kill men and women, children and infants, and donkeys, etc…
2) “Ishmael” will be a wild donkey of a man.
3) Either Redeem or Kill the firstborn donkey.
4) Do not “covet” your neighbor’s wife or donkey.
5) You and your Donkey have to keep the Sabbath.
6) How do you deal with the donkey, and the fools?
7) Drag away and throw outside the dead donkey.
8) The donkey knows his owner’s manger, but Israel does not know
9) The Egyptian’s genitals are like those of donkeys!
10) Samson killed a thousand men with a jawbone of a donkey!
11) O, they (Israelites) destroyed with the sword every living thing.
12) Go and destroy everything. Do not spare them.
The Bible mentions the donkey 142 times and the Quran mentions the donkey four times, i.e., the Bible cites the donkey 35 times more than the Quran does.
Furthermore, the total words of the Bible are 788,280 while the total words of the Quran are 77,473. It follows that, the Bible has the likely of more than 10 times than the Quran to talk about the donkey.
In addition, the Bible has the prospective of more than 35 times than the Quran to tell us about the donkey.
The Donkey in the Bible:
Kill every living creature. Do not spare any:
They destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, donkeys, etc…
Go and destroy everything. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, donkeys, etc…
Kill men and women, children and infants, and donkeys, etc…
Joshua 6:21
“They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.”
1 Samuel 15:3
“Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’ “
1 Samuel 22:19
“He also put to the sword Nob, the town of the priests, with its men and women, its children and infants, and its cattle, donkeys and sheep.”
1 Samuel 27:9
“Whenever David attacked an area, he did not leave a man or woman alive, but took sheep and cattle, donkeys and camels, and clothes. Then he returned to Achish”.

The Bible says that “Ishmael” will be a wild donkey of a man and sets on the root of Arabs-Jews conflict and intolerance.
Genesis 16:12
“He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
One may think about why Moses wrote in Genesis that His Uncle “Ishmael” would be a wild donkey of a man. Is it polite to say that about His Uncle? Is not that a race-discrimination? Is not very shameful to say that Isaac’s brother is a donkey? Is not Isaac the grandfather of the Lord Jesus?
Although this nasty Biblical claims sets on the root of Arabs-Jews conflict and intolerance; however, it does not hurt the two great Prophet Ishmael and Isaac.

Either Redeem or Kill the firstborn donkey.
One has to redeem every firstborn donkey with a lamb; but if he does not, he has to break its neck. Either way, there should be blood of the lamb or the donkey!
Exodus 13:13
“Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck.”
Exodus 34:20
“Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck.”

In addition, there is a prophecy about the ox and donkey:
Deuteronomy 28:31
“Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them.”

Do not “covet” your neighbor’s wife or donkey.
Exodus 20:17
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Deuteronomy 5:21
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor’s house or land, his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

The Donkey has to keep the Sabbath:
You and your Donkey have to keep the Sabbath.
Exodus 23:12
“Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest and the slave born in your household, and the alien as well, may be refreshed.”
Deuteronomy 5:14
“But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor the alien within your gates, so that your manservant and maidservant may rest, as you do.”

How do you deal with the donkey, and the fools? With a halter and a rod
Proverbs 26:3
“A whip for the horse, a halter for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools!”

The donkey knows his owner’s manger, but “Israel” does not know
Isaiah 1:3
“The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.”

The donkeys will eat fodder and mash, spread out with fork and shovel.
Isaiah 30:24
“The oxen and donkeys that work the soil will eat fodder and mash, spread out with fork and shovel.”

The policy of burial of a donkey
How do you burry your donkey? Drag away and throw outside.
Jeremiah 22:19
“He will have the burial of a donkey— dragged away and thrown outside the gates of Jerusalem.”

The Egyptian’s genitals are like those of donkeys and their emission (semen) is like that of horses. Wow!
Being an Egyptian, I do not know if I should be proud or insulted because of this anatomical and biological verse!
However, this verse may be interested to those who are looking for outstanding genitals!
Ezekiel 23:20
“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

This following verse talks about a man who will eat grass like cattle.
However, the man’s stomach is not like that of cattle.
Scientifically speaking, Man cannot utilize and metabolize grass
Daniel 5:21
“He was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal; he lived with the wild donkeys and ate grass like cattle; and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes.”

Believe it or Not!
Unbelievably! The Bible narrates two stories
1) Samson killed a thousand men with a jawbone of a donkey!
Judges 15:15
“Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.”
Judges 15:16
“Then Samson said, “With a donkey’s jawbone I have made donkeys of them. With a donkey’s jawbone I have killed a thousand men.”

2) A donkey spoke with a man’s voice!
2Peter 2:16
“But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—a beast without speech—who spoke with a man’s voice and restrained the prophet’s madness”.
The Donkey in the Quran:
See the next article
Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil wrote this article

Angels in Islam (9) do they Sleep?

The Angels are created from light.

Does the light sleep?

The Angels never ever sleep.

Do the Angels rest? They never ever rest; they work all the time.

[In the Bible, Jehovah, the Lord God rested in the 7th day of creation]

How come that the some creatures never ever rest and the Almighty Creator rests?


Well, then what the Angels do all the time?

The verse 21:20 says:

They glorify Allah night and day

They pray to Him at night and during the day; (they flag not)

They glorify His praises night and day, they never slacken.

They persist in their worship night and day, obeying Allah to the utmost

Thus, the verse paints a picture of creatures glorifying Allah and extolling His praises at all times.

However, the question is: do they get bored?

They do not get bored of worshipping Allah and of acknowledging His Lordship all the time.

They glorify Allah all the time, and they do not falter.

For Angels, glorifying Allah comes to them as naturally as breathing comes to us; it is something which we can never be distracted from.


The verse 21:20 in four different translations


They (the Angels) never fail to exalt him either at night or in the day.


They (the Angels) glorify (him) by night and day; they are never languid


They (the Angels) glorify (him) night and day; they flag not.


They (the Angels) celebrate his praises night and day, nor do they ever flag or intermit.

This is Allah (70) Allah’s Mercy Subsumes everything but the Loser is…

A fruitful question: who is the loser?

The loser is the one who fails to attain Allah’s mercy that subsumes all things; and we are things!

In The Afterlife, Allah’s Mercy Is Only For Those Who…

In the hereafter, Allah’s mercy is only for those who believe in Him, in the Angels, in the Scriptures (including the Quran), in the Messengers (including Muhammad) and in the Day of Judgment.

Is Muhammad Inscribed In Torah And Gospel?

The Quran declares that the Messenger Muhammad is find inscribed in their Torah and Gospel.

Who Is The Top Priest Who Believed In Allah And Muhammad?

Abdullah ben Salam was the top Jewish Priest at the time of Muhammad. He went to Muhammad and said unto him: I know that you are…

Who Is The Illiterate Man of Isaiah’s Prophecy?

Isaiah 29:12 (New American Standard Bible) says:

Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, “Please read this.” And he will say, “I cannot read.”  Who is this  illiterate man? What book? What is the significance of the word:” Read”?

What Is The First Revealed Word Of The Quran?

It is interested that the first revealed word of the Quran is:” Read”.

The first verse of the Noble Quran says: Read (O Muhammad) in the name of your Who created, all creatures.

How Come That An Illiterate Man Becomes The Most Famous Teacher?

It is very interesting that, since then the illiterate Arabic man, Muhammad, became the teacher and the advisor of mankind; how? Because he was taught by the Creator of the Worlds!

In The Bible: Isaiah prophesizes That The Last Prophet Is An Illiterate Man

Isaiah says: Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, “Please read this.” And he will say, “I cannot read.”   In this biblical verse, Isaiah prophesizes that the last Prophet is illiterate (I cannot read).

Allah Gives Life And Makes To Die (Life and Death Recycle)

Say, O Muhammad: ‘O mankind, I am the Allah’s Messenger of to you all, [the Messenger] of Him to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth. There is no god but Him. He gives life and makes to die.

What If A Man Believes In Allah?

The Quran says: Believe, then, in Allah and His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, the Quran, and follow him, so that you might be guided, led aright.


Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-74) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.

Verses 7:157-158 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah’s mercy subsumes all things and the loser is…,

2) In the Afterlife, Allah’s mercy is only for those who…,

3) Is Muhammad inscribed in Torah and Gospel?

4) Who is the top Priest who believed in Allah and Muhammad?

5) Who is the illiterate man of Isaiah’s Prophecy?

6) What is the first revealed word of the Quran?

7) How come that an illiterate man becomes the most famous teacher?

8) In the Bible: Isaiah prophesizes that the last Prophet is an illiterate man, 9) Allah gives life and makes to die and 10) What if you Believe in Allah?


In the previous article (73)

Moses prayed to Allah and said: prescribe for us, grant us, in this world good and in the Hereafter, good. We have turned, repented, to You’. He, Allah, says: ‘My chastisement, I smite with it whom I will, to chastise, and My mercy embraces, subsumes, all things, in this world, and so I shall prescribe it, in the Hereafter, for those who are God-fearing and pay the alms, and those who believe in Our signs;

One of the important issue is that Satan seized this opportunity and said: “I am of the things and Allah’s mercy embraces all things ” ,

But Allah excluded him from this by saying: therefore I shall ordain it (My Mercy) for those who ward off evil disbelief, idolatry and indecencies and pay the poor-due and give from their wealth what is due to the poor, and those who believe Our revelations, believe in Our Scripture and Messenger. The people of the Book seized this opportunity and said: “we are the people of God-fearing ness and Scripture ” , but Allah excluded them from this and explained to whom this mercy is ordained, saying: (see the next article).


The meaning of verse 7:157

Allah’s mercy subsumes all things, but…

To whom Allah’s mercy is ordained?

The verse states to whom Allah’s mercy is ordained:

Those who follow the messenger, the religion of the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write i.e. Muhammad (whom they will find with his traits and description; described in the Torah and the Gospel which are with them.

He will enjoin on them that which is right, Allah’s divine Oneness and moral excellence and forbid them that which is wrong, disbelief and hurting others.

He will make lawful for them all good things; he explains to them the lawfulness of that which is in the Scripture such as the meat and milk of camels, sheep and others; and prohibit for them only the foul; he explains to them the unlawfulness of what is in the Scripture such as carrion, the meat of swine and other things; and he will relieve them of their burden, their pledges the breaking of which made good things unlawful for them and the fetters, the hardships that they used to wear such as tearing up their clothes and other things.

Then those who believe in him, in Muhammad i.e. ‘Abdullah Ibn Salam (the top Jewish Priest at the time of Muhammad) and his followers, and honor him and assist him and help him and follow the light, the Quran which is sent down with him, which was sent with the Angel Gabriel: that which is lawful, they declared lawful, and that which unlawful, they declared unlawful: they are the successful, who are saved from Allah’s wrath and torment.


Abdullah Ibn Salam was the top Jewish Priest at the time of Muhammad. He went to Muhammad and said unto him:

I know that you are the last Prophet which Allah has promised to send. I believe in Allah and in you.  Muhammad was glad to hear that and he said to Ibn Salam: Do you mind if your folk heard what you said? The rest of the story is very interesting and you can find it by searching the net. 

In other words, the verse says: those who follow the Prophet who is uninstructed, illiterate, i.e. unable to read and write,

the Messenger Muhammad whom they will find inscribed in their Torah and Gospel, in name and description, enjoining them to decency and forbidding them indecency, making lawful for them the good things, which were forbidden to them by their Law, and making unlawful for them the vile things, such as carrion and the like, and relieving them of their burden, their onus, and the shackles, the hardships, that they used to bear, such as [the requirement] to kill oneself as a repentance and the severing of that part that had come into contact with any impurity.

Then those who believe in him, from among them (the people of the Book, the Jews and the Christians), and honor him, revere him, and help him, and follow the light that has been revealed with him, namely, the Quran, they are the ones who will prosper’.

An example of how Muhammad is inscribed in the Bible:

The story of the first revealed verse of the Quran:

The Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad holding a paper, He gave the paper to Muhammad and said: “Read this”

Muhammad said: “I cannot read”.

Then, the first verse of the Quran revealed:

This story is mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah 29:12

Isaiah 29:12 (New American Standard Bible)

Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, “Please read this.” And he will say, “I cannot read.”

In this Biblical verse, Isaiah prophesizes that the last Prophet is illiterate (I cannot read).

Back to the story, the Angel Gabriel repeated for three times, “Read this” and Muhammad answered for three times: “I cannot read”.

Then, the first verse of the Quran revealed:

“Read in the name of your Lord who created” (verse 96:1).

And this was the first revelation that Gabriel brought down from Allah unto Muhammad.

It is interested that the first revealed word of the Quran is:” Read”.

The first verse of the Noble Quran says:

Read (O Muhammad) in the name of your Who created, all creatures.

It is very interesting that, since then the illiterate Arabic man, Muhammad, became the teacher and the advisor of mankind; how? Because he was taught by the Creator of the Worlds!

As a matter of fact, there are many Biblical prophecies about the Prophet Muhammad; the interested reader can search for “Muhammad in the Bible”, he could find a lot of Biblical prophecies about the last Prophet Muhammad.

Back to Allah’s mercy subsumes all things

Allah’s mercy subsumes all things

In the life of this world, Allah’s mercy subsumes every human being either he is a believer or disbeliever.  Allah bestows the disbelievers as well as the believers by the brain, heart, eyes, hearing, hands, feet etc.  But, in the hereafter, Allah’s mercy is only for those who believe in Him, in the Angels, in the Scriptures (including the Quran), in the Messengers (including Muhammad) and in the Day of Judgment.

It is a fruitful question: who is the loser?

The loser is the one who fails to attain Allah’s mercy that subsumes all things; and we are things!

The meaning of verse 7:158

Say, addressing the Prophet here: O Muhammad: O mankind! Lo! I am the Messenger of Allah to you all; (the Messenger of) Him unto whom belonged the Sovereignty, the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no God save Allah; there is no Provider save Him. He quickens for the resurrection and He gives death in the life of this world.

So believe in Allah and His messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who believes in Allah and in His words; in the Quran; or, according to another commentary: who believes in Jesus, who became a created being with a word, Be, and he was. And follow him; follow the religion of Muhammad that haply you may be led aright; in order that you be guided from error to faith.

In other words, the verse says:

Say, O Muhammad: ‘O mankind, I am the Allah’s Messenger of to you all, [the Messenger] of Him to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth. There is no god but Him. He gives life and makes to die.

Believe, then, in Allah and His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, the Quran, and follow him, so that you might be guided, led aright.


Verses 7:157-158 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


157) And to those who shall follow the messenger the unlettered prophet (Muhammad) whom they shall find written with them in the torah and the gospel. he will order kindness upon them and forbid them to do evil. He will make good things lawful to them and prohibit all that is foul. He will relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them. Those who believe in him and honor him, those who aid him and follow the light sent forth with him, shall surely prosper. ‘

158) Say: ‘o mankind, I am the messenger of Allah to you all. his is the kingdom in the heavens and the earth. There is no god except he. he revives and causes to die. Therefore, believe in Allah and his messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and his words. Follow him in order that you are guided.’


157) Those who follow the messenger-prophet, the ummi, whom they find written down with them in the taurat and the injeel (who) enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and makes unlawful to them impure things, and removes from them their burden and the shackles which were upon them; so (as for) those who believe in him and honor him and help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him, these it is that are the successful

158) Say: o people! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you all, of him whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth there is no god but he; he brings to life and causes to die therefore believe in Allah and his messenger, the ummi prophet who believes in Allah and his words, and follow him so that you may walk in the right way


157) Those who follow the messenger, the prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the torah and the gospel (which are) with them. he will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. he will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them only the foul; and he will relieve them of their burden and the fetters that they used to wear. then those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him: they are the successful.

158) Say (O Muhammad): o mankind! lo! I am the messenger of Allah to you all – (the messenger of) him unto whom belongeth the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no Allah save him. he quickeneth and he giveth death. so believe in Allah and his messenger, the prophet who can neither read nor write, who believeth in Allah and in his words, and follow him that haply ye may be led aright.


157) “those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); he releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. so it is those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.”

158) Say: “o men! I am sent unto you all, as the messenger of Allah, to whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but he: it is he that giveth both life and death. so believe in Allah and his messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believeth in Allah and his words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided.”

What the British author: S. H. Leeder said about Islam and the Truth (2)

In his book, the British author: S. H. Leeder said “Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the truest of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God.”


In his book: “Veiled mysteries of Egypt and the religion of Islam (1913)”, the British author: S. H. Leeder said in the introduction of his book: “There has always been a veil of mystery over the religion of I slam, from its very first days.”

What Leeder said about Islam and the Truth?

 “The Holy Koran says, and herein is the duty of man, Worship none but God, and be good to your parents and kindred, and to orphans and to the poor, and speak with men what is true, and pay the stated alms ‘ (Sura ii. 77).

Praise be to Allah, who rewards those who fulfill their obligations and keep their trust. Allah, the most true of all tellers, said Be faithful to your pledges and do not break your promises, for these make you responsible to God. Be sure God knows what you do; and when He destined you as the best of all peoples, He commanded you to do good and forsake evil. The foundation of true belief is faithfulness in the performance of every undertaking. A nation which lacks this quality, and allows itself to become familiar with lying, will be misguided, and all its striving will be in vain.

Suffering, misery, and poverty will overtake it, and in the next world punishment more severe and lasting. O creatures of God!

I call you to the practice of the truth, and faithfulness in every trust. Is there no reward even in this world for this?

To be believed by one’s friends, when one speaks, to be trusted in all the affairs of life? Such was the example and life of our great predecessors, who were before all things faithful, and true to themselves, and to one another. But, alas! We have forfeited the great teachings of our religion that stand now as a remonstrance against us. The Prophet on whom be blessings and peace as you know, hated lying, and he declared,

‘There is no belief in the unfaithful, nor a religion to the untrustful.’ “Shun ye the word of falsehood,” says the Koran (Sura xxii. 31). Mohammed declared that the guardian angel moved away from a man in detestation when he told a lie. By the testimony of all men who knew him Mohammed was a truthful man. “We have ever found thee a speaker of the truth,” they admitted, even in the days before they accepted his message. The only office allowed to the religious teacher is advice, guidance, and warning. Just as the layman will only with extreme reluctance refer to the faults of a brother Moslem, so even the preacher must not venture to expose the follies and frailties of others ; and to pry into the religious beliefs of other Moslems is not permitted even to the chief sheikhs. It is not proper to make any outer show of repentance; sin can only be confessed to God alone and in the secret heart. Of all these things, God will judge; and every function of priestcraft is opposed to the spirit of Islam.