Atheists in Quran (50) think about Earth’s Rotation

The Quran talks about Earth’s rotation saying:

Have you considered, if Allah were to make the night everlasting over you until the Day of Resurrection? Who is a god beside Allah who could bring you light? Moreover,

What would you think if Allah made daylight everlasting for you until the Day of Judgment without night? Who is a god beside Allah who could bring you night?


Earth’s rotation is the rotation of the Earth around its own axis. The Earth rotates from the west towards the east in counter-clockwise movement.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun.

Earth’s Rotation is the cause Day and Night.

Half of the Earth is daylight while, at the same time, the other half is dark night.

Watch this video of “Day and Night and Earth’s Rotation”

Now let us see how the Quran has dealt with this scientific knowledge since more than 1400 years ago.

The Quran declares many times that Allah, the Almighty Creator, created the Earth.

Allah gave the Earth its features that causes seasons, night and day, earthquake, volcanic eruptions, fertile soil, Desertification etc.

The Earth submits totally to Allah’s will.

Allah commanded the Earth to rotate around its own axis from the west towards the east once in about 24 hours and the Earth obeyed.

What if Allah commands the Earth to stop its rotation around its axis?

What if Allah orders the Earth: Stop Rotation?

In this case,

  • Half of the Earth that is facing the sun will be eternally daylight
  • The other half will be eternally dark night

The verses 28:71-72 of the Noble Quran talk about this issue.

The verses take the Atheists and unbelievers on a round presenting them with scenes of the universe. The verses alert them to two great universal signs.

The daily two alternative miracles

In the physical world the Night and the Day are both blessings, the one for rest and the other for work, and the alternation itself is one of the mercies of Allah, and none but Allah can give us these blessings.

Because of their long familiarity with the succession of night and day, people forget their ever-renewing status. Rarely do they admire the sunrise or sunset, and only rarely do they reflect thoughtfully on the spreading of the day or the darkening that ushers in the night. They do not reflect on the act of grace that brings their succession with all that it involves of mercy and life renewal. The Quran alerts them from the long familiarity that blunts their senses and invites them to reflect on these great universal scenes. It presents them with the possibility of either the night or the day lasting forever, and the terrible consequences of either eventuality.

It is a fact that people seldom appreciate things until they lose them.

The meanings of the verses 28:71-72

Say, to them, O Muhammad: ‘Have you considered, if Allah were to make the night everlasting over you until the Day of Resurrection, what god other than Allah, could bring you daylight during which you could earn a living?

Will you not then listen to this in a way to understand it, and so repent and submit to Allah?

Will you not then hear?

Will you not obey He who made the day and the night for you?

People miss the light of day when the winter nights become a little longer, and cannot wait for the bright sun when it disappears for a few hours behind clouds. What will they do then if they lose its light completely, with the night stretching perpetually over their world?

This question supposes that they will remain alive in such an eventuality, when all life is in peril unless daylight is forthcoming.


Say also to them, O Muhammad: what do you think if Allah made daylight everlasting for you until the Day of Judgment without night, who is a god other than Allah who could, bring you night wherein you rest from any weariness?

Will you not then see the error you are upon when you do not believe and so repent of it.

Will you not believe He Who made the day and the night for you?

People look for the shade when the hours of day stretch and become very hot, and they look forward to the coming of the night when the days stretch longer in the summer. They enjoy their repose and rest in the night. All creatures need the night when they can renew the energy they spend during the day. What would happen to them then, should they remain alive, if the day is endlessly perpetuated until the Day of Judgment?

Indeed, all life could perish in a day that never ends.


The verses 28:71-72 in different translations:


71-Say: ‘think! What if Allah should enshroud you in unceasing night till the day of resurrection, what god, other than Allah, shall bring you light! Will you not hear?’

72-Say: ‘what would you think if Allah should make the day unceasing over you till the day of resurrection, what god, other than Allah, shall bring you the night to sleep in. will you not see? ‘


71-Say: tell me, if Allah were to make the night to continue incessantly on you till the day of resurrection, who is the god besides Allah that could bring you light? Do you not then hear?

72-Say: tell me, if Allah were to make the day to continue incessantly on you till the day of resurrection, who is the god besides Allah that could bring you the night in which you take rest? Do you not then see?


71-Say: have ye thought, if Allah made night everlasting for you till the day of resurrection, who is a god beside Allah who could bring you light? Will ye not then hear?

72-Say: have ye thought, if Allah made day everlasting for you till the day of resurrection, who is a god beside Allah who could bring you night wherein ye rest? Will ye not then see?


71-Say: see ye? If Allah were to make the night perpetual over you to the day of judgment, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you enlightenment? Will ye not then hearken?

72-Say: see ye? if Allah were to make the day perpetual over you to the day of judgment, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you a night in which ye can rest? Will ye not then see?

Atheists in Quran (45) their arrogance: diagnosis and treatment

This article declare three important issues about the Atheists; they are 1) How they becomes arrogant? 2) How they express their arrogance? 3) The treatment of their arrogance


How they become arrogant?

Man habitually forgets the fact that he is a weak small creature and that whatever strength he may have does not originate from within himself, but from Allah, the source of all strength and power.

Forgetting his bond with Allah, man begins to swell and take on prides.

Arrogance, thus, begins to establish itself within the heart of human being.

On the other hand, man has an essential evident enemy, the Satan.

Satan’s job = to make man astray

Satan’s target = to lead man to hell

Satan, who doomed himself because of his arrogance, works on man to increase his arrogance knowing that through it he can bring man to deterioration.

How the Atheists express their arrogance?

The Atheist disputes Allah’s revelations even when they are clear, addressing human nature with the sort of argument that appeals to it.

The Atheist also claims to himself and others that he is only raising questions because he is not yet convinced.

However, Allah who knows the inner feelings and secret thoughts of all His creatures makes clear that all this is the result of man’s arrogance.

Such arrogance prompts man to argue and dispute Allah’s revelations over which there can be no dispute.

Such arrogance also drives man to aspire to what is beyond his status and what his nature cannot attain.

Yet he has no solid basis for such argument for it is rooted deeply in nothing but his own arrogance:

“As for those who dispute Allah’s revelations, with no authority granted to them, there is nothing in their hearts but a quest for a greatness they will never attain.” (Verse 56)

If only man would understand the truth about himself and the universe, recognizing his role and not trying to exceed it, appreciating

that he is one of countless creatures each doing their role by Allah’s will and according to His design which He alone knows, he would certainly feel relaxed, humble, living in peace with himself and with the world around him.

If man did this, he would easily and readily submit himself to Allah. He would also do this without any hesitation.

“Seek, then, refuge with Allah, for He is the One who hears all and sees all.” (Verse 56)

Seeking refuge with Allah against arrogance is indicative of how grisly it is.

The believers seek Allah’s refuge in order to escape what is ghastly, horrible and evil. Arrogance combines all these. Moreover, it is hard for the arrogant person and for those around him. It causes harm to the heart in which it stirs and to other people’s hearts.

Arrogance is an evil we should seek refuge with Allah from it.

Allah hears all and sees all.

Arrogance is manifested by visible action and/or audible words.

Therefore, it is left to Allah to decide upon it as He pleases.

Man is then told of his true position in this great universe: how small he is in comparison to some of Allah’s creatures, the great magnitude of which is readily visible and better appreciated on careful examination:

“The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of man; yet most people do not understand.” (Verse 57)

The heavens and the earth are there for man to see and to measure himself in relation to them. When he knows the reality of the proportions of distance, dimension, size and power, he reduces his pride, feels his smallness and almost disappears. He can only hold his own when he remembers the superior element Allah has granted him, and for which Allah has honored him.

A quick glance at the universe is sufficient to appreciate all this. The earth on which we live is merely a small satellite of the sun: its mass compared to the mass of the sun is no more than three to a million, while its size is one-millionth of the size of the sun. Yet the sun is only one of around billion suns our galaxy includes.

Man now knows that there are around billion such galaxies dispersed in the great expanse of the universe.

Still, what we have discovered of the universe is merely a small part; it is so great that we become dazed when we even try to imagine it. The distance between the sun and us is about 93 million miles. The sun is the head of the family of our planet earth, and most probably, the sun is the mother of the earth.

Therefore, the earth remains close to its mother, standing merely 93 million miles away from it!

The diameter of our galaxy = one hundred billion light years, with one light year measuring 5.8 billion miles, because light travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second.

The closest galaxy to our own is around 750,000 light years away.

We may say again that these distances and dimensions are the best man’s little knowledge has determined.

Scientists acknowledge that all their discoveries cover only a small part of this great universe.

Allah says:

“The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of man; yet most people do not understand” (Verse 57) When we speak of Allah’s power and ability, the concepts of greater or smaller, harder or easier do not apply. He creates everything by a single word, ‘Be!’ The reference here is to how things appear in themselves and how people see and measure them. How does man compare to this great expanse of the universe?

How high can his arrogance take him in Allah’s great creation?

“The blind and the seeing are not equal; nor can those who believe and do good works and those who do evil be deemed equal.” (Verse 58)

The one who is able to see learns and understands, recognizing his station. He does not give himself prides, nor does he allow conceit to distort his judgment.

By contrast, a blind person cannot recognize his position in relation to his surroundings. Therefore, he misjudges his position and what is around him.

The same applies to those believers who do good works and those who do evil. The first group see things for what they are and form accurate ideas, while the other group misjudges all due to their blind ignorance. They harm themselves and others, and above all, they assign to themselves an erroneous position in relation to their environment.

They are blind, for true blindness is that of the mind:

“How seldom you reflect.” (Verse 58)

Had we reflected, we would have known. The whole thing is clear, needing only some reflection before it becomes very apparent.

If only we would remember the hereafter, be certain of its coming, reflect on our position then and recall how we will then stand

“The Last Hour is sure to come: of this there is no doubt. Yet most people will not believe.” (Verse 59)

Because they do not believe, they argue and give themselves prides; they do not submit to the truth and do not limit themselves to their rightful position.

The treatment of their arrogance

Addressing our worship to Allah, praying and appealing to Him, are all means to cure hearts of arrogance, which is the evil that leads people to dispute His revelations and signs without any clear evidence.

Allah opens the door for us to address and pray to Him. He tells us that He has committed Himself to respond to those who pray to Him, warning those who are too proud that they will suffer total humiliation:

“Your Lord says: Call on Me, and I shall answer you. Those who are too proud to worship Me shall enter hell humiliated.” (Verse 60)

Supplication and prayer must observe certain manners.

  • Hearts must be totally dedicated to Allah,
  • Be sure that He will answer our prayer.
  • We must not suggest a particular form, time, or circumstance for answering it. To make such a suggestion is improper when appealing to Allah. We should be clear in our minds that it is a blessing that we address our prayers to Allah, and that His response is another blessing.

Those who are too proud to pray to Allah and appeal to Him deserve their just reward, which leads them to enter hell in total humiliation.

Such is the fitting end of the arrogance that fills some hearts in this small planet and short life, forgetting the greatness of Allah’s creation, let alone His own greatness. It is suitable requital for forgetting the Last Hour, which will inevitably come.


The verses 40:56-60 in different translations:


56- (As for) those who dispute the verses of Allah without authority having been given to them, there is nothing in their chests but pride; that, they shall never attain. therefore seek refuge in Allah, surely, he is the hearer, the seer.

57-Indeed, the creation of heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, yet most people do not know.

58-The blind and the seeing are not equal, nor are those who believe and do good works, and the wrongdoer yet you seldom reflect.

59-There is no doubt that the hour is coming, yet most people do not believe.

60-Your Lord has said: ‘call on me and i will answer you. those who are too proud to worship me shall enter gehenna utterly abject. ‘


56-Surely (as for) those who dispute about the communications of Allah without any authority that has come to them, there is naught in their breasts but (a desire) to become great which they shall never attain to; therefore seek refuge in Allah, surely he is the hearing, the seeing

57-Certainly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the men, but most people do not know

58-And the blind and the seeing are not alike, nor those who believe and do good and the evil-doer; little is it that you are mindful

59-Most surely, the hour is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people do not believe

60-And your Lord says: call upon me, i will answer you; surely those who are too proud for my service shall soon enter hell abased


56-Lo! Those who wrangle concerning the revelations of Allah without a warrant having come unto them, there is naught else in their breasts save pride which they will never attain. So take thou refuge in Allah. lo! he, only he, is the hearer, the seer.

57-Assuredly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind; but most of mankind know not.

58-And the blind man and the seer are not equal, neither are those who believe and do good works (equal with) the evil-doer. little do ye reflect!

59-Lo! The hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not.

60-And your Lord hath said: pray unto me and i will hear your prayer. lo! those who scorn my service, they will enter hell, disgraced.


56-Those who dispute about the signs of Allah without any authority bestowed on them,- there is nothing in their breasts but (the quest of) greatness, which they shall never attain to: seek refuge, then, in Allah: it is he who hears and sees (all things).

57-Assuredly, the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater (matter) than the creation of men: yet most men understand not.

58-Not equal are the blind and those who (clearly) see: nor are (equal) those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and those who do evil. little do ye learn by admonition!

59-The hour will certainly come: therein is no doubt: yet most men believe not.

60-And your Lord says: “call on me; i will answer your (prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve me will surely find themselves in hell – in humiliation!”

Atheists in Quran (26) Noah vs. their limitless pride

The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless. In their rotten arguments with Noah, they said nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts. Noah remains unaffected by their false accusations; He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. Noah does not make false claims or accusations as they have done.


The Atheists’ pride and arrogance are limitless.

The Atheists who were the council, notables, the respected elders and the chieftains of Noah’s people claim that:

  • Noah wants to force us to accept his religion
  • Noah claims his religion and his prophet hood to gain money
  • We will never ever sit with Noah and listen to him unless he drives away those who are the most abject, lowly, and weak and the riffraff among us, who have followed him before us. We commanded Noah to drive them away

This is an example of the Atheists’ Rotten arguments

They said such nasty statements to testify their unbelieving thoughts

Noah remains unaffected by the false accusations, insolence and blind rejection with which his people have received his message.

He applies his own values and maintains his own standards. He does not make false claims or accusations as they have done. Nor does he try to give himself any false image or impart anything alien to his message.

However, Allah inspired Noah the answers for their rotten arguments.

Noah addresses his Atheists people with kindness and friendliness stressing his relationship to them:  O My people

O my people, have you considered if I am acting upon a clear proof from my Lord and He has given me the mercy of prophet hood and it has been obscured from you

Bethink you, if I rely on a clear exposition, which has come down from my Lord

Allah favored me with his mercy that come unto me.  It is the prophet hood and the religion.

  • Can we compel you to it, while you are averse to it?
  • Are we able to force you to accept it, while you are antagonistic to it?
  • can we inspire it or teach it to when you are deniers of it

We are not able to do that.

Noah continued, O my people,

  • I do not ask of you any wealth that you should give me for conveying the Allah’s Message.
  • I ask of you no wealth, no price in exchange for believing in Allah’s divine Oneness.
  • My wage, my reward, falls only upon God
  • I will not drive away those who believe, as you have commanded me.
  • I am not going to thrust away those who believe because of what you say. Lo! they have to meet their Lord and report me to Him,
  • Those believers shall surely meet their Lord, at the Resurrection, and
  • Allah will requite them and exact vengeance for them from those who wronged them, mocked them and drove them away.
  • I see you are a people who are ignorant, of the consequence of your affair.
  • I see you a folk that are ignorant of the command of Allah.

Moreover, Noah said:

O my people, who would help, defend and save me against Allah’s chastisement, if I drive the believers away due to what you say?

There is none to help, defend and save me.

Will you not then remember?

When you admonished by what I say and hence believe?


Some of the important lessons of this story:

  • I seek no financial gain for my call
  • Noah’s reward rests with none but Allah
  • Noah cannot favor the rich over the poor
  • All people are equal; Allah does not make any distinction based on their wealth, power, race, color, position

Herein, one has to be alert about the relationship between preaching and money.

The true and real relationship between preaching and money is that they are not related.

The true honest genuine preacher never ever asks for money or accept money for his job; he knows that his reward rests with none but God.

Hence, any preacher asks for donation is relying on the money not on the Lord of the universe.

I have to tell you that some kind readers who are interested in my posts keep blaming me that I do not have a donation button to donate my website.

In fact, I do not have any answer but that of the great Prophet Noah: “My reward rests with none but Allah”


The verses 11:28-30 in different translations:


28-He said: ‘what do you think my nation? If I have a clear proof from my lord and he has given me mercy from him, though it is hidden from you, can we compel you to accept it when you hate it?

29-My nation, for this I do not ask you for your wealth for my wage is only with Allah. Nor will I drive away the believers, for they will surely meet their lord. but, I can see that you are ignorant.

30-Were i to drive you away my nation, who would help me from Allah? Will you not remember?


28-He said: o my people! tell me if I have with me clear proof from my lord, and he has granted me mercy from himself and it has been made obscure to you; shall we constrain you to (accept) it while you are averse from it?

29-And, o my people! I ask you not for wealth in return for it; my reward is only with Allah and i am not going to drive away those who believe; surely they shall meet their lord, but i consider you a people who are ignorant:

30-And, o my people! Who will help me against Allah if i drive them away? Will you not then mind?


28-He said: o my people! bethink you, if I rely on a clear proof from my lord and there hath come unto me a mercy from his presence, and it hath been made obscure to you, can we compel you to accept it when ye are averse thereto?

29-And o my people! i ask of you no wealth therefor. my reward is the concern only of Allah, and I am not going to thrust away those who believe – lo! they have to meet their lord! – but I see you a folk that are ignorant.

30-And, o my people! Who would deliver me from Allah if i thrust them away? Will ye not then reflect?


28-He said: “o my people! see ye if (it be that) I have a clear sign from my lord, and that he hath sent mercy unto me from his own presence, but that the mercy hath been obscured from your sight? Shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it?

29-“And o my people! I ask you for no wealth in return: my reward is from none but Allah: but I will not drive away (in contempt) those who believe: for verily they are to meet their lord, and ye i see are the ignorant ones!

30-“And o my people! Who would help me against Allah if I drove them away? Will ye not then take heed?

Atheists in Quran (24) they said: Noah is maniac

Do the Atheists know? 1) Who is the first ever professor of how to build a ship? The great Angel Gabriel, 2) who is the first ever shipbuilder among humankind? The great Prophet Noah and 3) what is the flood? It is = Allah’s Will cleared the road of obstacles so that human life could continue its march along the road assigned to it. However, the Atheists who are not aware of that said: Noah is maniac.


In the first article of this series [Atheists in Quran (1) Noah and the Atheists] we have seen that,

Allah sent Noah to his people to tell them:

  • My people, you have no other god save Allah
  • My people, profess Allah’s divine Oneness, and worship and obey him.
  • Will you not then fear His punishment in worshipping gods other than Him?

However, the chieftains Atheists among his folk, said to their followers:

We never heard of such, an affirmation of God’s Oneness as that which Noah summons us, among our ancestors or among past communities.

Then what happened?

The verses 23: 23:25-27 say:

The chieftains Atheists among Noah’s folk, said to their followers:

Noah is just a man possessed by madness, a case of dementia.

So wait and bear with him for a while until he dies.

The Atheists are incapable of understanding that they are imprisoned within their narrow walls, unable to break into the wide universe! They accuse those who advocate freedom of thought of being mad, calling on them to think and reflect.

When they are reminded of the pointers to the truth all around them, their reply is full of arrogance, reiterating accusations: “He is but a madman; so bear with him for a while.”

Bear with him until he dies when we will be relieved of him, his message and his persistent advocacy of faith.

At this moment, Noah could not find any way by which he could soften such stonehearted people. He could only protect himself against their ridicule by putting his complaint to God and seeking His support

In his supplication to Allah, Noah, said,

‘O My Lord, my people denied me and called me a liar, so please help me against them. Help me through sending a punishment upon them’

Allah, exalted be He, says, responding to his supplication:

Then We inspired in him, We sent Gabriel to him saying:

Make the ship, start building a ship Our gaze and through that which We inspired you.

Build the Ark, the ship, under Our watch, under Our observation and protection, and by Our revelation, Our command

Then, when Our command and Our punishment comes and the water gushes out of the oven introduce therein and transport in the ship two spouses of every kind: a male and a female

When the oven, of the baker, gushes, with water — and this was Noah’s sign— bring into it, admit into the ship, of every kind [of animal] two mates, a male and a female and

Take those of your household who believe in you save him thereof against whom the Word that he will be punished has already gone forth.

It is said that all those who were on the ship numbered eighty, half of them were men and half were women.

Moreover, do not plead with Me (by means of supplications) on behalf of those who have done wrong

This means do not plead with Allah to save those who disbelieved among your people

Lo! The unbelievers will be drowned in the flood.

It was Allah’s Will that the road should be cleared of obstacles so that human life could continue its march along the road assigned to it.

Nevertheless, what about the command of “do not plead with Allah to save those who disbelieved among your people?”

See the next article.


The verses 23:25-27 in different translations:


25- He is nothing else except a man who is mad, so watch him for awhile.

26- He (Noah) said: ‘Lord, help me, for they belie me. ‘

27- We said to him: ‘make the ark under our eye, and our revelation, and then when our command comes and the oven gushes water, take onboard a pair from every kind and your family, except him against whom the decision has already been passed. do not address me concerning those who have done evil; they shall be drowned.


25- He is only a madman, so bear with him for a time

26- He said: o my Lord! Help me against their calling me a liar

27- So we revealed to him, saying: make the ark before our eyes and (according to) our revelation; and when our command is given and the valley overflows, take into it of every kind a pair, two, and your followers, except those among them against whom the word has gone forth, and do not speak to me in respect of those who are unjust; surely they shall be drowned


25- He is only a man in whom is a madness, so watch him for a while.

26- He said: my Lord! Help me because they deny me.

27- Then we inspired in him, saying: make the ship under our eyes and our inspiration. then, when our command cometh and the oven gusheth water, introduce therein of every (kind) two spouses, and thy household save him thereof against whom the word hath already gone forth. and plead not with me on behalf of those who have done wrong. lo! they will be drowned.


25- (And some said): “he is only a man possessed: wait (and have patience) with him for a time.”

26- (Noah) said: “o my Lord! Help me: for that they accuse me of falsehood!”

27- So we inspired him (with this message): “construct the ark within our sight and under our guidance: then when comes our command, and the fountains of the earth gush forth, take thou on board pairs of every species, male and female, and thy family- except those of them against whom the word has already gone forth: and address me not in favour of the wrong-doers; for they shall be drowned (in the flood).

Atheists in Quran (22) their reward = Woe

The Atheists among the Arabs said to the believers in the Prophet Muhammad ‘If there is Hereafter, then we will receive the same reward as that which you will receive’.  The Quran declares that their reward is Woe.


The verses 38:27-28 set some facts,

The creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them was not without purpose. Their creation is based on the truth and for a definite intent.

Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in vain, frivolously or for no particular purpose.

This is the supposition of the Atheists who disbelieve. That is the opinion of the Atheists who deny the resurrection after death.

So woe to the disbelievers from the Eternal Fire!

Severe chastisement is awaiting for them.

The creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them is based on the truth and for a definite intent.

The Atheists cannot imagine such truth and facts because they do not relate to the great truth on which the universe is based. Henceforth, they entertain ill thoughts about their Lord.

Moreover, they will not understand the truth: “That is what the unbelievers assume. Woe betide the unbelievers when they are cast in the fire.” (Verse 27)

The truth embodied in Allah’s blessed book is for people with insight and understanding so that they can study its verses and reflect on the essential facts of existence.

  • Are the good deeds equated with the corruption
  • Is Allah-fearing equated with the wicked

The Atheists among the Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad said to the believers:

‘In the Hereafter we will receive the same [reward] as that which you will receive’

Then Allah revealed the verse 38:28, it says:

  • Shall Allah treat those who believe n Muhammad and in the Quran and perform righteous deeds obedience between themselves and their Lord like those who do not believe and cause corruption in the earth; or
  • Shall Allah treat the God-fearing like the profligate?
  • Shall Allah treat the Pious who ward off disbelief, indecent acts, like the wicked unbelievers


The verses 38:27-28 in different translations:


27-It was not in falsehood that we created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. that is the thought of the unbelievers. but woe to the unbelievers because of the fire!

28-Are we to make those who believe and do good works the same as those who corrupt the earth? are we to make the righteous as the wicked?


27-And we did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain; that is the opinion of those who disbelieve then woe to those who disbelieve on account of the fire

28-Shall we treat those who believe and do good like the mischief-makers in the earth? or shall we make those who guard (against evil) like the wicked?


27-And we created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in vain. that is the opinion of those who disbelieve. and woe unto those who disbelieve, from the fire!

28-Shall we treat those who believe and do good works as those who spread corruption in the earth; or shall we treat the pious as the wicked?


27-Not without purpose did we create heaven and earth and all between! that were the thought of unbelievers! but woe to the unbelievers because of the fire (of hell)!

28-Shall we treat those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth? shall we treat those who guard against evil, the same as those who turn aside from the right?

Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (7)

·         Another Catholic Priest Makes Shahadah

·         Orthodox Arch Bishop leaves church for Islam

·         Daughter of Hindu Pundit (Religious Leader) –

·         Hundreds – Thousands – Still Coming

·         Why? Good question.

·         Nine Steps to Purify the Heart



How a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam?

How could a preacher have turned his back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins and converted to Islam?

The ex-preacher American Yusuf Estes continues saying:


Another Catholic Priest Makes Shahadah

The very next year I met a former Catholic priest who had been a missionary for 8 years in Africa. He learned about Islam while he was there and entered into Islam. He then changed his name to Omar and moved to Dallas Texas.


Any more? Again – Yes! Orthodox Arch Bishop leaves church for Islam

Two years later, while in San Antonio, Texas I was introduced to a former Arch Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Russia who learned about Islam and gave up his position to enter Islam.


Daughter of Hindu Pundit (Religious Leader) – Accepts Islam – Helping thousands to Islam

I met a woman in New York who wanted to make our CDs about “What Is Islam?” After giving her permission several years ago, I have learned she has produced and distributed over 600 thousand of these to the non-Muslims in America. May Allah reward her and keep her strong in her efforts, amen.


Hundreds – Thousands – Still Coming

And since my own entrance into Islam and becoming a chaplain to the Muslims throughout the country and around the world, I have encountered many more individuals who were leaders, teachers and scholars in other religions who learned about Islam and entered into it. They came from Hindus, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Greek and Russian Orthodox, Coptic Christians from Egypt, non-denominational churches and even scientists who had been atheists.


Why? Good question.

The combination always seems to be the same; people are sincerely seeking the truth and are willing to put their different prejudices and biases out of their minds and begin to ask God for His Guidance in their lives.

So, now you have the introduction to the story of my coming into Islam and becoming Muslim. There is more on the Internet about this story and there are more pictures there as well. Please take the time to visit it and then please take the time to email me and let us come together to share in all truths based on proofs for understanding our origins and our purpose and goals in this life and the Next Life.


9 Steps to Purify the Heart

May I suggest to the seeker of truth do the following NINE STEPS to purification of the heart?

1)   Clean – your mind, your heart & soul – remove all prejudices & biases.

2)   Thank God – for what you have – every moment of every day.

3)   Read – a good translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran in a language that they can understand best. (

4)   Reflect on the meanings & consider the bounties of your Lord.

5)   Seek – Forgiveness From God & Learn to Forgive others.

6)   Ask – in your heart for Guidance from Above.

7)   Open – your heart and mind.

8)   Continue – to do this up for a few months. And be regular in it.

9)   Avoid – the poison of evil while your heart is opening for the “rebirth of your soul.”


Remember: Clean; Thank; Read; Reflect – then:

“Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given thee. Knock, and it shall be opened.” Then: Continue & Avoid

The rest is between you and the Almighty Lord of the Universe. If you truly love Him, then He already Knows it and He will deal with each of us according to our hearts.



Now as I promised here are the answers to the questions many have asked me connected with my choice of Islam:

1. “How could you have turned your back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross for you sins?”

Answer: Your question implies you have not considered the similarities and teachings of the Bible and the Quran.

“ISLAM” means – “Surrender, submit and obey your Lord in sincerity and peace.” Whoever is trying to do this, is a “MUSLIM.” If someone believes in Almighty God as One God and One Lord and wants to commit their life to serving Him and obeying His Commandments, then that person will be in the right way and they will be “saved” according to God’s Mercy. No one can take the sins of another and the guilty must stand accused for what they have done. It will be up to Almighty God to Forgive or Punish according to His Judgment on that Day.


Written by: Chaplain Yusuf Estes

To be continued.

This is Allah (31) Allah forbids open and hidden adultery

Allah Commands: eat and drink but do not be excessive

Allah does not love those who are excessive and prodigal

Allah does not love those who are excessive

The Arabs used to forbid foods and clothes during the days of pilgrimage

The Arab Disbelievers were forbidding what Allah has not forbidden

Allah forbids open and Secret adultery


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 7:31-33 of the Noble Quran talk about:

1) Allah does not love those who are excessive and prodigal,

2) Allah Commands: eat and drink do not be excessive; He does not love those who are excessive,

3) The Arabs used to forbid themselves meat and fat during the days of pilgrimage,

4) The Arab Disbelievers were forbidding what Allah has not forbidden and

5) Allah forbids open and Secret adultery


The meaning of verse 7:31

O Children of Adam! Don your adornment, that which covers your nakedness, at every place of worship, at prayer and upon circumambulation of the Holy House in Mecca, and eat and drink, what you want, but do not be excessive; He truly does not love those who are excessive.

In other words, eat and drink, but do not be prodigal, do not declare unlawful wholesome foods. 

Lo! Allah does not love the prodigals, those who transgress by leaving the lawful and going after the unlawful even in eating and drinking..

This verse puts a golden principle about relationship between the health and food; one can speculate that over-eating is not only a health problem but also it is from Satan who made the Arabs before Islam worshiped Allah while they were NAKED!  See article 33.


The meaning of verse 7:32

Say O Muhammad to the disbelievers: ‘Who has forbidden the wearing of clothes during the days of pilgrimage, in the Sacred Precinct and upon circumambulation of the Holy House in Mecca? Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants, in the way of garments, and the good things, the delicious foods, and the good things of Allah’ sustenance and providing?’ For in the pre-Islamic days they used to forbid themselves meat and fat during the days of pilgrimage, and entered the Sacred Precinct completely naked: the men during the day and the women during the night. Allah made these practices unlawful.

Say: ‘These, on the Day of Resurrection, shall be exclusively for those who believed during the life of this world and the disbelievers will never have anything of that. Thus, in the Quran, We detail the signs, We explain them in such detail, for a people who know’, who reflect, for they are the ones to profit from these [signs].

In other words, all the good things, on the Day of Resurrection, will be only for those who believed during the life of the world in Muhammad and the Quran, while both believer and sinner will enjoy them during the life of this world. Allah elucidates the Quran by explaining the lawful and the unlawful for people who have knowledge, for people who believe it is from Allah.


The meaning of verse 7:33

Say) to them, O Muhammad: My Lord forbids only indecencies, grave sins, such as fornication, such of them as are apparent and such as are hidden, that is, the overt ones and the secret ones, and sin, the act of disobedience, and wrongful insolence, against people, namely, oppression, and that you associate with Allah that for which He never revealed any warrant, any definitive proof for such association, and that you say concerning Allah that which you do not know’, in the way of forbidding what He has not forbidden and other things.

In other words, Allah forbids only indecencies, adultery, (such of them as are apparent) open adultery (and such as are within) taking secret lovers, (and sin) intoxicants as the poet said: I sipped sin until my mind erred, Thus indeed does sin take away minds. I openly drank urns of sin, And between us benefiting, you see your goddess; (and wrongful oppression) unlawful overbearingness, (and that you associate with Allah that for which no warrant) no Scripture or proof (hath been revealed, and that ye tell concerning Allah that which ye know not) of forbidding crops and cattle, good things and raiment.


Verses 7:31-33in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


31) Children of Adam, take your adornment at every place of prayer. eat and drink, and do not waste. he does not love the wasteful.

32) Say: ‘who has forbidden the adornment that Allah has brought for his worshipers and the good provision? ‘Say: ‘they are in this life for those who believe, and purely theirs on the day of resurrection. ‘ as such we distinguish the verses to people who know.

33) Say: ‘my lord has forbidden all indecent acts whether apparent or disguised and sin, and unjust insolence, and that you associate with Allah that for which he has never sent down an authority, or to say about Allah what you do not know. ‘



31) O children of Adam! attend to your embellishments at every time of prayer, and eat and drink and be not extravagant; surely he does not love the extravagant

32) Say: who has prohibited the embellishment of Allah which he has brought forth for his servants and the good provisions? say: these are for the believers in the life of this world, purely (theirs) on the resurrection day; thus do we make the communications clear for a people who know

33) Say: my lord has only prohibited indecencies, those of them that are apparent as well as those that are concealed, and sin and rebellion without justice, and that you associate with Allah that for which he has not sent down any authority, and that you say against Allah what you do not know



31) O children of Adam! look to your adornment at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but be not prodigal. lo! he loveth not the prodigals.

32) Say: who hath forbidden the adornment of Allah which he hath brought forth for his bondmen, and the good things of his providing? say: such, on the day of resurrection, will be only for those who believed during the life of the world. thus do we detail our revelations for people who have knowledge.

33) Say: my lord forbiddeth only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are within, and sin and wrongful oppression, and that ye associate with Allah that for which no warrant hath been revealed, and that ye tell concerning Allah that which ye know not.



31) O children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters.

32) Say: who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which he hath produced for his servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which he hath provided) for sustenance? say: they are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the day of judgment. thus do we explain the signs in detail for those who understand.

33) Say: the things that my lord hath indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to Allah, for which he hath given no authority; and saying things about Allah of which ye have no knowledge.

Allah asks you (13) are the Blind man and the Seer Equal?

Allah sent his Messengers to bear good tidings and to warn of the Hell

No fear shall befall them and they will not grieve in the Hereafter, Who they are?

Allah Asks: Are the believer and disbeliever equal in acts of obedience and reward?


Allah is asking mankind this question: Are the blind man and the seer equal?   

‘Is the blind man, the disbeliever, equal to the seeing man, the believer?  Are the believer and disbeliever equal in acts of obedience and reward?

No! Will you not then reflect’ upon this and believe? 

Will you not then take thought about the similes of the Quran?


In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.

It seems compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those questions and if possible to answer them.

Allah’ questions are many.  In this series, these questions are chosen randomly.

The question in this article is:

Are the blind man and the seer equal?

‘Is the blind man, the disbeliever, equal to the seeing man, the believer?

Are the believer and disbeliever equal in acts of obedience and reward?

No! Will you not then reflect’ upon this and believe?

Will you not then take thought about the similes of the Quran?


Verses 6:48-50 give the question of this article and talk about it

The meanings of Verses 6:48-50

Verse 6:48 says:

Allah does not send messengers, except to bear good tidings and to warn of the Hell,

To bear good tidings to those who believe of Paradise, and

To warn of the Hell, to those who disbelieve, warning of the Fire.

Whoever believes, in them and Scriptures, and makes amends, in his deeds, no fear shall befall them; neither shall they grieve, in the Hereafter.

Verse 6:49 says:

But as for those who deny Our revelations,

Those who deny Muhammad and the Quran, torment will afflict them for that they used to disobey because of their denial of Muhammad and the Qur’an.

The chastisement shall afflict them because they were wicked, rebelling against obedience.

Verse 6:50 says:

Say O Muhammad to them: ‘I do not say to you,

“I possess the keys to the treasures of Allah from which He provides sustenance e.g. vegetations, fruits, rain or punishment,

And I do not have knowledge of the Unseen, that which is hidden from me and has not been revealed to me.

 And I do not say to you, “I am an angel”, from among the angels;

I only follow what is revealed to me, only that which is inspired in me’

(Say) O Muhammad:

Are the blind man and the seer equal?

‘Is the blind man, the disbeliever, equal to the seeing man, the believer?

Are the believer and disbeliever equal in acts of obedience and reward?

No! Will you not then reflect’ upon this and believe?

Will you not then take thought about the similes of the Quran?


Verses 6:48-50 in different translations:


48) We send forth our messengers only to give glad tidings to mankind and to warn them. Those who believe and mend their ways shall have nothing to fear or to be saddened.

49) But those who belie our verses, punishment shall touch them for their misdeeds.

50) Say: ‘I do not tell you that I have the treasuries of Allah or know the unseen, nor do I claim to be an angel. I follow only that which is revealed to me. ‘ say: ‘are the blind and the seeing alike? Will you not think?


48) And we send not messengers but as announcers of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.

49) And (as for) those who reject our communications, chastisement shall afflict them because they transgressed

50) Say: I do not say to you, I have with me the treasures of Allah, nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an angel; I do not follow aught save that which is revealed to me. Say: are the blind and the seeing one alike? Do you not then reflect?


48) We send not the messengers save as bearers of good news and warners. Whoso believeth and doeth right, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.

49) But as for those who deny our revelations, torment will afflict them for that they used to disobey.

50) Say (O Muhammad, to the disbelievers): I say not unto you (that) I possess the treasures of Allah, nor that I have knowledge of the unseen; and I say not unto you: lo! I am an angel. I follow only that which is inspired in me. Say: are the blind man and the seer equal? Will ye not then take thought?


48) We send the messengers only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives), – upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

49) But those who reject our signs,- them shall punishment touch, for that they ceased not from transgressing.

50) Say: “I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to Me.” say: “can the blind be held equal to the seeing?” will ye then consider not?

This is Allah (22) Allah encourages Traveling in the Land

What if Allah should take people to task for what they have earned Right Now?

Who in the heavens or in the earth can escape Allah?

Allah says that Man has to study the History to see the outcome of the deniers

Allah reprieves the Disbelievers to the Day of Judgment


Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know and acknowledge their Creator.

Verses 35:44-45 of the Noble Quran talks about:

1) What if Allah should take people to task for what they have earned Right Now?,

2) Who in the heavens or in the earth can escape Allah?

3) Allah reprieves the Disbelievers to the Day of Judgment

4) Allah encourages Traveling in the Land, And

5) Allah says that Man has to study the History to see the outcome of the deniers


The meaning of verse 35:44:

Have they not traveled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them — and they were mightier than these in power?, but [still] Allah destroyed them for their denial of the messengers.

And Allah is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth can escape Him, pre-empt Him or elude Him. Truly He is ever Knower, of all things, Omnipotent.

In other words, the verse says that: Have they i.e. the disbelievers not traveled in the land and seen and reflect upon (the nature of the consequence) the punishment (for those who were before them) when they disbelieved in their messengers, (and they were mightier) in physical strength (than these in power) and had more children? (Allah is not such that aught in the heavens or in the earth) of creation (escape Him. Lo! He is the Aware) He knows His creation, (the Mighty) He has power over them.

This verse encourages traveling in the land and studying the history of the ancient people in order to realize the outcome of the deniers.


The meaning of verse 35:45:

Were Allah to take mankind to task for what they have acquired, of acts of disobedience, He would not leave on its surface, that is, the earth’s, a single creature, a single living thing moving thereon. But He reprieves them to an appointed term, namely, [to] the Day of Resurrection. And when their term comes, then truly [they will know that] Allah is ever Seer of His servants, and so He will requite them according to [the nature of] their deeds, rewarding the believers and punishing the disbelievers.

In other words, if Allah took mankind to task by that which they deserve by their sins, He would not leave a living creature on the surface of the earth; but He reprieves them unto an appointed term, and when their term, when the time of their destruction comes then verily they will know that Allah is ever Seer of His slaves. He knows who to destroy and who to spare.


Verses 35:44-45 in different English translations of the meanings of Arabic Quran:


44) What, have they not journeyed through the land and seen the end of those who went before them? they were stronger and mightier than themselves. Allah! there is nothing in heavens or earth that can frustrate him, he is the knower, the able.

45) If Allah should take people to task for what they have earned, he would not leave one creature that crawls upon the face (of the earth)! but, he is deferring them to a named time. and when their time comes, indeed, Allah is the seer of his worshipers.


44) Have they not travelled in the land and seen how was the end of those before them while they were stronger than these in power? and Allah is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth should escape him; surely he is knowing, powerful

45) And were Allah to punish men for what they earn, he would not leave on the back of it any creature, but he respites them till an appointed term; so when their doom shall come, then surely Allah is seeing with respect to his servants


44) Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them, and they were mightier than these in power? Allah is not such that aught in the heavens or in the earth escapeth him. lo! he is the wise, the mighty.

45) If Allah took mankind to task by that which they deserve, he would not leave a living creature on the surface of the earth; but he reprieveth them unto an appointed term, and when their term cometh – then verily (they will know that) Allah is ever seer of his slaves.


44) Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those before them,- though they were superior to them in strength? nor is Allah to be frustrated by anything whatever in the heavens or on earth: for he is all-knowing. all-powerful.

45) If Allah were to punish men according to what they deserve. he would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but he gives them respite for a stated term: when their term expires, verily Allah has in his sight all his servants.

(If Allah took mankind) and the jinn (to task by that which they deserve) by their sins, (He would not leave a living creature on the surface of the earth; but He reprieveth them unto an appointed term, and when their term) when the time of their destruction (cometh then verily (they will know that) Allah is ever Seer of His slaves) He knows who to destroy and who to spare’.


N.B.: This was the end of Surah (Chapter) 35 of the Noble Quran.

Surah 35 is called “Fatir” in Arabic.

In Arabic language, the word “Fatir” means the Creator.