Atheists in Quran (35) they are hasty

The Atheists try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet Muhammad warns them. Sarcastically, they say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

The Quran says that 1) Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs and 2) Verily, messengers before you O Muhammad were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.


The Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad were one of two:

The unbelievers deny the existence of One God and they used to worship many idols as gods

The Atheists who deny the existence of any god

Both groups deny the Resuscitation, the Day of Judgment and the Afterlife

They deny the very existence of Allah, the Most Merciful, who has created the universe and set the rules that operate in it and sustain its existence.

Herein, a likely dispute is expected.

Allah’s Messenger Muhammad speaks out against their deities, showing such inanimate idols to be useless.

On the other hand, The Atheists and unbelievers rudely deny Allah and they hurl abuse and mockery at Allah’s Messenger, saying that it is unacceptable that he should criticize their idol worship. They find nothing wrong with the arrogance that leads them to

Deny Allah’s existence,

Deny Allah’s Messenger and

Reject Allah’s revelation, the Quran.

The sarcasm of their attitude exposes to the full the far- reaching corruption that affects their nature and impairs their judgment.

Whenever they see you O Muhammad, they take you in derision and pick you out for mockery

What is more stupid of them?

They try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet warns them.

They say, ‘When will this promise of resurrection and chastisement be fulfilled, if you are truthful O Muhammad?

Man is a creature of haste; he is so hasty in his affairs

Haste is present in man’s very nature and constitution.

He always stretches his eyes to what lies ahead, beyond the present moment, aiming to grasp it with his own hand. He wants to achieve, the moment it flashes in his mind, all that seems desirable. He wants to see all that is promised to him, even though it may be to his damage. Such is man’s nature, unless he establishes a firm relationship with Allah, which gives him strength and reassurance. He will then trust to Allah’s wisdom, leaving His will to run its course without hastening events. For faith combines trust with patience and reassurance.

Those unbelievers hastened Allah’s punishment, wondering when the promise of punishment in the hereafter, as well as in this life, would be fulfilled.

The Quran paints here for them a scene of the suffering in the hereafter, while also warning them against a similar punishment to that which befell earlier communities, which rejected the faith

If the unbelievers only knew what shall happen to them:

They would change their attitude completely.

They would stop their mockery and hastening of what is bound to come.

Let them, then, see what is bound to come.

There, the fire surrounds them on all sides.

Nay, but it, the Resurrection, shall come upon them suddenly, dumbfounding them, confusing them, and they shall not be able to ward it off, nor shall they be granted any respite, [nor shall they] be given any [extra] time to make a repentance or offer an excuse.

We envisage their agitated movements, described implicitly in the verse, to protect their faces and their backs against the fire, but their attempt is useless. It is as if the fire engulfs them on all sides. They can neither keep it away from themselves, nor retreat to seek protection. Nor is even a short respite from it possible.

That the punishment comes suddenly is only the response for their hastening it.

Sarcastically, they used to say time after time:

“When is this promise to be fulfilled, if what you say be true?”

The answer is that it comes suddenly, perplexing their minds and paralyzing their will. Thus, they are unable to think or act. This applies to the punishment in the hereafter.

Moreover, verily messengers before you were derided but those who mocked them were encircled by the chastisement, which they used to deride; likewise, it shall befall those who have derided you.

As for this world’s punishment, it certainly befell communities before them, which ridiculed Allah’s messengers. Just as those communities were unable to ward off a punishment that wiped them out altogether, so these unbelievers are unable to avert their defeat and captivity. They are thus warned not to deride Allah’s Messenger, to avoid the punishment that befalls those who ridicule prophets. Such fate and punishment is bound to come, because it is part of Allah’s law, which will inevitably, take effect, just as the destruction of earlier communities, guilty of the same offence, proves.


The verses 21:36-41in different translations:


36-When the unbelievers see you, they take you only for mockery, saying: ‘is this he who talks about your gods? ‘While they are unbelievers in the remembrance of the merciful.

37-The human was created of haste. Indeed, I will show you my signs; so do not ask me to hasten them.

38-They say: ‘if you are truthful, when will this promise come? ‘

39-If the unbelievers only knew when they will be unable to shield either their faces or their backs from the fire; when they will not be helped!

40-It will overtake them suddenly, dumbfounding them. they shall be unable to ward it off, and they shall not be respited.

41-Before you, other messengers were mocked, but the mockers were encompassed by the very thing they mocked.


36-And when those who disbelieve see you, they do not take you but for one to be scoffed at: is this he who speaks of your gods? and they are deniers at the mention of the beneficent Allah

37-Man is created of haste; now will i show to you my signs, therefore do not ask me to hasten (them) on

38-And they say: when will this threat come to pass if you are truthful?

39-Had those who disbelieve but known (of the time) when they shall not be able to ward off the fire from their faces nor from their backs, nor shall they be helped

40-Nay, it shall come on them all of a sudden and cause them to become confounded, so they shall not have the power to avert it, nor shall they be respited

41-And certainly messengers before you were scoffed at, then there befell those of them who scoffed that at which they had scoffed


36-And when those who disbelieve behold thee, they but choose thee out for mockery, (saying): is this he who maketh mention of your gods? and they would deny all mention of the beneficent.

37-Man is made of haste. I shall show you my portents, but ask me not to hasten.

38-And they say: when will this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?

39-If those who disbelieved but knew the time when they will not be able to drive off the fire from their faces and from their backs, and they will not be helped!

40-Nay, but it will come upon them unawares so that it will stupefy them, and they will be unable to repel it, neither will they be reprieved.

41-Messengers before thee, indeed, were mocked, but that whereat they mocked surrounded those who scoffed at them.


36-When the unbelievers see thee, they treat thee not except with ridicule. “is this,” (they say), “the one who talks of your gods?” and they blaspheme at the mention of (Allah) most gracious!

37-Man is a creature of haste: soon (enough) will i show you my signs; then ye will not ask me to hasten them!

38-They say: “when will this promise come to pass, if ye are telling the truth?”

39-If only the unbelievers knew (the time) when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and (when) no help can reach them!

40-Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite.

41-Mocked were (many) messenger before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

Atheists in Quran (27) Noah’s values vs. their values

Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth. In Noah’s presentation, there were no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message. The Atheists stiffened their attitude became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case; they said: Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a truthful man.


In the previous articles, the Atheists who were the council notables and the respected elders of Noah’s people claim that Noah is just looking for wealth and they said:

  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us.
  • Why have such lowly men followed Noah before us?

This was a part of their rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

In this article, the Atheists continue their stubborn arguments with Noah.

The meanings of the verses 11:31-33

The Atheists demanded that they would never believe Noah unless:

  • Noah tells them that he possess the treasure houses of Allah
  • Noah tells them that he has the keys to Allah’s stores of provision
  • Noah tells them that he has knowledge of the Unseen
  • Noah tells the lowly men who followed him that Allah will not give them any good

However, you know what Noah (they said), we cannot believe in human being, tell your Lord to send us an Angel or to convert you to an Angel

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Peacefully, Noah introduces himself and his message. His presentation is simple, devoid of any ornament and decoration, free of all false standards and values.

Noah reminds them of the true values, looking with contempt on all superficial ones. He renounces all superficiality and states his message as it is, pure and simple, with no false claims. He, who wants it, let him take it, as it is as pure as Allah made it.

Noah said:

I do not say to you that God’s treasures are with me.

I do not claim that I am rich or that I can make any of you rich. “Or that

I know what lies beyond the reach of human perception.

I do not make any claim of any super-human status or

I do not allege that my relationship with Allah exceeds the fact that I am a messenger conveying Allah’s message.

Nor do I say: I am an angel.

I do not claim to have a position, which you think to be higher than that of man, so that I may gain favor or high position from you.

I cannot say to those whom you scorn that Allah will never grant them any good, so that I satisfy your pride or accommodate your standards and values.

Allah knows best what is in their hearts (those whom you scorn).

I have to go by what I see.

To me, they appear deserving of honor and hope that Allah will grant them of His bounty.

If I made such false claims, saying to them that Allah will never grant them any good, I would be unjust

  • I would be unjust to the very truth I have come to convey.
  • I would also be unjust to myself, exposed to Allah’s wrath,
  • I would be unjust to other people to whom I gave a status other than that given them by Allah.

Thus, Noah presents his message clearly, free of all falsehood. He faces them with the clarity and strength of the truth. Meanwhile, he makes a gentle and friendly description of the truth so that they may look it in the face and decide upon their line of action.

In Noah’s presentation, there were no pretense, no flattery, no attempt to win any favor with anyone at the expense of the message and its simple nature.

In this, Noah sets an example for all advocates of the Allah’s message in all generations and provides them with a lesson in how to confront the people of authority with the truth, without any attempt to compromise, or flatter, but with the sort of friendliness, which is not associated with submission.

At this point, it was clear to the notables that they had no chance of winning the argument. They stiffened their attitude, became determined not to accept any proof of Noah’s case, logical and natural as it certainly was.

Then they finally rallied themselves in order to deliver a challenge to Noah. They said:

Noah! You have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a man of truth.

This is nothing short of deceit, an attempt to cover up their weakness by putting on a display of strength. It is a challenge made in order to mask their dread of the truth’s strength.

Noah, however, remains unaffected by their outright rejection and challenge. He maintains the noble attitude befitting a great prophet. He continues to explain to them the truth and the facts, which they have ignored

He restates the fact that he is only a messenger whose task is to deliver a message. Their punishment is left to Allah who has absolute control over their destiny.

Allah alone decides, at His own discretion, whether it is appropriate to punish them here and now or to delay their punishment until a later date. Allah’s will must happen, as it is and Noah has no power over it.

As a messenger, he has to continue to explain the truth to his people until the last moment. Their rejection and challenge must not deter him from fulfilling his task.

Hence, he says to them:

Only Allah can bring it upon you, if He so wills. You cannot be immune. Nor will my counsel benefit you, much as I desire to give you good counsel, if it is Allah’s will to let you remain in error. He is your Lord and to Him you shall return.

If He will to punish you, none can by no means escape His chastisement.


The verses 11:31-33 in different translations:


31- I do not say to you that i possess the treasuries of Allah, and i do not know the unseen. I do not say I am an angel, nor do I say to those whom you despise, Allah will not give them any good. Allah knows best what is in their hearts. indeed, if this were so then I would be amongst the harmdoers. ‘

32- They said: ‘o Noah, you have disputed, and disputed too much, with us. bring (down) upon us that which you promised us, if what you say is true! ‘

33- He replied: ‘Allah will bring it (down) upon you if he will; you will never frustrate him.


31- And I do not say to you that i have the treasures of Allah and I do not know the unseen, nor do I say that i am an angel, nor do I say about those whom your eyes hold in mean estimation (that) Allah will never grant them (any) good– Allah knows best what is in their souls– for then most surely I should be of the unjust

32- They said: o nuh! indeed you have disputed with us and lengthened dispute with us, therefore bring to us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful ones

33- He said: Allah only will bring it to you if he please, and you will not escape:


31- I say not unto you: “I have the treasures of Allah” nor “I have knowledge of the unseen,” nor say I: “lo! I am an angel!” nor say I unto those whom your eyes scorn that Allah will not give them good – Allah knoweth best what is in their hearts – lo! Then indeed, I should be of the wrong-doers.

32- They said: o Noah! thou hast disputed with us and multiplied disputation with us; now bring upon us that wherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful.

33- He said: only Allah will bring it upon you if he will, and ye can by no means escape.


31- “I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer.”

32- They said: “o Noah! thou hast disputed with us, and (much) hast thou prolonged the dispute with us: now bring upon us what thou threatenest us with, if thou speakest the truth!?”

33- He said: “truly, Allah will bring it on you if he wills,- and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it!

Atheists in Quran (25) Atheists of Noah vs. Atheists today

All the Prophets sent by Allah to guide humankind to the right path are liars in the eyes of the Atheists. Thousands of years later (after Noah), such standards and values still gain the upper hand in the today Atheists’ mind.


The verses 11:25-27 of the Noble Quran say:

Verily Allah sent Noah to his people [and he said]: ‘I am a clear warner for you, one whose warning is plain.

I am a warning Messenger who speaks a language you understand that you worship none but Allah; you confess the divine Oneness of none save Allah

Lo! I fear for you, should you worship other than Him, the chastisement of a painful day that is painful in this world and in the Hereafter.

I know that there shall come upon you if you do not believe the retribution of a painful Day, which is drowning.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, the respected elders and the chieftains of Noah’s people said:

  1. We see you but a mortal like us, you eat and drink just as we do eat and drink
  2. You have no merit over us, for which you would deserve our following you
  3. We see that your followers are but the vilest among us
  4. Those who follow you are the riffraff among us, such as the weavers and the shoemakers
  5. Those who follow you are the most abject, the lowly and the weak among us
  6. Those who follow you are impulsively without thinking; their bad judgment lead them to believe in you.
  7. Nay, we deem you liars with regard to your claim to be bringing a Message

The Atheists among Noah’s people apply here the erroneous standards that make

  • Honor = wealth,
  • Understanding = influence
  • Position = bank balance
  • Knowledge = power.

Thousands of years later, such standards and values still gain the upper hand in the today Atheists’ mind

Finally, they accused Noah as a Liar.

The same happened to the entire prophets from Noah to Muhammad.

All the Prophets sent by Allah to guide humankind to the right path are liars in the eyes of the Atheists.

This is the attitude of people who have full pockets but empty hearts and minds.

Their pride and arrogance are limitless.


The verses 11:25-27 in different translations:


25-We sent Noah to his nation. (he said:) ‘i am a warner for you, and a bearer of glad tidings.

26-Worship none except Allah. i fear for you the punishment of a painful day. ‘

27-The unbelieving council of his nation said: ‘we do not see you other than a human like ourselves. we see your followers are none but the lowliest amongst us, and their opinion is not to be considered. we do not see you superior to us, rather, we consider you liars. ‘


25-And certainly we sent nuh to his people: surely i am a plain warner for you:

26-That you shall not serve any but Allah، surely i fear for you the punishment of a painful day

27-But the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: we do not consider you but a mortal like ourselves, and we do not see any have followed you but those who are the meanest of us at first thought and we do not see in you any excellence over us; nay, we deem you liars


25-And we sent Noah unto his folk (and he said): lo! i am a plain warner unto you.

26-That ye serve none، save Allah. Lo! I fear for you the retribution of a painful day.

27-The chieftains of his folk, who disbelieved, said: we see thee but a mortal like us, and we see not that any follow thee save the most abject among us, without reflection. we behold in you no merit above us – nay, we deem you liars.


25-We sent Noah to his people (with a mission): “I have come to you with a clear warning:

26-“That ye serve none but Allah: verily I do fear for you the penalty of a grievous day.”

27-But the chiefs of the unbelievers among his people said: “we see (in) thee nothing but a man like ourselves: nor do we see that any follow thee but the meanest among us, in judgment immature: nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us: in fact we thing ye are liars!”

Atheists in Quran (16) they mocked Muhammad

The Quran talked about the Atheists’ mockery they hurled at the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran says, “If they knew of the time when they shall not be able to ward off the Fire from their faces, nor from their backs and none shall protect them from it at the Resurrection”.


Do Not Overlook this Warning

The verses 21:38-41 describe how the Atheists deal with Muhammad

The verses talk about

  • The way the unbelievers received Allah’s Messenger and the revelations he was given.
  • The mockery they hurled at him and
  • Their persistent disbelief.

The verses follow this by pointing out that, by nature, man is hasty.

One manifestation of this haste is the unbelievers’ attempts to hasten Allah’s punishment.

Hence, it warns them against such haste and makes it clear to them that they must refrain from mocking the Prophet Muhammad if they wish to avoid the consequences of such unwarranted behavior. That is the persistent suffering of the unbelievers in the hereafter.

The verses talk about the accuracy of the reckoning in the hereafter and the suitability of the reward given on the Day of Judgment.

Thus, the reckoning and the reward are linked to the rules operating in the universe, human nature and human life.

What is more, they try to hasten the punishment against which the Prophet warns them.

For, by nature, man is hasty:

“Man is a creature of haste.”

Haste is present in man’s very nature and constitution.

Man always stretches his eyes to what lies ahead, beyond the present moment, aiming to grasp it with his own hand.

Man wants to achieve, the moment it flashes in his mind, all that seems desirable. He wants to see all that is promised to him, even though it may be to his detriment.

Such is man’s nature, unless he establishes a firm relationship with Allah, which gives him strength and reassurance. He will then trust to Allah’s wisdom, leaving His will to run its course without hastening events. For faith combines trust with patience and reassurance.

Those Atheists hastened Allah’s punishment, wondering when the promise of punishment in the hereafter, as well as in this life, would be fulfilled.

The Quran describes here for them a scene of the suffering in the hereafter, while also warning them against a similar punishment to that which befell earlier communities that rejected the faith “If only the unbelievers knew [that there will come]

  • A time when they will not be able to shield their faces and their backs from the fire;
  • A time when they will find no support.

Indeed, it will come upon them all of a sudden, and will stupefy them.

They will be unable to avert it, nor will they be allowed any respite.

Other messengers were derided before your time; but those who scoffed at them were [in the end] overwhelmed by the very thing that they derided.”

(Verses 39-41)

If the Atheists only knew what will happen to them, they would change their attitude completely.

They would stop their mockery and hastening of what is bound to come.

Let them, then, see what is bound to come. Therein, the fire surrounds them on all sides.

Imagine their frantic movements, described implicitly in the verse, to protect their faces and their backs against the fire, but their attempt is futile. It is as if the fire engulfs them on all sides. They can neither keep it away from themselves, nor retreat to seek protection. Nor is even a short respite from it possible.

That the punishment comes suddenly is only the response for their hastening it.

They used to say time after time:

“When is this promise to be fulfilled, if what you say be true?” (Verse 38)

The answer is that it comes suddenly, perplexing their minds andparalyzing their will. Thus, they are unable to think or act, let alone enjoy a period ofgrace to mend their ways.

This applies to the punishment in the hereafter. As for this world’s punishment, it certainly befell communities before them, which ridiculed Allah’s messengers. Just like those communities were unable to ward off a punishment that wiped them out altogether, so these Atheists are unable to avert their defeat and captivity. They are thus warned not to deride Allah’s Messenger, so as to avoid the punishment that befalls those who ridicule prophets. Such fate and punishment is bound to come, because it is part of Allah’s law which will inevitably take effect, just as the destruction of earlier communities, guilty of the same offence, proves.


The verses 21:38-41 in different translations:


38-They say: ‘if you are truthful, when will this promise come? ‘

39-If the unbelievers only knew when they will be unable to shield either their faces or their backs from the fire; when they will not be helped!

40-It will overtake them suddenly, dumbfounding them. they shall be unable to ward it off, and they shall not be respited.

41-Before you, other messengers were mocked, but the mockers were encompassed by the very thing they mocked.


38-And they say: when will this threat come to pass if you are truthful?

39-Had those who disbelieve but known (of the time) when they shall not be able to ward off the fire from their faces nor from their backs, nor shall they be helped

40-Nay, it shall come on them all of a sudden and cause them to become confounded, so they shall not have the power to avert it, nor shall they be respited

41-And certainly messengers before you were scoffed at, then there befell those of them who scoffed that at which they had scoffed


38-And they say: when will this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?

39-If those who disbelieved but knew the time when they will not be able to drive off the fire from their faces and from their backs, and they will not be helped!

40-Nay, but it will come upon them unawares so that it will stupefy them, and they will be unable to repel it, neither will they be reprieved.

41-Messengers before thee, indeed, were mocked, but that whereat they mocked surrounded those who scoffed at them.


38-They say: “when will this promise come to pass, if ye are telling the truth?”

39-If only the unbelievers knew (the time) when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and (when) no help can reach them!

40-Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite.

41-Mocked were (many) messenger before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

Atheists in Quran (10) they will blame each other

One day, the entire Atheists’ falsehood values have been naked, and they are put face to face with the absolute truth and they blame themselves; however, it is too late!


The verse 34:31 grabs the Atheists’ attitude of the Prophet Muhammad’s message.

Indeed their attitude established on the fact that they are full of pride and their riches make them having what this life can offer of amusements, thinking that this indicates they are favored.

Therefore, the verse shows them their situation in the life to come, as though it is happening now.

Thus, the verse shows their attitude in the life of this world and in the Afterlife on the Day of Judgment.

Their attitude in the life of this world:

The verse speaks about a determined attitude to reject all divine guidance.

The Atheists say to their followers especially the lowly and weak among people in order to provoke disbelief [in them]:

“We will never believe in this Quran, nor in any earlier revelations.”

They make it clear that they will never believe, neither in the Quran nor in any divine book that preceded the Quran.

They are not prepared to believe in any of this at any time in the future either. They are determined to disbelieve, deliberately refusing even to consider anything that points to faith.

Their attitude in the Afterlife

Then the verse puts before their eyes what happens to them on the Day of Judgment because of their stubborn rejection:

But if you were to see, O Muhammad

If only you O believers could see,

  • How the Atheists stand before their Lord, their Almighty Creator
  • How they are hurling reproaches at one another.
  • How they are blaming each other.

The lowly and weak Atheists in the life of this world will say to those who had deemed themselves mighty:

Had it not been for you, we would certainly have been believers.’

The Atheists made their assertion that they will never believe in any revealed book in this life.

Now, what will they say in a very different situation? If only we could see these Atheists when they are ‘made to stand’, i.e. forced into it against their will. They are guilty, made to stand and await a decision by their Lord, in whose words and scriptures they profess they will never believe.

Yet now they stand before Him. If you could watch them, you would see how they reproach one another, exchanging accusations and trying to blame each other.

“Those of them who were weak on earth will say to those who had deemed themselves mighty: Had it not been for you, we would certainly have been believers.”

The Atheists will blame their leaders and their Media.

The Atheists are now accusing them of being responsible for this humiliation.

The Atheists are now cursing them of what will come next of great and eternal suffering.

Today, all the falsehood values have been naked, and they are put face to face with the absolute truth; however, it is too late!


The verse 34:31 in different translations:


The unbelievers say: ‘we will not believe in this Koran, nor in (the books) that were before it. ‘If you could only see the harmdoers when they are brought before their Lord! They will argue against each other. Those who had been abased will say to those who were proud: ‘but for you, we would have been believers. ‘


And those who disbelieve say: by no means will we believe in this quran, nor in that which is before it; and could you see when the unjust shall be made to stand before their Lord, bandying words one with another! those who were reckoned weak shall say to those who were proud: had it not been for you we would certainly have been believers


And those who disbelieve say: we believe not in this qur’an nor in that which was before it; but oh, if thou couldst see, when the wrong-doers are brought up before their Lord, how they cast the blame one to another; how those who were despised (in the earth) say unto those who were proud: but for you, we should have been believers.


The unbelievers say: “we shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it.” couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: “had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!”