Atheists in Quran (18) their deeds by Atomic weight

The Quran stimulates the knowledgeable scientific-minded Atheists to think about how Muhammad, the illiterate Arabic man talked about the Atomic weight and the Sub-Atomic weight more than 1400 years ago.


The meanings of the verse 34:3 of the Noble Quran:

The Atheistssay, “The Hour, the Resurrection, will never come to us”

Say, to them O Muhammad:

  1. Yes indeed, it shall come to you
  2. By my Lord, it shall come to you (Allah swore by Himself; He is the Ruler of the Day of Judgment.)
  3. By the Knower of the Unseen who knows what is hidden from people, it shall come to you
  4. Not even the weight of an atom escapes,
  5. Not even the weight of an atom is hidden from Allah in the heavens or in the earth,
  6. Nor is there anything smaller than that (than an Atom) or greater as regard the works of the servants, but:
  • it is in a clear Record
  • it is in a Manifest Book, namely, the Preserved Tablet
  • it is well preserved in the Guarded Tablet

This verse is to realize the position of The Atheists in Allah’s great Universe.

There is nothing more certain in the world, physical, moral, and spiritual, than that every act, great or small, must have its corresponding consequences.

Everything, greater or small, will receive due recognition-a Reward for Good and a Punishment for Evil.

In this verse, the Quran talks about:

  • The Atomic weight and
  • The Sub-Atomic weight

This may excite the intellectual scientific-minded Atheists to think about how Muhammad, the illiterate Arabic man talked about the Atomic weight and the Sub-Atomic weight more than 1400 years ago.


The verse 34:3 in different translations:


The unbelievers say: ‘the hour will never come to us. ‘Say: ‘by my Lord, yes, it is surely coming to you! By him who knows the unseen, not even the weight of an atom in heavens and earth escapes him; neither is there anything smaller than that, nor greater except that it is in a clear book,


And those who disbelieve say: the hour shall not come upon us. say: yea! by my Lord, the knower of the unseen, it shall certainly come upon you; not the weight of an atom becomes absent from him, in the heavens or in the earth, and neither less than that nor greater, but (all) is in a clear book


Those who disbelieve say: the hour will never come unto us. say: nay, by my Lord, but it is coming unto you surely. (he is) the knower of the unseen. not an atom’s weight, or less than that or greater, escapeth him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear record,


The unbelievers say, “never to us will come the hour”: say, “nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you;- by him who knows the unseen,- from whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the record perspicuous:

The Atom in Bible vs. Quran vs. Science

One of the inherited doctrines of humankind is that the “Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible”

In this series of articles, I will try to explore this Dogma on scientific basis to show up its legitimacy.

In the present topic of Atom, one may ask this:

Is it true that the Quran quoted from the Bible?

In addition, which book precedes the sciences? The book that mentioned the atom and the atomic weight for six times or the book that mentions neither the atom nor the atomic weight?

Before dealing with the topic of the, it may be fruitful to give some statistical hints. The total words in the Bible are 788,280 while total words in the Quran are 77,473.

It follows that, the Bible is more than 10 times the Quran referring to the number of words.

In other words, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times than the Quran to exhibit its goods. Back to the Atom and Atomic weight, they are not mentioned in the Bible and they are mentioned six times in the Quran.


the Atom and Atomic weight in the Bible:

When we search the Bible; we find that

1) No results would be found for atom,

2) No results would be found for atomic weight 3) No results would be found for subatomic Atomic weight. It follows that, the Bible does not mention the “Atom” or the “Atomic Weight” or the “Sub-Atomic Weight” On the other hand, the Quran is the first written book on the earth that mentions the “atom”, “atomic weight”, and “Sub-Atomic Weight”


Atom in the Quran:

The existence of particles smaller than the Atom: In ancient times, a well-known theory named ‘Theory of Atomism’ was widely acknowledged. Democritus, the Greek about 23 centuries ago, originally anticipated this theory. Democritus and the scholars who came after him, postulated that the smallest unit of matter was the atom.

The Arabs used to believe the same. The Arabic word “zarrah” most commonly meant an atom. In recent times, modern scientists have discovered that it is likely to split even an atom. The scientific development of the 20th century shows that the atom splits further to something smaller than the Atom.

 Fourteen centuries ago, this notion would have appeared unusual even to both the Greeks and the Arabs. For both the Atom and “zarrah” was the limit beyond which one could not go further. Nevertheless, the Noble Quran refuses to accept this limit that is put by the Greeks and the Arabs.

In Surah 34:3

“The Unbelievers say, “Never to us will come the Hour”: say, “Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you; – by Him Who knows the unseen – from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the Heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but (all) is recorded in a clear and profound book”.
This verse replied the Unbelievers who denied the “Hour” (the Day of Judgment and the afterlife).

The verse refers to the Omniscience of Allah,

Allah knows everything both hidden and apparent.

Allah is aware of everything, including what is smaller or bigger than the atom.

Thus, the verse 34:3 clearly shows that it is possible for something smaller than the atom to exist.

This scientific fact has discovered after the revelation of the Quran by 1350 years.

The subatomic weight in the Noble Quran: In Surah 10:61 “In whatever business thou mayest be, and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Qur’an,- and whatever deed ye (mankind) may be doing,- We are witnesses thereof when ye are deeply engrossed therein. Nor is hidden from thy Lord (so much as) And not the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven the sky escapeth your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that , but it is recorded ( written ) in a clear profound record (Book) “.

In Surah 34:22

“Say (O Muhammad): ” Call upon those whom ye assert (set up) besides Allah: they have no power – not the weight of an atom – in the heavens or on earth; no (sort of) share have they therein, nor is any of them a helper to Allah.” This is the Quranic teachings that give us a productive scientific hint about the subatomic weight,

Furthermore, the Quran gives us an advice to use this scientific hint in our life. How small the atom is?

If we know that every work we are doing even if it is smaller than an atom will be recorded and we will see it in the afterlife and either get rewarded or punished for it, then tell me how would be the style of mankind’s life if we believe in these Quranic teachings. If we read this verse in Surah 99:6 “On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the Deeds that they had done” This verse determines the final outcome for each of us. In Surah 99:7 “Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it!” In Surah 99:8 “And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it.” In conclusion, the Quran is the first book On Earth that mentions these three topics; 1) The Atom, 2) The Atomic weight and 3) The subatomic weight. No book before the Quran mentioned these three topics together. The thing is that the Quran is not a scientific book to give us detailed sophisticated scientific expression.

Nevertheless, the Quran uses these three topics for faith and religious purposes.

This unique style of the Quran is just to make you aware of three very important issues; they are:

1) Allah know everything, whatever it is, even if it is too smaller than the subatomic weight,

2) Our work even if it is too smaller than the subatomic weight is recorded and we will see it in the afterlife and

3) In the afterlife, the reward or punishment for our work will be the most fair because it weighs our deeds even if they are smaller than the subatomic weight. Good rewards and the forever-paradise for the good work. “Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.” Bad punishments and the forever fire for the bad work. “And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” Not only that, but Allah is the most generous; Allah will double the reward for the good deed. In Surah 4:40 “Allah is never unjust in the weight of an atom: if there is any good (done) He doubleth it, and giveth from His own presence a great reward.” It follows that whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it and get rewarded double time for it.


Back to our main issue; one may ask this: Is the Quran quoted from the Bible. In addition, which book precedes the sciences? The book which mentioned the atom , the atomic weight and the subatomic weight 6 times or the book which does not mention at all neither the atom or the atomic weight or the subatomic weight?

 Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil wrote this article

This is Allah (32) Allah’s Law: Every Nation has Predetermined Doom

The Disbelievers are the Inhabitants of the Eternal Fire in the Hereafter

In the Hereafter, there shall no Fear befall the Believers neither shall they Grieve


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:34-36 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah’s Law: every nation has predetermined period of time to end up,

2) In the Hereafter, there shall no fear befall the Believers neither shall they grieve and 3) the disbelievers will be the rightful owners (inhabitants) of the Eternal Fire in the Hereafter; they will abide therein forever, never to die or be removed.


The previous articles showed the story of Adam and Satan. 

In the Noble Quran, Allah told Adam that Satan is his manifest enemy. 

Satan made Adam disobeyed Allah and he committed the first sin in the history of mankind.

The previous article talked about Allah Has sent down onto man a garment, and the best is the garment of righteous deeds, Satan loves your nakedness to manifest your shameful parts and Satan and his tribe see you from whence you do not see them,

Then the previous articles showed the harmful effect of Satan on the disbelievers as regards their faith.


The meaning of verse 7:34

And every nation, every people that have a religion have its term, an appointed time for its end, and when its term, the time of their end come, they cannot put it off an hour; they are not given reprieve one fraction of a second after their appointed time nor yet advance it; they are not finished before the appointed time, even if it be by one fraction of a second. In short, every community has a term, a limited period of time. When their term comes they shall not delay it a single hour nor bring it forward.


The meaning of verse 7:35

O Children of Adam! If messengers from among you, of your own, which are human beings like you come unto you to narrate and recite unto you My revelations, explaining commands and prohibitions, then whosoever refrained from evil, whosoever believes in the Scripture and messenger and amended that which is between him and his Lord; then there shall no fear regarding torment come upon them neither shall they grieve about missing Paradise.


The meaning of verse 7:36

But they who deny Allah’s revelations, His Scripture and His messengers scorn believing in them, they are the rightful owners (inhabitants) of the Eternal Fire; they will abide therein forever, never to die or be removed.


Verses 7:34-36in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


34) To every nation a term; when their term comes they shall not delay it by a single hour, nor yet hasten it.

35) Children of Adam, when messengers of your own come to narrate to you my verses, those who are cautious and mend their ways will have nothing to fear neither shall they be saddened,

36) But, those who belie and grow proud against our verses shall be the inhabitants of the fire, and there they shall remain for ever.



34) And for every nation there is a doom, so when their doom is come they shall not remain behind the least while, nor shall they go before

35) O children of Adam! if there come to you messengers from among you relating to you my communications, then whoever shall guard (against evil) and act aright– they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve

36) And (as for) those who reject our communications and turn away from them haughtily– these are the inmates of the fire they shall abide in it



34) And every nation hath its term, and when its term cometh, they cannot put it off an hour nor yet advance (it).

35) O children of Adam! when messengers of your own come unto you who narrate unto you my revelations, then whosoever refraineth from evil and amendeth – there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.

36) But they who deny our revelations and scorn them – each are rightful owners of the fire; they will abide therein.



34) To every people is a term appointed: when their term is reached, not an hour can they cause delay, nor (an hour) can they advance (it in anticipation).

35) O ye children of Adam! whenever there come to you messengers from amongst you, rehearsing my signs unto you,- those who are righteous and mend (their lives),- on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.

36) But those who reject our signs and treat them with arrogance,- they are companions of the fire, to dwell therein (forever).

Chapter 6 of the Quran (114) Sun Rises from West?

There are many minor and major portents that predict the coming of the Hour. The most important are the major portents; if one of these major portents (e.g. the sun rise from the West) appears then men are done. No faith, works or repentance will be accepted from an unbeliever upon seeing the sun rise from the West!


The unbelievers and the Atheists deny the Resurrection after Death.

The unbelievers and the Atheists deny the Day of Judgment and meeting with Allah to requite them.

The unbelievers and the Atheists challenged the Prophet Muhammad to bring the Day of Judgment saying that they are waiting for it

Ayah 6:158 explains for them what they are waiting for; it says:

Indeed, they are waiting for nothing less than that the Angels should come unto them to take their souls away at the moment of death, or

There should come one of the portents from your Lord, one of the Hour’s portents.

It is well-known that there are many portents that predict the coming of the Hour.

These portents are of two categories, minor portents and major portents.

All of the minor portents happened nowadays.

However, the most important are the major portents; if one of these major portents appears then men are done, no repencentace will be accepted after the emergence of anyone of these major portents.

One of these major is the rising of the sun from the West!  

No faith, works or repentance will be accepted from an unbeliever upon seeing the sun rise from the West!

In short,

Are the unbelievers waiting for the Angel of Death? Or

Are they waiting for the emergence of one of the Hour major portents? Or

Are they waiting for meeting Allah on the Day of Judgment?

Say to them O Muhammad:

Wait and I am waiting too for your outcome!


The verse 6:158 in different translations


Were they waiting for the angels or your lord to come to them, or for some of the signs of your lord? On the day when some of the signs of your lord come, no soul will be benefited by its belief had it not believed before or earned good in its belief. Say: ‘wait, we were waiting.’


They do not wait aught but that the angels should come to them, or that your lord should come, or that some of the signs of your lord should come. On the day when some of the signs of your lord shall come, its faith shall not profit a soul which did not believe before, or earn good through its faith. say: wait; we too were waiting


Wait they, indeed, for nothing less than that the angels should come unto them, or thy lord should come, or there should come one of the portents from thy lord? in the day when one of the portents from thy lord cometh, its belief availeth naught a soul which theretofore believed not, nor in its belief earned good (by works). say: wait ye! Lo! We (too) were waiting.


Were they waiting to see if the angels come to them, or thy lord (himself), or certain of the signs of thy lord! The day that certain of the signs of thy lord do come, no good will it do to a soul to believe in them then if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its faith. Say: “wait ye: we too were waiting.”

Allah asks you (26) is the Eternal Fire better or the Eternal Garden?

Allah has prepared an Intense Eternal Fire for those who deny the Resurrection

When and for what the Disbelievers pray in the Eternal Fire?

What the noises produced from the Eternal Fire look like?


In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many.  In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.

In this article, Allah is asking mankind this question: is the Eternal Hell better or the garden of eternity which those who believe and guard against evil are promised? For them, that is a reward as well as a goal; it is their recompense and their arrival!  Therein, they have all that they desire; it is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.

Verses 25:11-16 of the Noble Quran give the question in this article:

is the Eternal Hell better or the garden of eternity which those who believe and guard against evil are promised? For them, that is a reward as well as a goal; it is their recompense and their arrival! 

Therein, they have all that they desire; it is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.


The meanings of verses 25:11-16 of the Noble Quran:

Verse 25:11 says:

Nay, they deny the coming of the Hour, the Resurrection, and for those who deny the coming of the Hour Allah has prepared an intense fire.


Verse 25:12 says:

When this intense fire sees them from a distant place, from a distance of 500 years, they will hear it raging, cracking, boiling like an enraged person when his heart boils with anger, and roaring, producing a powerful noise similar to the braying of a donkey (thereof) coming from the Fire. Alternatively, what is meant by their ‘hearing it raging’ is their vision of it and awareness of it.


Verse 25:13 says:

And when they are flung into a narrow place thereof, the narrowness of an arrowhead thereof in the Fire, such that it constricts them; bound together, shackled, with their hands bound to their necks in chains, they will at that point pray for destruction there, for their own annihilation, and it will be said to them:


Verse 25:14 says:

Do not pray for a single annihilation on this day, but pray for much annihilation! Pray for much destruction, for what has befallen you! This will be the nature of your chastisement.


Verse 25:15 says:

Say O Muhammad: ‘Is that, which is mentioned of the threat of chastisement and the description of the Fire, better, or the Garden of Immortality which has been promised to the God-fearing, which will be, in God’s knowledge, exalted be He, their requital, their reward, and journey’s end?

The Garden of Immortality will be their reward and their place of return in the Hereafter.


Verse 25:16 says:

Therein in the Eternal Garden never to die or come out, they have all that they desire, they like, they want and they wish. Therein, there is no ageing, sickness; they will have whatever they want.

It is for your Lord a promise that must be fulfilled;

They asked Him and He gave them.


Verses 25:11- 16 in different translations:


11) No, they belied the hour. we have prepared for him who belied the hour a blaze.

12) When it sees them from a far off place, they shall hear it raging and sighing.

13) And when, chained in (iron) fetters, they are cast into some narrow space of the fire, they will call out for destruction.

14) ‘do not call out today for one destruction; call out for many destructions. ‘

15) Say: ‘is that better, or the garden of eternity which the cautious have been promised? it is their recompense and their arrival! ‘

16) Living there for ever, they shall find in it all that they desire. That is a promise binding upon your lord, and to be asked of him.



11) But they reject the hour, and we have prepared a burning fire for him who rejects the hour

12) When it shall come into their sight from a distant place, they shall hear its vehement raging and roaring

13) And when they are cast into a narrow place in it, bound, they shall there call out for destruction

14) Call not this day for one destruction, but call for destructions many

15) Say: is this better or the abiding garden which those who guard (against evil) are promised? that shall be a reward and a resort for them

16) They shall have therein what they desire abiding (in it); it is a promise which it is proper to be prayed for from your lord



11) Nay, but they deny (the coming of) the hour, and for those who deny (the coming of) the hour we have prepared a flame.

12) When it seeth them from afar, they hear the crackling and the roar thereof.

13) And when they are flung into a narrow place thereof, chained together, they pray for destruction there.

14) Pray not that day for one destruction, but pray for many destructions!

15) Say: is that (doom) better or the garden of immortality which is promised unto those who ward off (evil)? it will be their reward and journey’s end.

16) Therein abiding, they have all that they desire. it is for thy lord a promise that must be fulfilled.



11) Nay they deny the hour (of the judgment to come): but we have prepared a blazing fire for such as deny the hour:

12) When it sees them from a place far off, they will hear its fury and its ranging sigh.

13) And when they are cast, bound together into a constricted place therein, they will plead for destruction there and then!

14) “This day plead not for a single destruction: plead for destruction oft-repeated!”

15) Say: “is that best, or the eternal garden, promised to the righteous? for them, that is a reward as well as a goal (of attainment).

16) “For them there will be therein all that they wish for: they will dwell (there) for aye: a promise to be prayed for from thy lord.”

Chapter 6 of the Quran (92) None Can Escape

Allah can eradicate the entire unbelievers and can cause what He will to follow after you, even as He raised you from the seed of other folk generation after generation.  Truly, that which you were promised of the dwelling of the unbelievers in the Eternal Hell will surely come to pass, finally, and they cannot escape and none of their friends can help them


Ayah 6:133 says:

Your Lord is Independent of His creatures and their worship.

Thy Lord is the Absolute free of the need for their faith

He is the Lord of Mercy.

If He will, He can remove the entire unbelievers by destroying you, and leave whom He will, of creatures, to succeed after you, just as He raised you from the seed of other people; but He has spewed you, as a mercy to you.

Allah can remove the entire unbelievers and can cause what He will to follow after you, even as He raised you from the seed of other folk generation after generation.

Ayah 6:134 says:

Truly, that which you were promised will surely come to pass and nobody can escape.

This means that:

Truly, that which you were promised, of Death will surely come to pass, inevitably, and you cannot escape

Truly, that which you were promised of revival will surely come to pass, unescapably, and you cannot elude

Truly, that which you were promised of the Hour will surely come to pass, unavoidably, and you cannot escape

Truly, that which you were promised of Day of Judgment will surely come to pass, certainly, and you cannot escape

Truly, that which you were promised of questioning you for what you have done in the life of this world will surely come to pass, definitely, and you cannot escape

Truly, that which you were promised of the chastisement of the unbelievers will surely come to pass, unquestionably, and they cannot escape

Truly, that which you were promised of the dwelling of the unbelievers in the Eternal Hell will surely come to pass, finally, and they cannot escape and none of their friends can help them


The verses 6:133-134 in different translations


133) Your lord is rich and the owner of mercy. he can destroy you if he will and replace you with whom he pleases, just as he raised you from the offspring of other nations.

134) that which you were promised is sure to come. you shall not frustrate me.


133) and your lord is the self-sufficient one, the lord of mercy; if he pleases, he may take you off, and make whom he pleases successors after you, even as he raised you up from the seed of another people

134) surely what you were threatened with must come to pass and you cannot escape (it)


133) Thy lord is the absolute, the lord of mercy. if he will, he can remove you and can cause what he will to follow after you, even as he raised you from the seed of other folk.

134) lo! that which ye were promised will surely come to pass, and ye cannot escape.


133) Thy lord is self-sufficient, full of mercy: if it were his will, he could destroy you, and in your place appoint whom he will as your successors, even as he raised you up from the posterity of other people.

134) all that hath been promised unto you will come to pass: nor can ye frustrate it (in the least bit).

Chapter 6 of the Quran (38) Allah’s knowledge

None has the keys of the unseen save Allah; He knows in full details anything, everything, all things that happened, happens and will happen; all were written and recorded in the Preserved Tablet.   



Allah knows everything.

Ayah 6:59 talks about the knowledge of Allah in a simplified way; however, Allah’s knowledge is absolutely unlimited.


Ayah 6:59 says:

None has the keys of the unseen save Allah, exalted be He.

None knows the paths that lead to knowledge of of the unseen save Allah.

None knows when the Hour but Allah is.

Allah knows the treasure stores of the unseen: rain, vegetation, fruits, and the descent of punishment they asked for on the Day of Badr.(the first battle between the Muslims and the unbelievers of Mecca; read the previous article).

Allah knows what is happening, on land, in the deserts, and in the waters; He knows that which is in the land and sea of created beings and marvels; it is also said that this means: Allah knows what He destroys in the land and in the sea.


Not a leaf falls from a tree except He knows how many times it spins in the air before it falls.

And there is no grain in the shadows (darkness) of the earth, fresh or withered, nothing of wet or dry but is recorded in a clear book namely, the Preserved Tablet. 

Everything is written in the Guarded Tablet with their precise measure and time.


In short, Allah knows in full details anything, everything, all things that happened, happens and will happen; all were written and recorded in the Guarded Tablet   



The verses 6:59 in different translations



With Him were the keys of the unseen, none knows them but He. He knows that which is in the land and sea. No leaf falls except he knows it, and there is no grain in the darkness of the earth, fresh or withered, but is recorded in a clear book.



And with Him were the keys of the unseen treasures– none knows them but he; and he knows what is in the land and the sea, and there falls not a leaf but he knows it, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything green nor dry but (it is all) in a clear book.



And with Him were the keys of the invisible. None but he knoweth them. And he knoweth what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falleth but he knoweth it, not a grain amid the darkness of the earth, naught of wet or dry but (it is noted) in a clear record.



With Him were the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but he. He knoweth wver there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with his knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read).